Chaos fairy way

Chapter 91 Conquering the Iron Tower

Niu Zhong and the others looked at Yan Yu's nympho, and shook their heads dumbfounded.

Han Ziling was about to open his mouth to express his emotion, but he glanced at the cold face next to him, shut up immediately, but secretly gave Long Fei a thumbs up.

Young Master Long actually couldn't laugh or cry, he was at a loss, thinking to himself: This girl, she was quite clever in the past, why is she like this now!Agree with such nonsense?However, the look seemed familiar.

At this time, Han Yu was still looking at Long Fei with attachment. Long Fei and her looked at each other. Suddenly, he slapped his forehead with his right hand violently. He was shocked and shouted in his heart: "It's broken, it's broken, this expression is clearly the same as when I saw Ou Qingxue." The expression is almost the same, Han Yu likes me.What should I do?

"Cough! Hmm! This, that, Niu Zhong! You always hit the point, so come and explain some of the reasons to Fellow Daoist Han!" Long Fei coughed and hurriedly called Niu Zhong to make a rescue.

Seeing this, Han Ziling shot Long Fei with contemptuous eyes like arrows, and cursed Long Fei in his heart for being a fool, turning a blind eye to such a cute and beautiful girl who threw himself into his arms.But when he saw Liu Rushuang looking towards him, he immediately nodded to Long Fei approvingly.

Looking at the two couples, Lan Yi smiled sweetly and sighed softly.

About [-] miles away from the Beast Grave Valley, everyone stopped because the alien beast control area was in front of them.

At night, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling sneaked towards the alien beast control area. It was still Long Fei who opened the way in front, and Niu Zhong and Han Ziling followed closely behind.That night, the three of them successfully captured a fourth-order alien wolf beast. Although they were besieged by a small group of alien beasts during the arrest process, the alien beasts had no power to resist Long Fei's instant killing with ten thousand swords. , All chopped into minced meat.

After Long Fei and the others returned to the cave where everyone temporarily lived, they handed over the alien wolf beast to Lan Yi for interrogation.Lan Yi's "Guessing Heart Seal" was really miraculous. In just a quarter of an hour, the Alien Wolf told out everything he knew about the Beast's Grave Valley with a confused and demented expression.Based on what the alien wolf said, the analysis shows that the valley of the beasts existed before the birth of the beasts, and the leaders of the alien beasts guarding the four sides of the valley are four alien beasts equivalent to the cultivation base of the Yuan Dynasty.These four strange beasts are the strange python in the east, the strange rhinoceros in the west, the iron tower in the south, and the strange tiger in the north. They were originally the four general beasts under the king of strange beasts.Due to the seal of the Alien Beast King, although the four Alien Beasts appear to be sincerely united to guard the Beast's Holy Land of the Alien Beasts, they are actually doing their own things, and there is no internal fighting.However, there is one thing they have in common, and that is the hatred for zombies, because the alien beast king was suppressed only after being framed by the corpse king.

The next night, Long Fei went to the Beast Tomb Valley alone to explore the way.Along the way, Long Fei was thinking about countermeasures while performing the "All Things Transformation Unsolved" low-altitude imperial treasure flight.

Two hours later, the east and west sides of the Beast Mound Valley had been explored, and the leader of the guarding beasts had not been encountered.In the south, the terrain is relatively rugged, and the forest is extremely dense, which is not suitable for low-altitude flying, so Long Fei used "Wind Shadow Jue" on foot to sneak.

The night in Zhongyan Continent is very dark, you can't see your fingers, and the wind is as cold as a knife, which is extremely unfavorable for outdoor activities, so at this time the alien beasts are already hiding in caves or in the soil on the ground.However, for Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue", it was a good opportunity to practice. Long Fei carefully used his spiritual sense to explore the way; for the wind".

When he was exercising, he suddenly "Boom! Bounce!", Long Fei hit the rock wall and fell to the ground without any surprise.Long Fei touched his painful forehead and patted the dust on his buttocks. Just as he was wondering why his consciousness suddenly failed, he looked up at the rock wall he had hit in confusion. livid.What kind of rock wall is that!It turned out to be the back of a monster lying on its side.The body of this monster lying on its side is as high as [-] zhang, its back is hairless and black.Shocked, Long Fei hurriedly used his "Small Ben Thunder Technique" and rushed away to the territory of wandering souls.

"It disturbed my sleep in the middle of the night, did you just leave like this?" A cold shout pierced the night sky and could be heard thousands of miles away.

Then, with a "snap", Long Fei, who was halfway through the "Small Ben Thunder Technique", was slapped to the ground.Long Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, calmed down quickly after being horrified, and looked at the mountain-like beast several miles behind.

This ferocious beast is thousands of feet tall, its whole body is black and hairless, its face is like a crocodile, and its head has a huge, white, conical horn that is more than ten feet long. Zhang's huge red eyes shone with a red glow, so that the whole body for ten miles was red and hazy.

"You are Iron Tower?" Long Fei took a breath and said calmly.

"Boom! This deity is the iron tower. I didn't expect that there would be other human monks in this continent! Although you are not enough to fill your teeth, it is good to try something new! Ha, boom, boom!"

The sound is as loud as a drum, but its meaning can be discerned.As soon as the iron tower's words fell, the right paw, about fifty feet wide, roared and slapped.

The white glove in Long Fei's wry smile suddenly shot out the "Sword of Lingyuan" and transformed into thousands of pieces, forming a gossip shield formation shining with dazzling blue and yellow light to meet the right claw of the iron tower; "Little Ben Lei Shu" rushes to escape.

"Crack! Crack! Bang!" Three times, the gossip shield shattered like paper, and thousands of "Swords of Lingyuan" scattered in all directions, fading and disappearing; Long Fei was knocked down again, although he was not seriously injured , but the spurted blood is also terrifying enough.

The iron tower "bounced" with a loud noise, the ground shook violently, dust and mist flew up, and the mountain-like body fell to the ground, flying several miles away, the terrifying speed was extremely disproportionate to its huge body.

Long Fei smiled bitterly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his right hand, rolled his bulging eyes, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, I have something to say! It's about the life and death of the Alien Beast King."

"Really? Human beings are the most treacherous, put away your tricks! You are dead today."

The iron tower turned a blind eye and remained unmoved. Its huge body leaped into the air, without any clumsiness, and its huge left paw slapped fiercely with a "huhu" sound.

Long Fei quickened his wits, and performed the "Small Ben Lei Technique" head-on. Cooperating with the "Wind Shadow Jue", it miraculously crossed the iron tower.

Although the speed of the iron tower flying far away was fast, it was still impossible for the huge body to turn around in an instant, and it was even more impossible to make a quick turn in the air.

The iron tower roared like thunder, chasing Long Fei madly.

How could Long Fei wait to be killed, and the "Little Ben Thunder Technique" was desperately unfolding.Escaping, temporarily escaping, but the direction is wrong!

Iron Tower pursued closely, moving faster than Long Fei, and the distance was slowly getting closer.

Three hours later, Iron Tower and Long Fei chased and fled, and had penetrated more than [-] miles into the core area of ​​Zhongyan Continent.

At this time, all the pills and exotic fruits that can restore spiritual power or vitality on Long Fei's body have been exhausted, and the spiritual power and vitality in his whole body are about to be squandered.Facing the iron towers less than a hundred miles away, a trace of despair suddenly appeared in my heart.

Suddenly, an extremely majestic and huge mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet appeared in front of him.There is not a single tree on this peak, the whole peak is covered by jagged rocks, and the caves are densely covered like a beehive.

At this moment, the iron tower surprisingly stopped and did not chase, with red eyes looking at the giant peak, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on the face.

Seeing this, Long Fei was full of doubts, but his heart relaxed, and he stopped running vigilantly. He secretly held a jade crystal and a top-grade spirit stone in each hand, and quickly recovered the spiritual power and origin power in his body.At the same time, his brains turned sharply, and he struggled to find a way to escape.

It was already dawn, and I saw the iron tower standing a hundred miles away, he hesitated for a while, and tried to chase him, but he didn't see him move.

After thinking for a while, Long Fei had already guessed the general idea, knowing that there must be something that the iron tower would fear in the mountain ahead, suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and came up with a plan.

Long Fei shouted with all his might: "Iron Tower, I'm sure you won't dare to enter the mountain ahead. How about we make a deal instead of standing there stupidly?"

Hearing this, Iron Tower became angry from embarrassment, and wanted to chase after him, but his right leg was withdrawn rationally, and he roared a few times in a low voice, and shouted helplessly: "Boom! Let go if you fart!"

Long Fei smiled suddenly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said seductively: "Iron Tower, I guess your cultivation base should only be in the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty. After thinking about it, you have a deep understanding of the difficulty of improving the cultivation base in the Yuan Dynasty! So I think May I ask, have you heard of 'yin power fruit'?"

"'Yin power fruit'? You don't mean to tell me that you have this strange fruit?" Tieta asked a little excitedly.

"Not long ago, I happened to get a 'Yin Power Fruit' by chance." Long Fei's tone was extremely affirmative.

"Really? How do you plan to trade? You know, I hate people cheating me the most. I will kill any person or beast who cheats me regardless of the consequences." Tieta's mouth was tough, but his heart was extremely fiery.

"I'm in a desperate situation, how dare I lie to you? My deal is very simple, a 'yin power fruit' in exchange for you to let me go." Long Fei said solemnly.

Seeing this, the iron tower thought for a while, the giant nodded, and said lightly: "You disturbed my sleep, although the crime is unforgivable, but seeing that you made a mistake unintentionally, I will let you go! Throw the 'yin power fruit' over. "

At this time, Long Fei took out a "Yin power fruit" and put it in a wooden box, with a heartache expression on his face, and he said unwillingly: "Just throw it in like this now, I'm sorry! Just in case, I have set up a simple formation in this wooden box, and there is a trace of my spiritual consciousness in the formation; if the spiritual consciousness disappears, this wooden box will definitely explode. I will put this box on the ground now, and you will disperse immediately Lock on my divine sense, and move thousands of miles to the right; when I am far away, come and get it."

"What? Believe it or not, I'm going to kill you right now!" Tieta said angrily.

"If you insist on this, then please do as you please!" Long Fei seemed to be angry and said disdainfully.

"You..., good! It's as you wish, but I'll only move five hundred miles, otherwise we won't talk about it." Iron Tower said fiercely.

Long Fei suddenly felt that something invisible seemed to disappear from his body in an instant. He knew that this was a sign that the iron tower's spiritual lock had dissipated. He glanced at the wooden box with great reluctance, sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Oh! If that's the case, please make way!"

"Huh!" The iron tower let out a low cry triumphantly, and moved nearly five hundred miles to the right in a flash.

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