The Great East Emperor

Chapter 408 Each has its own power and influence, Duobao kills the corpse

Fearing that the grandson of the ancient Buddha would be killed, even the primordial spirit relic did not escape, Maitreya King Buddha was shocked.I don't want to know why this is the case. This time they started in the Central Possessed Pure Land World. It stands to reason that the two Western Saints would not sit back and watch in fear of the fall of the grandson of the ancient Buddha.In fact, they didn't know that the second saint was going to make a move at this time, but he was distracted by the sudden change of the sun star.Donghuang Taiyi is now living in seclusion on the sun star, and does not take half a step without incident, but on this day on the sun star, there is a strong breath breaking through the outer sun fires, and the sun fires are like three-legged golden crows. It flutters its wings and soars, hovering above the sun star.Taiyi comprehended the original law of chaos on the sun star, but suddenly felt the changes in Zixiao Palace, as if a huge breath broke through the long river of fate.Taiyi knew very well in his heart that this aura was not someone else's, it was the Dao of that day, and he was almost sure that it must be the shocking momentum erupted by the Dao of Heaven merging with the Dharma Body of Dao of Heaven.

It is said that after Tiandao retrieved his real body and dharma that day, in order to avoid Taiyi,

So he retreated to Zixiao Palace all the time, and seemed to disappear into the world together with Hongjun for a while, and now he was noticed by Taiyi inadvertently, although the two did not face-to-face confrontation, both of them had already felt the aura of both sides, especially Taiyi , together with the competitive spirit, the aura that has been suppressed by him has been released, and almost the entire Sun Star is shrouded in this monstrous huge wave. How can the Sun Star's Sun True Fire resist Tai Yi? In fact, this time it almost wiped out the entire Sun Star. It's going to be overturned.The sun star is the place where Taiyi is born. If it is not for worrying about this monstrous cause and effect, the sun star today would have been reduced to a fish in the hand.

"What a great Donghuang Taiyi, who hides so deeply." In Zixiao Palace, Tiandao also marveled at Taiyi's strength.Seeing the change of the sun star, he muttered in his mouth.This momentum is obviously on par with him, or maybe even above him.Hongjun was completely silent at this time. Before, the way of heaven was just a trace of primordial spirit, but now it has turned into a living real body. This makes him feel so embarrassed. He wanted to take the opportunity to devour the way of heaven. It is the way of heaven, but now all this is just a joke.

"Brother, is Donghuang Taiyi going to do something again?" In the Paradise of Elysium, Zhunti was also shocked by Taiyi's aura.Such a powerful aura, if they are facing the world of bliss, they will be absolutely irresistible. Although they are both saints, their heavenly saints are really a bit tragic in front of Taiyi. Dare to come out, let alone confront.Amitabha didn't know how to answer, but he just looked in the direction of the sun star, his heart was already in his throat.Since his sanctification, he has rarely felt this way, as if he felt that his own destiny was no longer in his hands.

"It's not good, I'm afraid of leaving the ancient Buddha." In such a split second, the second sage suddenly realized that the Buddhist luck had lost a lot here, and only then realized that it was because of the fear of the ancient Buddha's fall.The ancient Buddha who was afraid of leaving grandson was one of the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism. The fall of this person would not be a big blow to Buddhism.At this time, the Second Sage was too late to regret, and he didn't care about the change of the sun star. Now the Buddhism is facing a catastrophe, and they have difficulties in dealing with it.Amitabha and Zhunti saw that the central Possessed Pure Land was covered by the Zhuxian sword formation, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas under the door were deeply trapped in the formation, and they had already shown panic. The situation in Hualian Pure Land is not optimistic at this time. When Xuan and others attacked, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could hardly resist.If there is a loss in the central Posuo pure land world, then the Hualian pure land world may not last long.

"Junior brother, you can't." Amitabha saw that he was about to extract the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and hurriedly stopped him.He knows Zhunti's temper. If he is made to act impulsively, he will really be out of control. Before he hurt Zhao Gongming with the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus, he would have already shot him. It is not allowed whether the leader of Tongtian will intervene in this matter.Among other things, the Hualian Pure Land World at this time is really a bit precarious. If something touches him, perhaps the survival of the Hualian Pure Land World is a matter of time.

"Brother, is this really the case? How many years of hard work you and I have put into it, so what if Tong Tian came here? He meddled in the internal affairs of my Buddhist sect and sent Zhao Gongming here. I won't come." Zhunti was unwilling, seeing that the ancient Buddha's body was afraid of Liusun's fall, and the luck of Duobao Tathagata was getting stronger and stronger, and he was faintly on the verge of beheading the three corpses. , then it will be really difficult to end.At that time, it will be too late even if they have the means to reach the sky.

"This." Zhunti's words were like a heavy punch, hitting Amitabha Buddha's heart hard. Seeing that the Buddhism he founded was so divided into fate and set up another sect, how could he be willing, or say At this moment, Bi Zhunti still wanted Duobao Tathagata to die in his heart, but the last trace of calm let him know that no matter how bad the situation was, he could not make a move.It is definitely not that simple that Master Tongtian can bear the pain to let Duobao become a Buddha, or Master Tongtian did not have this kind of scheming, but Taiyi is different.In his eyes, Master Tongtian and Taiyi are venting out of the same nostrils, and it is obvious that this matter must have been planned by them in advance.Just like today's Hualian Pure Land World, I used to think that Buddhism had a great opportunity to be able to build a Taoist temple here.Not to mention other people, even they themselves can't believe it. After all, what does the luck of the underworld mean to the Yaozu and Jiejiao, especially the Jiejiao, which is almost the result of the Jiejiao's luck now. fundamental.Since the Great War of Proclaimed Gods, the teachings of Jiejiao seem to have been somewhat quiet in the human race, but because of Xuanzang, the teachings of Jiejiao have begun to awaken, and the human race has once again remembered the deeds of Jiejiao in the human race in ancient times.Among other things, Jiejiao disciple Zhao Gongming is also the teacher of Taihuang Xuanyuan, one of the three emperors of the human race. As a teacher of the emperor of the human race, how could the human race forget it.Not to mention the Saint Tongtian, the leader of Jiejiao who was enshrined in a temple by the human race. How could the older generation of human race or the guardian of the human race forget it.

"I'm afraid it's God's will. My Buddhism has such a catastrophe. It has been ten thousand years since you and I founded Buddhism. You have to think about the countless achievements of luck. Even the 48 great wishes made back then have been paid off. At this time If you really lose the Buddhist door, you and I can transcend the mundane world, so why bother to act rashly and bring about the disaster of killing people." Amitabha Buddha didn't know what kind of emotion he said, but Zhunti seemed to have a kind of helpless vicissitudes of life when he heard it.He and Amitabha became enlightened far more than Pangu Sanqing and Nuwa Empress. Now he thought he had an opportunity to rejuvenate the West, but because of Duobao Rulai's one-shot plan, the two sages could not advance or retreat. Such a move made the Ersheng dare not even show his air.They don't know why the Eastern Emperor Taiyi suddenly has nothing to do with such an aura, it is standing up, but it doesn't seem to be, but it is faintly confusing, especially the Western Second Saint, they and the Yaozu, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi There are some contradictions.

"Brother, is this really the only way to go?" Zhunti shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, and because of Amitabha, he had to put away the tree of seven treasures in his hand again. Zhunti felt unwilling, that's for sure Yes, but since Amitabha Buddha said so, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only swallow his breath and rattle his fingers holding the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand, because at this moment, he has already sensed the power of the pure land. Variety.Duobao Tathagata beheaded the three corpses, which was only a momentary event, but for the second sage of the West, or for the entire Buddhist sect, it was a matter greater than the sky.Duobao Tathagata beheaded the three corpses, which means that Duobao Tathagata has really controlled the luck of Buddhism, and can beheaded the three corpses by virtue of the luck of Buddhism. Although the difference between Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism is only one word, there is a sky. Variations vary widely.Duobao Qulai now relies on the great luck of Buddhism to cut off the three corpses with his own golden body and dharma. Ben is a disciple of the Jiejiao. He has been apostate for many years in name, but it is the leader of the Jiejiao Tongtian who has been placed in the Western Buddhism in order to seek the luck of the West.This point was originally for the purpose of stopping the teaching, but the leader of Tongtian found that this was Duobao's opportunity, so he also decisively knew that the master-student friendship between him and Duobao might have come to an end at this moment.This is not a choice of betrayal, but a kind of fulfillment. This is the fulfillment of Duobao Tathagata, the leader of Tongtian sect. He regards Duobao as his heir. How many years has Duobao followed him? He is already a disciple of Master Tongtian.Countless years of master-student friendship, Master Tongtian has already surpassed the limit of a teacher to Duobao, or Duobao has already surpassed the limit of a disciple to Master Tongtian. Therefore, if there is any change in the Second Western Sage, then he may come out again to clear the way for Duobao.

"Brother, have you cut the corpse?" Zhao Gongming saw Duobao's body in a trance for a while, as if there were countless avenue runes hovering in it, and vaguely saw countless Buddha lights shining on the Three Realms above Duobao Tathagata's head.Maitreya King Buddha and others were trapped in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and at this time, Duobao Tathagata did not continue to use the above immortal method to activate the Zhuxian Sword Formation.Because Duobao Tathagata was also upset at this time after beheading the corpse, beheading the three corpses is almost the same as becoming a saint for the prehistoric people. If it is not for the lack of primordial purple energy, then this person is not easy to pretend and loses his appetite.

"Hehe, Junior Brother, the poor monk occasionally gets something. Although this time is a catastrophe, there are also some opportunities." Amitabha was obsessed before, but he didn't think that it was precisely because of this that there were opportunities.In other words, this is a chance, the power of the monster clan, as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the monster clan, Taiyi doesn't care about these things at all at this time, but that is to say, how many years of accumulation has he accumulated, how can he easily pretend to others.

"Huh, what a deep calculation." Zhunti didn't know what to say, but just looked at the Posuo Pure Land, as if Duobao Tathagata came to the mortal world occasionally, all of which were out of his control.

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