The Great East Emperor

Chapter 417 Finally got the earth spirit, the chapter before the catastrophe

Although Zhen Yuanzi used to bear the name of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, he was destined for the Dao Hunyuan all his life. Now he has stripped himself of himself and cut off all thoughts from the innate. Way, the position of Hunyuan.Hongjun taught three thousand methods, and Zhen Yuanzi was one of them. Because he practiced the method of beheading three corpses, he deviated from his own way.The four spirits who opened the sky did not gather the other three spirits, and they were destined to be destined for the Dao for a lifetime. Now that the four spirits are bound by the Dao, don't wake up the Qingling, and simply shed the innate body. What he cultivated was the Tao of the Earth Immortal, and now the primordial spirit is still there, although it will take some time to improve his Taoism, but he has ginseng and fruit trees, so there is no shortage of mana, it is just a re-condensation of a dharma body.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for enlightening himself and returning to himself." Seeing this, Qing Ling knew that Zhen Yuanzi had attained the Tao, and stepped forward to congratulate him.Chi Zhen on the side was also happy to see Zhen Yuanzi gaining the Tao, but he didn't say anything at this time, because Zhen Yuanzi held a black and yellow light in his hand and handed it to Qingling, which was the original source of the real body, the congenital earth. spirit.Looking at this khaki true spirit, Chizhen couldn't help but think of his red cloud body in his previous life. These innate true spirits are really sad. They have learned the way of heaven and pursued them all their lives in Hongjun, but they don't think that all these are just water in the mirror. Yue, he was reborn because he was reincarnated back then. Of the three thousand fellow Taoists back then, there are only a few left now.Thinking of this, Chi Zhen was actually somewhat grateful to Di Jun and Kunpeng.But now that Emperor Jun died, Kunpeng beheaded the three corpses because of his great luck. Maybe even Hongjun didn't count on this. Perhaps this method of beheading the three corpses is only Kunpeng in the whole prehistoric world. Predestined to practice.But he didn't know that if it wasn't for Taiyi's help, Kunpeng would have been reduced to dust just like the others.

"The Daoist is being polite, break it and then stand up. The poor Taoist would like to thank the Taoist Lord for awakening the poor Taoist. Now this thing is no longer needed by the poor Taoist, so I will give it to the Taoist Lord. I also ask the Taoist Lord not to resign." Zhen Yuanzi Seeing this, Qingling knew that Zhenyuanzi didn't want to owe him karma, so he readily accepted it, but he was a little embarrassed in his heart. He originally came to snatch this thing, but he didn't want this accident, and instead made it Zhen Yuanzi, on the contrary, let him suddenly realize that it was somewhat a joke.But this thing is of great use to him, he is now only left with this innate earth spirit from Hunyuan, and now this can be regarded as consummation, and this matter is settled like this, maybe it is a happy ending for everyone.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi's dim soul body, Qing Ling took out a ray of light from his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist, this thing is precious, and the poor Daoist deserves it. Although ginseng fruit can be cultivated, Fellow Daoist, it takes 9000 years to ripen ginseng fruit." Once, there are only a few pieces, and they are limited after all. This item is a little bit of love from fellow Taoist Wanwang. "The item in Qing Ling's hands is naturally not ordinary. When I saw this item, there was a trace of fragrance. out.Zhen Yuanzi knew that this object was extraordinary just by smelling it. Now that his physical body did not exist, he was about to condense his physical body with the spiritual object, so he was no longer polite, thanked Qingling, and took the jade bottle under his command.Looking at it carefully, I thought it was an extraordinary spiritual fruit, at most it was Huang Zhongli or something, or maybe it was a flat peach, but when he opened the jade bottle, his face changed drastically, and his face was filled with joy, and he kept thanking him.

"Brother, what is this that makes you so happy." Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's expression, Chi Zhen also became curious and asked.

"Hehe, Daojun is very generous. I'm afraid this treasure was refined by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. With the help of this thing, there is hope for poor Daoist body sculpting." Zhen Yuanzi laughed.It turned out that what Qingling gave him was a pill, which was indeed refined by Taiyi, which contained many spiritual fruit and immortal medicines such as Huangzhong plum, flat peach, etc. What's more, in this treasure, Taiyi added some of the medicine that Nuwa Empress wanted to get. Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is the best choice for body sculpting, no wonder Zhen Yuanzi is so happy.Taiyi refined this thing because he was worried that Qingling was also one of the four spirits who opened the sky. If it is difficult to gather the four spirits to achieve the Tao, then there will be a way out. Now it is cheaper for Zhen Yuanzi.Chi Zhen was also happy for Zhen Yuanzi when he learned that this thing came to help him. He has Nine Heavens Breathing Earth to help him. In the future, he will build a dharma body and condense his real body, which will be tens of millions of times better than condensing his own dharma power.

Qingling took the innate earth spirit and did not stay here, and Zhenyuanzi also needed time to practice, so he left.He has been in the Demon Realm all these years, and he hasn't returned to Heaven for a long time. Lu Ya and others don't know what's going on now, and they just want to see how Tai Yi is doing. It's rare to come out this time. Go back to the Heavenly Court to have a look, so after leaving Wuzhuang Temple, I plan to go back to the Heavenly Court to have a look.

Speaking of Yuxu Palace, Guang Chengzi and others have now returned to Yuxu Palace again because of Lao Tzu's decree, which makes Yuxu Palace gain some popularity again.Chanjiao didn't know about Dong Wanggong, but he didn't know this neighbor, but because of Dong Wanggong's immortal aura, he didn't show any hostility.It was only after the conversation that I found out what was going on, but because Lao Tzu didn't tell the Eastern King about Yuan Shi, I heard that even Guang Chengzi and others couldn't see Yuan Shi now, and some thoughts came to mind.Now Chanjiao is considered to be a kitten or two, and Dong Wanggong, who has seen the world, doesn't pay attention to them, so he goes to Qingweitian on his own.However, Qing Weitian has already been blocked by Yuan Shi, so how did Dong Wanggong find it? After searching for it several times, it still didn't work.Just as he turned back to West Kunlun, he saw a figure flying towards him. How could the Eastern Prince not recognize this person, it was Qingling.Dong Wanggong is not Qing Ling's opponent now, how dare he meet Qing Ling, but he doesn't know if Qing Ling has found him, so he hastily hid in the clouds beside him.Since Dongwanggong's awakening, Qingling has impressed him the most. He didn't feel anything before, but now he really realized that he seemed to have fallen into a very disadvantageous situation. He couldn't find Yuanshi. Because of the family's karma, his revenge is almost hard to avenge. "Forget it, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I'd better go back and make plans." Seeing that Qing Ling didn't seem to have noticed him, Duke Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingling's cultivation level is much higher than that of Duke Dong. In fact, he had already noticed the change in the cloud layer, but he thought it was the monk who was returning home, so he didn't care about it, and just like that, Duke Dong escaped with his life.It was also because Qingling wanted to go to Heaven earlier, and the East Prince returned to West Kunlun. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. A combined enemy, even the several great demon saints in the opponent's demon clan, has no chance of winning.I heard Lao Tzu say before that the calamity is coming again, with his current cultivation base, how can he escape the karma of the catastrophe. "The monster clan is too powerful. Judging from the situation, it should be difficult for ordinary people to fight against them. They measure the calamity, but they don't know who should be responsible for this calamity." Duke Dong didn't know the secret of the sky. During the years he left, the whole There have been too many changes in the prehistoric world. He also heard what Xuandu said about the previous two calamities, but no one knew about the calamity this time, not even Lao Tzu and other saints.The prince of the east looked hesitant, I didn't care, and if Yuanshi was gone, Tongtian didn't have to think about it, but the two sages of the west were obviously unreliable. "Maybe the only thing left is to take risks." Dong Wanggong smiled bitterly in his heart: "Hey, with my current strength, if I don't take risks, how can I defeat the army of the monster clan? Taiyi, you ruined my life, poor way Even if it can't kill you, it won't make your Yaozu feel better. [

"It turns out that the teacher hasn't come back these years." In the heavenly court, Qing Ling and Lu Ya sat opposite each other. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they talked a lot, but the most talked about was of course what Qing Ling did in the Demon Realm.Lu Ya didn't expect Qingling to be the God-appointed Lord of the Demon Realm. Now that he has gathered all the four spirits to open the sky, there should be no problem with sanctification, and he is also happy for Qingling.It's just that he is in charge of the world now, and he doesn't know if this demon world is under his jurisdiction. At this moment of trance, Lu Ya suddenly had a flash of obsession in his heart. After all, the position of Hunyuan is also what he thinks. "Could it be that as the emperor of heaven, he can't occupy the realm of Hunyuan." Lu Ya actually warned himself more than once not to think about it. It was because his father had too many unreasonable thoughts that he fell into the way of heaven. , The body died and the dao disappeared, not even the true spirit remained.

Sanctification, monks in the world may have this obsession, Lu Ya has this idea, how could Tai Yi not know, but he can't plan his life for Lu Ya, he can make Lu Ya ascend to the throne of God, but his way is still in the end. If he wants to go by himself, as for the future, it can only depend on his own good luck. At the moment when Tai Yi handed over the position of the demon king and all the demon clan to Lu Ya, he finally took back his loving hand , he had to think that the Yaozu still had a catastrophe, and he had the ability to turn the tide, but many things could not be completed by relying on him to cover the sky with one hand.He loved Lu Ya and Qing Ling equally, but at this moment, a crack appeared in the flesh of the palms and backs of the two Tai Yis.This point may not even be known to them themselves. The so-called calamity, but this time it is still the Yaozu who should be robbed. It is just because the power of the Yaozu is all over the prehistoric world, so this time the calamity involves more aspects than ever before. Big, or more tragic.Whether the monster clan who has ruled the world for many years can be reborn again after a catastrophe may depend on these two who are chatting and laughing together now.

The Great Desolation Calamity is more or less dominated by the Dao of Heaven. Although Tai Yi is beyond the Dao of Heaven and only the Dao can restrain him, the Yaozu are still within the Dao of Heaven.Tiandao did it very secretly, so Taiyi didn't notice it. It was because Qingling had not yet been sanctified. Hold down your hand.The black thread in Lu Ya's soul has now grown, and this is the killer of heaven.

Starting from this moment, a new calamity has begun. The Heavenly Dao in Zixiao Palace was bullied by Taiyi before, and the anger in his stomach was suffocated. At this moment, most of it was vented, and the pleasure of playing with the world made him feel alive again. A sense of satisfaction.Heavenly Dao, today's Heavenly Dao has long since lost its responsibility to be the Heavenly Dao, and the world opened by Pangu may not wait until the Measurable Tribulation.It's just that everything will be allowed by the Supreme One.

Just as the Dao of Heaven was laying out the calamity, a black-clothed Taoist walked out of West Kunlun, looked back at Kunlun Mountain, and said with a bleak smile, "It's such a beautiful mountain, I don't know if there is a chance to come back."

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