The Great East Emperor

Chapter 405 Luck Diversion, Great Chance

Ran Deng thought that Wukong was at most Kunpeng's disciple. After all, the Haotian Mirror was indeed in Kunpeng's hands, but he never thought that Wukong was actually Taiyi's disciple, which gave him a headache.Donghuang Taiyi is notorious for protecting his weaknesses, if he hurts his disciples, he will really be unable to eat and walk away.At this time, not only the burning lamp, but also the Guanyin Bodhisattva and the ancient Buddha fearing Liusun behind him are also panicked. In terms of cultivation methods, they are all above Wukong, but their background is too strong.Now that he came out to make such a fuss, Duobao Tathagata has already noticed that this trip has been considered a failure, so why would he have any intention to stay here.

"Gu Buddha, I think you and I should quickly go back to the Paradise to report to the two saints. If this person disrupts the situation, it is difficult for you and me to intervene. If there is a mistake, the two saints will not be able to protect us." Feeling timid, Liu Sun whispered to the ancient Buddha on the lamp in front of him.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was also afraid of leaving grandchildren, so what if he burned the lamp, he ambiguously said a few words with Wukong, evaded some excuses, then turned and left together.

"Wukong, stop chasing, even if you go up, they won't do anything." Seeing that Wukong was still entangled, Ling Zhuzi quickly grabbed Wukong and said.Wukong put out his identities, if they still dare to make a move, then there is really no place for them in this prehistoric world.If the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is really the ultimate bliss, then there will be no killing and catastrophe, making the two Western Saints so frowning, they don't know how to make a decision.

Wukong heard the words and understood the whole story, so he had no choice but to give up. He couldn't help but lament that his teacher was too strong, and now he, a student, couldn't find anyone to relieve his boredom.Wukong cleared his mind, and went to Nanzhan Buzhou to play with Lingzhu.

The three ancient Buddhas who burned the lamp returned to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. After hearing the report from the three, Amitabha and Zhunti looked unkind. The three were terrified, but they dared not say anything. Wukong and Lingzhuzi came back in shock.If this matter gets out, it will really make people laugh.Seeing that Amitabha and Zhunti hadn't gotten angry at this time, they retreated early, fearing that the two saints would be angry.At this time, Ran Deng no longer counted on the Buddha Lord's position in the central mother-in-law pure land, and it is lucky to be able to save his life now.For these ants struggling under the heaven, their fate has never been in their own hands, and they will always be pawns controlled by saints.

"Senior brother, do you think the Dong Huangtai deliberately arranged this matter?" Zhunti asked seeing that Amitabha was frowning tightly and remained silent, and his words were full of anxiety.Zhunti's worry at this time is not that Buddhism is being stiffened by Duobao Tathagata Li Daitao this time, but that he seems to have faintly felt that Taiyi also seems to have thoughts on Buddhism, otherwise he would not send his disciples to disrupt the situation. He Lingzhuzi went to Nanzhan Buzhou unintentionally, but he didn't believe it.But this time Zhun mentioned it was too much to worry about. Although Tai Yi didn't like Buddhism, he didn't care about the controversy between Buddhism and Taoism at all. Whether it was Taoism or Buddha, it didn't matter to him at all.It's just that Wukong and Lingzhuzi are not really so coincidental this time.How can there be so many coincidences in the world, all of this is in the eyes of Tai Yi, otherwise, how could the Nuwa Empress not know about the Lingzhu sneaking into the lower realm, and how could she not stop it? Make a move, just do Tongtian Cult Master a favor, after all, as an ally, the rise and fall of Jiejiao still has a certain impact on Yaozu.Although the Yaozu's current power is stable, it is not indestructible. The reason for this is the way of heaven, which makes Tai Yi most disturbed.

"Hey, I'm afraid it's too late. My Buddhist school has suffered such a catastrophe, and the two points of luck are inevitable. Unless King Maitreya can really sit on the Buddha's seat and break the gate of luck in the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution, Buddhism will once again flow into the river!" , there is a glimmer of life." Amitabha heard the words and sighed.

"I am afraid that the gate of luck in the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not easy to break. If the treasured Tathagata falls, the most important thing is how to arrange the three thousand Buddha heads. Maybe there will be no three thousand Buddhas by then. "Zhunti knew what Amitabha Buddha meant, but this method is fundamentally difficult to realize, otherwise they would not sit back and watch the Tathagata steal the merits of the West without dealing with it, and let it go so far.

At this time, Duobao Tathagata, as the two sages said, gathers the luck of Buddhism, transforms the Hinayana Buddhism, uses his own luck as a guide, and enters the Buddha through the Tao. He already has the foundation of self-reliance.Although the Hinayana Buddhism belongs to the Buddhist sect, it no longer obeys the decree of bliss and opens up a great light.Duobao Tathagata has made great progress in his own cultivation by virtue of luck and luck, and he has shown the light of Buddhist relics, illuminating the Buddha realm of the three realms, and there are faint signs of overriding the two saints of the West.

At this time, Duobao Tathagata set up the dharma altar again, and invited the Lord Tongtian to come to the world, express his true meaning, and ask the Buddha to return to the East Land.It has been many years since he became a Buddha, he is a great disciple of Jiejiao, and he practiced the supernatural method, now he has completed the goal set back then, so naturally he misses this sect.Returning to Jiejiao has always been his lifelong wish. Back then, he committed himself to becoming a Buddha, which made him a traitor. Incorporated into the luck of the Jiejiao, the Jiejiao will definitely prosper again, and following the trend of the West, there may be the possibility of Buddhism and Taoism merging. After all, Buddha is the Tao, and he is still the Jiejiao disciple.

However, Master Tongtian knew that Hinayana Buddhism was a great opportunity, so how could he let his big disciple cut off his chance to become enlightened for the obsession with cutting off the teaching? At this time, he looked at Duobao and said with emotion: " Good student, don't you understand at this time, after many years of enlightenment, but still can't realize it by yourself, I am so relieved to have a disciple like you as a teacher, this is your chance, and there is a reason to stop teaching Dharma, you have your opportunity, everything is over, why bother to be persistent, when I used you to turn you into a Buddha, you were lucky to have your uncle Donghuang help you, but now I want to send you a word as a teacher, I have a teacher Fated Dharma, disciples have the way of disciples, so there is no need to linger here."

"Teacher, why did you say that? Could it be that the teacher doesn't want students?" Duobao Tathagata was terrified when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Tongtian would say this to him, what Tongtian said.At this time, Duobao Tathagata was in tears, and seemed to have thousands of words to say, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Huh, there are three thousand paths to the Tao, have you forgotten the teachings of being a teacher back then?" Seeing that Duobao was hesitant, the Master Tongtian was afraid that he would do something radical, so he hurriedly stopped Duobao Tathagata's words and said: "A piece of predestined relationship has no roots and no basis. Although it is illusory, it seems to exist. You have been working on this matter all these years, and now it is time to stand on your own." Although Tongtian said very lightly, Duobao Rulai It has been heard very clearly.In other words, he already knew it a long time ago, but he just didn't dare to face it head-on.

Duobao Tathagata set up the incense table, originally asking the leader of Tongtian to discuss the details of returning to the sect.But I don't want to be told by the Master Tongtian about my chance now, Duobao Tathagata is also a little moved, after all, it is my chance to become Dao, although I don't have the Primordial Purple Qi, but I can really rely on the luck of Buddhism, maybe I can really cut it off Obsessed with oneself, the three corpses are cut together, to achieve the supreme Buddha state of Nirvana, and to control the Buddhist gate.

Duobao Tathagata understands the meaning of Tongtian Cult Master and is no longer obsessed. As long as he can firmly control the Zhuxian Sword Formation, even though Amitabha and Zhunti have great supernatural powers, there is nothing they can do about Duobao Tathagata.Once turned into a Buddha, Duobao Tathagata did help Buddhism earn a lot of luck, which made Buddhism finally flourish, but the only entanglement is that all of these lucks are now concentrated on Duobao Tathagata.After Amitabha's golden body of merit was broken because of his own obsession, the great luck of Buddhism could not be suppressed by relying on a nine-rank golden lotus.

Duobao Tathagata succeeded, and he didn't know about ordinary people at all, only the two sages of the West understood.However, there is still a day when this matter will be exposed after all. Medicine Master Guangwangfo is also the Buddha Lord of one party.His luck was originally connected to the east gate, and now that his luck is lost, he will of course be affected.Pharmacist Guangwangfo came to the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss, and was about to meet Maitreya Kingfod by chance. After the two had a conversation, the pharmacist understood the whole story and was furious. Maitreya King Buddha stopped him.Today's Duobao Tathagata is not what it used to be. He has made great progress in hidden cultivation, and even the two saints can't do anything about him, let alone him. I'm afraid that the matter will not be resolved in the end, and the matter will become more and more chaotic. Duobao Tathagata has the heart to truly break away from Buddhism. Although his luck has been divided into two points now, he is still called Lord Buddha in form. If there is a mistake, the three thousand Buddhas will freeze up. Leaving the Central Po-Whirling Pure Land, the remaining luck of Buddhism will be in turmoil, and it will be a joke when the time comes for Buddhism to prosper.

After listening to Maitreya King Buddha's persuasion, Medicine Master Guangwangfo realized that he was reckless, so Maitreya entered the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss together and came to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool. At this time, Amitabha and Zhunti were still sitting on the lotus platform , the two of them were the first disciples to practice with the Second Sage, and their status in the West was only lower than the Second Sage. Speaking of qualifications, they were still above Duobao Tathagata, so they went directly through the Nine Songs without reporting. The chain bridge, clothed with clouds, fog and light, stepped on the clouds and entered the Bodhi and Lianhua forests. When they saw the two saints, they came forward to pay homage.

After the two made their intentions clear, they looked at each other and thought for a long time without any response.This time, he didn't even have a word for Zhunti.How difficult it is for the saints, Duobao Tathagata, it is not easy for the two of them to take action on this matter, after all, Duobao Rulai is a junior, if the two of them make a move, and Tongtian realizes that there will be another real troubled Lingshan, then the gain will outweigh the loss.Thinking of the Kunlun Mountain back then, the two saints stopped thinking about it. Back then, a Zhuxian sword formation trapped Kunlun Mountain, causing the entire Kunlun Mountain to be shrouded in evil spirits, and it took a long time to see Tai Yi.It's just that what Medicine Master and Maitreya said is also reasonable. If it is developed by Duobao Tathagata, then Western Buddhism will really return to the past.

"Teacher, if you don't do anything else, I'm afraid we will have no place to hide in the future. It is not easy for Buddhism to develop so far, but now it is so easily stolen by Duobao Tathagata. I have been waiting for hundreds of millions of years to go to waste like this. Yes, please give me an order.

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