The Great East Emperor

Chapter 30, The Witch Race Temporarily Retires, and the Lich Clan Establishes

In Qingqiu Mountain Hall, Tai Yi slowly opened his eyes and smiled faintly: "If that's the case, this is your last hole card. It's really not worth dying, but after all, it's supernatural powers that can't be defeated." Close your eyes, continue to meditate, and feel the Dao.

However, Di Jiang and others are about to take down West Kunlun, but the Eastern Prince has such means, and the Wu Clan only cultivates supernatural powers and does not know the way of formation, but the attack has fallen into a stalemate.

Zhu Rong had a fiery temper at first, but now he was nowhere to be seen, and his attack was like hitting cotton, with no effect at all. The anger in his heart really had nowhere to vent, and he cursed: "East Prince, West Queen Mother, you The two shrunken tortoises, are they afraid of your grandpa Zu Wu, they are afraid to come out of the turtle shell, if they have the ability, they will come out and fight a certain family for a hundred rounds, and die for a certain family soon, ah!"

"Hahaha, you and the Wu clan destroy my fairy mountain without reason, and kill my son, you are not a son of man, and now you dare to be so presumptuous. If you hadn't been injured before seeing me, how dare you invade my city. You really don't want to be shameless." At this time, the Queen Mother of the West saw Zhu Rong being so arrogant, so she said sarcastically.

However, this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is indeed extraordinary, and monks with more than ten thousand Profound Immortals set up a large formation with the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation picture as the formation.This formation contains yin and yang and five elements, forming a space of its own. Now the witch clan is deeply trapped in the formation of ten thousand immortals, without the spiritual energy to replenish mana, but the attack is not as fierce as before.The power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is really great. If Duke Dong hadn't completed the sacrifice, then the power of the Great Formation must be even more extraordinary.If the sacrificial training is completed, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation can be moved freely, and it would not have suffered such a miserable defeat in Xiaomingji Mountain before.

The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation seems to be powerful, but the ten thousand monks who set up the formation are also quite strenuous at this time. To run such a huge formation, the consumption of oneself is also huge, especially the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother are still injured. The loss is quite large.

At this time, Sanqing also looked at the Wanxian Formation in shock.Yuanyuan said: "Third brother, you have inherited the formation of Pangu Father God. According to your opinion, can you break through the formation established by Duke Dong?" Although Yuanshen asked this, he still had no idea.

When Tong Tian heard Yuan Yuan's words, he felt sad for a while, he was helpless at first, and then he said calmly: "This array is wonderful, but I can't break it for a while, but if there are two elder brothers to help, and the elder brother Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower to defend, It is not difficult to break the formation. "After speaking, I fell into deep thought, and seemed to have gained a little.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan also nodded when they heard this.Yuan Yuan was about to say something more, but was stopped by Lao Tzu when he was about to speak.Yuanyuan saw that Tongtian was breaking through at this time, so he stopped talking, but he was a little jealous of Tongtian.

Besides, Di Jiang and the others in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation did not expect that since the Great Formation is so powerful, with the continuous loss of their mana, they naturally understand that they are already in danger at this time.

It was Di Jiang who calmed down first, and said: "Brothers, now that we are in the formation, the most urgent thing to do is to leave this big formation first. The witch clan does not understand the way of the formation, but it is troublesome. I think brother, we will work together to break the formation." Open a channel and go out first."

Zu Wu couldn't do it at all, so Di Jiang naturally agreed with what Di Jiang said.The momentum of the top ten ancestor witches suddenly surged, and ten rays of light shot out instantly.

There was only a loud "boom", and a big hole was punched out of the formation.When the ten ancestor witches saw it, they were overjoyed, and immediately brought the trapped witches out of the formation.When Di Jiang and the others came out of the formation and saw that West Kunlun was already surrounded by a thick fog, with only thousands of flashing lights in front of them and fireballs and fog constantly shuttling back and forth, they were also shocked at this moment. The magic of the fairy array.At this moment, the hole just now was quickly repaired by several chaotic vitality, as if nothing happened just now.

At this time, I only heard the voice of the East Prince from the formation, "Dijiang, although our West Kunlun strategy was at a loss before, it is not something you can easily bully. If you have yourself, you will enter my formation again, and we will fight again."

When Zhu Rong and the others heard this, how could they bear such anger, they held their long knives and shouted loudly: "Young prince Dong, you dare not come out by yourself, what face do you have to make fun of a certain family, so that you can see how a certain family is doing?" Take your life." After finishing speaking, he was about to enter the battle.

"Stop!" At this moment, Di Jun yelled angrily: "Do you still have my big brother in your eyes? Which of you has the ability to break through this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, what should you do if you go in easily and get stuck in it? Why don't you back down?" .”

After all, Di Jun was the eldest brother of everyone, and his words still carry a lot of weight. When the ancestral witches heard this, although they felt unwilling, they had no choice but to retreat.

At this time, Di Jiang also knew that it would be troublesome to kill Duke Dong, and there was hope if he forcibly broke the formation. The many descendants of the Wu Clan have already lost more than half, and if they continue to attack, I am afraid that some people will be involved. After all, the Wu Clan is not easy to reproduce, so there are few Wu Clan, so I dismissed this idea.This action has already eliminated the power of the East Prince around West Kunlun. Now the East Prince and the West Queen Mother only have a hill in West Kunlun, and there is not much threat to the Wu Clan, so they led everyone back to the Ancestral Witch Hall.

The witch clan returned to the Ancestral Witch Hall, and because of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, they also paid attention to the way of formation that they had neglected before. The twelve ancestor witches began to specialize in the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons that they inherited and remembered.

The hundred-year agreement is here, Qingqiu Mountain is decorated with lanterns and festoons, there are constant sounds in the void, countless golden flowers condense, and it is peaceful.Di Jun and others have already left customs, and now they are also immersed in the preparations for the founding ceremony.

As soon as Tai saw Di Jun leaving the customs, he pushed all the things in his hands to Di Jun, "I can finally take a rest, I really don't understand why my brother is so happy with it? Hey, I don't want to. Anyway, he will take care of it, so I'll let it go. , Now that I have become a god, of course I want to live in the world." I didn't stay long, so I took out the wine gourd and drank it, then went to the back hall to talk to Kunpeng.

But Kunpeng, originally Taiyi didn’t like Kunpeng because of the memory of his previous life. After all, according to the memory of his previous life, Kunpeng would run away during the Lich War in the future, and even snatched Dijun’s Hetu Luoshu, which indirectly caused Dijun’s death. fall.But now that Kunpeng has come to rescue Qingqiu Mountain twice, it can be regarded as a kindness to him, and a good relationship has been formed, so Taiyi no longer deliberately guards against Kunpeng, and the relationship between the two is also good.

However, on this day, in front of the main hall of Qingqiu Mountain, Dijun and Taiyi were all smiles. Looking at the beautiful scenery of Qingqiu Mountain, they were full of emotion in their hearts, and behind them were Kunpeng, Nuwa and Fuxi. It is also a look of joy.

"Zhenyuanzi Daxian and Hongyun Daxian arrived." At this moment, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun descended from the clouds, and Taiyi and the others stepped forward to greet them: "The two fellow Taoists came to watch the ceremony. Pindao and the others were very honored .”

Zhen Yuanzi replied: "Fellow Daoists, you are welcome. Let these few ginseng fruits be congratulatory gifts from the poor Daoist and Brother Hongyun. It's a small gift, and fellow Daoists don't want to dislike it."

Di Jun was shocked when he heard Tai Yi told about the miracle of this life fruit after winning Huang Zhong Li.But Kunpeng and the others didn't know the preciousness of this life fruit, and murmured in their hearts, thinking that Zhen Yuanzi was stingy.

Tai Yi didn't expect Zhen Yuanzi to be so generous, he sold six life fruits, and hurriedly replied: "Fellow Daoist, you are too polite, but the poor Daoist disagrees with what you said, this life fruit is so precious, friend Daoist It is said that it is a small gift, then there is no such thing as a generous gift in this world, hahaha."

At this time, Hongyun couldn't bear it any longer. He is a person who likes to move. He was an acquaintance when he was sharing gourds in Kunlun Mountains, so he went up to talk to Taiyi: "I want to know this fruit of life, Zhenyuan." Brother's words are really smooth."

Taiyi is really an interesting person when he sees the red cloud, but it is a pity that destiny is like this, and said: "The fruit of life, also known as Cao Huan Dan, is the innate root of Wu earth. It blooms once in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and matures in another 3000 years. It has a short head. It takes 1 years to eat. It seems that in these [-] years, only [-] fruits have been produced, which are truly treasures of heaven and earth, and Taoist Zhenyuan is really a lucky person, accompanied by this spiritual root."

When Kunpeng and the others heard this, they were shocked, and felt ashamed, secretly blaming themselves for their shallow knowledge.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't expect Tai Yi to know the heel of the Fruit of Life, he was shocked, and said: "Fellow Daoist is a great talent, this fruit is exactly as what Fellow Daoist said, only a poor Taoist today knows that there is a mountain as high as a mountain."

"Fellow Daoist is wonderful, I am ashamed, I am ashamed." Taiyi thought, I also came from time travel, I don't know this, it's not Journey to the West for nothing.

Taiyi didn't talk nonsense, and ordered Qiongqi to introduce the three of them to serve tea and continue this helpless work.I never thought that Honghuang paid so much attention to etiquette, it was really troublesome.Taiyi felt a burst of contempt in his heart, since he could say so many disgusting things.

At this time, all the invited people arrived.These years Dijun and Taiyi have been too popular, especially Taiyi, everyone should give him some face.No one wants to offend this character.

At this time, Dijun and Taiyi stepped forward, with Kunpeng, Nuwa and Fuxi behind them. They only heard Dijun and Tai swear to Tiandao with one hand: "Today, my Emperor Jun (Taiyi) and Kunpeng, Fuxi, and Nuwa will establish a demon clan. To unify the prehistoric monster clan, the way of heaven will learn from it."

Just listening to the voice before it fell, in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, I heard the voice of the Twelve Ancestral Witches who established the Witch Clan and swore to the way of heaven.As soon as the two sides spoke, they saw auspicious clouds descending from the sky, surging, colorful, and beasts screaming together, each competing for its power.Then two streaks of black and yellow virtuous energy fell, one fell over Buzhou Mountain, it was the establishment of the Wu Clan and rewarded by the Dao of Heaven, but the Wu Clan did not have a primordial spirit and could not absorb these merits, so this merit was injected into the Wu Clan In the long river of fate, suppress the luck of the witch clan.

And the other one is in the sky above Qingqiu Mountain, and the merits and virtues are divided into five parts. Dijun and Taiyi each get three layers, Kunpeng, Nuwa and Fuxi each get one layer, and the other layer is distributed to the demon clan.Seeing everyone's merits and virtues entering the body, they were immediately surrounded by mysterious and yellow energy, mysterious and mysterious, incomparably miraculous, and their cultivation bases have improved.Everyone who watched was envious, after all, everyone wanted that merit, but merit also has a chance, not everyone can come across it.

Then Emperor Jun proclaimed himself the Demon Emperor, Taiyi the Eastern Emperor, Fuxi the Xihuang, Nuwa the Wahuang, and Kunpeng the Demon Master.The five people are ranked first among the monster clan, and there are ten monster commanders, twelve capital god generals, four spirit snake kings, Qiongqi, Lu Wu, Bi Fang and Tu Shan under their command.These big monsters are all Taiyi Golden Immortals or above.

After all this was over, everyone came forward to congratulate him.Tai Yi was talking about the scene again, thinking: "All the gods are not sincere!"

Everyone stayed in Qingqiu Mountain for three days and then left one by one. Only Kunpeng, Fuxi and Nuwa stayed.At this time, Taiyi said: "My fellow Taoists, now that our Monster Clan is established, what Pindao said that day has been fulfilled. Naturally, Pindao has not forgotten what he said. My brother and Fellow Daoist Kunpeng will handle the daily trivial matters of the Monster Clan. , will definitely let our monster clan rule the prehistoric world, but if our clan is in danger in the future, please ask the two fellow Taoists to help." After finishing speaking, Tai Yi looked at the three of them.

Kunpeng tasted the benefits this time, and he also expressed his position first: "Friend Daoist, you are serious. Kunpeng was born in the monster clan, so I naturally put my monster clan's affairs first."

Fuxi and Nuwa also have feelings for Yaozu, so naturally they have no objection.

Kunpeng and the others didn't stay longer in Qingqiu Mountain, they stayed for a few days and then turned back to the mountain gate.

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