The Great East Emperor

Chapter 409 3 Corpses Become Taoist, Buddhism Diverts

Beheading three corpses to become enlightened, how much of this is in the prehistoric world, maybe even Zhao Gongming can't tell.Obsession is hard to kill. Although there were three corpses before Hongjun beheaded, good and evil two corpses, many people in the prehistoric world have already beheaded, but besides Hongjun, only Kunpeng successfully beheaded his own obsessions.Or without Kunpeng, maybe this method of beheading three corpses would really be gradually forgotten by people. If it weren't for the method of beheading three corpses is the fastest way to improve Taoism and cultivation in the wild, that's why people flock to it so much.When Duobao Tathagata beheaded the corpse, it was naturally his own obsession.Duobao and good corpse Duobao Taoist, who used the Duobao Pagoda to entrust his obsession; the evil corpse was beheaded with the Zhuxian sword formation, and turned into the five guardian kings.But now this self-obsessed corpse is entrusted with its obsession with the golden body of its own dharma, and it is the Tathagata Buddha who beheaded, and the three corpses are different.

The corpse of the self, good and evil, have been chopped off long ago, and now even the last self has been successfully chopped off.Zhao Gongming beside Duobao Tathagata was a little shocked.Although he knew that Duobao was working hard to kill the corpse before, but at the moment when he really succeeded, Zhao Gongming suddenly discovered that all this is so simple, and now Duobao Tathagata has really realized the state that he has been daunted by.Taoists call it the Three Corpses, and Buddhism calls it the Great Nirvana. Zhao Gongming doesn't know how to call Duobao Buddha and Dao fellow practitioners at this time.

After beheading the three corpses, sanctification is not far away, but there is one most critical aspect of sanctification.The method of beheading the three corpses cultivates the way of heaven and is a sage of the way of heaven, but if he is a sage of the way of heaven, it is difficult to communicate with the long river of heaven without the majestic purple energy, and it is difficult to entrust his soul in the long river of fate.This is the key to the enlightenment of a sage in the Dao of Heaven. In the prehistoric world, the primordial purple energy is limited, and now the last strand of primordial purple energy has been given to Qing Ling by Tai Yi, which is the one that represents the evil way.Before Taiyi wanted to give it to Kunpeng, but Kunpeng declined it politely. It wasn't that Kunpeng didn't want to become a saint, but that Kunpeng had already lost confidence in a holy place of heaven after going through so much.

Duobao Tathagata beheaded the three corpses and gathered all kinds of merits in one body. The Buddhist luck has great merit to absorb. At this time, no matter how much Buddhist luck there is, he is not afraid. Even Amitabha and Zhunti can't hurt him personally. Known as Zhu Xian, although it can't kill a saint, it is more than enough to protect itself.Duobao Rulai didn't want to do more evil, he had already killed the ancient Buddha of fearing Liusun before, and another one of the ancient seven Buddhas of Buddhism was lost. Let Maitreya King Buddha and others go out.Zhao Gongming didn't understand why Duobao Tathagata was like this. After all, this time was his best chance to kill the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, but he didn't want Duobao Tathagata to just release the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp.However, Zhao Gongming also seemed to understand that Duobao Tathagata did this mostly to repay Sifang Ersheng's favor.At that time, Duobao Tathagata turned into a Buddha, and he was also illuminated by the second sage, so Duobao Tathagata was able to sit on this seat. The Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, although the three thousand Buddhist disciples were all transformed by the disciples who cut off the teaching, there were no two sages. With his approval and dominance, how could Shakyamuni Buddha easily let go and hand over the highest throne under this Buddhist saint to him.

"Hey, junior brother, you have too much obsession in your heart. The cycle of karma and reincarnation is predestined. How can you truly achieve enlightenment and attain the right fruit in the future?" Duobao Tathagata also knew Zhao Gongming's anger when he saw Zhao Gongming's resentful eyes. At this time, what I thought in my heart enlightened me.

"Senior brother said it is true, but Pindao is not as open-minded as senior brother. Senior brother just can't swallow this breath, anyway, since senior brother said so, Pindao will try hard, haha, but Pindao is not afraid. Brother, with such a chance, although the poor Taoist has the way, but he does not have the Taoist heart, I am afraid that this will be the case in this life, but with the qualifications of the poor Taoist, he should be content with what he has achieved today. The so-called three thousand ways , all of them can be the same as Hunyuan, but how many people can truly comprehend the mystery." Zhao Gongming has seen it thoroughly for a long time. Take the extra primordial purple energy for him to become enlightened.Even now, his brother-in-law, the Heavenly Emperor Yaohuang Luya, doesn't have any nephews of Donghuang Taiyi, let alone him, a little disciple of the Jiejiao.

"Hehe, the younger brother sees farther than the elder brother, so why belittle yourself, anyway, since the younger brother is looking for freedom, the poor monk will not say more, anyway, with the current relationship and background of the younger brother, I am afraid that looking at the whole prehistoric No one dares to deal with you easily.

"Brother, what's your plan next?" Zhao Gongming saw that Duobao Tathagata suddenly cut off the three corpses. The battle changed suddenly. After Maitreya King Buddha and others left, Zhao Gongming didn't want to stay here any longer. In the western land, after all, Duobao Tathagata said that he is no longer the big brother who cut off the teaching, but now he is a complete Buddhist master.Although the friendship between the two parties is still there, there is still a difference between Buddhism and Taoism. There is no permanent banquet in the world, and it is time to leave. He has been contaminated with karma, but he has also realized it. He has to go back to the island to practice. The matter of karma It can be big or small, especially for immortals like them, what they are most afraid of is karmic catastrophe.

"Junior, don't worry, the poor monk is no longer afraid of Western saints, and this time the body must be cut to stabilize the state. You and I will meet each other sooner or later. The poor monk is now a real Buddhist Buddha. How could he be so easily killed?" Human calculations. Duobao Tathagata has completely seized the central whirling world, mastered the laws of luck in it, and then the Hualian Pure Land World in the underworld, but this is not the time to do it. If you press too hard, the three corpses are not saints after all. This matter still needs to be carefully planned, and it cannot be rushed.

"Alright, since that's the case, then the younger brother will leave first. After a long time, I know how the two sisters are doing?" After Zhao Gongming and Duobao said goodbye, he also left the Posuo Pure Land and went back to Sanxian Island.Duobao Tathagata looked at the back of Zhao Gongming leaving, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes. He had reached the state at this time, so he naturally saw farther than Zhao Gongming. A hidden danger has been laid for the future catastrophe. At this moment, Duobao Tathagata has secretly vowed in his heart that if that day really comes, he will not see Zhao Gong being robbed for nothing, and he will protect Zhao Gong no matter how much he pays. Gongming is thorough, because of this friendship.

It is said that in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss at this time, Zhunti was persuaded by Amitabha Buddha and put down the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand.Taking advantage of the momentum, Buddhism flourished. At that time, it had recruited [-] sect disciples. In fact, it had already planted hidden dangers for today's situation. He knew all of this, but the West was too barren. The only twelfth-grade golden lotus in the West that can suppress luck was cut off by Tai Yi, and the quality was greatly reduced, breaking the barrier of luck. It can be said that it is already doomed to end up like this.

It doesn't matter if you lose the Central Posei Pure Land World this time, and it doesn't matter if you lose the ancient Buddha who is afraid of staying behind. It's just that the luck of Buddhism has been divided, and [-]% of the luck has been lost at once, which makes Zhun Ti's heart bleed.If Amitabha hadn't lost his mind and stopped Zhunti and explained the cause and effect, Zhunti would have taken the wonderful tree of the seven treasures in his hand and killed him in the central Posa Pure Land to kill Duobao Tathagata.

Speaking of the sun star, it took only a moment for Donghuangtai to manifest his holiness, but this was the first time he and Tiandao had fought since they regained their real bodies.Although it was just a confrontation of divine thoughts, Tai Yi could already feel the hidden strength of Tiandao.Although Tiandao is just a clone under Dao, without Dao's thoughts, or a puppet of Dao is more suitable, but how can Dao easily see his puppet being killed by others, so all previous thoughts have been eliminated. It won't work, but this time Tai Yi can understand a little bit. At this time, Tiandao is hiding in Zixiao Palace. Maybe it's not too long before he and Tiandao fight again.

It has been hundreds of millions of years for Tai Yi to comprehend the Dao of Chaos. At this time, the realm is so high that even the Dao of Heaven can hardly match it, but he still has lingering fears when he thinks of the God Thunder of the Dao at sunset on the Dao. Easily attack Tiandao.In other words, before he figured out what the Great Dao was, he wouldn't be too high-profile again. Because of his lack of cultivation, he might have acted recklessly.But now that he has really reached this level, he realizes that many of his previous behaviors are a bit ridiculous, or that is ignorance.

Taiyi and Tiandao had a tentative fight, and both sides basically had some understanding of each other's strength, so they would not make a move easily. After all, no one can do anything to the other, and once the battle starts, it may be a loser for both sides.But Hongjun is the most depressing at this time. Since Tiandao took back the golden body of Dharma, Hongjun's mood has fallen to the bottom. It can be said that Tiandao is just playing around. I thought that Tiandao had lost his dharma, but he didn't want Tiandao to hide so deeply all the time. If Tiandao and Taiyi start a war at this time, maybe he still has the possibility of fishing in troubled waters.Once both of them are hurt, Hongjun will benefit the most. Over the years, he has comprehended the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune, and he still has some insights, and his realm has returned to the state when he joined the Dao. It is more than enough to control the prehistoric world again, even if it breaks the prehistoric world, and then recreates the world to become the master of heaven and earth, it is just a matter of casual hands.

The cooperation between Hongjun and Tiandao has been mutual use from the beginning, and there is not much faith at all. At this time, it is obvious that Tiandao has put him together. Hongjun has already separated from Tiandao at this time, but at this time he is not strong enough. Being able to rely on the way of heaven to contain Tai Yi and buy time for his own cultivation, the two pairs can still live in peace, but it's hard to say when this crack will completely burst.Inside Zixiao Palace, Hongjun was holding the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune in his hand, looking at the inscription on it and the crack running through the entire piece of jade butterfly, Hongjun didn't know what to say, but the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune was his only hope now, In desperation, Hongjun had no choice but to get up and walk to the depths of Zixiao Palace.

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