The Cultivation Sect Conference is held every ten years. Its purpose is threefold. One is to discuss countermeasures and formulate relevant regulations for the new problems that have emerged in the Huahuang Continent in the past ten years. The second is the Sect Trade Fair. Disciples exchange magic weapons, pills, materials, etc. they need; thirdly, the highlight is the four-door competition and decides who will enter the ancient continent.

The first three days of the Cultivation Sect Conference are the time for the sects to discuss, so the disciples of the four sects are free to do activities.After returning to the valley from the main pavilion, Long Fei did not wander around like other disciples. Instead, he sat cross-legged in the practice room, with his left hand on a stone crystal and his right hand on a top-quality spirit stone. Two strands of energy enter the body from both hands at the same time; the spiritual power enters the Niwan Palace to continuously strengthen the spiritual power, and the spiritual power enters the bones of the whole body through the dantian to strengthen the spiritual power of the bones.After that, half of the spiritual consciousness spread to the bones of the whole body, intersected with the spiritual power in the bones, and gradually merged, but no matter how hard we tried, it was always a little bit short of complete fusion. It has been like this for three whole days.Long Fei also knew the truth that if you go fast, you won't make progress, so he stopped his efforts and opened his eyes without showing any disappointment on his face.Because since he realized the true meaning of cultivation, coupled with the protection of a large number of top-quality spirit stones and stone crystals, his cultivation speed has reached an astonishing level.It has not been half a year since he reached the middle stage of Consciousness, and he has already touched the barriers of the middle stage of Consciousness. You must know that there are many ordinary monks who stay in the middle stage of Consensus for more than ten or twenty years. Xie Fang is an example.

As soon as he left the practice room, Niu Zhong came to knock on the door. In the past three days, Niu Zhong has also turned lovesickness into motivation to practice.

The two sat for a while, and then flew to the north of Goddess Island towards the Imperial Treasure.

Today is the first day of the sect fair.The place where the sect trade fair is held is in Crescent Moon, north of Goddess Island.Crescent Island is shaped like a waning moon, with a size of a hundred miles, and there is a trading market in the middle of ten miles, which is usually a trading place for disciples of Piaomiao Pavilion.There is a four-story white jade pagoda in the trading market, which is the place where this sect trade fair will be held.

After entering the White Jade Pagoda, Long Fei and Niu Zhong went straight to the third floor.The first and second floors are the trading places for body training and concentration stage disciples, the third floor is the trading place for Congzhi stage disciples, and the fourth floor is the trading place for sects.There are many stalls on the first to third floors, and the disciples can choose a place to set up a stall to sell their own things.

As soon as he entered the third floor, he saw Han Ziling following Liu Rushuang to look west and east like a follower, and Long Fei and Long Fei shook their heads endlessly at that lovable and flattering treasure.Naturally, Long Fei and the others would not join in the fun, so they went in another direction.Just after seeing a few booths, a burst of discussion came into the ears of the two. Although the voice was small, they could hear it clearly.

"Those two are Tong Tian Shuang Shao. One is good at attacking and the other is good at defending. They are the two strongest members of the Seven Star Sect."

"Really? It's interesting!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at the sound, feeling extremely surprised, and a name - Lin Hao suddenly flashed in his mind.I saw a few stalls on the right, and a group of monks in black sky Yougu sect costumes were pointing at the two of them.Among the crowd, Lin Hao's face was gloomy, and he sneered endlessly, without the hidden knife in his usual smile.Beside him, a soft-looking but very handsome man, seeing Long Fei and the others looking at them, shot them provocatively with cold eyes.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he glanced at him with disdain.

Seeing this, the soft man made a fist with his left hand, stuck out his middle finger, and raised a contemptuous gesture towards Long Fei.

"This man's name is Li Zhilie, he is the son of Li Gang, the owner of Tianyou Valley." Xie Fang came to them at some point, with a hint of fear on his face.

"He is Li Gang's bastard son! Why does he look like a woman?" Seeing Li Zhilie making such contemptuous gestures towards him, Long Fei immediately became angry, and then deliberately shouted loudly.

"Who are you talking about! Do you want to die?" Li Zhilie walked over angrily upon hearing this.

Long Fei didn't even look at him, raised his head, looked at him, curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "Just talk about you, how about it?"

"You bastard, I really don't want to live anymore." Li Zhilie was furious, and a seven-inch black shiny throwing knife came towards Long Fei's forehead violently.

Long Fei smiled faintly, Qingshuang sword flew out from his body, ten swords transformed, nine shot straight at Li Zhilie, and one shot at the flying knife.

"Fighting is strictly prohibited in Goddess Island, regardless of which faction's disciples, if there is any violation, they will be expelled from Piaomiao Pavilion immediately. Do you want to be expelled with serious injuries?" A thunderous voice shook everyone's eardrums.At the same time, a huge energy swept across the flying knives and flying swords, and the flying knives and flying swords involuntarily flew back into their respective owners' bodies.

Long Fei was terrified, and Li Zhilie on the opposite side also turned pale.

"Four doors will compete, I will definitely beat you to death!" Li Zhilie said viciously with a ferocious face, which was extremely disproportionate to his handsome and soft appearance.

Afterwards, Li Zhilie walked towards the second floor shaking his shoulders.Lin Hao's eyes revealed a look of complacency, he snorted softly, and followed Li Zhilie.

"Cut, what, why is your father Li Gang? Then you will still be beaten all over the place!" Long Fei shouted angrily. Although he knew that Li Zhilie's provocation had a lot to do with Lin Hao, but seeing Li Zhilie's Like a jerk, anger welled up in his heart, and he immediately responded tit for tat.

At this time, there were crowds all around, and one of them had a Chinese character face, like a knife cut, and a hulking waist. Although he was not as heavy and tall as a cow, he was more powerful, with explosive muscles and blue veins protruding, extremely explosive, and his whole body exuded a wave of power. A regrettable fighting spirit.This person gave Long Fei a thumbs up with a proud face.

Seeing this, Long Fei nodded with a smile.

Immediately, the three of Long Fei pushed through the crowd and walked to another trading room.

"Who is that strong man?" Niu Zhong had no expression on his face, but there was a solemn expression in his eyes.

"The number one master of Zhanmen, Zhanye." Xie Fang took a deep breath and said with extreme fear.

"It is indeed very strong. It seems that the battle between the four sects will be very difficult." Long Fei's dignified look was also evident.

The room Long Fei and the others entered was a barter market, which was a hundred feet in size.The three of them walked slowly among the booths, searching each booth carefully, but unfortunately they searched for nearly half of the booths, but still found nothing.It's no wonder that they got the precious materials and rare treasures of the Seven Fiends League.

At this moment, on the booth of a male monk wearing a red Zhanmen costume, there was a crystal and smooth *white, in exchange for a fire spirit fruit.

"Do you have the prescription of Yuyan Rongdan?" Long Fei asked with interest.

"Yes, but another 20 low-grade spirit stones or wood crystals will be counted." The Zhanmen monk replied.

Long Fei then took out a scarlet, fire-shaped, fist-sized strange fruit from the storage bag and put it beside the Wannian Pearl, then took out a black bag containing 20 low-grade spirit stones and threw it at Zhanmen Friar.

Zhan Men's male monk Gemini took the storage bag, scanned the bag with his spiritual sense, then nodded happily, quickly took out a white scroll, and handed it to Long Fei along with the Wannian Pearl.

Long Fei took it casually, put it in a storage bag, and continued to search, but unfortunately, after searching all the stalls in the room, they still found nothing, but Xie Fang finally got a few herbs in exchange.

The sect trade fair will be held for three days.For the next two days, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were practicing and did not go to the exchange.However, Long Fei entrusted Zhang Shanfeng to help him purchase Zhanmen's superb Dahongpao.The origin of Dahongpao is in Zhanyu, where the head sect of Zhanmen is located.Zhang Shanfeng's ability to handle affairs is indisputable, the superb Dahongpao he bought in two days weighed five catties, and Long Fei couldn't help laughing from ear to ear.

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