The result of the auction was exactly what Zhang Shanfeng had imagined, and Sanwan Mujing successfully photographed the golden mink.Zhang Shanfeng himself was incredulous about spending [-] wood crystals on a useless little golden mink, and even felt that he was really sick.But he likes the feeling of dominating the audience, so he is still excited.Everyone said he was childlike.

After a while, the two waiters carried the golden marten into the private room together with the cage.After Long Fei paid Mu Jing, he waited and left.

Xie Fang saw that Long Fei was looking at the golden mink in the cage and didn't make any other movements for a long time, so he suddenly felt amused, and said, "Young Master Lai, don't you want to go back against this cage?"

"The storage bag can't survive, so what do you think you can do?" Long Fei asked a little puzzled.

Han Ziling and Xiaoqian laughed without saying a word.Xie Fang shook his head helplessly and said, "It's a shame that you are still a monk at the stage of Consciousness, and you don't even know the brand of spiritual consciousness, what should I say about you?"

Afterwards, Xie Fang took out a soul stick from his storage bag, entered it with his spiritual sense, and left a message.Then, he threw the soul stick to Long Fei, and said, "This is a way to imprint your spiritual consciousness, see for yourself!"

Long Fei took the soul wooden stick, and his spiritual sense penetrated into it. A piece of information immediately came into his mind, and he finally understood what it meant to brand his spiritual sense, and he also knew the method of branding it.The brand of spiritual consciousness is a method of controlling monsters. Once a monster is implanted with the brand of spiritual consciousness, it will be connected with the life of the person who imprinted it, and must not violate the will of the person who imprinted it, otherwise the person who imprinted it can be killed at any time. When the mark was planted by violence, the monster's consciousness would explode and die immediately.The method of planting the seal is to condense the spiritual consciousness into a plum blossom-shaped spiritual seal, and then plant it in the Niwan Palace of the monster or the deepest part of the spiritual consciousness.For monsters of the first and second ranks, the seal can be forcibly planted; for monsters of the third rank and above, the monster must let go of its consciousness voluntarily or be forced to let go of its consciousness by external force, so that the seal can be successful.

The golden sable only has a second-level cultivation, so Long Fei succeeded in forcing the seal in a moment.Long Fei opened the cage, and the golden marten "whoosh!" jumped onto Long Fei's left shoulder, and rubbed his head on Long Fei's neck affectionately.Long Fei gently stroked the golden mink's head with his right hand.The golden marten squinted intoxicatedly, lying motionless on his shoulder.

"What a cute little mink!" Xiaoqian walked over, reaching out to touch the golden mink.

Golden Sable tilted his head in disdain, avoiding Xiaoqian's hand.

Xiaoqian was not angry either, she still looked at Xiao Diao very fondly.

"What kind of monster is this golden mink? If the value is not very high, let me forget it." Han Ziling saw that Xiaoqian liked the little mink very much, and said through voice transmission.

"You should give up the idea of ​​giving it to Xiaoqian! This mink is called Sky Crystal Spirit Mink. It feeds on crystals and spirit stones. It can explore crystal mines and spirit stone mines. Do you think it is useful?" Long Fei said excitedly in his voice. The meaning is very strong.

"What? It's so miraculous, then I'll post it later, and even rob me! Today is such a good day!" Han Ziling's voice transmission was a bit hasty.

"Young Master Lai, do you need a spirit beast bracelet?" Xiaoqian actually followed everyone else's lead and called for Young Master Lai, but the voice sounded numb to the bottom of people's hearts.

"What do you mean? What is the spirit beast bracelet?" Long Fei asked with a puzzled face.

Xiaoqian looked at Long Fei in surprise.Seeing this, Long Fei blushed instantly. Of course, Niu Zhong and Zhang Shanfeng also blushed. It was the first time they had heard of the Spirit Beast Bracelet.Xie Fang shook his head speechlessly.

Han Ziling hurriedly said to Xiaoqian as if to please him: "My brother has been cultivating hard in the mountains, and he doesn't know much about some foreign things."

"So that's the case! Sorry! I don't know. Hee hee! Let me introduce you! The spirit beast bracelet is used to store spirit beasts. Once a monster recognizes its master, it will be called a spirit beast." Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue and introduced with a charming smile.

"Oh! So that's the case. Then, do you have a spirit beast bracelet in Xianbao Building?" Long Fei asked in relief.

"Of course there are, and there are three kinds, namely low-level, middle-level, and high-level. Low-level can save two spirit beasts, middle-level can save four spirit beasts, and high-level can save six spirit beasts." Xiaoqian patiently introduced.

"What price?" Long Fei asked immediately.

"20 wood crystals for the low-level, [-] wood crystals for the intermediate level, and [-] wood crystals for the high-level. However, I can give you a [-]% discount." Xiaoqian said with a cute face.

"Oh! Then I'll buy a high-end one." Long Fei said without hesitation.

"En! Good! I'll go and press the row." Xiaoqian twisted her hips and walked out of the private room.

Han Ziling's mouth was drooling, and he quickly wiped the corner of his mouth with his hands.Everyone showed contempt.

Seeing that Xiaoqian had left, Zhang Shanfeng asked curiously, "Xie Fang, Han Ziling, why didn't you see your spirit beast?"

Xie Fang said disdainfully: "Spiritual beasts are foreign objects. I value my own cultivation. Relying on foreign objects will eventually lead me to be tripped by foreign objects. Besides, can spiritual beasts help me make alchemy?"

"Hehe! It sounds good, but it's a pity that it's only in the middle stage of Consciousness!" Han Ziling raised Xie Fang's bar.

Xie Fang blushed slightly, but did not show weakness, and said sharply: "I am concentrating on refining medicine, so my cultivation base is slow to improve. You are strong, but where is your monster?"

Han Ziling sat obliquely on the chair, crossed his legs, patted his dust-free left shoulder with his right hand, and said indifferently: "I am very honest, because I am poor, I didn't think about the spirit beast. There was once a spirit beast." Beast Snow Wolf, but was later seduced by a female wolf."

In the private room, Han Ziling and Xie Fang were holding a pole, but the auction in the auction house had already come to an end.

"Everyone, the highlight of this big auction will be held next, and it will also be the auction of the last item, that is the auction of the Chixiao Sword. The Chixiao Sword, a high-level treasure, is red all over, extremely sharp, and more importantly, when it is fully activated , can spray flames, and when attacking the enemy, it is difficult for the enemy to dodge. The starting price is 100 million wooden crystals, and the price increases by [-] wooden crystals each time." At this time, Yu Wanli held the Chixiao sword high in his right hand, full of aura.

Hearing that the starting price would be 60 wooden crystals, Long Fei's interest in Chixiao Sword dropped drastically.On the one hand, there is not enough wood crystals. He divided 26 wood crystals into the anti-robbery Qisha League, plus the wood crystals obtained from the deputy leader Li Yu's secret room, and the wood crystals obtained from processing some useless materials. He only had a total of more than 80 wood crystals. Ren Jian spent more than 16 yuan on wooden crystals and 60 yuan on the spirit beast bracelet, and now there are nearly [-] yuan left, so they are far away from the starting price; Akasaka Sword is also not necessary.

After a while, Xiaoqian brought someone to bring the spirit beast bracelet.After Long Fei paid, he took the spirit beast bracelet, and put the Tianjing spirit mink sleeping on his shoulder into the spirit beast bracelet.

At this time, the Akasaka Sword was also auctioned off at a price of 510 million wooden crystals.

After the big auction ended, Long Fei and others entered the special auction site for Convergence Period under Xiaoqian's guidance.There are no elegant seats in this auction house. There is a round table in the middle surrounded by rows of big animal skin chairs arranged in a ladder shape.

A quarter of an hour later, the auction began.The auctioneer was hosted by a senior middle-aged man named Wang Hu who had reached a high level of knowledge.

Wang Hu didn't talk nonsense, he put all the items to be auctioned in Xianbao Building on the table, and then said: "Everyone, all the items to be auctioned are on the table. If you are interested in these items, just come here and send them as much as you can. Just put the highest wood crystal given next to the item in the picture; it’s okay to exchange things, just put your barter next to the item in the picture. Alright, let’s start the auction of the first item.”

The people in the match, one after another, put things on the round table.After everyone finished putting them away, Wang Hu checked the contents, and finally picked up one of the red bags.Then, with a flick of the sleeve, the other bags flew to their owners without missing a beat.

The items in the Xianbao Building were exchanged one by one, and Long Fei didn't have much interest in the items on the table, so he didn't go to the round table to exchange items.Xie Fang and Zhang Shanfeng exchanged a few materials for refining equipment or medicine.

After the items in the Xianbao Building were auctioned, the next step was the individual auction.The order of the auction starts with the monks in the east and ends with the monks in the north.Long Fei and the others were not interested in the photographs of the first and second monks.

At this time, the third monk stood up. He was wearing a black robe and had a horse face.After entering the table, he took a blue scroll from the storage bag, and said, "The Five Elements Formation of Heaven and Earth was obtained from an ancient tomb. It is a mysterious combination attacking the enemy formation. The lowest price is 20 wooden crystals."

The masters of the public knowledge period are not interested in combo attacks at all. They all think that no matter how top-notch formations are, personal strength is not important. Strong personal strength is the real strength.

The middle-aged man with the horse face saw that no one came to exchange it, and was about to put away the formation.Long Fei raised his drooping eyes, and said casually like a playboy, "I want the formation, and it's good for training my subordinates." Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a bag containing 20 wood crystals flew towards A middle-aged man with a horse face.The middle-aged man with a horse face swept away his spiritual sense and nodded. Then, his spiritual sense mobilized the blue scroll and flew towards Long Fei.

The other monks at the integration period all looked at Long Fei like they were fools.Han Ziling, Xie Fang, and Zhang Shanfeng also said that Long Fei was out of his mind.Niu Zhong didn't show any dissatisfaction with Long Fei's actions, because he knew that Long Fei's actions must have a reason.

As the person involved, Long Fei smiled and said nothing; the adventure in the ancient cave in the Tongtian Mountains made him pay special attention to the ancient objects; Purchased this array.

All the monks in the stage of fusion in the venue took turns to go to the round table in the middle one by one to exchange their belongings.An hour later, most of the monks in the integration stage had finished taking out their belongings.At this time, Long Fei did another thing that made everyone dumbfounded.He actually spent 30 Lingshi to take a photo of a strange fruit that looks like a red fire and is used for beauty-Huo Yunguo.

"This guy has a lot of money, so he can't spend it like this!"

"This bastard's head must have been smashed!"

"Looking at his character, he must be a smug kid. Could his father be Li Gang?"

"It should be. Only the bastard son of Li Gang, the owner of Tianyou Valley, would do such a thing."

The mutterings of all the monks in the arena continued one after another, and their contemptuous eyes shot at Long Fei like arrows.

Long Fei was calm and composed, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if I just had a lot of money, what can you do.

Han Ziling, Xie Fang, and Zhang Shanfeng looked at his virtue, and couldn't laugh or cry. They turned their heads to the side at the same time, as if I and this bastard were not on the same side.

Niu Zhong gave a rare smile, glanced at all the monks around with the eyes of a fool, and sighed in his heart: "Wanbaolu" is really amazing!Everyone only knows that Huoyun is suitable for beauty, but they don't know that it is the holy medicine for monsters to advance.If everyone knew its true purpose, perhaps even a million spirit stones would not be able to photograph it.

For the next auction of personal belongings, Long Fei either didn't have enough money, or he wasn't interested, so until the whole small auction was over, Long Fei didn't buy a single item.

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