The Great East Emperor

Chapter 412 Willow Spirit Root, Merge Hualian

If it is said that the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were born from the Great Dao, they were formed by the will of the Three Thousand Dao. , the avenue has the incarnation of the heavenly way to break its supernatural powers.It's just that the great way has been calculated thousands of times, but there is a variable of Taiyi, the way of heaven is four or nine, and one of them is escaped, but the way is not the same.It's just that everyone still neglected one point, that is Yang Mei, who is the controller of the law of space, and his scheming is far above other demon gods.The hollow willow tree is intertwined and intertwined, leaving behind, if the true spirit was not broken up by Tai Yi, it is possible that the willow roots left behind by it may revive.

That's right, what Tai Yi found at this time was the willow root left by Yang Mei. Although it was just a stump, its essence was there.Taiyi has never understood that there is nothing in chaos, how to evolve so many demon gods.Now that he has this stump, perhaps he can really solve this question that has plagued him for countless years.As long as we solve this problem, we may be able to find out what the Dao is.His way has no end, but because the road ahead is endless, the way is endless, and the words are endless.Tai Yi grabbed the star, only to see flying stones shattered, the entire star had long since disappeared, only a gray-green root knot remained in his hand, and there was a flash of spiritual light, which was a section of Yang Mei's hollow willow root root.This thing has lost its spiritual intelligence, if there is another time to measure the kalpa, maybe it can grow another willow root, but it needs a chance to transform into another shape, but after all, it is no longer the Yang Mei of the past. Just another spiritual root.

"What a Yang Mei, who still has such a skill. Fortunately, he made a deadly move at the beginning, otherwise there would be a possibility of a resurgence." Looking at the willow root in his hand, Tai Yi felt fortunate that with his means, although he was not afraid of Yang Mei, after all, it is a trouble, and now that he has found his foundation, it can be regarded as eradicating the roots.What makes Tai Yi even more happy is that the broken willow root is still alive, which means that there is still the original law of the Dao in it, and what Tai Yi wants is this law, the thing of the Dao, with this, there is the possibility of breaking the Dao .

"Heh." Taiyi put away his spiritual roots, and didn't want to stay outside for a long time, so he went back to Sunstar.Taiyi fulfilled his wish, and fired it with the real fire of the sun to burn off the dirt on it, only to see that section of willow root suddenly became shining and emerald green.This thing is not gold, not wood, not stone or iron, even Tai Yi can't tell what kind of material it is, and the most puzzling thing is that there is no restriction on it, let alone sacrificial refining, even if it has to be melted It is impossible, because this thing is not even afraid of the flames of chaos, it really gave Tai Yi a headache, the joy of finding the willow spirit root before, has already been exhausted at this time, only a frown on his face.

"It's not even afraid of the fire of chaos, it's really a tricky thing." Tai Yi was also upset, but this matter is not easy, and it can't be done overnight. "It seems that I am still too naive. How shrewd is Dao, how can there be omissions. Taiyi saw that the fire of chaos could not burn this root, and knew that there must be something wrong. It must not be opened by brute force. It should be What method is right, so I don't continue to struggle, but now this is the only way for him to explore the origin of the Dao, how could Tai Yi give up, he can't find a way, he can't, but he knows that there is someone who must know, although it is a bit troublesome, But it's still worth a try.

The person that Taiyi thought of was Hongjun, or rather the good fortune jade butterfly in Hongjun's hands. Although Taiyi didn't know all about the magical function of this treasure, he also knew a thing or two by virtue of his comprehension of the Chaos Orb.The Chaos Orb and Good Fortune Jade Butterfly are two of the four great Chaos Treasures, each with its own magical function.The chaotic bead suppresses the chaotic world, and the good fortune jade butterfly can evolve the world good fortune. There must be a record of the chaotic hollow willow root.Although all of this is still guesswork, but it is still very possible, anyway, he can't think of other effective methods at this time.

Hongjun is still in Zixiao Palace at this time, because the Heavenly Dao has become one with the real body, the temporary alliance between Hongjun and Tiandao has gradually drifted away at this time.If it weren't for the threat of Taiyi, it would be dreadful. I am afraid that the two of them would have torn their skins apart at this time, especially before Hongjun asked Tiandao for help in repairing the good fortune jade butterfly, but was rejected by Tiandao. Hongjun's resentment towards Tiandao It's getting deeper and deeper.

"You have to plan carefully." Tai Yi will not act rashly, anyway, he won't do it now, so after putting away the willow root, he quietly waits for the opportunity at Sun Star.Whether it is Tiandao or Hongjun, these two people have big ambitions, maybe someday they will fight, especially Tiandao, Hongjun has always been just a pawn to him.A small prehistoric world has long been unable to satisfy the appetites of the two of them. Like Tai Yi, what they want is the original avenue of chaos.The way of Tao is not all ants, otherwise those saints would not have been fighting for this little luck.

Not to mention the East Emperor Taiyi in the Sun Star, but to say that Duobao Tathagata beheaded the three corpses. It has been a hundred years since the three corpses were balanced and the state was stable. In the center of the Whirling Pure Land World, three thousand Buddhas and countless Buddha disciples gathered, and the entire Whirling Pure Land was illuminated by Buddha light.Although the two sages in the West were dissatisfied in their hearts, they could do nothing about it. Duobao Tathagata Nirvana Buddha Light, with the Zhuxian Sword Formation in hand, as long as he did not leave the Pure Land, they would not be able to touch him at all. They swallowed the bitter fruit they had buried in their hearts Well, when many treasures turned into a Buddha, this hidden danger had already been planted.

Duobao Tathagata sits in the town and finally dances. Nowadays, Buddhism is divided into Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. The Hualian Pure Land World and the Oriental Pure Glazed World are scattered outside. Naturally, Duobao will not let it go. The Oriental Pure Land Glazed World is controlled by the pharmacist Liuliguangwangfo However, the Hualian Pure Land World located in the Yinshan Mountain is different. This place is located in the nether world, where the Buddha's light cannot be illuminated, and there are demon clans and Jiejiao. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Today is like a year.

Duobao Tathagata was originally the chief disciple of the Jiejiao, and he was respected by all the members of the Jiejiao. Now Duobao Tathagata is in charge of the teaching, and the three thousand Buddhas who taught him are also the disciples of the Jiejiao back then. The two methods of destroying the Buddha's light and the evolution of many treasures, creating many treasures and universally illuminating the essence of Buddhism, can be described as cutting off the teaching inheritance. Many treasures sent a thousand Buddhas. How can Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva resist if he cuts off teaching Zhuxian to help.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great wish back then, that the underworld will not be empty, and vowed not to become a Buddha. Although he has earned a lot of luck for Buddhism, the underworld is the root of the six realms of reincarnation. If the underworld is empty, then reincarnation will not exist. Under karma, let alone a small Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the entire Buddhist sect is unbearable. Speaking of which, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is doomed to escape the karma of heaven and earth, and now it is the way of heaven with the help of Tathagata, to complete this fruit. Therefore, if Duobao Rulai made a move, even the two sages in the West would not dare to stop him.At this time, they just realized why no matter whether it was the Yaozu or the Jiejiao, there was no obstacle to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's entry into Yinshan. Even before the Jiejiao and Asura had the opportunity to destroy the Hualian Pure Land World, but at the last moment they closed Hand, it turned out that it was waiting for the Tathagata to gather the luck of Mahayana Buddhism, bring the Hualian Pure Land World back to the Posa Pure Land, and recreate the Buddha Dharma to save the underworld.

When more than 1000 Buddhas came, how could Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stop them? Monk Daoming and Elder Min sat down one after another. The entire Hualian Pure Land world had already been transformed into nothingness. I have touched the reincarnation of the heavenly way, and it is difficult to have a chance, and I have stopped struggling. One of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, is finally submerged in the Dharma of Many Treasures.When the reincarnated Buddha saw the death of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he decided in his heart and sent his disciples to the Posa Pure Land to repay the knowledge of Many Treasures, while he stayed in Yinshan to reorganize the world of Hualian Pure Land.Since then, the world of Hualian Pure Land is no longer the world of Mahayana Buddhism, and the luck of Theravada Buddhism has risen again.

For the strength of Duobao Tathagata, the Land of Ultimate Bliss naturally burst into anger, but Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother did not speak, and the sitting Buddhas did not dare to make mistakes.But at this time, the demon teacher Guangwangfo was worried, because of the three worlds of Buddhism, Duobao Tathagata has already controlled two worlds, and only the Eastern Pure Land Glazed World in his hands is left. It is time to deal with his Eastern Pure Land Glazed World. Once Duobao Tathagata succeeds, Theravada Buddhism can truly replace Buddhism. Buddhism is respected by Theravada, and there will be no Mahayana Buddhism in the world. They, disciples of Amitabha Buddha, may not be able to escape. A calamity is a calamity, how can we not let his heart panic.

"Teacher, we Duobao Tathagata have done such a thing, do we still have to endure it?" Medicine Master Guangwang Buddha paid homage to Amitabha Buddha, seeing that Amitabha Buddha was still indifferent, he said anxiously in his heart.In fact, he didn't know, at this moment, in the hearts of Amitabha and Zhunti, how could they be at peace? After so many years of hard work, seeing that the West can finally be prosperous, he didn't want Duobao Tathagata to snatch away most of the luck of Buddhism. There is nothing to be done, although Theravada Buddhism is also Buddhism, but its foundation is indeed the way of cutting off the teaching of the Supreme Purity.If they take action against Duobao Tathagata, the leader of Tongtian will definitely not remain indifferent. The disciples under his sect are now honored as Taoist ancestors. How could this master see his disciples being bullied by the two Western sages.The Hinayana Buddhism and the Jiejiao came out together, with the same spirit and the backing of the monster race. Amitabha and Zhunti did not dare to act rashly on this, so Amitabha and Zhunti sat on the lotus platform without expressing a word state.

"Let's go down first." Amitabha was disturbed in his heart, and he was a little confused for a while. After dismissing the crowd, he didn't know what to do.Zhunti was by his side, seeing Amitabha like this, he knew what he was thinking, but he didn't have a plan, so he didn't say anything.Before Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva settled in Yinshan Mountain, he went to Jiejiaohe Tianting to discuss with Tongtian Cult Master and Taiyi. He wondered how this matter would go so smoothly, but how could he have imagined the result at that time.The secret hatred in Zhunti's heart was not that he was careless, but that the other party was too calculating, and he simply couldn't guard against it.

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