Chaos fairy way

Chapter 78 The Ancient Continent

After half an hour of dizziness, twenty experienced masters appeared on a very strange land.Before all the masters were relieved, a bone-piercing cold air suddenly pierced into the nasal cavity and eroded the skin.The faces of all the masters were as black as ink, their pupils dilated, and their whole bodies trembled.

"Everyone, take the purification pill quickly!" Zhan Ye clenched his teeth, and while yelling, he hurriedly took out a pure white pill from the storage bag, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

All the masters came to their senses immediately after hearing the words, and quickly took the purification pill, and they all returned to normal in a short while.Afterwards, they looked at Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling in amazement.The three of them hadn't taken the purification pill, Long Fei and Niu Zhong didn't show any signs of being poisoned, and Han Ziling's complexion was only slightly darkened.

"What happened to you just now?" Long Fei asked worriedly with a confused face.

Lan Yimei's eyes widened, and she asked back in surprise, "Why didn't you get poisoned?"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong shook their heads blankly, Han Ziling also said with a puzzled face: "I also find it incredible! I was poisoned during the last experience; this time, when I was about to take the purification pill, But I found that I was fine. What is the reason, I don't know. Could it be because I have become handsome again in the past ten years?"

All the masters paused with black lines all over their heads, completely speechless.Li Zhilie was full of grief and indignation, and shouted in his heart: Is there any reason for this?Such a living treasure can also defeat the elder brother, and those two bastards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong, can resist Yin poison.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit cold, Long Fei hurriedly said: "I'll see what the specific reason is, and I'll get to know it later! Let's discuss the specific situation of this experience first!"

All the masters could only nod their heads when they heard the words, putting away their surprise.

Lan Yi thought for a while, and said softly: "According to what the soul wooden stick said, the ancient continent is divided into two parts, the peripheral area and the core area. In the past, all the experience was in the peripheral area. I suggest that, as in previous years, divide the troops into two groups and search for the peripheral area. Region. One year later, we will meet at Heigang City, the final destination of this experience. At that time, we will make plans according to the situation."

Zhan Ye nodded, and boldly said: "Okay, the place where we are now is in the south of the ancient continent, and the left road to the north-west line is relatively difficult and dangerous. Let me go to Zhanmen. I wonder which sect is willing to go together?"

Long Fei was about to speak, but Li Zhilie said first: "We, Tianyougu, will accompany you to go!"

All the masters nodded their heads when they heard the words, thinking that this distribution is the most reasonable.

In this experience, Qixingzong and Zhanmen are the strongest, Tianyougu is the weakest due to the absence of the top master Wang Feng; Tianyougu and Qixingzong have always been at odds, so they are the most suitable group with Zhanmen.

Seeing that the matter of training has been agreed upon, Zhan Ye immediately flew to the left with the Sky Opening Axe, followed by all the Zhanmen and Tianyougu masters.

Long Fei looked at the figures of Zhan Ye and the others in the distance, turned his head and smiled at Lan Yi: "Friend Lan, let's go too!"

Lan Yi smiled slightly, nodded, stepped on her right foot, lightly stepped on the Feixue sword and flew to the right.

The ancient continent spanned 300 million miles.All day long, the sun is orange and hangs in the sky; the surrounding fields are gray and the scenery is hazy; the woods are faint and the leaves are brown and green; the river is black and there is no flow. .

At night, the biting cold wind roared and swept the earth, and all creatures could only hide in their nests.

However, Long Fei and his party of 11 walked through the mountains and forests against the cold wind, looking for a place to stay.The night was pitch black, and the wind was as cold as a knife. No one dared to fly with the imperial treasure, so they could only hurry on foot.Long Fei walked in front of the team holding a night pearl (the one he got from the original Ant Beast Cave) in his left hand, while Niu Zhong held the Tianling shield behind the cushion with his left hand tightly.

"Ah! Help me!" A horrified scream pierced the dead night, which was creepy.

The scream came from a Piaomiao Pavilion female monk named Jiang Yu in the team. Her legs had penetrated into the ground, her hands were struggling to support the ground, and her face was extremely ferocious.

Long Fei's Qingshuang sword instantly exited his body and entered the air, and immediately transformed into hundreds of swords, and shot them into the ground around Jiang Yu's body.Niu Zhong and the others hurriedly tried their best to prevent Jiang Yu from being dragged into the ground.

After a dull "chi chi!" sound, nearly a hundred streaks of brown and black mucus sprayed out from the ground.Afterwards, Jiang Yu's legs were finally forcibly pulled out of the ground.I saw bloodstains on both legs, and the muscles were eroded. Two furry black severed claws were deeply scratched into the flesh and blood of the legs. Brown-black mucus continuously seeped out from the cuts, and a strong stench choked on him. It makes people dizzy.

"It's a strange beast! Everyone, find a boulder to stand on." Lan Yi's face paled, and she shouted anxiously.

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly jumped onto a huge boulder not far away.Han Yu hurriedly exhibited the "Shenyu Zhenjing" to bless Jiang Yu's recovery status, and Li Mei hurriedly stepped forward to treat Jiang Yu's wound.




The sound of ground breaking came from all directions.

Long Fei and the others looked around in horror.

On the pitted ground in the four fields, strange beasts that were several feet long were eagerly crawling out of the ground.After a while, with the faint light of the night pearl, I saw strange beasts all over the mountains and plains, and it was so dark that it was suffocating.

It is a strange beast with coarse hairs standing up like needles, four claws with nails nearly half a foot long, wide forehead and small chin, with a ferocious face, two three-foot long fangs pointing towards the sky, two blood-red, copper bell eyes shining dark red of light.

"Niu Zhong activated the 'Shield of Yuan Ling' to protect everyone. Lan Yi is responsible for bless Niu Zhong with spiritual power and spiritual power, and the others will try their best to kill the strange beasts." Long Fei took a deep breath and commanded decisively. .

"Okay!" Everyone replied in unison.

At this time, four three-foot-long, one-foot-wide red-haired strange beasts slowly crawled out from the ground, raised their heads to the sky and roared, the sound was deafening and resounded through the sky.Afterwards, the four red-haired alien beasts led the densely packed alien beasts around them, and swooped over in the air.

Long Fei's Qingshuang sword turned into twenty thousand swords, rushing in all directions, and the monsters flying in the air fell to the ground like rain.

Han Ziling waved the formation "burning all directions", 36 feet long, and the red formation flags were scattered in all directions, and a raging fire ignited within three feet around the boulder.

The strange beasts that came one after another screamed again and again, and the "crackling" sound of singeing and roasting meat was all in one piece.It's a pity that there are too many monsters, one group was killed, and the second group came one after another; it was shocking that one group was more than one group, and more monsters crawled out of the ground and came to besiege fearlessly.

All the masters suddenly felt their scalps go numb, and they could only do their best to kill them with all their strength.

Long Fei's [-] Green Frost Transforming Swords were retracted and then scattered in all directions, and then spun rapidly around the huge boulder suspended at a height of one foot above the ground, like a meat grinder, continuously strangling the invading beasts.

Fang Yun's Xingchen sword pointed at the sky and drew a circle, drawing the majestic power of the stars into the Xingchen sword, and then the Xingchen sword suddenly slashed forward, and a beam of energy that was as thick as ten feet and dazzling silver swept across the front in a fan shape. The strange beasts that came.

Wang Lei, the purple light shield soared three feet and three feet, smashing all directions; Han Yu, the floating rain sword connected points, the void condensed rain into the sword, and thousands of water swords shot out from all over the body...

In a moment, corpses were scattered all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

Time passed bit by bit, and the strange beasts around were killed one by one, the blood was still flowing, and the number of corpses was still increasing.Although the masters attacked fiercely, the strange beasts did not kill less and less, but killed more and more.

Two hours later, the strange beast finally broke into Niu Zhong's "Shield of Yuanling".All the different beasts' claws, teeth picking, headbutting, saliva corrosion and other attack methods all attacked the "Shield of Yuanling", and Niu Zhong suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply. Although the "Shield of Yuan Ling" was not broken, the consumption of spiritual power and spiritual power was extremely huge. Although Lan Yi tried her best to continuously strengthen the state of increase, it still couldn't make up for the consumption.

"What should we do? If we procrastinate for a long time, we will be consumed to death." Lan Yi said anxiously.

"I can only brave the cold wind to break through the air, the cow is heavy, can it still hold up?" Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong, with a trace of worry on his face.

"Give me all the pills on your body, and I should be able to last until dawn." Niu Zhong frowned, gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, wait a minute. I, Fang Yun, Lan Yi, and Han Yu are responsible for restraining the four red-haired alien beasts; Niu Zhong continues to prop up the "Shield of Yuanling" to protect everyone; Wang Lei is in charge of the high-level treasure purple light shield to lead everyone out of the encirclement ;Han Ziling and the others will do their best to kill the strange beasts around." Long Fei shouted decisively, at the same time, he took out more than [-] pills of intelligence or consciousness from the storage bag and handed them to Niu Zhong.

"Okay!" Everyone took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Okay! Wang Lei opens the shield." Long Fei ordered.

Wang Lei then smashed the purple light shield in all directions, and the purple light shield hung in front of the masters and rose to a length of fifteen feet in the wind; at the same time, four flying swords with fierce and murderous aura rushed towards the four red-haired strange beasts; Immediately afterwards, 36 formation flags hung in the air and circled around the "Shield of Yuanling" three feet away.

"Let's go!" Long Fei ordered.

Niu Zhong randomly stuffed a handful of Huiling Pills or Gathering Pills into his mouth, and forcefully mobilized the "Shield of Yuanling" to lead everyone to leap onto the Ziguang Shield.

Wang Lei quickly mobilized the purple light shield and flew to the north.

On the ground, the four red-haired alien beasts were pinned down by flying swords, and the ordinary alien beasts desperately flew into the air to attack the "Shield of Yuanling" and the purple light shield.However, when the alien beast attacked, it was burned to the ground by the raging fire just within three feet of the "Shield of Yuanling" and the purple light shield, and the fish that slipped through the net were also killed by Liu Rushuang and others.

All the masters fled in the air, and the strange beasts on the ground jumped in pursuit.

It was getting slightly brighter, and the chasing alien beast suddenly stopped chasing, and led by the four big red-haired alien beasts, they looked up to the sky and howled endlessly.

The masters didn't have much time to look for the reason, and instead of chasing after seeing the strange beast, they ran away quickly.

"There is something weird ahead, stop quickly." Long Fei exclaimed.

Hearing Long Fei's exclamation, Wang Lei hurriedly controlled the Purple Light Shield to land.All the masters immediately prostrated themselves on the purple light shield, looking about three miles away in shock.With the help of the hazy sky, I can only see a vast expanse of whiteness in front of me, with many black spots or purple spots vaguely mixed in it.

Dear readers, this volume of Ancient Secrets will be a thrilling and passionate meal, Qingshan is here to collect it!Ask for a red ticket!

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