The Great East Emperor

Chapter 28: Cultivation has soared, Tai 1 supernatural power

The Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is fourty-nine, escape one, everything has a chance of life.When I came to this prehistoric world, I think that this prehistoric change has already been changed. Although the general trend remains the same, the minor trend has changed, so why do I have to forcibly change anything?The way of heaven is incomplete, so why should I force myself to be perfect in everything.

One life is two, two is three, three is all things.There is also the so-called Taiji produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces four phases, four phases produce eight trigrams, and eight trigrams change 64 lines. All these are definite numbers of heaven and earth, but these definite numbers are already variables, so there is no such thing as definite numbers.

Mountains are mountains, water is water; mountains are not mountains, water is not water; mountains are mountains, water is water.Do whatever you want, and you will have a chance.Therefore, I and my elder brother are already chess pieces of the Dao of Heaven, so why not be a good chess piece, the three realms and six realms, the five elements of yin and yang, and if there is a chance, we will be able to transcend this chess game of the Dao of Heaven.

It turned out that I was obsessed. The way of heaven had already changed, but because of the memory of my previous life, I was too persistent. Instead, I deviated from the way, lost my heart, and almost lost my life.

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be the case. It seems that knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing." Taiyi thought about this, but he untied the knot in his heart. A rushing momentum rushed out of the Lingtai, and suddenly flowers fell from the sky on Qingqiu Mountain, which was infinitely wonderful, and all kinds of fairy auras shocked the world.It's just that although breaking through the realm of Daluo is not obtained by cutting the corpse, it is only obtained by the quasi-sage strength.But this is extremely difficult. If Taiyi hadn't started cultivating from the beginning of chaos, how could he achieve it.He is probably the only one who can do this in this prehistoric world.

Besides, when Di Jun got the help of Kunpeng, the situation immediately reversed. Both Dijun and Kunpeng held heavy treasures. Although Dijun was injured before, with the cooperation of Kunpeng, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother gradually became difficult to resist.

Taoist Tie Guan saw that the situation was not good, if the East Prince and Duke were defeated, it would be a bad situation for him.Taoist Tieguan was also entangled by ghost cars at this time, and it was difficult to separate himself. He was furious. Two black giant wings were born, and the feathers that instantly covered the sky and the sun turned into black sharp edges. This sudden change made Ghost Che, Shangyang, Jiuying and Pie Tie panic, and Jiu Ying and Pie Tie even more so. Injured on injury, he stared in shock at the Iron Crown Taoist in front of him.

The Nine Heavens Lingyu is the supernatural power of Taoist Tieguan. It is transformed by his own feathers. The power is naturally huge, but after all, the feathers are limited, and he will not use it casually unless it is absolutely necessary. This is the first time he has used this magical power. I didn't expect it to have such a great power.

Now that Jiuying and Pie Tie are seriously injured, it is difficult for Shangyang and Guiche to be seriously injured. If it were not for Qiongqi's timely help and protection, Jiuying would be in danger.

Taoist Tieguan saw that the opponent was after all the top five Taiyi Jinxian masters, and knew that he could not win the opponent in a short time, so he threw away Ghost Che and others to help the East Prince and West Queen Mother.

It's just that at this moment, the skyrocketing force from Qingqiu Mountain shocked Di Jun and others who fought against Xiao Mingji Mountain, and they all stared in the direction of Qingqiu Mountain in surprise.

But he said that Taiyi untied his knots, his cultivation improved greatly, and there was such a big movement in Qingqiu Mountain, even Di Jun and others in Xiaomingji Mountain felt it.

"Hahahaha, my dear brother, it really is a good opportunity. I feel relieved to be a brother like this." The big stone in Dijun's heart finally fell. Before the battle, if it wasn't because of Taiyi in his heart, he couldn't concentrate all the time. Now he knows Taiyi Not only did he overcome the inner demons and open up the knots in his heart, but he also made great progress in his cultivation. Naturally, he was extremely happy.

Kunpeng had made great progress in Taoism because of his previous merits. Naturally, he knew that Tai Yi had made great progress again, and there was still a huge gap between himself and Tai Yi. He was also shocked. After all, the Dao is illusory. It's not all difficult at all, "Taiyi Daoyou is really blessed by heaven, has great perseverance, great opportunity, and great wisdom, and is beyond me." Although I was a little envious in my heart, I was relieved when I thought that I was not bad after all.

Compared with the joy of Dijun and Kunpeng, Duke Dong and others were terrified.With such an aura, how can one not know that Tai Yi has broken through again.

Dong Wanggong felt like a kaleidoscope in his heart at this time: No wonder he didn't come to Xiaomingji Mountain, it turned out that he was breaking through and couldn't separate himself.Damn, I missed this opportunity. Now that his cultivation base has improved a lot, we are in a bad situation. It seems that he is still impulsive.At this time, Duke Dong really felt a little regretful.It seems that the impact Tai Yi gave him was really too great.

"Prince Dong, it seems that Taiyi should have made a breakthrough again, but at this time he should still have a solid cultivation base, and he might not come here immediately, we should hurry up and deal with the two of you now, otherwise once Taiyi comes, we will But it's dangerous." Actually, when she sent troops to attack Qingqiu Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West was worried, after all, Di Jun and Tai Yi were too strong.Although he joined two more Da Luo Jinxians, they are definitely not opponents.In addition, the gap between Lingbao is too great, and Lingbao is also part of the strength in the battle, especially the top-grade Lingbao in the hands of Dijun and Taiyi.Now Tai Yi has made great progress in cultivation, but it is tricky.

At this time, Taoist Tieguan also looked in the direction of Qingqiu Mountain with a face of shock. Although he had already learned about Taiyi's strength from Duke Dong, now he knew that Taiyi's strength was not something he could resist just by looking at his aura. .

At this moment, Duke Dong and Taoist Tieguan heard Queen Mother West's words, and the altar shook immediately, and the Niwan Palace was cleared up, and there was a burst of clarity.Both of them cast grateful eyes on the Queen Mother of the West.It was the Queen Mother of the West who woke them up in time, otherwise it would be troublesome if demons were born in their hearts.After the two regained their senses, they also knew that what Queen Mother Xi said was right.

At this moment, Emperor Jun sneered and said, "East Prince and West Queen Mother, you two haven't surrendered yet. When my brothers come, you won't even have a chance to surrender, hahaha." "

How could Dong Wanggong bear such an insult, his face flushed with anger, and he shouted angrily: "It's too much to bully!" After speaking, without waiting for Di Jun's reaction, he swung the Chunyang sword to kill Di Jun, and suddenly there were sword auras, red light in the sky Flashing, Duke Dong rushed towards Di Jun like an arrow off the string.In fact, Dong Wanggong is also helpless, if he doesn't get rid of Di Jun and Kunpeng quickly, it will be difficult to deal with this side when Tai Yi comes.

Dijun had been keeping Dongwanggong and others away before, and he didn't put away Hetu Luoshu, and now he doesn't panic when he sees Dongwanggong like this.I saw Dijun's body protecting divine light flourishing, his hands made thousands of seals, all three flowers on his head were visible, and the purple air was dense, and I saw a three-legged golden crow flapping its wings and singing on top of the three flowers, beside the golden crow was the river Surrounded by Tuluo Shu and Sun Moon Jinglun.

"Boom", a loud noise.Immediately, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were all focused on the green smoke after that flash of light.

"Thief, you are so shameless that you actually did this sneak attack." Kunpeng stared viciously at Queen Mother Xi and the others.

The Queen Mother of the West was about to say something when she heard it, but she looked at the place where the explosion just happened with a shocked expression, her expression dull and disbelieving.

It turned out that Di Jun was blocked by Duke Dong's all-out attack just now, and everyone present stared at Di Jun in disbelief.Dong Wanggong was also shocked at this time, but he himself knew the power of his blow just now, and he didn't expect Di Jun's defense to be so powerful.

In fact, Di Jun was not feeling well at this time. Although he blocked the attack of the Eastern Prince with the Lingbao in his hand just now, he was still injured to some extent. , and immediately forcibly suppressed it, and complained in his heart: I was careless, the other party has the same cultivation level as myself, and now I am already injured, if it is not for my magic weapon, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, hey.

Kunpeng was startled when he saw that Di Jun actually took the blow just now, but immediately flew in front of Di Jun, and said coldly to Prince Dong, "Friend Daoist is really good at it!"

Dong Wanggong also had a bad face when he heard it. He had already lost his face in the sneak attack just now, but he didn't want to even break through Di Jun's defense. speech.

It should be said that Kunpeng didn't care about sneak attacks at first. After all, the two armies were fighting, and it was life and death, so why bother with these methods, because before seeing Di Jun's face was not good, he went up to create time for Di Jun to stabilize his injury.But at this moment, Di Jun looked gratefully at Kunpeng.Kunpeng also nodded knowingly.

It was also Dong Wanggong who was agitated by Kunpeng's words just now and lost his mind, but Xi Wangmu and others were shocked and lost their calculations, and were taken advantage of by Di Jun.

At this moment, they saw thousands of auspicious auras in the direction of Qingqiu Mountain, shining in the sun, green lotus blooming, filled with immortal aura, and a faint figure appeared in front of everyone.Everyone at the scene had different expressions when they saw it, and they only heard Qingqiu Mountain's side happily worshiping: "I have seen the Lord."

Dong Wanggong and the others were full of sadness.

"My dear brother, it really is a great fortune. I feel relieved to be a brother like this." Seeing Tai Yi, Di Jun was filled with emotion in his heart. His brother finally got through the difficulties and made great progress in cultivation. He was extremely happy.

Tai Yi also felt sore in his heart, and said: "I made my brother worry again, if it wasn't for my brother's help, I'm afraid that my little brother would have been difficult to overcome the demons, but I have thanked my brother."

"You and my brother, why do you have to do this, don't do it again." Di Jun pretended to be furious.

"My brother is right, so I will follow my brother's opinion." After Tai Yi finished speaking, he heard Kunpeng say: "Friend Daoist, but you are a man of great fortune. Congratulations, Fellow Daoist."

Tai Yi also immediately replied: "Fellow Daoists are serious. It's just a coincidence. You can't be like this. Poverty Daoist has to write about how fellow Daoists came to help you."

"Fellow daoists are serious. We have known each other for many years and supported each other. It is a matter of course."

Tai Yiyi turned around without pretending to stare at Duke Dong and the others with an unkind expression.

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