Seeing this, Wang Lei let out a loud shout, a majestic aura burst out of his body, his body spun around rapidly, and a human-shaped vortex gradually formed around him.The body turned faster and faster, and the vortex became deeper and deeper, until finally it looked like an oval deep black hole, which was Wang Lei's "Black Spinning Spirit Shield".

Long Fei's expression seemed to be calm, and with a movement of his consciousness, the ten thousand green frost melting swords hanging in the air rushed towards the "Black Spinning Spirit Shield".As soon as Wan Jian entered the vortex, he immediately sank into it and disappeared, and Long Fei's consciousness lost contact with Wan Jian.

"It's really amazing! Come again." Long Fei was quite surprised, and then the Qingshuang sword in his right hand entered the air again, turning into 99 swords, shining with dazzling blue and yellow light, exuding a severe cold air, forming a square sword A burst of violence shot at Wang Lei.In the blink of an eye, the shot spread out an inch from the "Black Spinning Spirit Shield", instantly surrounding the "Black Spinning Spirit Shield", forming an oval sword ball ten feet in size like a cocoon.

Immediately afterwards, the sword ball exploded with a "bang!", and the nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine blue frost melting swords immediately exploded into an impenetrable and bone-chilling frost layer, freezing the "Black Spinning Spirit Shield" in one fell swoop. ". The "Black Spiral Spirit Shield" then turned into an oval ice ball.

"Enough!" Wang Lei yelled, his whole body's strength, spirit power, and origin power suddenly soared, and then rushed out of his body, "Crack! Boom!" twice, the ice ball exploded and shattered.

Wang Lei stormed out, his face covered with frost, his mouth darkened, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt the bone-chilling cold on the back of his head.

Wang Lei smiled wryly and shook his head, then said, "Pervert! Put the sword away!"

"You waited for me to attack, otherwise I wouldn't have succeeded so lightly." Long Fei made a move with his right hand, and the body of the Qingshuang Sword stopped an inch behind Wang Lei's head with a "swoosh!" and flew back to his right hand, sinking into his body .

At this time, the battle between Niu Zhong and Fang Yun had entered a stalemate.As soon as Niu Zhong's "Yuan Ling Shield" was opened, although Fang Yun was a late-stage cultivation base of Consciousness, and the "Seven Stars Shaking the Sun Sword Art"'s "Introduction to the Sun" was powerful, but he encountered the "Yuan Ling" who was unbreakable at the same level. "Spiritual Shield", I can only look at the shield and sigh.

Niu Zhong's "Shield of Yuanling" is the main defense, and the high-level treasure dragon's dagger is the main skill. Although he is invincible first, and the main defense is proper and his movements are skillful, he can't help Fang Yun.But, then again, Niu Zhong still has the unique skill "Nine Shadows Spirit Shield", but Niu Zhong didn't want to reveal too much, so he stood in the "Shield of Yuanling" and looked at it with a smile. Fang Yun.

"Hehe! It's really perverted." Taoist Xuanquan leaned on the seat on the rostrum, plucked his beard, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Tell Niu Zhong and Fang Yun to stop! Fighting again is a waste of time." Taoist Xuanshu watched the battle between Niu Zhong and Fang Yun with a smile, and said slowly.

Taoist Xuanquan immediately stood up and shouted loudly: "I announce: the exhibition match is over, Long Fei wins against Wang Lei, and Fang Yun wins against Niu. Alright, the Zongmen Grand Competition begins now! The first thing to do is forging. For the body phase group competition, please enter the referee's seat to draw lots!"


The competitions of players in the training stage are naturally not very enjoyable to watch, but Long Fei and Niu Zhong watched it from beginning to end with great interest, because Lai Feng's Yan Feng used his solid cultivation base and a mid-level treasure as a weapon , singing all the way to the top and winning the championship.

Three days later, Niu Feng's Duan Dexi won the second place in the Concentration Stage disciple competition.Although he narrowly lost to Yang Xiong in Yaoguang Palace in the end, Duan De's performance was remarkable and won everyone's appreciation.

Another three days later, the competition for the Convergence Period officially began.Due to the absence of the participation of the eight major disciples, the excitement and intensity of the competition naturally fell to the next level.The contest between the disciples of the fusion period lasted for five days, and finally Li Qianlian and Zhang Biao were selected as the top ten disciples of the Seven Star Sect.Xie Fang and Zeng Ting entered the top 50 as expected.Due to the fact that some pioneer disciples were absent from the Zongmen Grand Competition due to age, injury and other reasons, Zhang Shanfeng and Zheng Pu also surprisingly entered the top [-]. than qualifications.Because the four sects compete in each stage of cultivation, each of the four sects can send [-] people to participate.

On the third day after the end of the Zongmen Grand Competition, in the early morning, gathered at Xiantai, all the monks who participated in the four-door meeting were wearing the seven-star palace martial arts competition costumes and blue seven-star gossip Taoist robes, and came here early, because today is the first day of departure ri.Although there were only 50 contestants participating in the four-door competition at each stage of cultivation, there were more than 500 disciples or elders of the Seven Star Sect participating in the Cultivation Sect Conference.

This time, it was Piaomiao Pavilion's turn to hold the four-door meeting. After Niu Zhong learned about it, he was overjoyed.Han Ziling was also happy, because after more than a month of stalking and arduous research, Liu Rushuang no longer rejected him thousands of miles away like before.Long Fei was depressed and painful, because the last time he had a happy conversation with Ou Qingxue was half a year ago.That time, he wooed while they were having a good time, but Ou Qingxue declined politely on the grounds that his cultivation base was too low.Since that time, Ou Qingxue has been lukewarm towards him, even pretending not to know him when other people are present.

Depression is depression, pain is pain, when the Seven Palace Masters arrived, Long Fei still looked at Ou Qingxue with fiery eyes, but it was a pity that Ou Qingxue did not meet his gaze, and his eyes swept past him.Long Fei's head drooped even lower, Han Ziling beside him saw this, and comforted him through voice transmission with great enthusiasm: "You are usually very smart, why are you so stupid in this respect! She can say that she doesn't accept Your reason is that your cultivation base is too low, which implies that if your cultivation base meets her requirements, then she can accept you."

When Long Fei heard this, it was like lighting a bright lamp in the dark night, he suddenly realized, his eyes full of gratitude looked at Han Ziling's whole body with goosebumps.

Although Han Ziling had a smile on his face, he was confused in his heart, thinking: He would believe it even if he made up a nonsense reason!Am I really a lover?

Everyone is here, the time for departure has come.

"The auspicious time has come, I wish you all the best!"

As soon as the suzerain Taoist Xuanshu finished speaking, he pointed his right hand towards the east of Tanlang Xianfeng, and then a four-clawed blue dragon that was tens of feet thick and more than a thousand feet long came from Longyuan, the back mountain to the east of Tanlang Xianfeng. Tan Fei landed in Juxiantai.

The novice disciples were all shocked in their hearts, staring intently at the blue flood dragon that was shaking the faucet from time to time and spraying water.

Taoist Xuanquan, the leader of the Seven Star Sect team, waved his sleeves, and all the players in the training stage and concentration stage were entrusted to fly on the back of the dragon, and the monks above the fusion stage naturally flew their imperial treasures on the back of the blue dragon.

Afterwards, the Jiaolong groaned, swung its tail, and flew away into the sky with a bang.

At this moment, Ou Qingxue looked at Long Fei's leaving back, her expression could not be seen on her face.

"Little Junior Sister, why did you treat him like this? This son has a tough heart, an outstanding appearance, and more importantly, he has a heart for all sentient beings. What's more, behind him is Senior Ling Tian, ​​and his future achievements will be immeasurable. If Junior Sister wants to choose the way If you are a lover, this son is a good candidate." Taoist Xuanshu didn't look at Ou Qingxue, but only said in a sound transmission with deep meaning.

"Thank you, brother, for your concern. I have my own plans for this matter. By the way, last time, the important person that Master met with was Senior Ling Tian?" Ou Qingxue said noncommittally.

Taoist Xuanshu laughed without speaking, nor did he transmit sound.Ou Qingxue couldn't continue to ask, but at this moment, there was a ripple in her heart.

The blue flood dragon is the spirit beast of the Seven Star Sect.Although Jiao is not a real dragon, the innate ability inherited from the dragon is still powerful.Relying on the powerful Pentium technique, he traveled more than 200 million miles in just three days and reached Lingyin Peak in the middle of the Eastern Region.

Lingyin Peak is neither big nor high, but today it is bustling with crowds, because Lingyin Peak is the leading peak of Piaomiao Pavilion.

As soon as Lan Jiao entered the reception square of Lingyin Peak, he saw a group of female monks approaching with smiles on their faces.After everyone from the Seven Star Sect got off Lan Jiao's back, Taoist Xuanquan immediately put Lan Jiao in a spirit beast bracelet.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanquan, I haven't seen you in ten years, don't come here!" The middle-aged female monk in white in Juzhong said enthusiastically.

"TOEFL, TOEFL! Fellow Daoist Ma Yu, you have always been good!" Taoist Tianquan said with a smile, clasping his hands.

"It's okay, it's okay! This way please!" Ma Yu gracefully made a gesture of invitation.

Afterwards, the crowd followed Piaomiao Peak Ma Yu to a palace that was as large as a thousand feet.The hall, pure and flawless, is obviously made of white jade.The guards outside the hall were heavily guarded. As soon as Long Fei stepped into the square in front of the hall, he suddenly felt at least a dozen tyrannical divine thoughts sweeping across his body, and he was shocked.After everyone entered the hall, what caught their eyes was that the inside was empty, and the ground was also white. In the center of the hall, there was a [-]-foot-large circular formation platform, and four male monks guarded the four directions.There is a half-foot-sized circular concave hole in the center of the four sides of the array platform, and the hole is full of array patterns.

"The formation platform in the middle is a teleportation platform, and the circular concave hole is used for inlaying spirit stones. The teleportation platform relies on spiritual power to teleport, and the distance of millions of miles can be teleported in the blink of an eye. I used to participate in I have seen similar teleportation platforms in ancient times." Han Ziling carefully introduced to Long Fei and others, and of course the most important thing was that Liu Rushuang was also beside him.

"What do you mean by experience in ancient times?" Zhang Shanfeng immediately asked out of curiosity when he heard something new.

"In our world, besides the Huahuang Continent, there is another continent, which is located in the depths of the vast ocean. No one knows the exact location. It can only be reached through the teleportation array left over from ancient times. This continent is what we call No one knows the real name of the Ancient Continent. The Ancient Continent was abandoned at least 10 years ago in ancient times and was not suitable for long-term human habitation. However, there are many ancient heritages and rare materials in it. This is the ancient The main reason for the experience." Han Ziling rarely answered all questions, and explained patiently and carefully.While speaking, he looked tenderly at Liu Rushuang, who was as cold and beautiful as frost beside him.

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