The next day, when it was dawn, all the masters couldn't wait to rush to the big cave in the misty mountain range.With the help of the soft light of the night pearl, all the masters cautiously advanced into the depths of the cave.The inside of the cave is very wide and dry, showing a downward trend. There are many black moss and unknown grasses growing around the cave walls.Half an hour later, all the masters had entered the cave for more than [-] miles, and the cave was still nearly a thousand feet wide. Along the way, they did not encounter a zombie, nor did they find a piece of green gold, but Long Fei and Niu Zhong did not Picked several soul palm grasses.

An hour later, the crowd had reached a depth of more than [-] miles. At this time, the big cave suddenly opened up, suddenly expanding to a width of ten thousand feet, and a height of more than a thousand feet. Walking in the cave, the sound of footsteps echoed everywhere.Inside the ten thousand zhang cave, although it was pitch black, with the light of the night pearl, there were more than a dozen green lights reflected from the four walls.

"It's green gold! Go dig it up." Han Ziling said joyfully. After one night, everyone's heartbroken feelings had been buried in their hearts.

"No hurry, look over there!" Long Fei grabbed Han Ziling's left shoulder, turned his head to look to the left, and said in surprise.

Although the light of the Ye Mingzhu was not strong, the densely covered black array flags on the left side of the big hole and the blood-red lines in the central area surrounded by all the array flags were vaguely visible.

"Look at the sky and see what kind of formation it is!" Lan Yi looked a little haggard, obviously Li Mei's death hurt her a lot as a senior sister.

Immediately, Wang Lei threw the purple light shield in the air, which exploded ten feet wide, and then hung in front of everyone at a height of feet.Niu Zhong mobilized the "Shield of Yuanling" and led the crowd to jump onto the purple light shield.Afterwards, the purple light shield carried everyone to the sky above the mysterious formation on the left side of the big hole.Billowing black poisonous smoke suddenly appeared in the magic circle, and then filled the entire cave.

Han Ziling quickly cast the "Eight Diagrams Extinguishing Demons" array, clasped his hands together, and opened them outward, a blue image of the Eight Diagrams flashed out from between his palms, and then pushed his palms down to form the array.Bagua Tuying instantly expanded to a size of three feet, flew into the formation below, and the thick poisonous mist disappeared immediately.A strong smell of blood came to the nostrils, and the formation on the ground immediately revealed its true appearance.The entire formation covers an area of ​​a thousand feet square, and in the middle is a [-]-foot-sized skull head outlined in blood. One hundred and eight black-foot-high array flags are regularly arranged around the skull head.

Hanziling "burned all directions" waved out immediately, and 36 long red flags shot into the formation below, and the raging red flames burst out suddenly.The lower method formation actually ignited raging black flames, and fought against the raging red flames. The black and red flames merged together, and the formation flags of "beep, beep!" Both the flag and the red array flag were on fire.Half an hour later, the "burn all directions" and the formation below were destroyed together, and all the formation flags were reduced to ashes; the bloody skull statue also dried up and turned into dust and disappeared.

After the mysterious formation was destroyed, all the masters rushed to the four directions to find the power of green gold.It's a pity that although there is a lot of green gold, the purity is not high. Only a piece of green gold that Niu Zhong found was dark green in color.

Afterwards, the masters searched the entire cave several times, but found nothing, and then flew out of the cave and returned the same way.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the crowd left, a purple-robed man suddenly appeared at the entrance of the big cave, and his figure entered the cave in a flash; after a while, he appeared at the entrance again; and then disappeared after another flash.

Naturally, Long Fei and the others didn't know that the murder of the black-robed man was discovered so quickly, and they all stood silently on top of the purple light shield, obviously thinking about the mysterious formation and Li Mei's death in their hearts.

"Long Fei, where are we going next?" Lan Yi's voice still had a hint of desolation.

Everyone knew the meaning of Lan Yi's question, and all looked towards the middle of the core area of ​​Zhongyan Continent.

Long Fei frowned, and said solemnly: "Everyone is very sad about Li Mei's death. But this matter is extremely strange. Everyone has seen the strength of the murderer before. Sendai is very likely to have many masters of the Yuan Dynasty, and even higher-level masters. Therefore, to take revenge now is to die. I think what we need to do now is to improve our cultivation, and we still have nearly two years. , it is entirely possible to improve the cultivation base to the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, we will meet Zhanye and the others and fight towards Dengxiantai together."

Lan Yi and the other female monks in Piaomiao Pavilion knew very well that what Long Fei said was absolutely right, although they felt very unwilling, they could only nod silently with tears in their eyes.

"Hey! In two years, it's not easy to break through the big barrier and reach the Yuan Dynasty! Besides, we are only in the middle and late stages of Consciousness." Liu Rushuang sighed and said with a wry smile.

"In the near future, I'm somewhat sure that everyone will improve their cultivation by a small level." Long Fei said confidently, with the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

"What method?" Lan Yi and the others asked in unison.

"I have a elixir formula. If I find all the ingredients and refine it into a elixir, if I take it, there is a [-]% chance that I will succeed in entering the small stage. Originally, I lacked two main ingredients, but now I have the soul palm grass, and I only need to return to the original fruit." Fei said slowly.

"Huiyuan fruit? I haven't heard of it." Lan Yi heard this, a little disappointed.

"Yan Yu, I guess there will be." Although Niu Chong's face was tied tightly, his mood could not be seen, but his tone was quite certain. After speaking, he tilted his head slightly and looked northwest.

Long Fei glanced at Niu Zhong, and nodded in agreement.

When Han Ziling and the others heard the words, they immediately remembered the relevant content recorded on the soul stick they obtained before entering the Zhongyan Continent.

"However, according to the records of the soul wooden sign, the Flame Region is located on the edge of the core area of ​​the Zhongyan Continent, surrounded by the Beast Field. There are countless strange beasts there, and it is a plain area. It will be difficult to escape." Fang Yun was quite worried.

"What you said is very reasonable, but we must go to Yanyu. Not only do we need to find Huiyuancao, but we also need to use the ground fire in Yanyu to make alchemy." Long Fei stood firm, paused, thought for a while, and said : "I see it this way, so I, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling will go. Lan Yi leads the others to carefully hide in the Disha City ahead, waiting for our arrival."

Hearing what Long Fei said, Han Ziling looked at Liu Rushuang reluctantly, saw Liu Rushuang nodded slightly, and then said excitedly: "Okay, there are many people and the goal is big. Lan Yi, Fang Yun, after we leave, the others People's safety, you have to take more care of it!"

After Han Ziling finished speaking, his eyes turned to Liu Rushuang.

Fang Yun and Lan Yi nodded knowingly.

The Flame Territory is located in the Beast Plain, thousands of miles north of the Yin Mist Mountain Range, nearly 20 miles away from the edge of the Beast Plain.Beastland has a radius of more than [-] li, accounting for about one-eighth of the entire Zhongyan Continent; the terrain is flat, without any peaks, and it is all plains; most of the vegetation is grassland, and forests also occupy a lot of area; the vast plain grows countless of alien beasts.

Three days later, after Long Fei and his three royal treasures flew to the edge of the beast field, they carefully flew in the direction of the Flame Domain, taking a countermeasure of resting during the day and rushing at night.

On the second night after entering the Beastland, Long Fei's "Wu Wu Jue" was running all over his body, his breath was like nothing, he controlled the Qingshuang Sword, and under the moonlight, he forcibly resisted the cold wind like a knife, and flew low in the sky.Niu Zhong and Han Ziling followed closely behind several miles away, both of them also tried their best to restrain their breath, and flew low-altitude Royal Treasure.

At this time, the three of them had gone deep into the beastland for more than [-] miles, and they were rejoicing that the journey was going smoothly. A loud roar shook the cold wind and changed its direction. After the loud noise, there was a sound like thunder: "Hey! The intruder is actually a human monk, good! Good! Great!"

Immediately, a ferocious giant beast rushed towards Niu Zhong and Han Ziling with many strange beasts crawling out of the ground, and the heavy footsteps shook the hearts of Niu Zhong and Han Ziling.

This strange beast is hundreds of feet tall, with a giant mouth and teeth, big lantern eyes that are blood-red, standing upright, with short forelimbs and extremely sharp claws, huge and powerful legs, and a fat tail that is at least twenty feet long.

Hanzi Mausoleum's "burning all directions" has been destroyed, so the enemy can only be trapped with the "Kaitiankaidi" formation of the Seven Star Sect.With a wave of his right hand in the direction of the herd of beasts, the 72-pole white-foot long array flag flew to a distance of one foot from the giant beast in the blink of an eye, and spun rapidly around the giant beast in the air.In an instant, a giant gleaming white net tightly bound the giant beast.

Taking advantage of the behemoth being trapped, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling Yubao kept dodging the many strange beasts leaping over, and at the same time, they swayed the "Sky Fog".But what is surprising is that the "Sky Misty Fog" is actually ineffective against alien beasts. In desperation, Niu Zhong can only take Han Ziling to drive the Heavenly Support Shield, and use the "Original Spirit Shield" to resist the attack of alien beasts. Hit the ground and flew towards Long Fei.

At this time, Long Fei's "Little Ben Lei Technique" was displayed, and suddenly disappeared.

The giant beast roared again and again, shaking the sky and the earth, resounding in all directions, and a burst of evil spirit suddenly burst out from the whole body and rushed to the four directions, and the giant white light net was shaken away.The monster is about to continue chasing and killing Niu Zhong and Han Ziling.Suddenly, a foot high above the giant beast's head, a black shadow spun at high speed and stabbed down at the beast's head.The giant beast looked around nervously, with a dazed look on its face. It must have sensed the strong murderous intent, but it just couldn't find the figure of Long Fei above its head.

With a sound of "chuck!", Long Fei immediately showed off his "sword to the sky" which is a short-range sneak attack to instantly kill the enemy. Inside the giant beast.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "Boom!", and the huge body of the giant beast exploded immediately, and the flesh and blood shot out in all directions.Long Fei stood at the center of the explosion, his whole body was not stained with any animal blood.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the others fled for tens of thousands of miles.Long Fei, [-] Qingshuang Swords turned into swords and rushed to all sides; Niu Zhong, the "Shield of Yuanling" suddenly opened to protect the three people, and the spirit shield supported the sky and carried the three people to the flame field; The poison was dispersed in all directions by means of formations; where the three of them passed by, there were piles of corpses and rivers of blood, but the blood was green.

At noon the next day, the three of them fled with all their might, and finally flew to the edge of the flame domain, all exhausted to the point of collapse.

The strange beast that could not be seen at a glance stopped chasing and killing, but blocked the way for Long Fei and the three to return.

Although Long Fei and the others were quite surprised at the sudden stop of the alien beast's pursuit, the three of them ignored this question at all, and were stunned by the sight of the Flame Domain.

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