The Great East Emperor

Chapter 406 Chaos Begins in the West

There will be catastrophe for human beings in this world, human catastrophe for human beings, and immortal catastrophe for celestial beings. Many treasures turn into Buddhas, and what they overcome is the catastrophe of Buddha and the catastrophe of reincarnation.Now Duobao Tathagata has ushered in perhaps the biggest catastrophe in his life. In the West, although he has established Hinayana Buddhism and honored Taoist ancestors, he has finally touched the bottom line of the two sages of the West, and the two sages have also become murderous.Now Duobao Tathagata must go through this catastrophe in order to become enlightened.

Many Treasures Tathagata transforms Hinayana Buddhism, abandons the way of lotus and Bodhi, and evolves the essence of Buddhism with the teachings of the Purity. King Shiming protects the Dharma and wields the four swords to kill immortals.King Buddha Maitreya and others, following the decree of Amitabha Buddha, carried out the sacred order of Zhunti Buddha and Mother, and besieged the central Posa Pure Land world with the power of the bliss of the Western Heaven.

"My good apprentice, you are a spiritual treasure who became enlightened. Your aptitude is against the sky. You are destined to have this calamity. Whether you can transcend the world or not depends on your own good fortune." Bao's comprehension is extremely high. Once he attains the Tao and understands the past and present, the three corpses will be cut off. If he can cut off the obsession with cutting off the teaching and cultivate his own Hinayana good fortune, he can truly cut off the three corpses like the demon master Kunpeng Obsession, the achievement of the Supreme Hunyuan realm, even if you are not a saint at that time, you will still be able to enjoy the virtues of eternal life, and you will be able to enjoy eternal cultivation before immeasurable kalpas.

But at this time, in the Western Central Po-Whirling Pure Land, Many Treasures Tathagata, manifesting the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, has immeasurable supernatural powers, a multi-treasure pagoda on his head, holding a golden jade relic in his hand, and a floating image of Zhu Xian under his feet. The four swords are divided into southeast and northwest, and with one person's strength, they can fight Maitreya Future Buddha, Medicine Master Guangwang Buddha, and Randeng Ancient Buddha. With one move, Maitreya Future Buddha and others can't get in at all.Three thousand Buddhas are in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Duobao Tathagata, during which Sanskrit sounds are chanted, and there are merits and virtues rolling.It is difficult for Maitreya Buddha and others to last for a long time. After all, the cultivation base does not need to be multi-treasure Tathagata, and one has great luck. After the cultivation base has greatly improved, the methods are even more terrifying.Ran Deng Shanggu Buddha and others all wanted to kill Duobao Tathagata, but at this time, after seeing Duobao Tathagata's supernatural powers, they already knew that this matter was difficult to handle.

"Monster Ji Meng, take someone to the underworld for a while, there seems to be some changes in the yin mountain, you go now, remember to discuss with the ghost car demon saint and Taoist Kong Xuan when you encounter problems." In the past, Lu Ya heard that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seemed to have changed. Just in case, Lu Ya sent Ji Meng and others to the underworld. At this time, only the underworld seemed to be quiet in the three realms, but the great changes in the west. It is difficult for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to get out of it, because once the Hinayana Buddhism wins, there will be no place for them, the disciples of the Western religion.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva cannot do without the Netherland, but it can also control the luck of Buddhism. Although it only occupies the place of Yinshan Mountain, it has accumulated a lot of merit for the West over the years. Merit is very important.

When Ji Meng rushed to the underworld, he saw that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was besieged by ghost chariots and others, not to mention going to Posuo Pure Land, even his Hualien Pure Land was already in jeopardy.Back then, the method of quasi-speculation did not have a trace of sovereignty in the underworld.Although Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has Hualian Pure Land, he was driven away by the Asuras, Yaozu, and Jiejiao. In recent years, let alone expanding the influence of Buddhism in the underworld, whether it can develop in the underworld depends on the Yaozu and Jiejiao. complexion.But in the end, the pure land of whirling is too important, and it is the foundation of the strength of Buddhism in the west.The direct disciples of Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti are few and far between, how can they stop the three thousand Buddhas in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Duobao Frye.

"The demon sage Ji Meng came just in time, so the demon sage Lao led Bo Xun, Da Brahma, Shiva, and ghost mother to block all the exits of Hualien Pure Land, so that King Ksitigarbha must not be allowed to go to the west." Kong Xuan saw that Ji Meng had come. , I was determined, although the situation in the underworld is clear, but this place is too important, if there is a mistake, it will not be a good thing for Jiejiao and Yaozu.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was trapped in the Hualien Pure Land. At this time, Duobao Tathagata was fighting against the crowd in the Posah Pure Land at this time, but there was less pressure.Although the Master Tongtian couldn't help Duobao Tathagata to overcome the catastrophe, there are still people who know Duobao Tathagata's difficulties after sitting down.After all, Zhao Gongming has practiced with Duobao Tathagata for many years, and he has long guessed why Duobao Tathagata went back to the west. If Duobao betrayed Jiejiao, he would be 1 people who would not believe it. , Not hesitating to bear the infamy, which moved him unceasingly.Zhao Gongming didn't think much about it, he lifted his feet out of Sanxian Island, and with clouds growing under his feet, he drove directly to the west through the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, and finally came to Xiniu Hezhou, but he saw the boundless outside of the central mother-in-law pure land. The Buddhist disciples were attacking the Pure Land of Po-Whirling, and Gong Ming had already seen several streams of evil spirits rushing out of the Pure Land of Po-Whirling from far away.As a disciple of Jiejiao, Zhao Gongming has long had a deep understanding of the four sword qi of Zhuxian. At this time, Duobao Tathagata will release the sword array to defend against the enemy, which shows that the situation must be bad at this time.

Zhao Gongming wanted to help Duobao, but he didn't want to see a golden lotus pressing down on his head as soon as he took out the Zhenshen Pagoda.Seeing this, Gongming turned pale in shock: "What, it's actually a virtuous golden lotus." Although this object was stripped of three ranks by Tai Yi, it is the treasure of a sage after all. How dare Zhao Gongming be careless? Originally, this matter was a matter of the West, and Zhao Gongming could not be involved. Gongming is not at all, after all, today's Duobao is the internal affairs of the West, and Zhao Gongming crossed the border to come here, which just gave the two sages of the West an excuse.Just like this, Gongming was hit hard by the golden lotus on the Zhenshen Tower above his head. With a bang, the Zhenshen Tower above Zhao Gongming's head was shot down, how powerful a blow from a saint is.

"Junior Brother, why did you bother to come here?" Duobao Tathagata complained in his heart when he saw Zhao Gongming coming.Zhao Gongming Zhenshen Pagoda was knocked down, and seeing another pagoda above his head, he recognized it as Duobao Tathagata's natal spiritual treasure, Duobao Pagoda, without any hesitation, a blue light flashed, and entered the world of Posa Pure Land with the light of Duobao Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha was obsessed before, but now he can't break the law, and the world of bliss is no longer bliss.Hualian Pure Land World, Eastern Pure Land Glazed World, the power of the two worlds besiege Posuo Pure Land.Buddhism has the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, which is the dwelling place of the two saints. Under it are the Hualian Pure Land World, the Eastern Pure Land Glazed World, and the Central Posa Pure Land World sitting in the west. Do not come out, Duobao Tathagata is in charge of all the disciples of the Buddha. Now that the sage is out, Duobao Tathagata can only break it with strength and evolve the power of the great world before he can become enlightened.In the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, although there are Zen sounds, what is scattered is the light of the Supreme Purity.When Zhao Gongming saw this, it was exactly as he thought in his heart.What a proud person I was as a senior brother of my teacher, why did I risk the name of apostasy to become a Buddha and become a Taoist.

"Brother, are you okay, take this thing quickly?" Zhao Gongming saw that Duobao Tathagata's complexion was a little pale, and he thought that Duobao Tathagata had exhausted his mana and used his own strength to fight against Medicine Master Guangwang Buddha and Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha. And Maitreya King Buddha, the three masters of Buddhism, no matter how profound your magic power is, there is no end to it, quickly opened the sleeves, took out a treasure box from the sleeves, there were several yellow plums and nine-pattern flat peaches in the box.

"This is Huang Zhongli and Pantao. My brother is so lucky to have such spiritual fruits." Duobao Tathagata has obtained the Tao in ancient times and has a lot of experience, so he naturally recognizes these two kinds of spiritual fruits.When Zhao Gongming heard the words, he didn't say anything, and urged Duobao Tathagata to take it. His sister, Empress Yunxiao, is now married to Lu Ya. It's not just the good wine and good meat, but he also ate a lot of these spiritual fruits, and gained a lot of benefits from it, and his cultivation base and mana increased a lot.

Duobao Tathagata also knew about Yunxiao, so he stopped being pretentious. After taking a piece of Huang Zhongli, he finally replenished a lot of mana, and his face calmed down a lot. "Junior Brother, you shouldn't have come, it added to the karma." Duobao Tathagata was moved in his heart at this moment, Zhao Gongming would still help him in this way with his current status, and there are many people with such deep affection in the teacher's family. The three thousand Buddhas in the West were also the three thousand disciples of Jiejiao back then. Although they entered Buddhism back then, after I came, I realized that these people’s hearts were still towards Jiejiao, so they helped me to control the central Posao Pure Land so easily. In the world, I also have the opportunity to become enlightened.

"Senior brother, you don't need to say too much, you and I quickly broke through these obstacles, so that I can help senior brother achieve enlightenment." Zhao Gongming didn't know what Duobao Tathagata was thinking, and seeing the resentment in Ran Deng's heart, he couldn't completely kill this person back then. Now see again, how to dry off.At this time, Zhao Gongming had already set foot on the fairy cloud, and grabbed several lightning bolts of the Supreme Purity in his hands. Under the blue light, there was already a lot of fire, like a thunderbolt from a fire dragon, with great power.

Duobao knew Zhao Gongming's temperament, and saw that he was thinking of killing the year, so he hurriedly brought up the map of Zhu Xian, and Duobao Pagoda borrowed Gongming's protection. After all, Gongming's Zhenshen Pagoda was dropped by Amitabha just now, and it needs to be re-sacrificed before it can be used. Although she has fairy clothes on her body, it is just an ordinary spiritual treasure, and the power of body protection is not great.The two teachers and brothers joined forces to set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation. Duobao Tathagata held the five incarnations of the Ming King, and the central Fudo Ming King sat in the center. The other four Ming Kings each received a sword and controlled the four gates. Even against Western disciples such as Guanyin Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva, the Thousand Buddhas could not fall behind.They were originally Jiejiao disciples. Although their cultivation bases were not particularly high, they did have all kinds of supernatural powers and the power of the Buddha's world. Even if they were attacked by the ancient Buddha in the detention center for several rounds, it would be difficult to break through the Buddha's realm.

"Why hasn't Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva come yet, and no one from the Hualian Pure Land World has come?" Maitreya King Buddha saw Many Treasures Tathagata and then set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. Did not come, doubts in my heart.This matter is a Buddhist decree issued by a Buddhist sage himself. It is impossible for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to disobey it. Could something have happened? Maitreya King Buddha is a little uneasy at this moment.

"Could it be that something happened?" The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp also felt that there was something strange, but he didn't think of it for a while, and now Maitreya King Buddha said so, and he also felt that it was wrong.

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