Chaos fairy way

Chapter 75 The Top 4 Determined

On the fifth day, the quarterfinals.Coincidentally, after the lottery, the four masters, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Zhan Ye, and Lan Yi, did not face off in advance.As a result of the lottery, Long Fei vs. Victory, Niu Zhong vs. Li Mei, Zhan Ye vs. Han Ziling, and Lan Yi vs. Fang Yun.

Long Fei wins duel.

Long Fei was in a very good mood, because he could use victory as a touchstone to test new tactics and lay the foundation for the next duel.

Following the referee's order, Long Fei took the lead. As soon as the Qingshuang sword entered the air, [-] swords immediately melted into the sky. Victory; five thousand flashes of yellow and blue light hang one foot above their heads, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Victory, he took a small step with his right foot, grasped the silver-white whirlwind saber ten feet in both hands, and slammed vertically at the Sifang sword formation, the sharp saber wind was like a pale white scimitar, "Huh! Shua! "In the middle, it cut to the square sword array like tearing the air; then the whirlwind knife shook violently, flashing countless palm-sized, crescent-shaped, white-glowing knife flowers, and quickly condensed into a diameter of three feet, dazzling white light, like The solid shield's knife-flowered round shield rushed towards the square sword array; at the same time, with the "Sagittarius Technique" unfolded, the body followed the knife-flowered round shield and flew straight towards the dragon.


The sharp blade wind cut vertically in the center of the square sword formation, and the square sword formation was shaken suddenly, and several green frost melting swords in the middle were broken, but the whole was not damaged, and they rushed towards the victory behind the round shield with knives and flowers.


The square sword array hit the round shield with knives and flowers, and the two exploded immediately, and the shattered light shot violently. For a while, silver light, yellow light, and blue light flashed all over the sky, just like fireworks bursting into the sky, very gorgeous and brilliant.

Although the scene is beautiful, there is a hidden danger. Victory has already jumped a foot away from Long Fei, and a storm flew into the air, slashing down with whirlwind knives in both hands, aiming directly at Long Fei's forehead.

Long Fei smiled faintly, and the five thousand green frost melting swords in the sky above his head instantly released a thousand fierce arrows towards Zhan Zhan, and a foot away from Zhan Zhan's body instantly exploded into ice frost, freezing Zhan Zhan in one go, and the slashing down The whirlwind knife also followed suit.

The energy in Victory's whole body soared, and it took only one breath to shake off the frost and restore freedom, but the Sagittarius Technique was broken, and the slashing knife style was also deformed.

At this time, Long Fei took advantage of the moment of breath, unfolded the "Wind Shadow Jue", transformed himself into a gust of wind, and disappeared without a trace.

Victory, the whirlwind knife slashed through the air, looked around, but there was no sign of Long Fei, only the sound of the wind blowing on the ring.

Suddenly, Long Fei flashed ten feet behind Zhan Zhan, "Thousands of Swords Piercing the Heart" unfolded immediately, the Qingshuang sword flew into the air instantly, the ten thousand swords suddenly condensed, suddenly turned into a cone of swords, and rapidly spun into a spiral The shape is like a small tornado, whizzing towards Victory, the tip of the cone points directly at Victory's heart.

Victory, suddenly felt a strong chill and went straight to the back, terrified in my heart, "Sagittarius" hurriedly spread to the left, although I narrowly avoided the attack of the cone sword array, but half of it was scraped off hair.After defeating the ground, he was covered in cold sweat, his heart was pounding, and he was terrified.

At this time, Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was unfolded, and the man flashed within ten feet behind Zhan Zhan, and suddenly he used the "Sword Soaring to the Sky", and the human sword merged into a line, spinning at high speed and turning into a sword shadow, violently shooting towards Zhan Zhan .

Victory, the "Sagittarius Technique" continued to develop, and barely avoided the swift blow, but left a foot-long wound on the left shoulder, and blood stained the clothes around the wound.

In the next battle, the victory that had already fallen was due to the fast-rising technique being restrained by the quick-freezing technique of the Qingshuang Sword, and facing Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue", it was impossible to fight close to Long Fei, so he had superb melee skills. , but can only attack the enemy's strengths with their own weaknesses.

Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Judgment" was exhibited continuously, drifting around the arena, looking for the best time in the fight, adopting the best method, making quick and tricky moves, making it impossible to guard against.

After a hundred tricks, the victory was defeated by Long Fei's Qingshuang sword holding his throat.

Niu Zhong confronts Li Mei. "Weathering Rain Jue" has also been completed.Therefore, the ability to absorb spiritual power and restore various powers is extremely strong, but the attack power is relatively weak.

At the beginning of the fight, Li Mei held the Ningshuang sword horizontally in front of her chest, and then swung it suddenly and quickly, and the egg-sized, crystal clear frost flowers flashed and rushed towards Niu Zhong one after another.

Niu Zhong snorted softly, turned sideways, and held the dark cloud cover sun shield tightly with his left hand to meet the flying frost flowers. He did not retreat but rushed sideways towards Li Mei.

"Bang! Bang!"

The sound was continuous, and although there were many frost flowers, they could not stop Niu Zhong's body from rushing towards him.

Seeing this, Li Mei hurriedly retreated, for fear of fighting Niu Zhong in close quarters.

The battle entered a stalemate under Li Mei's caution.

Niu Zhong, looking for a close attack and quick battle to no avail, so he waited for work with ease, steadily advancing, step by step; in the exhibition of "Nine Shadows Aegis", Wuyun Gai Ri shield has six handles, five handles for body protection, and one handle for attacking the enemy; The Yin dagger is hidden in the blood of the right hand, waiting for an opportunity to move out of the body.

Li Mei has always been very cautious in attacking; but after discovering that Niu Zhong's defense is strong, but his attack methods are single, so he gradually speeds up the attack speed and the attack intensity gradually increases; Yes, attack hard.However, the attack power is too weak, and I met a perverted person like Niu Zhong with extremely perverted physical body, defensive skills and tactics. Although he attacked with great momentum, he only heard thunder but no rain. The weight of the bull causes half damage.

An hour later, Li Mei's confidence in winning was greatly lost, her mood was extremely restless, her moves changed, and her attack power also weakened.

At this time, Niu Zhong suddenly changed his move, and the six shields formed by the black cloud covered the sun shield, and the five sides of the original body shield suddenly spread apart, lined up, and rushed to a distance of one foot from Li Mei, and instantly from front to back. Li Mei was firmly trapped on the left, right and above; at the same time, the remaining shield followed the five shields of the trapped enemy and attacked Li Mei; and the Longling dagger was also hidden behind the shield of the attacking enemy, making a sneak attack.

Li Mei was terrified and trapped in the five shields. She kept slashing with the Ningshuang sword, but she was powerless to deal with the trapped situation.

Suddenly, the gap between the two shields in front of Li Mei opened in an instant, and a vertical, black and shiny shield flew towards Niu Zhong's sixth shield while spinning rapidly.Li Mei was terrified, Ningshuang sword quickly hit the black shield across her chest, although the shield flew away, but the Longling dagger stopped an inch from her forehead.

"Pervert, just bullying little girls!"

"Look tall and big, but fight a protracted war with weak girls, despise!"

"A fierce man, and also engaged in sneak attacks, is there a mistake?"

The audience outside the arena talked a lot, and voices denouncing Niu Zhong abounded.However, the disciples of the Seven Star Sect said that this battle was not as exciting as Fang Yun's battle with the bull.

The field confronts Han Ziling.Han Ziling's formation method is good, but he doesn't have Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue"; facing the strong blood, invincible in close combat, and the field of "Sagittarius"; after persisting for more than two hundred moves, he was convinced by defeat oral.

Lan Yi confronts Fang Yun.Although Fang Yun's attack is high, his spiritual power and spiritual power are limited after all. Facing Lan Yi, whose spiritual energy absorption speed and spiritual power recovery speed are extremely abnormal, when his spiritual power and spiritual power are squandered, he can only helplessly throw in the towel.

In the end, the top four were decided, they were Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Zhan Ye, and Lan Yi.

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