Chaos fairy way

Chapter 90 Metamorphic Magnetic Wave

As soon as the red devil flew out, he raised his head to the sky and roared, the wolf's mouth suddenly opened, and a ball of crimson flames spewed out, rushing towards the soul king.Long Fei hurriedly transformed thousands of Qingshuang swords into a shield array, blocking the crimson flames.

"Red Devil, stop, the Soul King is a friend rather than an enemy!" Niu Zhong shouted hastily.

"'Erotic God Fire Poison', it seems that my recovery is hopeful. Haha!" The Soul King was not angry, but laughed out loud.

Hearing Niu Zhong's call, the Red Devil immediately sucked back the 'Erosion God Fire Poison', looked at Niu Zhong in confusion and said, "Master, what's going on?"

"The Soul King has helped us several times, and he will be our partner in the future. He is now suffering from the poison of devouring gods. We see that you can also spray the poison of 'spiritual fire', so we want to see if you can cure it?" Niu Niu Rejoiced and authentic.

Hearing the words, the Red Devil looked at the Soul King, and carefully inspected the Soul King's body with his divine sense, then nodded and said: "Yes, the poison that the Soul King is poisoned by is the poison of eroding the gods. Although I can cure this poison, but The success rate is only [-]%, and the soul king has to bear the burning pain when detoxifying. I wonder if the soul king is willing to try it?"

"The Evil Poison Beast's 'God Erosion Fire Poison', I have searched all over the classics and learned that it should probably be better than my 'God Devourer Dian San'. It is better to try it on the spot than to live, and there is still [-]% hope. "The Soul King replied decisively.

"Since the soul king has made up his mind, let's start! When we wait for the detoxification, please also completely give up resisting the invasion of the 'God Corrosion Fire Poison', otherwise not only will we not be able to detoxify, but the poison will be added to the poison, and the poisoning will be deeper." The red devil said .

"Thank you! I already know this. Fellow Daoists, please start!" Soul King clasped his hands and said firmly.

The red devil then sprayed a cloud of crimson 'God-eclipsing Fire Poison' into the air. The ball of 'God-Corsed Fire Poison' instantly grew to a size of one foot, and then split into ten balls of light red 'God-Erosion Fire Poison' each foot in size.Ten balls of light red 'Erosion God Fire Poison' flew towards the top of the soul king's head, and then hung in a neat line above the soul king's head, about three feet apart from each other.Immediately afterwards, the bottommost ball of 'Erosion Fire Poison' slowly infiltrated from the soul king's Tianling cover.The Soul King suddenly trembled violently and roared in pain.

A quarter of an hour later, the second group of light red 'Erosion God Fire Poison' infiltrated from the Tianling Cap, and the soul king's cry pierced his heart.Then the third regiment, the fourth regiment...until the tenth regiment completely penetrated into the Soul King's Tianling Gai, and another quarter of an hour later, the Red Devil suddenly sucked it in forcefully, and a group of purple-red flames slowly emerged from the Soul King's Tianling Gai.The Soul King, who was already numb from the pain, trembled violently again, and finally fell to his knees.Following the soul king's earth-shattering roar of pain, the purplish red flame made a soft "hiss", completely separated from the soul king's sky cap, and then flew into the mouth of the red devil wolf.The red devil swallowed the purple flames, his face full of relief.

At this time, the Soul King was completely lying on the ground, moaning continuously.But listening to his groans, there is actually a very comfortable feeling after being completely relieved.

Half an hour later, the Soul King stood up, bowed deeply to Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Hong Mo, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your kindness! If you have any orders from the three of you, please tell them directly. , I swear to the death that I will do my best.”

"Senior has also helped us a lot. It is a great honor for us to be able to help senior detoxify. I have a few things that I would like to ask senior to clarify, may I?" Long Fei respectfully returned the salute.

"Little brother is too polite, if you have anything to ask, just ask!" The soul king's poison has been cured, and he is in a good mood. Although his voice is still calm, he has a lot of energy in his heart.

"I don't know why this continent has become so dilapidated?" Long Fei said with a serious expression.

"Alas! The Zhongyan Continent has been destroyed for too long. I don't know why it is so! However, from some ruins, it can be seen that it must have been caused by a sudden catastrophe. The wandering spirits, zombies, and alien beasts should also be formed due to the disaster. Yes. As for what kind of disaster happened at that time, I think no one in Zhongyan Continent knows.” Soul King sighed, paused for a moment, thought for a while, and said: “The alien beast came from the mutation of the disaster. The King of Beasts may know some clues!"

"Then, senior, where is the Dishatang Fire Prison, the place where the Alien Beast King was suppressed?" Long Fei asked quickly.

"It's very dangerous there, and it's guarded by the young master's most powerful general in the late Yuan period, Lvdiao, and the help of two Flying Zombies who have cultivated in the Yuan period. You will die if you go there, so you should wait until you reach the Yuan period Say it again!" The Soul King persuaded.

Hearing this, Long Fei nodded solemnly, and then asked: "Is the Dishatang a branch of the Tiangang League?"

"No, Tiangang League and Dishatang should be the two super cultivation sects of Zhongyan Continent before the catastrophe came." Soul King said.

"Oh! In addition, I don't know if the seniors have heard or seen the saying 'When the ant beasts come out, the world cries; when the nine babies come, the natural disasters come; when the five spirits gather, the universe appears.'" Long Fei asked expectantly.

"I've never heard of it!" The Soul King's tone was very certain, and then he said thoughtfully: "Our wandering souls are evolved from spiritual consciousness or spiritual power, and spiritual consciousness cannot inherit memory, so we have nothing to do with everything when we were humans. There is no way to know. The alien beast is mutated, maybe it will know something! I want to ask you about it after seeing the alien beast king in the future!"

Long Fei was rather disappointed and said: "That's the only way to go. There is still one thing I don't know about this junior, please enlighten me! This matter is what method did Senior use when he unsealed our companion?"

"Hehe! You don't have to worry, it's a special talent of the Tiangang League that I cultivated. I'm the only one who cultivates it in the entire Zhongyan Continent. This special technique is called "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave", which can penetrate spiritual power, Yuan power and other energy defenses. Attack." The soul king's tone was very proud.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong came to a sudden realization, and then both looked at the Soul King enviously.

Seeing this, the Soul King smiled and said: "Hehe! If you want to learn, I can teach you. When you become stronger, you will be more confident in resisting the young masters of the outside world. However, this unique skill can only be achieved after reaching the Yuan Dynasty. really unleash its power."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were overjoyed when they heard the words, they both saluted and said in unison; "Thank you, senior!"

Afterwards, the soul king nodded, and with a wave of his right hand, two purple soul wooden sticks flew towards Long Fei and Niu Zhong respectively.

Both Long Fei and Niu Zhong copied it with their right hands, grabbed the soul wooden stick, and probed their spiritual sense, a piece of information immediately entered their minds, which was exactly the cultivation method of "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave".

The two bowed deeply to the Soul King, their expressions of gratitude overflowing their faces.

The Soul King nodded in relief, but said nothing.

Long Fei put away the soul wooden sign, respectfully and a little bit embarrassedly said: "I have troubled senior to explain a lot, it is really not good to speak again, but there is still one thing, I still have to ask with a cheeky face. That is, can senior tell Zhongyan Continent Where is the Danjing produced?"

"You don't need to be so polite. Although we met for the first time, we hit it off immediately and treated each other with sincerity. So there is nothing to worry about. There are many Danjing in the Beast Mound Valley as you mentioned, but that place is the holy land of alien beasts. Numerous alien beasts are guarding it. Beast Mound Valley is located in the Beast Sea Mountains, which is more than [-] miles west of this place. If you go, you must be extremely careful, and it is not suitable for too many people to go." Soul King replied a little worried.

"Yes, senior is considerate and will listen to your teachings!" Long Fei bowed respectfully.

The Soul King nodded again, and said calmly: "Okay, the matter of fighting against the enemy together will be discussed after you reach the Yuan Dynasty. What you have to do now is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. Black Shadow and Zisha were killed. I will try my best to make it confusing and buy you more time."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong bowed heavily again, and then flew towards the imperial treasure outside the small valley with the Red Devil.

Two hours later, Long Fei and Han Ziling and the others met in a relatively secluded cave. Long Fei immediately told Han Ziling and the others about the information he had obtained, as well as the reason for going to the Beast Grave Valley to find the Danjing. As for the identity of the Soul King and the matter of cooperation, he did not disclose half of it just in case.

After Long Fei finished speaking, Niu Zhong continued: "What good advice do you have for entering the Beast Grave Valley to search for Danjing?"

"According to what Lai Shao said just now, the Beast's Grave Valley is the holy land of alien beasts, so the alien beasts must be heavily guarded. Therefore, taking by force is not feasible and can only be done by outsmarting. I think we should send a few people to the Beast's Grave Valley to understand Let’s take a look at the specific situation, and then take some targeted actions.” Fang Yun thought for a moment, and said first.

"Exploring the way first is necessary, but first we should catch a strange beast above the third level to understand the situation." Han Ziling calmed down a lot in front of Liu Rushuang, and looked very wise.

"Recently, we have never been attacked by wandering spirits. Maybe something serious happened to the wandering spirits, so I think we should sneak in from the wandering spirits' territory." Han Yu blinked her beautiful eyes, very cute and cute.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at each other and smiled when they heard Han Yu's words, but didn't say much.

Afterwards, everyone expressed their opinions, and most of their ideas made sense.

In the end, Long Fei smiled and said, "I think we're going to do like this: everyone first dives through the wandering soul territory together, and when we get close to the Beast Grave Valley, we will catch a third-level or higher alien beast and have it interrogated by Lan Yi; The situation, I will explore the way first; after grasping the specific situation, I will decide how to go next."

Everyone agreed after hearing what was said.Han Yu saw that Long Fei had adopted his suggestion, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and a blush appeared in his ears.

Later, because Fang Yun and Wang Lei's injuries were not healed, Niu Zhong drove the sky-supporting spirit shield and led everyone to fly to the territory of wandering souls at low altitude.

After a day, enter the wandering soul territory.As they flew deeper into the territory of wandering souls, Lan Yi and the others felt more and more incredible and looked confused.

Han Yu leaned in front of Long Fei, frowned slightly, and asked with a small cherry mouth: "Long Fei! Think about it, what's going on? I have encountered less than ten wandering souls in the past two days." Now, they fly around like we don't exist!"

Long Fei smiled dumbly, and naturally knew the reason in his heart, but after pretending to think about it, he narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "I don't know the specific reason. I think it may be because we have several beauties here! In addition, there is another possibility, it is because I am so handsome!"

Hearing this, Han Yu stared at Long Fei bewilderedly, and nodded as if he thought it made sense.

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