The Great East Emperor

Chapter 410 Dao traction, ask for Lingzhu

"Hongjun, how can I restore the broken Jade Butterfly? I can't do this." Tiandao looked at the Jade Butterfly in Hongjun's hand, just glanced at it, and finally refused.Hongjun already knew that Tiandao would not agree to this matter. To Tiandao, he was just a tool. It was still difficult for Hongjun to accept the refusal, and his heart was naturally full of anger, but the awakening of reason still allowed him to suppress his anger.

"If that's the case, then why can the Chaos Orb be repaired?" Hongjun was unwilling. The good luck jade butterfly was related to his future path, so how could he give up because of Tiandao's refusal? But there is no law of the origin of chaos.At this moment, he knew that Tiandao was perfunctory to him, among other things, relying on the relationship between Tiandao and Dao, if Tiandao had the heart, he would naturally find a way.

"The Chaos Orb is in the palm of Taiyi. He has become Tao since Chaos, and he has long been united with the true spirit of the Chaos Orb. Naturally, there is a way to restore it, but I am really powerless to make the Jade Butterfly." Not to mention, but his face has already changed. Hongjun and Tiandao have been together for many years, and we can naturally see the clues, especially after Tiandao got back his real body, his expression seemed to become more and more indifferent. There are grievances, but after all, they cooperate with each other, and they can speak a little bit, but now, Tiandao's temperament has changed drastically, and the relationship between the two parties has become more and more complicated.But Hongjun still had to rely on the way of heaven, so he didn't dare to fall out with the way of heaven at this time. After all, he couldn't do without the protection of the way of heaven. Yes, it was protection. Without the protection of the way of heaven, Hongjun really wouldn't be safe Feeling touched, now being rejected face to face by Tiandao, Hongjun's heart is already cold, but he has no choice but to put away the good luck jade butterfly, turn around and leave.

Looking at the back of Hongjun leaving, Tiandao smiled disdainfully, but it was only for a moment, Tiandao had a good grasp of Hongjun's heart, and it was not because he had absolute strength.Indeed, strength is the magic weapon to truly control everything, because with strength, Taiyi dare not attack at this time, the two sides seem to be at a stalemate, it is just because Tai is afraid of him.Or it could be said that he was afraid of the Dao behind him.That smile might still be the smug mockery of Tai Yi in his heart.

It's just that Tiandao doesn't know that Tai Yi in the sun star is really a person who accepts his fate. In the face of Tiandao's provocation before, although Tai Yi fought back, it was not his full strength. Once again, there was a huge improvement, Chaos broke the prehistoric world, and Taiyi played Chaos with his body. At this time, he is like a little Chaos. If the Chaos he is in is just a world in the hands of others, then he can break the law with his body, Re-creating the chaotic world, if he really reaches that level, what really stands in front of him is nothing more than the Dao, Tai Yi doesn't know what the Dao is, but now he is not obsessed with it in the past.

"What a devour." Taiyi's voice came to mind again in the sun star, but if someone entered the sun star at this time, they might be frightened by the sight in front of them, because this voice came from a chaos, and this chaos I don't agree with the chaotic world outside the sun star, but there is a true spirit in it, which is the true spirit of Taiyi.Tai Yi uses the chaotic pearl to evolve the body, breaks through the shackles of the Dao, and achieves the primordial infinity, and now uses the chaotic body to evolve the chaotic world in the body, and now finally breaks the inner world, turning the small thousand into the big thousand, and breaking the big thousand into the infinite.The highest realm of Taoism is formless and formless, just like the infinite Dao, Taiyi seems to have touched a trace of the opportunity of the Dao, but the realm has not yet reached, so it is still a blur, but even so, it is enough to make him happy, as long as If you can understand what the Dao is and what the origin is, Taiyi may be able to truly understand the true colors of this world.

"Boom." Just as Tai Yi had an epiphany, another piece of chaos suddenly emanated from the top of his head, in which there were streaks of purple light intertwined, and there were streaks of thunder and fire flickering. "This is the Thunder of the Great Dao." Taiyi looked at the chaotic clouds above his head and naturally recognized what it was. When he snatched the true body of the Dao of Heaven in the deepest part of the chaos before, Tai Yi had already seen the existence of the Thunder of the Great Dao, but why now? It will appear when the sun star appears. While Tai Yi is surprised, he is also terrified. After all, the coercion of the Dao above his head is getting stronger and stronger, and the cloud of chaotic smoke is becoming more and more solid. At this time, the dense chaos is like a black hole and begins to swallow from everything around.This power Taiyi has never seen before. He obtained the Dao from the chaos, and his insight can be said to be extraordinary, or even Tiandao has no such experience as him, but at this time he seems to be deeply trapped in an unknown sea.In just one breath, Tai Yi already felt that he was no longer like a sun star. Tai Yi gathered his own chaotic world, and his real body gradually solidified. At this time, he had turned into a spirit bead, and inside the bead was a chaotic three-legged golden crow. flutter.The true spirit of Taiyi wrapped in the chaotic bead hovered in place at a speed exceeding the speed of the escaped light, shuttling through the darkness.

"You are the Dao, right?" Tai Yi finally regained his sobriety after an unknown period of time, and said to the darkness in front of him.Tai Yi is afraid of Dao, not because Dao has power beyond his reason, but because he was not clear about Dao before.It is because of ignorance of the truth that fear arises, and it is precisely because of this that many fears arise. Now Tai Yi finally overcomes the fear in his heart, and when his obsession is gone, he feels a sense of coolness in his heart, and the Chaos Orb turns into a figure again , is exactly the image of Donghuang Taiyi's innate Taoist body.

"Hehehe, kid, I didn't expect you to grow up to what you are today. It really surprised me." A voice came from the darkness, which was the response to Taiyi's words.The sound was so desolate that it was simply beyond the reach of creatures in the world.Even Tai Yi felt a little creepy when he heard it, his whole body felt cold, and even his soul was a little turbulent, even the fire of chaos in his body was extinguished by the sound.

"Da Dao, why did you bring me here? With your strength, why do you have to go to such trouble to deal with me? If you just attack, I don't have any chance of winning." It is impossible to say that there is no temper, even if it is the way to deal with it, Tai Yi still has complaints.

"You are still so impatient, but you can be so calm, it seems that Pangu has not misunderstood." Dao's voice sounded again, and Tai Yi didn't understand why Dao would involve Pangu at this time. Could it be that Pangu and Dao had a relationship? Something he doesn't know about.While Taiyi was talking with Dao, Taiyi was also secretly observing the surrounding world. This is a world different from Chaos. Although the surroundings are also pitch black, is it as dark as Chaos? There is no trace of aura, not to mention the innate aura in the prehistoric, even the unique chaotic aura of chaos.It's just that other things seem to have a lot in common with the chaos he knows. If there is any conflict with Dao here, it will really be of no benefit to Taiyi, so Taiyi also suppressed his own anger. He suppressed all the flames in his body, and the demon-suppressing sword didn't mean to come out of his body.

"You don't need to know about this, you just need to call out the Chaos Orb." At this moment, Taiyi finally understood why the Daoist tried everything to get Taiyi in. It turned out that he took a fancy to his Chaos Orb, It's no wonder that this Chaos Orb is the treasure of Chaos, and there are many people who are in high demand. Now it has alarmed Dao. At this time, Tai Yi seems to understand a little bit. That's why Dao was alarmed, and Da Dao even moved out Pan Gu, who opened the sky at the beginning.Tai Yi is almost certain that it should be related to his previous epiphany.Dao Dao seems to feel Tai Yi's imminent move, if he doesn't try to stop it, it will be difficult to control, Da Dao is not afraid of Tai Yi, but he doesn't want any changes because of it.The potential of Taiyi is too terrifying. It was just because of a little temptation from the Heavenly Dao that he could have such a great understanding. There are safe words, and there are words of hope.

Although Pan Gu did not reach the height of Tai Yi at the beginning, his realm was not low. Pan Gu realized the Dao among the three great treasures of chaos. If it weren't for the fact that the Chaos Orb, one of the four great treasures of Chaos, was too mysterious, Pangu couldn't find it, which would have failed to make the Dao complete. Goodness, or in other words, enlightenment is imminent, and the natural chance is like this, so he didn't snatch the Chaos Orb to complete the Dao, so that he died.All these seem to be related, but if there is no Taiyi, Pangu will still not be able to find the Chaos Orb, because with the Dao, Pangu's fate has already been doomed, and there is no chance at all, which makes Pangu leave the chaotic pearl before his death. that sentence.Dao didn't care at all, but Tai Yi's rocket-like rise really shocked Dao.

"Hahaha, Dao, if you really have the ability to take this treasure, why bother to pretend to be mysterious, don't say that I don't have the Chaos Orb to give you now, even if I have it, I won't give it to you." Taiyi's body and body are one, if he gives Dao the Chaos Orb, wouldn't it be to let him destroy his body, how could Taiyi be willing, let alone Taiyi, I am afraid that no one in the prehistoric world would be willing.In this way, not to mention the loss of previous cultivation bases, the loss of mana, and the drastic decline in cultivation bases, even my future path to the Great Dao will be closed because of this.For Tai Yi, the Chaos Orb has long been not just a spiritual treasure, but almost all of his cultivation and future hope.

"Hmph, you are stubborn, so don't blame me for being rude." Seeing Taiyi's refusal, Dao Dao suddenly changed his tone and said angrily.

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