Chaos fairy way

Chapter 70 Goodbye Xu Lan

The difficulty of Hanziling was explained so earnestly and in detail, Long Fei and the others naturally knew what happened to Hanziling.Long Fei turned his head and glanced at Zhang Shanfeng and the others with a smirk on his face.

Zhang Shanfeng understood immediately, and then respectfully bowed to Han Ziling and said, "Uncle Zhou, you explain these basic knowledge to the disciples so patiently and carefully! You are really a good teacher for our new disciples!"

As soon as Zhang Shanfeng finished speaking, he clasped his right hand in front of Han Ziling, protruded two fingers slightly, and then turned to touch his head.

Han Ziling smiled and nodded knowingly.

Long Fei followed immediately, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Han, the formation you helped me set up last time is really amazing. My entire Lai Feng has lost even a single mouse. Thank you so much!"

Afterwards, Long Fei hid his right hand in his sleeve, and stretched out three fingers discreetly.

Han Ziling hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Zeng Ting was next to them, she seemed to have discovered something, after thinking about it, before Niu Zhong and Xie Fang could speak, she smiled coquettishly and said: "Han Ziling, I didn't expect that you are not only the number one in the formation and trap sect, but also your popularity is so high." So good!"

Although Zeng Ting didn't know what Long Fei and Zhang Shanfeng meant by stretching out their fingers, but it didn't matter so much, she opened all five fingers on her right hand and shook them.

Long Fei and the others looked at Zeng Ting in astonishment, feeling deeply in their hearts: Zeng Ting looked very gentle on the outside, but she didn't expect her to be so ruthless.Everyone in the world says women are tigers, and it really makes sense, it's really fierce!

Han Ziling's facial muscles twitched violently, but when Liu Rushuang looked at Zeng Ting with a half-smile, he immediately nodded his head heavily.

Seeing Liu Rushuang looking at her, Zeng Ting blushed a little, but she still walked over pretending not to know, took Liu Rushuang's hand, and said softly, "Elder Sister, why are you looking at me like this!"

Liu Rushuang is glamorous and arrogant; her eyes are like water, but there is a icy coldness; her pure white melon-seeded face is not even the slightest wave, and said indifferently: "Junior Sister Zeng, don't follow me!"

Long Fei and others heard the words and knew that their cooperation fee must be wasted.

At this moment, everyone followed Ma Yu onto the teleportation platform. Seeing that everyone was in place, the guards of the Sifang Piaomiao Pavilion stepped in unison, each inserting a half-foot-large top-quality spirit stone into the round circle beside him. concave hole.Immediately, the teleportation platform vibrated violently and rotated, and then rotated faster and faster. Suddenly, the figures of the people inside blurred and disappeared instantly.

After being dizzy for a while, everyone in the Seven Star Sect found themselves standing on a small green island in a vast green lake.In addition to being insanely fascinated by the scene that caught their eyes, everyone was even more amazed.

The sky is blue, the white clouds are floating, and the red-crowned cranes are soaring; the lake is rippling, and there are strange fish jumping up from time to time; Just like a white rainbow; a peaceful and comfortable fairyland!

Is this the legendary Piaomiao Pavilion?

Didn't the world say that the Piaofu Pavilion is located on the Piaomiao Peak?

Why is it on the lake?

A big question mark suddenly floated in everyone's mind.

"Fellow Daoist Ma Yu, the beauty of Piaomiao Wonderland makes people linger and forget to return! Look! All the little guys I brought can't find their way!" Xuanquan Taoist once came to Piaomiao Palace, so he was cold about the beautiful scenery in front of him. Not much, he smiled jokingly.

"Hehe! Everyone in the world says that Piaomiao Palace is located on Piaomiao Peak, but they don't know it is in Piaomiao Lake. It's normal for them to have such expressions." Ma Yu said modestly, but the look of pride in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"That's right! By the way, I don't know if the master of the Nangong Pavilion has left the customs?" Taoist Xuanquan sighed, and then asked seriously.

"The pavilion master has left the customs yesterday, and this four-door meeting will be presided over by the pavilion master himself." The female monk surnamed Ma showed respect, paused for a while, then pointed her right hand towards the white jade bridge on the left, and said with a smile: " This way, everyone, please!"

Afterwards, Ma Yu led the crowd across the small white jade bridge on the left.The monk surnamed Ma did not fly in the sky with the royal treasure, and everyone didn't want to break the peaceful and quiet atmosphere here, so they followed the female monk surnamed Ma to walk to the largest island in the distance.

Piaomiao Pavilion consists of four residences, namely Shenqing Residence, Baiyun Residence, Guoyang Residence, and Qingyang Residence.The Zong Pavilion is located on Goddess Island, the largest island in Misty Lake.Goddess Island has a radius of thousands of miles, and the island is surrounded by mountains and mountains, surrounded by mist.The members of the Seven Star Sect were placed in a quiet valley called Yixin Xiaozhu in the west of Goddess Island.As soon as Long Fei and Niu Zhong moved into Yixin Xiaozhu, they immediately asked the host monk about Xu Lan's situation, and learned that Xu Lan was practicing in the main pavilion of Piaomiao Pavilion, and her aunt Xu Zixuan had gone out.Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong greeted Taoist Xuanquan, and impatiently flew towards the main pavilion of Piaomiao Pavilion.I haven't seen Xu Lan for more than four years, Long Fei misses it very much, and Niu Zhong misses him immensely.Niu Zhong couldn't bear to be able to fly through the void, so as to meet the beloved one who was thinking about it day and night as soon as possible.

Yixin Xiaozhu is more than two hundred miles away from the main pavilion of Piaomiao Pavilion, and the two of them will arrive in no time.Niu Zhong fell into the square in front of the main pavilion first; Long Fei followed closely, and was very surprised by Niu Zhong's speed.

The main pavilion of Piaomiao Pavilion is like a white castle, the surrounding walls and buildings in the city are all made of white jade, it is amazing how much white jade is used.

Long Fei and Niu Zhongzheng were walking towards the interior of the main pavilion, when a group of young monks wearing white Taoist robes of the Misty Pavilion sect walked towards them.

Long Fei greeted him with a smile, bowed his hands and said, "Dare to ask fellow Taoists, where does Xu Lan live?"

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, three cold eyes full of warnings shot straight at Long Fei from the eyes of the only three male monks in the crowd.Long Fei was very moved, and doubts arose in his heart.

"What do you two want to see Junior Sister Xu for?" A chubby female monk in the crowd asked without answering.

"Oh! This is Xu Lan's eldest brother. I haven't seen her for four years, so I took the opportunity of the four-door association to come and see her." Although Long Fei didn't answer the fat female cultivator, he seemed to be interrogating her. I was a little puzzled, but still answered softly.

The three cold eyes immediately dissipated, and suddenly turned into three passionate eyes that floated towards Long Fei.

Long Fei suddenly realized, thinking: These three guys must be Xu Lan's suitors, otherwise they would not treat me like this. I didn't expect this little girl's film to be so lethal.Then, he gave Niu Zhong a sad look.

"So it's Big Brother! Junior Sister Xu is in retreat, and I heard it will take several months, so I can't even participate in this four-door meeting!" Among the three male monks, a sunny-looking monk seemed to be flattering, hurriedly He took the initiative to answer.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were very disappointed when they heard the words, while Niu Zhong felt sad and wanted to cry.

"You two don't need to be too disappointed. Since our Piaomiao Peak is not usually in the world, we made a mirror for the relatives of our disciples to visit. With the mirror, you can easily see your relatives who are cultivating. Seeing the dejected looks of the two, the white and fat female monk said hastily.

"Then may I ask you, where can I buy this imager?" Niu Zhong lost his usual calmness, and his voice trembled a little.

The three cold eyes pierced Niu Zhong like a sharp edge, but at this moment Niu Zhong's thoughts were all on Xu Lan, but he didn't feel the slightest bit.

"No need to buy, after you enter the main pavilion, go straight to the left for three miles, and you will see a dome house called Huiqin Pavilion. You can find out about the situation of the imaging device and related matters about visiting relatives when you go in." Baibai Fatty The female monk said enthusiastically.

After Long Fei and Niu Zhong heard the words, they bowed their hands and saluted to show their gratitude, and then walked to the interior of the main pavilion.

When Long Fei and the three male monks passed by, the Yangguang male monk immediately sneered at Niu Zhong: "If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, Junior Sister Xu's Taoist partner must be from our Piaomiao Pavilion."

When Niu Zhong heard this, he was furious, but he didn't know how to refute for a while.

Seeing this, Long Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a faint smile: "It's true that the fat and water don't flow to outsiders, and my cousin will definitely become my brother's Taoist companion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Fei turned around and left with Niu Zhong, regardless of the reactions of the three male monks.

The gate of the main pavilion will arrive in a moment.Long and Fei showed the access token they got when they first entered Yixin Xiaozhu, and they entered the main pavilion smoothly.The two then went to the Huiqin Pavilion.

"Big stupid cow, I'm not bad, your big brother!" Long Fei said with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad!" Niu Zhong was very grateful, paused, suddenly remembered something, and said anxiously: "You kid is taking advantage of me! I am one year older than you, the boss should be me!"

"What? Do you want to be ungrateful and tear down bridges? Xu Lan calls me big brother, don't you want to call me big brother, there are many people in Piaomiao Pavilion who want to call me big brother!" Long Fei shouted pretending to be angry.

Hearing the word Xu Lan, Niu Zhong was immediately discouraged, and could only helplessly say: "You scoundrel, you can do whatever you say!"

"Haha! Not bad, don't worry, my big brother is very worthy of being called, I will definitely help you remove all obstacles in the future, so that you two lovers will get married in the end!" Long Feiyi Bo Yuntian expressed his attitude, but his heart was straight Cool!

After a while, the Huiqin Pavilion arrived, and Long Fei and the two immediately stepped into it.After Long Fei explained his intentions to a sweet-looking female monk at the reception, the sweet female monk took a green prop that looked like a flute and waved it in front of Long Fei and the two of them.

Afterwards, the sweet and beautiful monk nodded slightly, and said enthusiastically: "The flute shows that you and Senior Sister Xu are indeed relatives. Please come with me!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong hurriedly followed, and Long Fei asked a little curiously: "The flute of knowing relatives is so magical! Dare to ask you, how does it do it?"

The sweet beauty Xiu raised her brows, and said quite proudly: "There is a formation in the Flute of Familiarity, which can distinguish blood. When the disciples of Piaomiao Pavilion just entered the door, they would take a drop of Jing blood and drop it on the stone of Familiarity in the entrance. The flute is closely related to the stone of knowing relatives, so it can know relatives."

"Oh! So it's like this!" Long Fei said with a look of surprise on his face.

After a while, Long Fei and Long Fei climbed to the third floor of the Huiqin Pavilion led by the sweet beauty Xiu.

The third floor of Huiqin Pavilion is very warmly decorated, with ten small rooms.The sweet beauty Xiu took Long Fei and Niu Zhong into one of the small rooms.The layout of the small room is very simple, with twenty large chairs placed on the left, and a one-foot-large and three-foot-high cylindrical platform erected against the inner wall on the right.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong sat on the big chairs in the front row under the gesture of the sweet beauty Xiu.Afterwards, the sweet beauty repair walked to the front of the cylindrical pedestal, and tapped the surface of the cylindrical pedestal a few times.A curtain of energy light suddenly appeared on the wall of the small room opposite Long Fei and the two of them.The light curtain is just a scene of images:

A beautiful and refined beauty is meditating with her eyes closed. Her big beautiful eyes seem to be able to speak, her small cherry mouth is rosy, and her face is as tender as jade. This is Xu Lan.

Niu Zhong's expression was dull, his eyes filled with enthusiasm, his heart was overwhelmed, and he kept muttering: "Lan'er!".

Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong's infatuated look, Ou Qingxue's figure flashed in his mind, and he was stunned for a while.

Thank you readers Da Tangmen - Feng Xiaoyao for your support every day, a special chapter is added today, and it will be updated at [-]:[-]pm!

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