The Great East Emperor

Chapter 413 Passing on the Throne from the Heavens, Intercepting the Leader

The Central Poseidon Pure Land and the Nether Hualian Pure Land are now included in the Hinayana Buddha realm. The Tathagata of Many Treasures cut off the three corpses and gathered most of the Buddhist luck in his body. , Master Tongtian saw his former lover become enlightened in Yuyutian Shangqingjing, he was very happy in his heart. In order to break free from the shackles of heaven, he has not been out of Yuyutian for these years, and he will hear good news when he leaves the customs. Back in the prehistoric times, the four quasi-sages of the sect, Duobao turned into a Buddha, Chizhen entered the heaven, Kong Xuan entered the underworld, and they all belonged. Only Zhao Gongming, a disciple who followed him very early, did not know his own way. A Shangqing talisman from Tongtian rushed out of the Shangqing Realm and fell into Sanxian Island.When Zhao Gongming received the imperial edict, he was overjoyed to see that it was written in Tongtian's handwriting, so he hurriedly asked for it.

"Brother, it's the teacher's will." The supernatant talisman's decree to insult the island had already alarmed Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao. The two rushed to Zhao Gongming's room. Knowing that it was the Shangqing talisman edict of the Lord Tongtian, he asked.

"It was the teacher who summoned me to go to the Shangqing Realm. The two younger sisters go and prepare quickly. I will set off quickly and don't keep the teacher waiting for too long." Like before, I bowed three times and kowtowed nine times. When I saw the two sisters coming, I just told them.

Seeing this, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao didn't dare to be careless. After paying homage to Tong Tian, ​​they also went to find a mount and followed the dogs out of Sanxian Island to Chaos.Master Tongtian retreated to Yuyutian, and they seldom went there. It was not that they didn't want to go, but because Tongtian didn't call. Waiting on the left and right, the three of them came to Yu Yutian and saw that the boy of water and fire was already waiting outside. Before the three of them arrived, they put away their mounts and came on foot. They are not very strict with the sect, but Zhao Gongming and others dare not make mistakes.

"The three uncles are here, and the sage master is already waiting inside. There is no need to notify the three masters." Seeing Zhao Gongming and the others coming, Shuihuo boy went up to meet them.However, although the boy of water and fire is just a boy, he is a person close to the master of Tongtian religion. Knowing that there is something important going on with the bishop of Tongtian religion, Zhao Gongming and others, he took them in directly.Before the four of them entered the door, they saw that the Holy Mother was also at the door. After asking, they found out that she was actually waiting for them.Zhao Gongming and others were puzzled that they were only here to visit Tongtian this time, how could there be such a momentum, but they just smiled when they were the Holy Mother, and said that the teacher asked him to lead them in and did not say anything else.

"Disciple Zhao Gongming (Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao) pays homage to the teacher." The three followed the Holy Mother into the Shangqing Palace, and saw the Master of Tongtian sitting on the cloud platform, and hurried forward to pay homage.They also haven't seen Tongtian for many years, and they naturally miss him in their hearts. They followed Tongtian very early. In their eyes, Tongtian is not just their teacher, but more like a loving father.

"It's Gongming, you guys are here, get up quickly." Master Tongtian opened his eyes, seeing that his beloved disciple had arrived, his eyes were full of kindness.In order to cultivate these years, these disciples have never seen a single person except the Holy Mother. With a single finger, four futons fell in front of everyone.

"That's right, it's already the late stage of quasi-sage." Master Tongtian was very pleased to see that Zhao Gongming's cultivation had improved.He never scolded his disciples, and Zhao Gongming was an outstanding disciple of his sect, he had already placed a lot of expectations on him, turned into a Buddha with many treasures, and had his own way; when the Virgin Mary was too kind, and she was a woman, she couldn’t grasp the great teaching after all; Realize the Tao with one heart, and after being reborn after the catastrophe, he admires the Dao even more, and he is not the choice to be a teacher. Kong Xuan's qualifications are undoubtedly the top choice, but his heart is too lonely. .

"Students dare not take credit for it. It is because of the teacher's good teaching that I have achieved today's achievements." Zhao Gongming, who has always shown his inner beauty, thanked him. [

"Hehe, Gongming, you don't have to say that. This is all the result of your own hard work. I have never given you any advice as a teacher these years, but you have great luck and a great opportunity. Today, my teacher asked you to come here. I entrust you with the matter." Master Tongtian waved his hand.

"Your teacher will do as you please. If the teacher is above you, there is no such thing as trusting each other. If you do your best, you should share the burden for the teacher." Zhao Gongming replied.Originally, Zhao Gongming was a little puzzled by the sudden call of the leader of Tongtian, but now he was a little surprised when he heard Tongtian say so.

Tongtian also knows Zhao Gongming's character, so he doesn't continue to entangle it. My disciple is good at everything, and he has many similarities with himself, but this character is a little different. Zhao Gongming is more than calm but lacks his own Ling Lie's arrogance, or Zhao Gongming also has it, but he doesn't like to show it, but it's just like this, Tong Tian finally decided to choose Zhao Gongming as his successor. "It seems that there is still no mistake." Tong Tian couldn't help thinking.Today, Jiejiao doesn't need the momentum to be the first in everything, what is needed is steady development, and it will be rejuvenated in the world. Zhao Gongming's character is stable and heroic, which is the best choice for the future leader of Jiejiao.

"What? Hierarch? Teacher, this matter must never be done. The teacher cannot be separated from the teaching. The disciple has a heart of arrogance. Please think twice." Zhao Gongming was horrified when he heard this. He knew that Tongtian was looking for him this time It must be something big, but he never thought that he would be the leader of the Jiejiao. The leader of the Jiejiao is not an ordinary leader, and the Great Desolate Sect is not an ordinary small sect.Don't say it was Zhao Gongming, even the people around were all horrified, and they couldn't imagine why Tongtian would suddenly make such a decision.

"Gongming, you don't need much. You have been thinking about being a teacher for a long time. Now, go and call your brothers and sisters in. They have already arrived." Tongtian doesn't care what Zhao Gongming says. To take care of the affairs of Jiejiao, it is also time to pass on the position of leader. Jiejiao has his way, and he has his own way to reach heaven. He became holy with Jiejiao, and now he wants to break free from the shackles of heaven and not take off this position , How can he really break free from the shackles of heaven? He has long understood this point, and now he has finally made up his mind.He asked Zhao Gongming to discuss it first, but he knew Zhao Gongming's character, so he had to make preparations in his heart.

After Jiejiao proclaimed himself a god, the disciples under the sect were just chatting, and now the direct disciples are just the Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, Kong Xuan, and Chizhen, and now they are finally sitting around again.Everyone was really as Tong Tian thought, although they were a little shocked when they heard that Tong Tian passed on the position, they didn't have any objection to passing the position to Zhao Gongming.Tongtian was very pleased to see his disciples going on a blind date. To him, these disciples were his greatest achievement. It was because of them that Tongtian could pass on the position of the leader of Jiejiao with confidence and devote himself to enlightenment.Seeing that Tongtian insisted, Zhao Gongming didn't take it off anymore.Now that the leader of Tongtian has made a decision, or in other words, for Tongtian, he has to shoulder this heavy burden. Perhaps after searching for many years, this is his way. Seeing that many fellow sects have found their own way, Zhao Gongming is at a loss. , Now at this moment, he seems to have some understanding, maybe this is the great opportunity that Tongtian said.

It is very simple to pass the position through the sky. The two masters and apprentices went to the altar hand in hand. The main reason is to cut off the transmission of teaching luck and add it to Zhao Gongming, which needs the approval of heaven.No one was invited to watch the ceremony. The Master Tongtian didn't like these red tapes, so everything was kept simple.Of course, the Yaozu still sent someone to say it, and Lu Ya was a little surprised when he heard about it, but he didn't say anything, and asked someone to prepare a congratulatory gift, and went with Empress Yunxiao to stop and teach Luck, if others see this, I really don’t know how to be jealous, but these are not a pity in the eyes of today’s Tongtian, passing on this luck, from now on, the leader of this sect will no longer be Tongtian, Zhao Gongming The superior, crowned the leader's throne, cut off the teaching and worshiped the new leader.Tongtian sits high in the clouds, and now that all his burdens are gone, Tongtian has taken another step away from the Tao.

What a big event it is to pass the throne through the sky. Although it was kept low-key, the news spread all over the prehistoric world very quickly.Zhao Gongming, the head teacher, sits in Jin'ao Island, and all the disciples of Jiejiao come to pay homage. Even the three thousand disciples of the underworld also walked out of the underworld for the first time and returned to Jin'ao Island of Jiejiao. But now that they come back, Jin'ao Island is no longer It was Jinao Island back then, and sitting at the top at this time is Zhao Gongming, the former master of the outer sect and now the leader of Jiejiao.

But for the saints, what they are thinking about at this time is the leader of Tongtian, who has not been out of Yu Yutian for thousands of years, and now he has made such a big commotion as soon as he left the customs, and he doesn't even want the luck of heaven. It is obvious that Tongtian's behavior has been ruled by them Guess most of them, especially Lao Tzu, among other things, the way of heaven today is no longer the way of heaven of the past. If he has the ability, he would want to break free from the shackles that have plagued him for many years.

Of course, the first thing Zhao Gongming has to do after taking office is how to make Jiejiao flourish again. Since he became a god, Jiejiao has been very low-key. , but now it is different. Although Zhao Gongming is calm, but the Jiejiao has accumulated for many years, it is time to explode. With these years of Jiejiao's preaching in the human race for many years, years of accumulation, and Tongtian's prestige in the human race, once again great prosperity , it is really not a difficult task for Jiejiao.

All this seems to be going well, but Zhao Gongming has forgotten one thing, there is still a school of teachings that is slowly flourishing in the human race, and this is Hinayana Buddhism.Although the Hinayana Buddhism is based on the supernatural method, it was created by Duobao Tathagata combined with the Buddhist method. It seems that there is no conflict, but Zhao Gongming has forgotten one thing. Duobao Tathagata is now the master of a religion. It's not as easy as he thought.He has a friendship with Duobao Tathagata, but when facing the fate of the two religions, his disciples may not be as easy to talk to as Zhao Gongming and Duobao Tathagata.

Where should the Jiejiao and Theravada Buddhism go? Perhaps this is the so-called providence.

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