In the semi-finals, the Seven Star Sect lost the luck it had before.As a result of the lottery, Long Fei played against Niu Zhong, and Zhan Ye played against Lan Yi.

Long Fei confronts Niu Zhong.

Although all the monks of the Seven Star Sect were present to watch the battle, they all had strange expressions on their faces. I don't know if it was regret, anger, or something else.Although the monks from other sects really wanted to see who was the stronger and weaker of the two top masters of the Seven Star Sect, their rationality made them know that this fight would be nothing to watch.The result was as everyone expected, Long Fei and Niu Zhong fought, and finally turned into a coordinated offensive and defensive training. The five big shots on the rostrum couldn't laugh or cry.However, in the auditorium, many monks were full of praise for their offensive and defensive training performances, calling them the best offensive and defensive combination they had ever seen in their life.

On the other side of the arena, the field battle against Lan Yi was exciting, and the audience cheered again and again.

At this time, Zhan Ye's "Speeding Technique" was continuously deployed, and the one-foot-eight sky-opening ax violently shot out one-foot-eight crimson evil spirits, chasing and slashing Lan Yi fiercely, and the intensely fired evil spirit hit Lan Yi's body many times. body; but the third chapter of Lan Yi's "Goddess Manual", "Concentrating Mind and Melting Muscle", was extremely abnormal, and he recovered from his injuries in no time. "Weathering Rain" is a blessing for itself, and never confronts Zhanye. With its strong recovery ability and super high speed of aura absorption, coupled with Piaomiaoge's superb body technique "Cloud Piaomiaoying", it fights Zhanye warfare, guerrilla warfare.

Although Zhanye was fierce and unusual, he was helpless.

The battle was then dragged into a protracted war.

After more than two hours, although Zhanye's strength, spiritual power, and origin power were extremely strong, they were ultimately limited, and gradually felt powerless.

Seeing that the time has come, Lan Yi immediately gave up the fighting tactics, and suddenly stood ten feet away from the battle field. The high-level treasure Feixue Sword pointed twice in the air, and a point of void condensed snow into a shield to protect the whole body; The snowflake weapon attacks the battlefield, the weapon is a hexagonal snowflake-shaped hidden weapon, the hidden weapon rotates at high speed, rushing into the battlefield all over the sky.

In the battlefield, the protective technique "Hellfire" was fully displayed, and heat waves were surging all over the body, constantly melting the incoming snowflake concealed weapons; Within one foot; at the same time, the whole body's spiritual power and yuan power are poured into the sky-opening axe; Yi forehead.

Lan Yi, her body was sealed by the attack of the sky-opening axe, and she couldn't use her movement skills. In desperation, she could only tap the Flying Snow Sword twice, and the void Ningxue turned into two round snow shields with dazzling white light, a total of three The snow shield with a handle blocked the sky-opening axe's mad cuts layer by layer.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

There were three beeps in succession, and the three snow shields shattered one after another, sending snow flakes flying in all directions; although the Sky Opening Ax's attack was much weaker, it still slashed towards Lan Yi.

Lan Yixiang sweated suddenly, and in panic, she could only use the Feixue sword to block the sky-opening axe, and her body hurriedly retreated.

"Dang!" With a loud noise, the surge of energy suddenly turned into a hurricane and swept across all directions.

Lan Yi was instantly blown out of the ring by the powerful impact and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth, obviously the internal injury was serious.

Zhan Ye was also thrown nearly a foot away, and took two steps back to stabilize his body after landing.However, his energy, spirit and energy were exhausted, and he collapsed to the ground, panting and sweating profusely.

The semi-finals ended immediately, and the finalists were Long Fei and Zhan Ye.

On the last day of the four-door meeting, the sky was clear and cloudless.

At this time, the Saiying Island arena is no longer full of seats, but crowded; it is not a single cry, but bursts of shouts; this is because the battle of the champions of the Convergence Period has already taken place in the arena The arena kicked off.

Zhong Yang's big arena is a thousand feet in size, one foot higher than the surrounding arenas, and the straight bodies of the two people in the arena can be seen at a glance.

"Long Fei, although I won the last battle, it was a coincidence. Looking at your expression now, it shows that you have completely recovered from the shadow of your failure last time, and your mood seems to have improved Quite a few. However, this is exactly what I want, and I just want to have a quick fight with you." Zhan Ye's fighting spirit was high, but there was a sense of sympathy in his eyes.

Long Fei was in a peaceful mood, and smiled calmly: "A defeat is a defeat, and it suits my heart to be able to fight Brother Zhan again. This time, you have to be careful."

Zhanye smiled heroically, and then he showed his "Sagitar Technique" and swung his axe.

Long Fei had been prepared for a long time, "Wind Shadow Jue" came out at will, and he easily avoided it like a gust of wind; the Qingshuang sword flew out in an instant, [-] swords were transformed, [-] rushed into the battlefield, and [-] were suspended in the air.

In the battlefield, the sky-opening ax swung fiercely, and the shadow of the shield appeared immediately, breaking the siege of the green frost flying sword, and the "speed rise technique" made it possible to soar within one foot of the dragon's flying.However, a thousand green frost flying swords suddenly flew down in the air, one foot away from its shield shadow, and burst into frost, and the shield shadow was quickly frozen into an ice shell.Zhanye "Hellfire" stood up, and the ice shell melted and disappeared immediately, but the body was stagnant for half a breath.

With this half-breath time, Long Fei's body was like a gust of wind, and he was already far away from the battlefield.

Zhan Ye's voice was like a bell, and he smiled proudly: "That's right, the 'Quick Freeze' beats the 'Sagittarius', this battle will definitely be very exciting."

Long Fei smiled without saying a word, with an elegant expression, not surprised by honor or disgrace.Then, another [-] green frost flying swords rushed towards the battlefield.

In the battlefield, "Hellfire" boiled his whole body's energy and blood, swung the sky-opening ax wildly, the ax transformed into a shield, and displayed the "Sagittarius Technique" at the same time, breaking through ten thousand flying swords, and leaping straight towards the dragon.

Long Fei, a thousand green frost flying swords turned into frost to stop the enemy, but unfortunately this time, the "Hellfire" that opened first did not stop half of it.Long Fei hastened the "Wind and Shadow Judgment" speed show, while retreating violently, he mobilized three thousand blue frost flying swords to melt the frost and freeze the battlefield, only then could he stop the battlefield for a while.

The battle was going on in the midst of you retreating and attacking, and you attacking and dodging. After an hour, Long Fei suddenly changed his tactics.The Qingshuang sword turns into a flying sword with [-] handles, and [-] handles form a square sword array to shoot densely into the battlefield; the other [-] handles follow closely behind, in groups of a hundred, and one group followed by a group to shoot into the heart of the battlefield.

Zhanye let out a loud roar, "Wrath of God of War" immediately released, the energy of the whole body doubled, billowing red evil spirit burst out from the body, Taoist robes bulged, eyebrows stood erect; , the shadow of an ax becomes a shield, and he wants to fight in close quarters with the "Sagitar Technique".It's a pity that the ten thousand blue frost flying swords that came first this time scattered all of them within a foot of the shield shadow, covering the entire shield shadow with ice and frost.

Within ten feet of the shield shadow, the temperature dropped sharply and was frozen, and the shield shadow immediately dissipated.A hundred flying swords followed closely behind, passing through the one-foot-thick ice cover without hindrance, and shooting into the dissipated shadow of the shield.

Zhan Ye, for the first time since participating in the competition, showed a look of fear, and quickly put the sky-opening ax horizontally to protect his chest, blocking the wave after wave of hundreds of flying sword attacks.Seen from the outside, the entire ice cover was moved backward step by step by Zhan Ye's body following the attack of a hundred swords.Zhan Ye struggled to spray a few mouthfuls of blood, and finally blocked Long Fei's attack.Afterwards, Zhan Ye's whole body energy, spiritual power, and primordial power rushed out of his body and scattered in all directions, and suddenly opened a ten-foot-thick ice cover, and rushed out.

"Tong Tian Shuang Shao, it's really amazing. However, if I haven't defeated me this time, there will be no chance in the future." Zhan Ye wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and said a little apprehensively.As soon as he finished speaking, he stuffed a elixir into his mouth, and poured all the spiritual power and origin power into the Sky-Opening Axe. The Sky-Opening Ax rose three feet in the face of the storm, and slashed at Long Fei who was ten feet away.

Seeing this, Long Fei knew success or failure in one move.Take one of the Huiling Pill and the Jushi Pill and put it in your mouth; the trick "Wan Jian Gui Zong" in the third chapter of "Yan Yu Jian Jue" is on display immediately, and the Qingshuang Sword enters the sky as soon as it enters the sky The [-] Dunhua swords were condensed into a huge sword one foot wide and ten feet long, shining with dazzling blue and yellow light, and slammed it at the coming sky-opening axe; at the same time, Long Fei's mouth The two pills melted immediately, and the exhausted spiritual power and spiritual power instantly recovered Xiao Xu.With the help of Xiao Xu's restored spiritual power and spiritual power, Long Fei "melted the sword into his body" and continued to operate. The Scarlet Heaven Sword melted into his skin and blood vessels, and his skin and blood vessels were immediately as firm as the Scarlet Heaven Sword, with the effect of a flame attack ; When the Qingshuang giant sword collided with the sky-opening axe, Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" stood up, and his body disappeared like a gust of wind.

"Boom!" There was an earth-shattering bang, the energy surged, and a hurricane was set off. The white jade floor covering the entire arena was instantly shattered by the fierce impact and turned into powder, and then melted into the hurricane. It swept across all directions like a sandstorm.For a moment, within the range of the arena, there was a cloud of dust and mist, energy was flying wildly, and hazy figures were looming.In order to avoid the shock wave, the referee was forced to withdraw from the ring.

At this time, Zhan Ye was shaken by the violent shock wave so that blood spurted non-stop, and his body was thrown into the air by the impact and retreated. When he retreated more than five hundred feet to the edge of the ring, he miraculously stabilized his body again.

However, after the dust and mist dissipated, the monks in the stands saw another scene, a green frost sword resting on Zhan Ye's neck, and Zhan Ye looked at Long Fei opposite with a wry smile.

The referee hurriedly flew into the arena, spit out dusty saliva, straightened his messy hair, and said in an extremely depressed way: "Long Fei is against Zhan Ye, and Long Fei wins."

Long Fei moved the Qingshuang Sword away, and smiled with admiration on his face: "Accept!"

"You don't have to be polite, this time it was really fun, and I was convinced by the defeat! In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will fight with you again!" Although Zhan Ye was defeated, his fighting spirit remained undiminished, and he was still awe-inspiring.

In the four-door competition, Long Fei finally revealed the laurel crown, and the reward for the champion was very generous, a high-level treasure to support the sky spirit shield, 100 million spirit stones and [-] million stone crystals each. things.However, what Long Fei did made all the monks dumbfounded and puzzled.Long Fei gave Niu Zhong the Heaven Supporting Spirit Shield; Lingshi and Shijing were all rewarded to the disciples of the Seven Star Sect who came to congratulate; Make a "Jade Face Pill".Many of the monks scolded him for being sick; the alchemy master of Piao Miao Pavilion who received the refining task couldn't laugh or cry, and shook his head helplessly, thinking: a generation of great masters actually made beauty pills; Knowing what Long Fei was thinking, he lamented the pity of the outstanding disciples of the Seven Star Sect!

Because the teleportation array that entered the ancient continent was at the ancient battlefield in the northwest corner of the Huahuang continent, and all the selected disciples had to rest for a while, so the ancient experience training was scheduled to be held in a month's time.Afterwards, the participants of the four major sects of cultivation left Piaomiao Pavilion one after another and returned to their respective sects.

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