In the Underworld, the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of the Yinshan Hualian Pure Land World was besieged by Ji Meng and others in the dojo, and he couldn't get out of the dojo at all.Although he was anxious in his heart, he was helpless. He couldn't help himself in the underworld. There was Kong Xuan sitting in the underworld, and there were ghost cars and many Asura demon kings. This Hualian Pure Land World, although it is called Pure Land, where is it coming from? Really pure land.Now there are many heavenly soldiers from Jimeng Hunger, and they have surrounded the entire Hualian Pure Land. If Kong Xuan had the heart, if only these people attacked together, it would be possible to raze the entire Yinshan Mountain to the ground, let alone Saying that he is a little Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, at this time he seems to regret the big vow he made at the beginning. It was impossible to realize it but he didn't want to make a mistake.

"Bodhisattva, are we really not going?" Monk Daoming asked beside him.Monk Daoming is the second disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, along with Elder Min.The two have followed Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for many years. This is the first time they have seen Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with such an expression. The whole person seems to be about to sit down. The catastrophe is coming.

"Hey, Daoming, it seems that I will not be able to survive this calamity. Daoming, Min, you have been following you as a teacher for many years, and the poor monk has not fulfilled the responsibility of being a teacher. I never thought that my Buddhist school would have such a calamity." , also has an impact on Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he doesn't know why Kong Xuan and others are still not doing it at this time, maybe they are worried about the two saints in the West, but here even the Buddhist saints are difficult to intervene, which one is the Buddha Donghuang Taiyi or the leader of Tongtian? He can make the two saints drink a pot, not to mention the Jiejiao and Yaozu masters like clouds, but a Jimeng has quasi-sage cultivation, even he can't win easily, let alone the ghost in the underworld. Che, Kong Xuan and others are all eyeing this place.

"Teacher, why did you say that? My Buddhist school has a long luck, and I believe that I will be able to survive this calamity." Monk Daoming and the two were terrified when they heard the words. If they have the grace of rebirth and enlightenment with them, if it is what Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, then they will face it together with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.But at this moment in the Central Possessed Pure Land, due to the late arrival of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Duobao Tathagata and Zhao Gongming set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation together, and Maitreya King Buddha and others were also at a loss. They also don't have the strength of saints, the three of them are just three quasi-sages, the name of Zhu Xian made Hong Huang frightened, Duobao Rulai followed the leader of Tongtian for many years, and studied this formation for many years, now it only takes a while to trap everyone.Seeing that Duobao Tathagata's luck is getting stronger and stronger, when his luck is great, maybe he can really use his luck to get rid of his obsession with himself.If you really wait until then, it will be really difficult to control, even if the second sage makes a move, it will be difficult to control Duobao Tathagata.

"Master, there are countless asura soldiers and demon clans outside the Hualian Pure Land, and disciples can't enter at all." Therefore, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has been delayed, and the pharmacist went to the Buddha's seat to inquire about the Moonlight Bodhisattva, who knows that the Moonlight Bodhisattva When I came to the underworld to see such a scene, let alone meeting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it was very difficult to get in. If he hadn't acted smartly, he would have been killed by the Asura Demon King on the spot.

"No wonder, it seems that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can't wait any longer, and now the time is not waiting for us, and we can only rely on ourselves to break the formation." After hearing the return from Moonlight Bodhisattva, the pharmacist suddenly felt enlightened.Everyone heard the words, all of them were dignified, Buddhism is the world, there are three worlds, but they don't think that now the central world is in the hands of Duobao Tathagata, even the Hualian Pure Land world is now the fish and meat of others, and it is in danger.

"Senior brother, what are they waiting for?" Zhao Gongming also felt strange when he saw that Maitreya King Buddha and others had not entered the formation for a long time.I thought I didn't dare to enter the battle, but looking at the situation now, there should be some calculations, but there is no movement for a long time, so Zhao Gongming thought that they might be waiting for something, but he was called by Duobao Tathagata, otherwise I rushed out to find the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp and tried my best.

"Junior brother is right, they are waiting, but they can't wait, hahaha." Duobao Rulai smiled, as if he had already made up his mind, the look of determination in his eyes was extremely sharp, but his expression was full of It was calm, with no trace of tension at all.

"Brother, do you know what they are waiting for?" Zhao Gongming heard Duobao Tathagata's meaning, and it seemed that all of this was planned by Duobao Tathagata, so he didn't have any worries at all.However, Zhao Gongming didn't know that Duobao Tathagata seemed relaxed, but in fact it was not easy at all. The great luck of Buddhism has many advantages, but the luck is too great, and the backlash brought by it is not small. Merit blessings, how can they be consumed, so the so-called extremes must be reversed, and everything must be measured. Although luck is good, it must be able to control it. All the saints have great merits and virtues, so they can truly control these lucks.

"Indeed, they are waiting for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Hualian Pure Land, but they can't wait." Duobao Rulai is not worried that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will come, because there is Kong Xuan in the underworld. Although the younger brother started late, he would not see Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva leading people from the Hualian Pure Land to help. In the heart of the disciple, he still regards himself as a senior brother, otherwise Zhao Gongming would not have come here.Although Kong Xuan seldom speaks or communicates much, but he can only feel that this junior brother's heart is clearer than a mirror, and he is extremely transparent. Naturally, he can see his own intentions. Maybe this time he will not come here to help like Zhao Gongming Myself, but Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is in Yinshan Mountain, which is under the jurisdiction of Kong Xuan, so naturally he will not watch Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lead the Bodhisattvas of the Hualian Pure Land to the Western Posa Pure Land to deal with him with the ancient Buddha and others .

It was only then that Zhao Gongming understood why Duobao Tathagata was so confident. It was true. The character of this Junior Brother Kong Xuan was indeed a bit similar to him, but compared to him, he was more noble and face-saving, and he was better than their teacher Tongtian Jiaozhu. It can be compared, if Ksitigarbha ran out of the Hualian Pure Land World under his supervision, it would be a shame and a shame for him.This may also have something to do with Kong Xuan's background. Although the Phoenix Clan has declined since he was born, he is still a prince of the Phoenix Clan, so he does have some noble pride.

Of course, it is difficult for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to come, it is difficult for the power of the three worlds of Buddhism to merge, and the separation of the three talents of heaven, earth and man makes it even worse for Maitreya King Buddha and others. The sky filled with sword energy in the sword formation, it's not that if they don't join the formation, Duobao Tathagata will be helpless.With the Huangzhong Li and Jiuwen Pantao sent by Zhao Gongming, Duobao Tathagata was not afraid that he would not be able to catch up with his magic power as before, but he shot with all his strength, and the firepower of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was fully fired. In the whirling pure land world, the Zhuxian formation dances without wind in the evil spirit of the sky, gradually permeating the evil spirit, the Zhuxian sword formation is activated, five Ming kings, four of them hold swords, the central immovable Ming king sits in the center, and the Zhuxian formation above his head evolves greatly The formation almost covers the entire Pure Land of Whirling.

"It's not good, Duobao is doing it, everyone don't panic, sacrifice the Lingbao Dao together, don't be broken by each of them." The ancient Buddha on the burning lamp knew the power of the big formation, and knew that no one could stop the Zhuxian Sword With the chaotic sword energy in the formation, only the combined force can have a chance of survival.

"Hahaha, Ran Deng, I think you should take care of yourself." Ran Deng already knew who it was after hearing the voice, and it was Zhao Gongming who wanted to kill him here. As expected, Zhao Gongming's Before the words fell, the Tianheng Sword flew in front of him. This treasure is the original Haotian Sword, but the sword is the best innate spiritual treasure, and its power is huge. What came out was a coffin lamp.It's just that Zhao Gongming shot too fast, and it was too late for the ancient Buddha on the lamp to react. He only heard the ancient Buddha on the lamp's scream, but a shoulder was crushed, and a large piece of flesh and blood flew out, stirred by the chaotic sword energy, Long gone.Seeing that the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp was seriously injured, he was afraid that the ancient Buddha would be the closest, and he would come to rescue the two Buddhas who blocked it. How could Duobao Rulai miss this opportunity? King Ming, King Jundali Ming, King Dawei Deming and King Vajra Yasha Ming each issued four sword auras, and the four swords merged into one in mid-air, and a chaotic sword aura fell, fearing that Liusun Gufo would be shocked when he saw it, and released the fairy rope Standing in front of him, but how much defense can the binding fairy rope have, the sword energy instantly knocked down the binding fairy rope, and directly smashed the golden body of the Dharma, who was afraid of Liusun, leaving only three golden Buddhist relics floating in the air .

Duobao saw that the Zhuxian Sword Formation succeeded, and a huge Buddha seal was formed in his hand. The Buddha seal was formed by the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Duobao Tathagata. It had the supernatural power of three thousand Buddhas. Under one blow, the three relics were instantly shattered. He took two of them, and the other one rolled up the primordial spirit who was afraid of leaving behind the ancient Buddha and fled. How could Zhao Gongming let him escape, the two seals in his hand were superimposed, and the Tianheng sword let go of the ancient Buddha that burned the lamp and flew towards the relic.Tianheng Sword's sword energy is sharp, Ran Deng is already seriously injured, how dare he go forward, Maitreya King Buddha and others are far away, and the rescue is too late, only the tearing sound of Fear Liusun Gufo's primordial spirit is heard, not yet If there is any feeling, it has been smashed away by the sword energy of Tianheng sword, and it has completely fallen.One of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao back then, the ancient Buddha Fearing Liusun still failed to survive this catastrophe and was killed by Zhao Gongming, even the last true spirit could not escape from the Zhuxian Sword Formation Invaded by the evil spirit within, it became the nourishment of the formation.

"Junior brother." Seeing that their grandson was killed, Manjusri, Pu Xian and others suddenly felt sad. They have been together for hundreds of millions of years, since they joined Chanjiao, they have been together, but they didn't want to see it. Fearing that the remaining grandson would be killed, even a trace of the true spirit could not escape, everyone was shocked and angry.Surprised by Duobao Tathagata and Zhao Gongming's ruthlessness, angry that the ancient Buddha on the lamp did not save him.

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