Chaos fairy way

Chapter 87 Looking for Jiuyang

Next, Long Fei spent another day getting acquainted with the use of various powers in the late stage of Consciousness; of course, more importantly, he practiced the sword technique "Wan Jian Gui Zong" attached to "Sword Melting into the Body", and Tried the power of this sword technique after reaching the late stage of Consciousness.Long Fei's "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect" swordsmanship came out at will, and Qingshuang sword turned into ten thousand swords, and condensed into a three-foot-long sword with a cold light. I saw the whirlwind in the sky, and the shadows of swords were heavy; the sound of piercing the air, the sound of swords, and the sound of wind whistled one after another, and finally rang out into one sound;At this time, the Scarlet Heaven Sword can also instantly melt into the skin, blood vessels, and bones, making the skin, blood vessels, and bones as strong as the Scarlet Heaven Sword, and it also has a fire attack.Although it is only possible to maintain the state of melting the sword into the body for a quarter of an hour now, if you want to maintain this state for a long time, you need to achieve the great achievement of fusion knowledge, that is, when you can melt the sword into the bone marrow, but Long Fei is content, and there are many things to do in a quarter of an hour up.

In the air, Long Fei vividly displayed the "Wan Jian Gui Zong" sword technique.Han Ziling on the ground stared at the glittering sword shadow in the sky in shock, but couldn't see Long Fei's figure, and couldn't help swallowing saliva.Niu Zhong watched Long Fei practice his sword calmly, as if everything should be like this.

Finally, in the first three chapters of "Yanyu Sword Art", Long Fei used the three great moves "Shooting a Sword", "Thousand Swords Piercing the Heart", and "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One" in one go.

The Qingshuang sword flew into the air with a sharp cry, and instantly melted [-] swords, instantly condensing into a conical sword array and spinning rapidly like a small tornado, and then suddenly condensed into a three-foot-long sword with blue and yellow lights shining, murderous, and three feet long. sword.With a sound of "嗖!", the sword flashed and was held tightly in Long Fei's hands; Long Fei spun along with his body at a high speed, the man and the sword were like one, transforming into a sword shadow, and shot violently towards a towering ancient tree nine feet away.

"Chi! Boom!" With two sounds, the ancient tree with a trunk diameter of five feet and a height of more than one hundred feet exploded and shattered instantly, and the debris rushed in all directions.

The debris dispersed, and Long Fei was standing in the center of the explosion with great vigor and vigor, his hair and robe fluttering in the wind, without any sawdust, looking very elegant and free and easy.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling rushed through the pass at the same time, and Long Fei protected the Dharma alone.

Three days later, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling successfully passed the pass, Niu Zhong reached the late stage of Convergence Knowledge, and Han Ziling entered the final stage of Convergence Knowledge.

Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong and Han Ziling with a smile. Seeing that they had finished their work, he said happily, "You guys should consolidate your realm first, and then we will enter the core area of ​​the Flame Domain to look for the Nine Sun Grass."

When Niu Zhong and Han Ziling heard the words, they nodded without saying anything, followed the words and continued to meditate.

A day later, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling got up and got up.

Niu Zhong walked unhurriedly to the edge of the flames in the core area of ​​the flame area, and the "Shield of Yuanling" suddenly opened, covering a distance of [-] feet around his body (after the late stage of Da Rongzhi, the "Shield of Yuanling" can already protect [-] feet away. The range of ten feet), the raging fire was pushed out ten feet away in an instant.Niu Zhong stepped into the core area, and the "Shield of Yuanling" was completely engulfed in flames.Although the surrounding flames made the "Shield of Yuanling" "hiss!", the "Shield of Yuanling" showed no signs of damage.

Niu Zhong happily said: "As I expected in advance, after the late stage of Da Rongzhi, the 'Shield of Yuan Ling' can resist the fire, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to maintain it for three days."

"In that case, let's set off!" Long Fei opened his "Wind Shadow Jue" and floated into the "Shield of Yuanling" in the blink of an eye.

Han Ziling, on the other hand, walked lazily and slowly into the "Shield of Yuanling", and smiled strangely at the staring Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

After Long Fei waited for Han Ziling to enter the shield, he kicked towards Han Ziling's buttocks, and said angrily: "It's okay, I always like to play tricks, jump out and see how you can play tricks in the fire!"

"Damn! Do you need to be so exaggerated? I'm in a bad mood recently, and I can't adjust my mood!" Han Ziling was also nimble, with a twist of his buttocks, and a flash of his body, he jumped behind Niu Zhong.

Niu Zhong shook his head speechlessly, and walked into the depths of the flames.

The core area of ​​the Yanyu is more than a thousand miles away, and raging fires emanate from the ground, so although it is protected by the "Shield of Yuanling", the scorching temperature is unbearable.Long Fei and the others had only penetrated more than a dozen miles, and they were sweating profusely, and their clothes and robes were completely soaked. In desperation, they had to strip down to only a pair of underwear.

Although the temperature was high, the search was necessary, and the three of them continued walking naked in their underwear.

"How! The pectoral muscles are strong enough!" Han Ziling clenched his fists tightly, leaning his back arms to his waist, and proudly squeezed his pectoral muscles to bulge, showing off.

"Aren't you bothering you bastard! You've shown off your pectoral muscles less than ten times." Long Fei was already annoyed by the heat, but now he was even more annoyed, and he jumped towards Han Ziling.

"What are you doing! I'm your senior brother! Don't keep jumping your calves around." Han Ziling said angrily, his chest muscles were his reverse scales, and he would be angry if he touched them.

"Okay, can you two calm down?" Niu Zhong was very angry, paused, and suddenly exclaimed: "Look, what is that?"

At this time, the three had penetrated more than 200 miles into the core area.

Looking from a distance through the constantly tumbling flames, a huge, shining golden metal frame came into the eyes of the three of them.

The three of Long Fei approached the metal frame cautiously, and when they looked at it closely, they all took a breath and stood stunned on the spot in shock.

What kind of metal frame is this? It is clearly a huge skeleton.Niu Zhong then mobilized the sky-supporting spirit shield to carry the three of them and flew into the air.Long Fei and the others were shocked again, this was actually a skeleton of a bird, the whole skeleton was nearly twenty miles long.The skeleton is shining golden, lying on the ground sideways, the breastbone is about ten miles high; the foot bones are more than ten miles long; a single wing bone is more than twenty miles long.Despite the raging fire, the skeleton has not been damaged in the slightest.

"My god! What kind of strange bird is this? It's too powerful!" Han Ziling rubbed his eyes, saying in disbelief.

Long Fei took a deep breath, calmed down the shock in his heart, and then said excitedly: "This skeleton should have been burned here for countless years, but it has not been destroyed at all, which shows its magic. Why don't we go down and see if we can take it away?" One point, it must be an excellent material for refining treasures."

Niu Zhong and Han Ziling nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

The Sky Supporting Spirit Shield then flew down next to the skeleton's breastbone.

Immediately, Han Ziling swallowed the sky-swallowing gourd soaring to a diameter of three feet long, and slammed it hard on a breastbone that was nearly ten feet thick.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the Sky Swallowing Gourd flew into the sky, without any crack in the sternum.

The three of them stared at this scene dumbfounded, and were suddenly horrified in their hearts.

Long Fei's Scarlet Sky Sword flew into the sky in an instant, [-] swords melted, and then condensed into a blue-yellow sword braving a hot wave, and sharply slashed at a slightly smaller breastbone.

"Dang!" There was a loud noise, shaking the heavens and the earth, the Chixiao sword was shaken so that the phantom sword disappeared, and only the main body was thrown far away; but the sternum remained the same, without any damage.

On the other hand, Niu Zhong didn't try to smash the bone again, and said solemnly: "This bone is extraordinary. We don't have enough cultivation, so we can't take it. Let's try again after we reach the metamorphosis stage!"

Long Fei originally wanted to try again with the white glove's "Sword of Yuan Ling", but now that Niu Zhong said it, he felt it was reasonable, and even though he trusted Han Ziling, it's best not to expose the white glove.

Afterwards, the three could only suppress the reluctance in their hearts, and reluctantly continued to walk deeper into the core area.

A day later, the three of them reached the deepest part of the core area.Since entering the core area, the three of them flew or walked at low altitude and at low speed with the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield all the way. All they saw was hot sand and dust, and they didn't find any trace of Nine Sun Grass.When Zheng was very disappointed, he saw a huge crack surrounded by raging fire in the distance ahead.Niu Zhong immediately flew to the sky above the crack with Long Fei and Han Ziling on the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield.The three of them looked down at the crack, and saw that the whole crack was more than twenty miles long and a hundred feet wide, and the depth was red and hazy, with tumbling flames rising against the crack wall.

"Let's go down! Use your spiritual sense and aura to probe under the crack to see if you can find anything." Long Fei said thoughtfully.

Afterwards, the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield dropped to a height of one foot above the ground and flew along the crack.Long Fei's "Yanyu Sword Art" was running at full capacity, and his spiritual consciousness and aura expanded to a distance of twenty miles around, and then penetrated into the depths of the crack (after the late stage of Da Rongzhi, the spiritual consciousness and aura of Long Fei and Niu Zhong The detection range of the field has reached a radius of twenty miles).

The Sky Supporting Spirit Shield flew slowly, and when it was close to the middle of the crack, Long Fei hurriedly shouted: "Stop, there is a big hole below."

I saw an oval hole with a diameter of more than fifty feet in the crack in front of it, from which steaming heat waves gushed out.

Niu Zhong immediately mobilized the sky-supporting spirit shield and lowered it to the edge of the crack and landed on the ground. The three of them walked to the edge of the big hole on foot and inspected it carefully.

"Let me test it out first, everyone be careful." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, the Chi Xiao sword transformed into a thousand swords, shot into the crack and the big hole, and struck the walls of the big hole with great force.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" The ground rang non-stop, and after that, the body of Chixiao Sword flew out of the crack, and the other swords pierced the wall many times and disappeared.

Although the momentum was loud, there was no suspicious reaction in the cave.The three of them waited silently for a while, but the big hole still didn't respond in the slightest.

Niu Zhong, Long Fei and Han Ziling looked at each other, and all three nodded.Afterwards, Niu Zhong drove Long Fei and Han Ziling slowly into the big hole with the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield.

The inside of the cave is stuffy, hot, and dry. Without the protection of the "shield of Yuanling", the scalding heat alone would make people unable to stay for a while.

The sky-supporting spiritual shield fell straight down for more than ten miles, and the bottom of the big cave was only vaguely visible.I saw the bubbling hot magma covering almost the entire bottom of the cave, forming a red magma pool; on the right side of the center of the magma pool, a piece of scorched black rock with a size of one hundred feet protruded half a foot high; on the scorched black rock grew nine crystal clear The clear, bright red nine-inch long grass, each grass has nine leaves, and the leaves have nine horns, it is Jiuyang grass.

The three of Long Fei were overjoyed, and the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield immediately flew down onto the scorched black rock.Long Fei turned nine Chixiao swords into nine swords, and flew towards nine Nine Sun Grass trees respectively.After that, he stirred the roots of the Nine Suns Grass very carefully, and slowly cut the Nine Suns Grass.A quarter of an hour later, the roots of the nine Nine Suns Grass were cut off, and the nine Scarlet Frost Melting Swords turned into nine balls of flames, which instantly wrapped the nine Nine Suns Grass and flew lightly in front of Long Fei.Long Fei took out nine refractory jade boxes and packed nine Nine Sun Grass one by one.After putting all the nine jade boxes into the storage bag, Long Fei let out a long breath. The ecstasy in his heart could not be expressed in words. He thought to himself: Now as long as he finds pure dan crystals, he can refine the "Jiu Yang Power Pill", then It is very sure to get rid of the Yuan Dynasty.well!It would be great if it was in the Huahuang Continent, just go directly to Fengyuan to find it.

Afterwards, the three of Long Fei flew away from the big hole and flew out of the Flame Territory.

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