Chaos fairy way

Chapter 86 The Mysterious Golden Egg

In the front, the forest is lush and the leaves are green; the flowers are blooming and fragrant; although it is called a land of fire, it is gentle with the wind.The surroundings of the Flame Region are dark and dead, but the inside of the Flame Region is full of vitality; the sky and the sun are orange, but the ground is as bright as spring.

Long Fei and the others took a deep breath of the fresh air they hadn't seen for a long time, their tense nerves were immediately relaxed, and their heavy hearts were swept away.

"Hehe! I didn't expect such a dilapidated continent to have such a wonderful place." Han Ziling lay on his back on the grass, drinking wine comfortably.

Long Fei stretched his waist, waved his fists and feet, feeling very comfortable.

"Let's go! There are dense beasts all around. To prevent accidents, we should enter the depths of the flame domain as soon as possible." After Niu Zhong said calmly, he walked to the depths of the flame domain.

Long Fei and Han Ziling shook their heads helplessly, and then followed closely.

The figures of the three gradually disappeared into the lush forest, and the surrounding strange beasts also gradually dispersed.

The Flame Territory is not big, with a radius of five thousand miles.In the deep core area, the square area of ​​more than a thousand miles is full of flames, and the heat wave is soaring.

The three of Long Fei frowned and looked at the raging fire.

"Let's look for Huiyuanguo first! Although there is a high possibility of Nine Sun Grass here, we should improve our cultivation level by one level before entering to search for it. This way we can be more sure." Han Ziling stretched his waist, faintly typical.

"It can only be like this! I guess my cultivation base can only withstand such a fierce fire after I reach the late stage of Consciousness." Niu Zhong said expressionlessly.

"Okay! In this case, the three of us will search separately! Three days later, no matter what the result is, we will meet here. By the way, there is no monster here. It is very strange, everyone must be careful!" Long Fei nodded. Nodding, then said.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the three of them searched around in three directions.

The peak of Yanyu is not high, but the forest is very dense.As Long Fei shuttled through the jungle, his consciousness and aura expanded to a range of ten miles, and every plant and tree within ten miles around him came to mind.Now I have been separated from Niu Zhong and Han Ziling for more than a day, and I still have nothing. I feel a little less excited, but searching is necessary.

"Huh!" Long Fei couldn't help but sighed lightly, and then said to himself: "How can there be life energy fluctuations ahead?"

Long Fei hurriedly restrained his spiritual sense and aura, and "All Things Turn into Wujue" and "Wind Shadow Jue" were exhibited at the same time, as if there was no breath, he turned into a gust of wind and floated to a suspicious place several miles away.

A few miles away, you can reach it in the blink of an eye, and there is a cliff in front of you, and there is a small hole about two feet wide at the height of the cliff about ten feet from the ground.The entrance of the small cave is overgrown with weeds and covered with moss, but there is nothing special about it.

Long Fei floated down at the entrance of the small cave with a suspicious face, and sneaked into the cave cautiously.

Inside the cave, moss, gravel, dead leaves, etc. are no different from other caves, very ordinary.

Long Fei was not affected by the environment at all, took out the Ye Mingzhu, and still walked slowly towards the depths of the cave with a high degree of vigilance.

After traveling for more than ten miles, a surprising thing suddenly appeared. Although this cave is in the area of ​​fire, it is not like other caves where the temperature gets higher the deeper you go; on the contrary, the deeper you go, the lower the temperature.

Long Fei became more suspicious, and then proceeded more cautiously.

After traveling for more than 20 miles, the cave has come to an end. Although the cave is cool, there is still gravel except for moss.However, a layer of ice had formed on the wall of the cave directly opposite.

Long Fei pondered for a moment, then decisively plunged his divine sense into the ice wall, his complexion suddenly became solemn, and then the Qingshuang sword instantly exited his body and entered the air, suddenly condensing thousands of flying swords into one handle with a faint blue-yellow light The sword shot fiercely towards the ice wall.

"Ding Dong" sounded crisply, and the ice shards scattered, but the ice wall remained motionless.

Long Fei was quite surprised, and then the Qingshuang sword turned into thousands of swords, and then condensed a flying sword with dazzling blue and yellow light, and rushed to hit the ice wall.

There was another "Ding Dong!" crisp sound, although the sound was much louder than the previous sound, but the ice wall still remained motionless.

"What a strange thing! The inside is obviously empty, so why can't it be broken through with such a powerful blow?" Long Fei murmured to himself in bewilderment.

Long Fei stood still in the cave, puzzled.Then, as if thinking of something, he approached the ice wall with the mentality of giving it a try, and the "melting sword into the body" of "Yanyu Sword Art" was fully activated, and the Chixiao sword melted into the skin and blood, braving Flame's palms pressed against the ice wall.

"嗤嗤!" The sound of melting ice suddenly sounded, and with the white mist rising, the ice wall cracked a gap that only one person could pass through, and a bone-piercing wind gushed out of the inner hole, Long Fei couldn't help but slapped Shocking.

Long Fei looked at his palms that were still blazing in confusion, then at the cracked ice wall, and thought to himself: This is too exaggerated!I haven't tried yet?well!Never mind!This is not the first time that something strange has happened, so let's check it out first.

With the soft light of the night pearl, Long Fei looked into the crevice of the ice, and saw that the inner hole was not big, only ten feet wide and twenty feet deep.However, the walls and the ground are all ice.In the deepest part of the inner cave, there is actually a piece of ice one foot long, five feet high and five feet wide.Through the transparent ice, it can be seen that there is a faint oval shape inside.

Long Fei picked up a fist-sized rock from the ground and threw it in. "咚咚!" The sound of rolling stones echoed everywhere, but it was also crisp.

Seeing that there was no reaction inside, Long Fei stooped his waist, quietly touched it in, and walked towards the ice with small steps carefully.

Surrounded by silence, Long Fei walked slowly to the side of the ice cube, and finally saw clearly what was inside the ice cube, it was a golden egg about three feet in diameter.

Long Fei looked around the inner cave, and lightly touched the ice cube. Seeing that nothing happened, he stood up straight. With a move of consciousness, the ice cube and the golden egg were put into the storage bag.

Next, Long Fei carefully inspected the entire inner cave, but found nothing else, so he walked out of the cave.

After exiting the small cave, Long Fei continued to search for the Huiyuan fruit, but unfortunately he still hadn't found the Huiyuan fruit until the three-day appointment had come, so he could only return to the agreed place.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Fei arrived at the edge of the flames in the core area of ​​Baili, only to see that Niu Zhong and Han Ziling had already arrived.Niu Zhong was sitting cross-legged on the grass, practicing with his eyes closed.Han Ziling, with an inch-long grass in his mouth, lay on the grass on all fours, looking at the sky boredly.

Seeing that Long Fei had arrived, Niu Zhong opened his eyes, and asked with a hint of joy on his face, "How? Is there any gain?"

"Huiyuan fruit has not been found, but an unknown golden egg has been found. Did you gain anything?" Long Fei said as he looked into the storage bag with his right hand, and a golden egg was entrusted to the bag immediately. above the palm.

Niu Zhong didn't answer Long Fei's question, but looked at the golden egg in surprise.

Han Ziling quickly jumped up from the ground, spat out the grass, jumped to Long Fei's side, and said with a smile on his face, "Okay! I can finally improve my life."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong suddenly had black lines all over their heads, and they both looked at Han Ziling with strange expressions.

Long Fei even slapped Han Ziling's hands away with his left hand, quickly put the golden egg into the storage bag with his right hand, and shouted angrily: "Big Han, are you crazy about wanting to eat this egg? It has a lot of history, can I eat it?"

Han Ziling was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he smiled awkwardly: "A momentary mistake, a momentary mistake! Alas! Since entering the Zhongyan Continent, I have never eaten a delicious meal, and I want to eat anything delicious. I'm in a trance."

When Long Fei and Niu Chong heard the words, they both sighed deeply in sympathy.

After thinking for a while, Niu Zhong said: "The golden egg is most likely the egg of a raptor. I just detected it, and it has signs of life. After it hatches, I will know what kind of raptor it is. "

Both Long Fei and Han Ziling nodded in agreement, both showing excitement.

Niu Zhong went on to say: "This time, Han Ziling and I have harvested a total of eight Huiyuan fruits, which should be enough to refine the 'Rising Yuan Pill'."

"In this case, let's start alchemy in the flames now!" Long Fei showed a trace of eagerness.

Immediately, Long Fei took out a universe furnace from the storage bag and placed it in the flames in front of him.

The main materials needed for the refining of "Rising Yuan Pill" are Huiyuan Fruit, Palm Soul Grass, Jade Crystal, top-quality Lingshi, and a few rare but common medicinal materials.Long Fei and Niu Zhong each made a Qiankun Furnace, they worked together in a division of labor, and they cooperated very tacitly. With enough materials, they refined thirteen "Rising Yuan Pills" in only ten days. The two were in a very good mood excited.Hanziling has not been idle for ten days, using such a unique flame to recreate several sets of "burning all directions" formations.

The "Rising Yuan Pill" has been refined, and the next step is to take the pill to improve the cultivation level.In order to prevent accidents, the three people took turns to clear the level, and those who did not clear the level were responsible for protecting the law.Long Fei was the first to break through the pass, while Niu Zhong and Han Ziling guarded the dharma around.

Long Fei sat cross-legged on a grass field, and first meditated to adjust his breath to calm his mind.An hour later, Long Fei's heart was like still water, and his consciousness was stable.At this time, Long Fei swallowed a "Rising Yuan Pill", and the "Rising Yuan Pill" melted into his abdomen, and a surge of special energy instantly rushed into the bones of the whole body and the "Niwan Palace". The spiritual power in the bribe grows rapidly after being nourished by special energy.When the spiritual power of the spiritual consciousness and bones reached saturation, Long Fei decisively divided the spiritual consciousness into two, one half of the spiritual consciousness monitored the changes in the body; The saturated spiritual power slowly began to fuse.At this time, the "Rising Yuan Pill" was still continuously releasing powerful special energy, the spiritual power in Long Fei's bones and the monitoring consciousness of the "Niwan Palace" were still surging, and the intense pain was flooding the bones and iliac organs of his whole body. brain.Long Fei gritted his teeth tightly, and the veins all over his body were protruding. On the one hand, he accelerated the fusion speed of his spiritual consciousness and his spiritual power; The soaring spiritual power continued to merge.

The process is painful and difficult, but the result is exciting and encouraging.Three days later, a force ten times stronger than the original force produced when the consciousness was integrated into the blood was finally fully fused, which also indicated that Long Fei had successfully reached the late stage of consciousness integration.

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