In the central core area of ​​Zhongyan Continent, climb to the top hall of the black tower in Xiantai, a handsome and evil-looking young man in black robe stands in the middle of the hall, his face is extremely ugly.Beside him, a rough-looking middle-aged man in a purple robe stood respectfully with his waist slightly bowed.

"The black shadow has no bones left, and the 'yin-gathering magic formation' in the misty mountain range has also been destroyed. Zi Sha, did you go to investigate in person?" The black-robed man's face was livid, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his eyes were exposed She has a fierce light, and the violent murderous aura soars to the sky.

"The subordinates personally investigated, and dare not speak falsely." Although Zi Sha had a rough appearance, he was extremely cautious in his speech and had an extremely respectful demeanor.

"How's the investigation from the Soul King?" The black-robed man's voice was cold and awe-inspiring.

"Although the Soul King has evidence to prove that he was not there at the time, the possibility of him committing the crime cannot be completely ruled out. Because the flying speed of the wandering soul is astonishingly fast! The distance of thousands of miles can pass by in a flash." Zisha thought for a while and said. .

"Soul King? You keep an eye on the Soul King's every move, including anyone he meets. Go now!" the black-robed man said viciously, speaking extremely slowly.

"Yes, young master!" Zisha bowed and retreated.


In the southern part of the core area of ​​the Zhongyan Continent, there is an underground palace, the Zhongyang Hall.A purple black figure sits on the purple gold throne, although it looks like a physical body, it gives people a feeling of floating.

Below, a purple-red figure bowed and bowed its knees, standing respectfully facing each other.

"There must be a plan for them to divide into two groups. You don't need to worry about other things, just focus on the side with more people. They will reunite sooner or later." Zi Hei Ying's tone was very calm.

"Yes! Your Majesty." The purple figure replied.

"Okay, you back down! Be very careful not to reveal your whereabouts. I guess there will be actions on the side of Xiantai." Zi Hei Ying said with a look of extreme fear.

"Yes! Your Majesty." The purple figure exited the hall.

A few days later, in the outer area of ​​Zhongyan Continent, in a cave ten miles outside Disha City, Lan Yi and others were sitting in a group anxiously.

"Today, I'm always in a state of anxiety. I feel like something big is about to happen. Could something happen to Long Fei and the others?" Han Yu said anxiously.

"They are fine for the time being, but you are dead."

A cold shout shook the hearts of Lan Yi and the others almost bursting, and everyone hastily mobilized their spiritual energy and Yuan energy to forcibly suppress their pulses before they gradually returned to normal.

Two figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, one was wearing a purple robe, he was a middle-aged man with rough appearance, it was Zi Sha; It was the purple figure following Lan Yi and the others.

Zisha has a ferocious face, and his huge right hand clasped the back of Zihong Wandering Soul's neck.Although the Zihong wandering soul is a phantom, you can also see its trembling and twitching face, which is obviously extremely painful.

"Since the murderer has been found, there is no meaning for you to live in this world." Zisha's sinister eyes were extremely disproportionate to his rough appearance, just as the cold voice fell, a strong suction burst out from the palm of his right hand.

Zihong Wandering Soul didn't even hum, and was sucked into the palm of Zisha's right hand in an instant.

Lan Yi and the others watched this scene in horror, their hearts were beating violently as if they were going to burst out of their chests.

After Zihong Wandering Soul was sucked into his body, Zisha immediately showed a very comfortable and intoxicated look, and then, with a grinning grin, said viciously: "The black shadow is my brother, you lowly human beings dare to kill him. Don't worry, I will not let you die like this, I will torture you slowly, and swallow you one by one when the other three arrive."

As soon as Zisha finished speaking, he casually exhaled a mouthful of poisonous gas, which spread and enveloped Lan Yi and the others in an instant.

"It's poisonous gas, everyone hold your breath, and separate and run away later." Wang Lei shouted, the purple light shield in his left hand exploded to a width of three feet, and he slammed into Zisha sideways.

Everyone followed closely behind, waiting for the opportunity to flee, and at the same time the Piaoyu Sword, Star Sword, Feixue Sword and other treasures rushed towards Zi Sha.

Zisha showed disdain on his face, and suddenly a mighty black mist rushed around from his body, Piaoyu sword, Xingchen sword, Feixue sword and other treasures were all impacted and flew backwards, hitting the cave wall.

Wang Lei took a few big steps back with the shield on, his face was pale, he gritted his teeth, and the "Black Spin Spirit Shield" was immediately displayed, exhausting all his strength and continuing to slam into it.

When the "Black Spiral Spirit Shield" was unleashed, the vortex around Wang Lei quickly swallowed the violent black mist, greatly relieving the resistance of the black mist.

"Boom!" There was a sound, and Zi Sha, who had looked down on Wang Lei and others too much, was unexpectedly knocked out of the cave by Wang Lei.

Lan Yi and others took the opportunity to rush out of the cave, and the imperial treasures scattered and fled.Fang Yun grasped Wang Lei's back tightly, controlled the Star Sword, and fled with all his might.

"It's interesting! But, can you escape?" Apart from being a little surprised, Zisha still looked at Fang Yun and others fleeing around like prey.After a sneer, his body suddenly disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared above Fang Yun's head, his huge right palm casually patted Fang Yun's left shoulder.

The incident happened suddenly, Fang Yun couldn't dodge it in time, so he could only mobilize his whole body's spiritual power and Yuan power to gather on his left shoulder, and resisted a palm.It's a pity that there was a sound of "啪!", Fang Yun and Wang Lei fell to the ground together with the Star Sword. Both of them spurted out a mouthful of blood, and lay on the ground straight, unable to move a little.The two were horrified to find that not only were they seriously injured, but their spiritual consciousness, spiritual power and origin power had all been sealed at some point.

After photographing Fang Yun and the two, Zisha didn't even look at Fang Yun and the two, and then disappeared in a flash.

After a while, Han Yu was thrown beside Fang Yun and the two of them, unable to move at all.Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yu was also thrown over.In just half an hour, all seven of them were sealed and thrown together.

Everyone looked at each other with wry smiles, and then they all burst into laughter.At this time, everyone was detached, without a trace of panic, and looked at Zi Sha calmly.

"Hehe! That's interesting! I'm going to suck one person every hour now, and let's see if you can still be so calm? Who do you think I'll suck first?" Zisha licked his lips with his bloodthirsty tongue. Stare at Wang Lei.

Wang Lei snorted softly, turned his head to the other side with disdain, and the others looked at Wang Lei very nervously.

Zisha was not angry either, and then stared at Han Yu again with red eyes.

Han Yu closed her eyes and raised her head without any fear.

"Okay! Okay! You're not afraid of death, so I'll let you have a taste of fire." Seeing that the plan failed, Zisha was very annoyed, and then opened his mouth to spit out a dark gray flame, which expanded to three Zhang Kuan, enveloping Lan Yi and the other seven people at once.

The dark gray flames enveloped the seven people's bodies. The seven people didn't feel the scorching heat, nor did their robes burn. They only felt an extreme coldness that instantly pierced through the skin, blood vessels, bones, and even the marrow of their bodies.Everyone's face was covered with frost, trembling all over, their teeth collided with "clucking" sound, and their bodies became stiff for a moment.

"Haha! The taste is not bad! If there are enough people, let me solve the slander first!" Zisha laughed viciously.Afterwards, a strong suction force suddenly rose from his right palm, and Wang Lei flew towards Zi Sha involuntarily.

"Wang Lei!"

"Wang Lei!"

"Wang Lei!"

Everyone shouted in panic, everyone was calm about their own death, but they were extremely worried about the safety of their companions.

Wang Lei began to mobilize all kinds of strength in his body to fight against the tyrannical suction, but it was like a mantis trying to do everything in vain, and finally gave up resistance completely, letting his body be sucked away with a wry smile.

At a critical moment, a young man in black suddenly appeared one zhang behind Zisha, and thousands of flying swords gleaming with cold light shot towards Zisha violently at close range.

The distance was too close and the time was short, Zisha was forced to give up absorbing Wang Lei, and the violent black energy scattered from his body to all directions, instantly shaking the attacks of thousands of flying swords.Then he slammed towards the young man in black, and slapped the young man in black with his huge right palm on the head.

The young man in black didn't resist him, and disappeared in a flash.

"Damn it! You can teleport far away. But you still can't escape my palm." Zisha shouted angrily, and then disappeared in a flash.

The teleportation technique, whether it is the "flash technique", "little thunder technique", or the "flying corpse technique" of zombies, etc., consumes a lot of energy in the body, and the average monk can only perform five times at a time. .After the five strikes, the caster's spiritual consciousness, spiritual power, and primordial power all need a certain amount of recovery time, but the time required varies according to the individual caster.

"I hope... Long Fei... can escape!" Han Yu's whole body was already stiff, and he tried his best to say it intermittently.

The high-hanging hearts of the seven people fell temporarily with the disappearance of Zisha, but a sense of worry surged into their hearts.

At this time, a burly figure came galloping with a black round shield with a diameter of three feet long. This person was Niu Zhong.

Niu Zhong Yudun flew down to the side of the seven people, hugged them one by one onto the Purple Sky Spirit Shield, and then quickly flew away with Yudun.

Thousands of miles away in the sky, Long Fei was playing a game of mouse and cat with Zi Sha.After Long Feida reached the later stage of Consciousness, with the great increase of Yuan Power, the "Small Running Lightning Technique" became faster and faster, covering more than 1000 miles in a flash, which has surpassed the masters of the Yuan Dynasty who used the "Flash Shadow Technique". The speed of Sha is equal.The two chased and fled all over the sky, one behind the other, Long Fei disappeared in a flash; Zisha appeared in Long Fei's original position in a flash, and then followed Long Fei and disappeared in a flash.After the five consecutive exhibitions, Long Fei exhibited "Wind Shadow Jue", and his body drifted like a gust of wind; Zisha also had a short-distance drifting skill "Qi Hurricane Art", although it was slightly inferior to "Wind Shadow Jue", but It can also catch up with Long Fei's rhythm.

Time passed hour by hour, Zisha was still in a playful mood at first, but after a long time of not being able to catch up, his mood became more and more anxious, and finally he became furious and tried his best to speed up, but he still only barely caught up with Long Fei.

Seeing this, Long Fei twitched the left corner of his mouth, a bad arc appeared immediately, his eyes revealed a look of complacency, then he slowed down his escape speed a little bit, pretending that his energy and other energies were getting weaker and weaker, and flashed in one direction in panic and go.

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