Xuanquan Taoist looked at Long Fei who was eager to get the answer, nodded slightly, and said kindly: "The Tianquan Palace focuses on cultivating the mind, and Master Dixuan's frankness has created miracles for practice, so I usually study it a lot. .Although you have got his essence, you still lack a lot. Doing frankly is not doing what you want. The beneficial things are doing what you want; the harmful things focus on dredging and guiding. If it hinders the battle against the enemy, you should unblock it and guide it to develop in a way that is conducive to improving your mood or beneficial to fighting against the enemy. This time, you are fighting against the battlefield, and you have been trying to compete with the battlefield according to your pre-battle assumptions. , the result was restrained everywhere; after falling into a disadvantage, you still followed your own ideas and the field to fight hard, but you were shocked out of the field. Throughout the battle, you did not adapt to the situation and did not guide yourself to choose the best fighting method ; but to solidify the mind and fight in accordance with the pre-conceived, free-for-all fighting style, so the defeat is not unfair."

Hearing this, Long Fei was like thunder, and Mao Sai suddenly opened up. Although his face was expressionless, he nodded heavily at Taoist Xuanquan.

Taoist Xuanquan smiled in satisfaction, and then left the room.

In the early morning of the third day, Long Fei pushed open the door of his room, only to see that all the contestants of the Seven Star Sect were waiting outside his door, and all of them were looking at him with smiles on their faces.Long Fei's eye sockets were actually a little moist, he took a deep breath, and only said one sentence: "Today, hit Li Zhilie's head off."

All the contestants of the Seven Star Sect burst into applause with joy upon hearing this.Niu Zhong patted Long Fei's left shoulder hard, saying nothing.Xuanquan Taoist in the distance nodded with a smile.

In the fourth round of the group of death, Long Fei played against Li Zhilie.In the last game, Li Zhilie defeated Han Yu with poison and cleverness, so he and Long Fei had two wins and one loss with six points, ranking second in the group. This is the battle for the right to qualify between the two of them.

"You bastard, you'll be devastated after a defeat, and you're a coward, why don't you go back to the Seven Star School and practice your state of mind before you come back!" Li Zhilie sneered as he stood in the arena holding a high-level treasure, the Viper Sword.

Long Fei looked calm, and said calmly: "You are just a stepping stone for me!" After speaking, before Li Zhilie could reply, he stuffed a Poison Repelling Pill from the Poison Hall into his mouth; The Frost Sword flew out from his right hand in an instant, and as soon as it entered the air, ten thousand swords formed a square formation to shoot Li Zhilie urgently.

Li Zhilie raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully, "It's just a clown who doesn't know how to live or die."

Afterwards, Li Zhilie's poisonous snake sword spewed out a large amount of black poisonous mist from the tip of its mouth, which diffused within a foot of his body and instantly condensed into a thick shield of poisonous mist. At the same time, he shot eight dark poisonous mist arrows straight at Long Fei's heart part.

There was a sound of "porphyrin", ten thousand green frost flying swords fell into the poisonous fog shield formation, and slowly turned black, and were trapped in the formation.

Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, his body was like a gust of wind, and he floated away to avoid the poisonous mist arrow; at the same time, with a movement of his consciousness, the blue frost flying sword shot into the poisonous mist shield immediately exploded and turned into frost, quickly freezing the poisonous mist shield array.

The poisonous mist shield was frozen instantly, forming a black cocoon-like ball of poisonous ice.Li Zhilie, who was inside the poisonous ice puck, waved his left hand quickly, and the sixteen black formation flags shot into the surroundings of his body, and his body faded and disappeared.

Long Fei quickly transformed the Qingshuang Sword into another ten thousand flying swords, condensing into a hemispherical energy shield shining blue and yellow light, covering a range of ten feet around his body.

Sure enough, as Long Fei expected, Li Zhilie suddenly appeared half a foot above Long Fei's head. , The left hand kept waving, and a black, gray, or green formation flag flew three feet away from Long Fei's body in an instant.Within three feet of Long Fei's body, poison formations and traps were densely covered, thick fog billowed, and poisonous gas permeated.


The poisonous mist sword hit the blue and yellow energy shield at the same time, and suddenly dispersed into wisps of black poisonous mist.The blue-yellow energy shield unexpectedly turned black.

Long Fei, the black-stained blue-yellow energy shield suddenly exploded and turned into ten thousand blue frost flying swords, shooting all directions; followed by the "Wind Shadow Jue", walking like a stroll in the garden Get out of the encirclement formed by the poison arrays and traps.Although his body was covered with all kinds of toxins, the anti-drug pill from Tianyou Valley Poison Hall had already been swallowed into his abdomen, so he was fine.

"You bastard, I didn't expect you to be able to detoxify my Tian Yougu." Li Zhilie became angry from embarrassment, and his soft and handsome face suddenly became ferocious, which was very eye-catching.

Long Fei snorted, and said contemptuously: "I will not only break your poison, but also make you look like a pig."

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, the thousands of green frost flying swords that shot out in the distance, dragging their blue and yellow awn tails, suddenly surrounded Li Zhilie from all directions and above.

Li Zhilie was taken aback, and quickly used the black teleportation formation to avoid the powerful siege of the Qingshuang Flying Sword.

The battle was going on in a battle of wits and courage between you and me. After half an hour, Long Fei had a general understanding of Tianyougu's poisonous attack, and he had figured out Li Zhilie's attack routine, so the Qingshuang sword instantly transformed into two Thousands of flying swords soared up into the sky, and then shot down all over the sky, the attack range covered Li Zhilie's body within a hundred feet; at the same time, Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, transformed into a gust of wind, and he disappeared instantly.

Li Zhilie repeated the old plan, using the formation to move instantly and jump out of the encirclement.But this time when he flashed out of the formation, a fist that was braving a hot wave hit his left cheek with great precision.Li Zhilie said "Boom!" and fell to the ground from the air, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and there were actually three teeth in the blood.Li Zhilie jumped into a rage and became crazy, but there was no sign of Long Fei, so formations, traps, and poisonous mist swords flew all over the sky, but it was a pity that they were all busy.

The skin of Long Fei's whole body is as firm as the Scarlet Sky Sword, and there is also the anti-poison elixir to ward off poison. The "Wind Shadow Jue" is continuously unfolded, and his body becomes a gust of wind, regardless of formations, traps, and poisonous mist sword. .

For a moment, Li Zhilie was punched in the right cheek, and a mouthful of blood with three teeth spewed out; then, two punches were punched in both eyes, forming panda eyes; and then the left and right cheeks were slapped again, with two bloody palm prints Suddenly.

At this moment, Li Zhilie was terrified, utterly terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "Referee, I admit defeat."

Long Fei stopped attacking, heaved a sigh of relief, the shadow of his defeat in the battle with Zhan Ye completely disappeared, and he felt extremely comfortable.

"Li Zhilie has really turned into a pig's head, and it's a pig's head with panda eyes!"

"I didn't expect Long Fei to walk out of the shadow of failure quickly."

"Exciting! Wonderful! Li Gang is not omnipotent! His son will be beaten into a pig's head anyway."

Watching the monks talking all around, Taoist Xuanquan on the rostrum had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of relief, he plucked his beard and nodded his head several times.

The death group, the final result, Zhan Ye ranked first with twelve points, Long Fei ranked second with nine points, Li Zhilie ranked third with six points, Han Yu ranked fourth with three points, and Gu Wuqiang was last with all defeats.

At this time, all the group matches are over, and finally the top sixteen will be produced.Seven Star Zong Longfei, Niu Zhong, Han Ziling, Fang Yun, and Wang Lei advanced to the top [-], while Liu Rushuang, Wuxu, Gu Wuqiang, Zhang Biao, and Li Qianlian were helplessly eliminated.

On the fourth day of the Consensus Competition, the top [-] competition kicked off.The focus of all the monks is naturally the competition of the top four players.What the disciples of the Seven Star Sect paid the most attention to was not Long Fei's match, but Han Ziling's match, because today was related to whether Han Ziling could recover from the humiliation of ten years ago.

In the round of sixteen, Han Ziling faced off against his old enemy Tianyougu Wang Feng.At this time, the two stood ten feet apart, facing each other.

Wang Feng, dressed in a black Tian Yougu Sect Taoist robe, made his face even paler, his eyes drooped, his head slightly lowered, he looked weak, but his body exuded a dreadful and frightening aura of death.

Han Ziling, without his usual ruffian aura, was dressed in a blue Seven Star Sect Taoist robe with a handsome face, giving people a sense of freedom and ease.

The two stood silently without speaking, but their eyes pierced each other like sharp arrows.

Following the referee's order, Han Ziling took the lead in attacking. With a wave of his right hand, the sixteen formation flags quickly flew to a height of one foot around Wang Feng. Speak, scratch your head and make a gesture. <*Palace Picture> Illusion; Throwing the right hand towards the sky, the "Tian Gang Poison Demon" array was used, 36 formation stones flashed at a height of one foot above Hanziling's head, 36 black light beams shot straight to the ground, sealing Hanziling Within three feet of the body, the poisonous mist immediately rolled over, and there was no sight.

Han Ziling clasped his hands together, opened them outward, and immediately waved out a figure of eight trigrams between his hands, which expanded to a size of three feet. The "Eight Diagrams Extinguishing Demons" spread out, and the poisonous mist disappeared immediately.

Two people, you come and go, fight against each other.The arena was filled with smog and chaos, the white jade floor was full of bumps, and the stone formation flags were in a mess.

Although Tianyou Valley's poison attack is stronger than that of the Seven Star Sect's Tianxuan Palace, Han Ziling has already obtained the "Tianyou Poison Cang" from the Tianyou Valley Poison Hall, and Long Fei copied half of the Tianyou Valley Poison Hall's Tianjing Mountain Branch. Therefore, even though Wang Feng attacked with viciousness, he was like a toothless tiger. He was powerful but posed no threat.

Han Ziling knew the enemy well, and he took the anti-drug pill, so he could attack and defend properly, and he had no worries, so he gradually gained the upper hand.

Two hours later, Wang Feng was extremely anxious, and in desperation, the formation of "Trapping the Immortal Locking the Demon" instantly sealed Han Ziling in the formation; the poison of suppressing the valley, "Erosion God Transformation Corpse Liquid", immediately waved into the air, and suddenly dissipated. A large poisonous mist fell straight down from a height of one foot above Han Ziling's head.Han Ziling was immediately surrounded by thick poison, and he could not be seen from the outside.

Seeing this, Wang Feng was in a state of suspense, and cautiously walked to the side of the formation of "The Trapped Immortal Locking the Demon". , and then smiled triumphantly.

At this time, Han Ziling moved, and with a sneer, his right hand swung out the Seven Star Sect's unique formation "Opening the Heaven and Earth" and opened it instantly, holding Wang Feng together with the "Trapped Immortal Locking Demon" formation; A large piece of medicinal wine was sprayed out, and it was poured into the formation of "Opening the World" like rain, and all the attacks were completed in the light of calcium carbide.

Wang Feng was trapped by his own "Trapped Immortal Locking the Demon", he was first hit by the poisonous mist of "Erosion God Transformation Corpse Liquid", and then drenched in medicinal wine.Medicinal wine is not poison, but anesthetic. When Wang Feng came to his senses, his whole body was numb and stiff. Although there was a lot of antidote in the storage bag, he couldn't get it. Skin, blood vessels, bones, bone marrow.

On the rostrum, Wang Jun, the vice owner of Tianyou Valley, was stunned for a moment, muttering "Destroyed!"

Wang Feng was not dead and was rescued by the referee on the field, but he was paralyzed all over his body, and he could only deal with the bed in this life.

At this time, the competitions in other groups had already ended. Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Zhan Ye, Lan Yi, Zhan Zhan, Fang Yun, and Li Mei also defeated their opponents and successfully entered the quarterfinals. Wang Lei also regretted losing the election.

In order to thank the readers (just want to tell you) for their support, a special update will be added at [-]:[-] tonight, please collect the red ticket!Thank you!

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