The Great East Emperor

Chapter 29, The Great War Ends, Ten Thousand Immortals Formation

But Master Xuantian had never seen Tai Yi before, and when he saw Tai Yi coming, he waited behind his back to chat with Dijun and the others, and was furious in his heart. He was also a Da Luo Jinxian after all, when had he ever suffered such contempt, and angrily shouted: "Taoist Wu , Could it be that Tai Xiaoer who dare not fight."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.The Duke of East and Queen Mother of the West were also shocked. They recruited such a reckless man who didn't know the importance of it. He had already told them about Tai Yi's ability in West Kunlun, so he would be so reckless.

Immortal Xuantian felt a little regretful when he said this, seeing everyone staring at him with strange twilight, he felt a little panicked.

"Hahaha, I can't imagine that the poor will not come out for a long time, but all the people in the prehistoric world have already forgotten the power of my Taiyi." After Taiyi finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his murderous intent suddenly appeared. Gun, a cold light flew out.

"Ah!" After hearing a scream, Master Xuantian covered his right shoulder and stared viciously at Taiyi.If I hadn't dodged quickly just now, I'm afraid I would have fallen.But at this time, his vitality has also been seriously injured. The God Killing Spear has the effect of devouring the primordial spirit. What he just did has injured his original source, and it may be difficult to restore it to the original state.

Everyone saw that Tai Yi was so decisive in killing and attacking, and the attack was a killer move.

"With this little ability, to dare to be so arrogant, it is really not a pity to die." Tai Yi said to Master Xuantian without cutting.

When Master Xuantian heard this, how could he bear such anger, he suddenly became enraged, lost his mind, and cursed: "It's too much to bully others, and you are not a son of man." After speaking, he sacrificed the pine stick, and saw Dao Dao Qing Qi formed a sharp sword and flew towards Tai Yi.

Seeing Taiyi, he smiled slightly: "Little Doyle!" Without sacrificing the Chaos Clock, the God-killing Spear in his hand suddenly glowed coldly, surrounded by evil spirits, and Taiyi's whole body suddenly burst out with a piercing murderous aura. With a wave forward, a cold light flew out, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen immediately.Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect the power of the God-killing Spear to be so powerful, and they had never seen such power before when Tai Yi used the God-killing Spear, and they all stared at this side.Duke Dong was very anxious, and was about to rescue Master Xuantian, but it was still a step too late.I saw Master Xuantian being pierced by the god-killing gun and devouring the primordial spirit. Taiyi followed closely and a burst of real sun fire spewed out, and Master Xuantian disappeared into the prehistoric world.

Everyone who watched this incident between light and flint was horrified.That was Da Luo Jinxian, who turned into fly ash in an instant, leaving nothing behind, not even a trace of soul.

Shocked, really shocked, not only the people present, but also those who watched secretly, even Di Jun didn't expect Tai Yi to be so strong.

Seeing that the subordinates he recruited with great difficulty were killed by Tai Yi in this way, Dong Wanggong became angry after being shocked. Isn't this breaking his own arm, "Tai Xiaoer, kill my general, Pindao and you will never finish." According to the sound transmission, the Queen Mother of the West and Taoist Iron Crown attacked Taiyi at the same time.

With a calm face, Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Clock and stood it above his head. Seeing the Chaos Clock hanging down wisps of Chaos Qi to protect him, he smiled and said to Di Jun and Kunpeng: "Now that my brother is injured, he will be healed at the side, Kunpeng said." You then helped Bai Ze and others take care of those who resisted, leaving the three of them to Pindao to deal with. "After speaking, he held the Chaos Clock and went up to him with the God-killing Spear in his hand.

Di Jun and Kunpeng also smiled slightly when they heard this, and went to help Bai Ze, Gui Che and others.After all, they had been wounded by Taoist Iron Crown and Master Xuantian before, and now they don't have much mana, so it would be a pity if they fell.

Tai Yi and Dong Wang Gong fought against each other, Tai Yi had the defense of the Chaos Clock, and the three of Dong Wang Gong could not break through the defense of the Kaitian Supreme Treasure.However, Taiyi's God-killing Spear and Taiyang True Fire caused a lot of trouble for the three of them.

"You dare to attack my Qingqiu Mountain many times with this level of strength. It's really reckless." Tai Yi looked at the three of them ironically, and said lightly.

The three East Princes were furious when they heard this, three flowers appeared on the top of their heads, and a vast Qi of Zhiyang shot out, and the pure Yang Sword Dao in their hands slashed at Taiyi.The Queen Mother of the West and the Iron Crown Taoist held the Lingbao and rushed to Taiyi after the East Prince.

Seeing the three of them desperately fighting, Tai Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and slapped Wei Wei on the body of the Chaos Clock. There was a loud bang, and a ripple spread out instantly.The three of Dong Wanggong felt as if their bodies were entangled by some invisible thread, and immediately their bodies stopped, and the attack also stopped.At this moment, Tai Yi also brandished the God-killing Spear, and when he went up, three cold lights stabbed at the Eastern Prince.Duke Dong didn't expect the Chaos Clock to have such an effect. The sonic attack was really hard to defend against. He panicked for a while and had to switch from attack to defense. But after all, without a good defensive spirit treasure, how could he resist the attack of the God Killing Spear. "Dang", there was another bell ringing, and the Eastern Prince was immobilized again, and the killing gun was about to hit the Eastern Prince, but at this moment, the Queen Mother of the West and Taoist Iron Crown rushed to rescue the Eastern Prince.

Taichi didn't care when he saw it, and continued to attack with the cooperation of Chaos Clock without stopping.

"Ah", at this moment, Taoist Iron Crown was hit by Taiyi's Chaos Clock, and immediately vomited blood. The East Prince and West Queen Mother were also having a hard time. These two people were already disheveled and unkempt, with blood left at the corners of their mouths , Staring at Taiyi firmly.

At this time, the battle on the sidelines was soon over because of the joining of Di Jun and Kunpeng, and now they are all watching the battle between Tai Yi and the other four.Such a scene was too shocking, Tai Yi alone could defeat the three Da Luo Jinxians of Duke Dong by himself.Everyone on Qingqiu Mountain was very excited, clamoring and booing constantly, while the other side was lifeless.

"Prince East, Queen Mother West, you two should know who you are by now, go back to West Kunlun immediately! If there is another time, don't blame the poor Daoist for killing people." Tai Yi said coldly, and suddenly murderous intent was everywhere.

Di Jun and the others were not surprised when they defeated the three East Princes, but they didn't expect Taiyi to let Dongwanggong and the others go so easily, but thinking about it, Taiyi must have some calculations in his mind, so he didn't say anything.

And Duke Dong would not say much now that he was defeated.

But he said that the East Prince was defeated in Xiaomingji Mountain, but he didn't expect Taiyi to let them go so easily, but he didn't delay any longer, and returned to West Kunlun with the defeated soldiers without saying a word.This time they were seriously injured, not to mention that there were not many demon soldiers left, and the real Xuantian fell.This time Tai Yi really frightened them, after all, the strength of the two sides has exceeded the expectations of the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother.

Dijun, Taiyi and Kunpeng also led their troops back to Qingqiu Mountain.In this way, although the war was tragic, the ending ended hastily.

At this time, only Dijun, Taiyi, and Kunpeng were left in the main hall of Qingqiu Mountain. Some of the other big monsters were retreating to heal their injuries, and some were in charge of the defense of Qingqiu Mountain and some things about the monster clan ceremony.Fortunately, under the leadership of Tu Shan, the affairs of the grand ceremony were almost arranged, and the plan was not affected by Duke Dong's surprise attack.Besides, Taiyi and the other three were in the main hall, only to see Taiyi looked at Di Jun and Kunpeng, and said: "Presumably brother and Fellow Daoist Kunpeng must have some thoughts about the previous matter."

Di Jun and Kunpeng looked at each other, and then looked at Tai Yi suspiciously.

At this time, I only heard Tai Yidao: "Actually, it's not that Pindao wants to let the Eastern Prince go, but that this is not the time for him to perish."

Dijun and Kunpeng were even more puzzled when they heard this.Di Jun even asked with a puzzled face: "My dear brother, what do you mean by that?"

Taiyi smiled faintly at Emperor Jun, and then said: "Brother, don't worry, just listen to the younger brother slowly, now the prehistoric forces are dominated by the Wu Clan, Dong Wanggong and us in Qingqiu Mountain. Among the three families, we and Dong The princes and dukes have been fighting again and again, and the grievances and grievances between the two sides are so deep that they are almost immortal. However, the Wu Clan has been recharging their energy for many years, and now their strength is probably the strongest among the three. This is also a serious problem for our Monster Clan in the future."

When Di Jun and Kunpeng heard what Tai Yi said, although they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they nodded helplessly, acknowledging the strength of the Wu Clan.

At this time, Taiyi continued: "Although our Qingqiu Mountain has no good relationship with the Wu Clan, it is not against each other, but the East Prince is different. The East Prince has a cause and effect with the Wu Clan, and the two sides are constantly at odds. Think about it. Dong Wanggong is having a hard time, hahaha."

Di Jun and Kunpeng were resourceful men, when they heard Tai Yi's words, how could they not know the calculation involved, they also smiled at each other, and everything was kept silent.

At this time, I heard Taiyi say again: "With our current strength in Qingqiu Mountain, a little Dongwanggong is no longer a threat, but Dongwanggong is a ruthless person after all. But it's not a small trouble."

When Di Jun and Kunpeng heard this, they still had three Da Luo Jinxians. In case of self-explosion, they would not be able to resist it casually. It's dangerous.

Then the three chatted about some trivial matters, and then Di Jun went to retreat to heal his injuries. At this time, Li Da Ceremony was in front of him, and he had to hurry up to recover from his injuries.Kunpeng also stayed in Qingqiu Mountain under Taiyi's insistence. Anyway, it was only a few years before the grand ceremony, and Kunpeng also agreed.

Taiyi arranged a quiet room for Kunpeng in the back hall for Kunpeng to practice.And Taiyi himself sat in the main hall and came out to do some daily affairs.

But the Eastern Prince's side was indeed as Tai Yi said, the Eastern Prince had just returned to West Kunlun to retreat and heal the Wu Clan, so he led his troops to fight up the mountain.

This time the witch clan was also cruel. The twelve ancestor witches sent out Zhu Jiuyin and Houtu to stay in the ancestor witch hall, and the other ten ancestor witches were dispatched together.This momentum can be said to be like a mountain torrent and a tsunami. Wherever it passes, there will be no grass, and it will destroy the ancients. It will soon destroy the forces of the East Prince and West Queen Mother within a million miles around West Kunlun.At this time, under the leadership of Di Jiang, the Wu Clan continued to attack the mountain guard formation in West Kunlun.

At this time, West Kunlun has been shaken by the top ten ancestor witches.The tens of thousands of years of painstaking efforts of the East Prince and the West Queen Mother were almost destroyed. At this time, the two were also wounded, and they continued to replenish their mana with spiritual fruits.Seeing that the formation protecting the mountain was about to be breached, Prince Dong took out a black and white formation and threw it into the sky, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then formed a seal with both hands, making thousands of seals and said to his subordinates: "Run Wanxian immediately!" array! "At the same time, regardless of the injuries, the Queen Mother of the West sat in the center of the formation. Countless immortals wandered in the formation. The entire Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was integrated, but each had its own division of labor. Several or dozens of immortals formed a formation, and there were mutual interactions between formations. It is very difficult to break through the big formation with the cultivation of tens of thousands of immortals gathered together. It is precisely because of this hole card that they dare to dominate in this prehistoric world. Otherwise, how can they have the confidence to fight against Dijun and Taiyi? There are twelve ancestor witches to contend with.

At this time, Sanqing, who was in East Kunlun, had been paying attention to the struggle here, and was still thinking about whether to help Dong Wanggong and the others. After all, the ashrams on both sides were not far apart, and their lips were dead and their teeth were cold.Facing a group of Wu Clan who only had killing in their eyes, they were really afraid that after the Wu Clan defeated West Kunlun, they would also destroy Kunlun along the way.But he didn't expect that the Dong Wanggong actually had such a hole card, so he watched quietly.Among them, Tongtian stared straight at the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation. After all, what he inherited from Pangu Primordial Spirit was Pangu's formation method, so he coveted the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

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