Five days later, Lai Fengfeng's living room.

Long Fei sat obliquely on the main seat with joyful eyebrows, crossed his legs, wore a superb red robe, hummed a little song, and happily waited for someone's arrival with Niu Zhong, who was sitting on the left side of the lower steps. arrival.

Long Fei is in such a good mood today, not because he won the championship a few days ago, but because yesterday when he gave Ou Qingxue the "Jade Yanrong Pill" and three catties of the best red robe, Ou Qingxue not only accepted it, but also said Several words to encourage him to practice hard.Long Fei suddenly felt that the important event of his life had ushered in a dazzling dawn.

After a while, the people who were waiting entered the reception hall led by Han Ziling.This person is Han Jie who went to Dajing Kingdom to open the Twin Hall nearly a year ago with four guards and a large amount of valuables such as gold and silver.

"I've seen Mr. Lai and Mr. Niu!" Han Jie said excitedly, bowing his hands.

Seeing Han Jie's happy face, Long Fei knew that the opening of the Twin Hall must be going well, and he was overjoyed in his heart, so he quickly asked, "Should the opening of the Twin Hall be good?"

Han Jie tilted his head slightly, raised his eyebrows, and said quite proudly: "Qi reported to Lai Shao, Niu Shao, and Master that the twin halls have been successfully opened. Although the four guards I brought with me are not high-level, they However, he is extremely shrewd and capable in his work. In less than a year, all the work of the Twins Church has been carried out smoothly; Starting a business and making money from wealth, the Shantang’s income and expenditure have surprisingly reached a balance. Because we have the background of the Seven Star Sect and do good deeds, the royal family of the Dajing Kingdom actively cooperates. Now we have every day in the entire Dajing Kingdom. There are branch churches in every city, and the charity has covered the entire Dajing Kingdom.

Although Long Fei and the three had already expected everything in their hearts, they were still very happy when they heard Han Jie's words.

"There are a lot of things to do in the Twin Hall, so you can't delay your practice!" After Long Fei learned about the Twin Hall, he immediately became concerned about the cultivation of Han Jie and the others.

Han Jie pulled the neckline like Han Ziling, and said proudly: "Don't worry about this, the three of you, I am now in the late stage of concentrating, the four guards have taken a lot of rare treasures with my help, and now they have reached It's time for concentration. Hehe! And there are still a lot of rare treasures that I brought with me, and I plan to reward outstanding subordinates in the future."

"Okay!" Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling said in unison, all three of them were surprised.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling told Han Jie about their experience in ancient times, and also told Han Jie about their ideas and requirements for opening the double hall.

Three days later, Han Jie left the Seven Star Sect and went to Dajing Kingdom to continue to manage the Twin Hall.This time, Han Jie took away Yan Feng, who succeeded in the Concentration Stage, and [-] Seven Star Sect disciples carefully selected from the Longfei Six-person Dojo. Rare treasures, wood crystals, and low-grade spirit stones.When seeing them off, Long Fei and others told Han Jie and Yan Feng that the Twins Hall should be as big as possible, and they don't have to worry about money.

One day later, Duan De of Niu Feng led the ten disciples selected from Long Fei's six-person dojo to Fengyuan to assist Feng Xiaotian in opening the mine.It mainly mines gold and silver mines and fully supports the operation of Twin Halls.

On the same day, Long Fei and the six people jointly recommended Xie Fang as the head of the Twin Hall, coordinating all the affairs of the Twin Hall's operation, on the grounds that he was a "businessman"; Let go of the shopkeeper.The task of Zhang Shanfeng and Zheng Pu is to recruit disciples from the dojo. Although Zhang Shanfeng loves to play, he still does things one way, so he and the honest Zheng Pu are responsible for recruiting disciples from the dojo. Long Fei and others are also relieved.

Half a month has passed since the Cultivation Sect General Assembly. In the Western Regions of the Huahuang Continent, in a luxurious courtyard study at the headquarters of Tianyou Valley, a soft-looking, handsome young man was listening to his subordinates' report.This person is Li Zhilie.

"What? The [-] masters who took part in the operation were wiped out!" Li Zhilie said in shock, crushing the teacup in his hand.

"Yes, young master." A thin man in a Taoist robe of Tianyou Valley said in a calm and authentic manner, with a tremor in his voice.

"Little Tongtian Town is so tricky, Xiao Ying is quickly passed on, and he will lead ten masters at the fusion stage and a hundred masters at the concentration stage to wipe out Tongtian Town." Li Zhilie's gloomy face became ferocious, Han's eyes were murderous.

As soon as Li Zhilie's words fell, a huge palm hit Li Zhilie's left cheek with a "slap".Li Zhilie immediately fell to the ground, leaving a blood-red palm print on his left cheek.A burly, rough-looking middle-aged man with a red beard suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhilie, and shouted angrily: "You scoundrel, do you want to destroy the Li family? How can you set foot in the Tongtian Mountain Range? From today From now on, everyone in Tianyou Valley is not allowed to step half a step into the Tongtian Mountain Range, including Fenglin Country, or they will die!"

This person is Li Gang, the owner of Tianyou Valley.

Li Zhilie covered his swollen face and said aggrievedly, "Father, why? Long Fei and the others..."

"Shut up! Just listen to the order. If you commit a crime, I will kill you." Li Gang stared and shouted without any explanation.

Li Zhilie stared blankly at his father who usually doted on him so much. When he saw that there was still a trace of fear hidden in his father's furious eyes, he felt cold and gritted his teeth and said, "Listen, my child." !"


Four days before the ancient training, Tianshu Taoist personally led the six members of the Seven Star Sect who had obtained the training qualifications, flying directly to the ancient battlefield in the northwest of the Huahuang Continent under the control of Lan Jiao.

The ancient continent is open every ten years, and each time there are 3 experience quotas.These [-] places for practice are from the top [-] of the four-door match, plus the four No.[-]s who performed the best in the group stage.This time, the six members of the Seven Star Sect were Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Han Ziling, Fang Yun, Liu Rushuang, and Wang Lei.

Three days later, the ancient battlefield came into view from afar.Long Fei looked at the ancient battlefield riddled with holes and full of desolation in shock.In the distance, there are remnant peaks and ridges, trees are faint; there are thousands of ravines and potholes;

The ancient battlefield teleportation platform is located in the east of the ancient battlefield.Around the transmission platform, there are five large courtyards, which are used by the four major sects to guard the transmission platform.

The night before entering the Ancient Continent for training, in the meeting hall of the west courtyard, the heads of the four major cultivation sects and twenty selected masters were gathering to discuss training.Although the four sects have more or less conflicts with each other, they appear to be in harmony on the surface.

The Seven Star Sect has always been the leader of the four major schools of practice, so Taoist Tianshu spoke first: "The ancient experience will officially start tomorrow. For this experience, we have prepared three things for you, which are the items in the storage bag you just received. Three things. One is the soul wooden stick, which contains more detailed rubbings of the relevant conditions of the ancient continent, but you can only use these materials as a reference, because the terrain of the ancient continent will be greatly changed every ten years due to violent earthquakes; The second item is the purification pill. The water and food in the ancient continent have been polluted and must be purified before eating. The third item is a large number of spiritual stones and crystals. The ancient continent’s spiritual stones and crystals are polluted and you cannot absorb them, so you need to take them with you. Foot spirit stones and crystals. This time you enter the ancient continent, in addition to experience, you need to do two things, first, investigate an ancient proverb; second, look for the five spirits."

"What are the five spirits and ancient proverbs?" Fang Yun asked with a full face of doubt.The other selected masters all showed doubts on their faces.

Taoist Tianshu smiled without saying a word, looking at Zhan Aotian, the master of Zhanmen.

Zhan Aotian is wearing a red war robe, as strong as an iron tower, with a beard and beard, extremely mighty.Seeing Taoist Tianshu looking at him, he said solemnly: "This proverb is: 'When the ants and beasts come out, the world cries; when the nine babies come, natural disasters come; when the five spirits gather, the universe appears...', this proverb is incomplete, There should be more content in the back. Ten thousand years ago, the Huahuang Continent suffered a catastrophe, and all the cultivation sects were destroyed. The four major cultivation sects today were hidden small sects at that time, so they were spared. Therefore, for Little is known about the catastrophe. This proverb comes from rumors in the world after the disaster thousands of years ago. A few years ago, ant beasts appeared, which proved this proverb. Our four major sects of cultivation sent people around I searched for clues, but found nothing. The ancient continent should have been destroyed by a catastrophe, so I entrust you to take advantage of this experience to investigate and see if you can find some clues."

All the selected masters were shocked when they heard the words, Niu Zhong asked with some doubts: "Suzerain, there is one thing I don't know, which is to investigate the proverbs and the five spirits. Why don't the sects directly send masters above the Yuan Dynasty to go there?"

Taoist Xuanshu nodded with a smile, and said slowly: "The ancient continent is located in the depths of the vast ocean, and no one knows its exact location; how far it is from the Huahuang continent, no one knows; if you want to go, you can only go through The teleportation array can only be reached. Nowadays, the teleportation array has been in disrepair for a long time, and we are unable to repair such a long-distance teleportation array, so that the teleportation array can only send the monks of the Consciousness stage, and the monks of the early Yuan Dynasty can only go back from the ancient continent It is said that this is the reason why the masters of the Yuan Dynasty cannot go there. You must also remember that in the ancient continent, the cultivation base cannot break through to the middle of the Yuan Dynasty."

When all the selected masters heard the words, they all looked surprised and at the same time had a deep and dignified look, and then they all nodded solemnly.

Taoist Xuanshu saw the dignified appearance of the selected masters, and smiled kindly: "You don't have to worry, even if there is a natural disaster, we naturally have the means to deal with it, you just have to do your best. Well, because this time there is an additional task , so the time for this experience has been extended to two years. Within two years, unless you encounter an unresolvable life crisis, you are not allowed to use the teleportation array of the ancient continent to return."

Next, the leaders explained some related matters.

After the meeting, the contestants lost their previous excitement, and Long Fei went back to his room early for bed.

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