The Great East Emperor

Chapter 418 Mysterious Loose Cultivator, Guest of Heaven

After Qing Ling left, Lu Ya has been restless, and with the obsession in his heart, it will be extremely difficult to suppress it.For the past two days, he has been restless, but at the same time, the black line in his body is getting deeper and deeper, and there are signs of spreading.Of course, Lu Ya has also realized this now, but this black silk is transformed by the demon, and it is not an ordinary thing. If the Qingling can use the tower of the demon to resolve it, but Lu Ya does not practice the way of the demon, and the demon is innate. A trace of restraint was lost.Just when Lu Ya was feeling depressed, Yong He came in hurriedly and said, "Your Majesty, a group of people came from the Nantian Gate and said they wanted to see His Majesty, but Wei Chen and Ma Fu didn't dare to be arbitrary, so they came here to report."

Lu Ya took out the Xuanshui Heaven Realm. Although this object is not a rare spiritual treasure, it can illuminate many places that cannot be illuminated by spiritual thoughts. This temperament is very extraordinary, although it can be said that there are not many people in Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base in the prehistoric world, but those with this temperament are definitely not ordinary mediocrity. "Yonghe, did the Taoist say what he wanted to do in the Heavenly Court?" The demon clan has too much power in the Heavenly Court, so casual cultivators in the lower realms have refrained from being an official in the heavens, but it is really surprising that this black-clothed Taoist will come to the Heavenly Court. However, since someone is willing to go to heaven, Lu Ya, as the emperor of heaven, will naturally not refuse him.

Yonghe got Lu Ya's warrant, and soon brought this Taoist to Lingxiao Temple. This Taoist claimed to be a loose immortal from the lower realm, named Xiangyang Taoist. He had practiced for thousands of years and had no fixed dojo. Before that, he had been hiding in the cave of Kunlun Mountain Cultivation, because of the inheritance of Taoism left by an ancient golden immortal, he cultivated to the Daluo Jinxian. Because he admired the majesty of the heavenly court, he came to the heavenly court to seek an official position. The immortals are there, so there is no official position, so Lu Ya had to arrange a guest official with him. Although he is a guest official, he is not low-level. He can also be a counselor for things in the heavens, which is not bad.

The Taoist also thanked the leader, and went to the residence arranged by Lu Ya to stay first.At this time, only Lu Ya and Tu Shan were left in Lingxiao Hall.Tushan Rujia has become Lu Ya's right-hand man, and Kunpeng went to the Demon Realm. At this time, he is the only one of the two big think tanks in the Heavenly Court, so Lu Ya often consults with him when he encounters problems.Now this Taoist came here very strangely, Lu Ya would never believe that he really came here because of admiration for the majesty of the Heavenly Court. There was an aura about that Taoist that even Lu Ya didn't dare to underestimate. As a demon emperor and a heavenly emperor for many years, there is still something in the city.

"What does the old prime minister think of this person?" Lu Ya asked after seeing Taoist Xiangyang walking away.Although today's heaven is full of talents, most of these people don't have many cities. The Yaozu people say they are cunning, but they are not. On the contrary, the Yaozu people are more straightforward than anyone else. Just looking at this so-called Taoist Xiangyang for a while, I feel that this person is by no means as simple as he appears on the surface.Even if Lu Ya didn't ask him, he would still remind Lu Ya. Fortunately, Lu Ya also had thoughts.

"Your Majesty seems to have an idea. It is exactly as His Majesty thinks. I think this person is unfathomable. Although his cultivation level is not high, but judging by his demeanor, it is definitely not what he said a loose fairy who is fighting against the world can have." Yes, in his eyes, Weichen sees ambition constantly, and also sees ambition, not to mention there are loopholes in what he said, for example, since he has been fighting with the world for so many years, how can he easily fall into the world of mortals? , although the Heavenly Court is majestic, it is not a clean place. If there is no plot, I think it is absolutely impossible." Tu Shan began to analyze according to his own thinking. Although it was just a meeting, he However, he was able to analyze many possibilities, which really made people admire that Tu Shan's thinking is so clear, and his control over people's hearts is no longer under Kunpeng.In fact, it’s no wonder that Kunpeng’s three corpses had to be cut, and he had already realized the Dao, and now he has an enemy against the saint, so why would he think about calculations, people’s hearts, etc., because any calculation is in front of absolute strength. How pale it is.

"Murderous, ambitious? What kind of person is this?" After listening to Tu Shan's analysis, Lu Ya felt that it was indeed as Tu Shan said, and he became more and more curious about this mysterious Taoist in his heart.After so many years in the Heavenly Court, he was also a little bored. Now that such a person came, he couldn't help but cheer him up, and he had already forgotten most of the black thread in his heart. "Old prime minister, I will leave this person to you to investigate. In fact, he is just a loose fairy. Do you have to worry about what he will do? There are more than thousands of my demon clan sons. How can I let him have any ambitions? It's a joke to have murderous intentions." Although Lu Ya said so, but for this matter, Lu Ya was still very concerned, the other party was just a Da Luo Jinxian monk, and Tu Shan rarely saw Lu Ya being so cautious.

"I understand, but looking at it from another angle, the prestige of my Heavenly Court has also improved a lot. Back then, the Heavenly Court established by Haotian was poor and weak, which made Honghuang not pay much attention to the Supreme Court of the Three Realms. Afterwards, the Heavenly Court of my Monster Race has finally regained its ancient glory." Tu Shan looked at the young man in front of him as if he had traveled through time. "Your Majesty, you are back again." At this moment, Tu Shan thought that Lu Ya in front of him was Emperor Jun, with the same majesty of the Emperor of Heaven, and the same domineering aura of the king.

"Hehe, the old prime minister has forgotten how my ancient heavenly court was destroyed. I don't know whether the prosperous scene in front of me is good or bad." Lu Ya heard Tu Shan talk about the ancient heavenly court, but he remembered the possibility in his heart.Thinking of this, Lu Ya broke out in a cold sweat inadvertently.This is a past event that he is unwilling to recall in his life, "Could it be that time has passed, and if I want to be so strong, will I still be like this?" [

"What does Your Majesty mean?" At this time, Tu Shan's eyes were wide open. This was the first time he had seen Lu Ya's expression like this since he came out of the mountain. He had never thought about what Lu Ya said, of course it was not. It is said that Tu Shan did not expect it, but that Tu Shan is just a monk of the Daluo Jinxian. How would he know the inside story of this catastrophe, not to mention that the World War I almost destroyed him. He has been practicing and healing for many years. Until not long ago It was because of Taiyi's help that he recovered, and then he was invited out by Lu Ya. There is no world to recall the great battle that year. Now that Lu Ya said this, Tu Shan has understood a little bit. The so-called wise man does not mean that he knows everything. , but one point is clear, he can think more and learn more than ordinary people, and Tu Shan is such a person, and at this time he is also lost in thought.Once a person like him finds a breakthrough, once he figured it out, it may be another theory, Lu Ya will not bother seeing this.

It is said that Taoist Xiangyang came to the Heavenly Court alone, he had no acquaintances in the Heavenly Court, so he did not leave his room.Although he has now been granted the title of Guest Minister of the Heavenly Court, the place he lives in is just a side hall, where there is no palace.When he came here, the first thing Taoist Xiangyang had to do was to quickly find out the situation in the heavenly court. Of course, he would not be idle in the side hall. The first thing he attacked were the two demon soldiers guarding outside the hall, but the two This monster soldier is just a monster clan that has been transformed for a hundred years, and he doesn't know much about the situation in the heavenly court, let alone any secrets, so Taoist Xiangyang didn't ask much about the situation, but he also roughly knew the many factions and powerful relationships in the heavenly court.First of all, of course, is the huge system of the Yaozu, followed by the Jiejiao faction, and the Chanjiao disciples who were on the list of gods back then. Among the three families, the Yaozu and the Jiejiao are closely related, and only the Chanjiao disciples seem to have been excluded. Especially after Lao Tzu's avatar Taishang Laojun left, the disciples of Chanjiao had nothing to rely on.In recent years, they have hardly been out of their respective mansions. Today, the disciples of Chanjiao in the Heavenly Court are basically in the dojos of Chi Jingzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun. Taoist Xiangyang asked Chi Jingzi and Qingxu's dojos in the Heavenly Court. He didn't go to them directly after that, so he knew that he, the loose fairy who appeared suddenly, must be the focus of heaven at this time, and there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him, so he naturally had to restrain himself first.Haste makes waste, how could he not know this truth.

"Except for these questions, Keqing Xiangyang didn't ask anything else?" In fact, how could the two demon soldiers guarding outside Xiangyang Taoist Hall be ordinary people? After Tu Shan went to the sky, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan also came with many young juniors with good qualifications. Lu Ya took special care of them because he felt the misery of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan these years. A nine-tailed fox, who was originally one of his guards, is now arranged by Lu Ya to guard Xiangyang Taoist.It's called a guard, but it's actually a surveillance.Because the cultivation base of the two people is too low, Taoist Xiangyang thought they were just ordinary monster soldiers, and did not connect them with Lu Ya. After all, as Lu Ya, whoever is around him is not a high-level cultivation base The younger generation, who is not Da Luo Jinxian, also has the realm of Taiyi, so he fell into Lu Ya's way, and he was overlooked for a while, revealing his flaws.

The two demon soldiers really didn't know much, and Taoist Xiangyang asked very shallow questions, but since Taoist Xiangyang was so impatient, it still aggravated Lu Ya's suspicion. "Who is this person? Maybe it's just to find out about the situation in Heaven?" Luya thought, seeing that there was nothing left to ask, he arranged for the two of them to go back to inquire about the news. As long as their identities were not discovered, Then there should be something else, he just needs to pay attention from time to time, after all, the other party is just a big Luo Jinxian.

"Have you still not seen His Majesty the Eastern Emperor?" But when Qingling returned to the Demon Realm, Kunpeng was a little anxious when he learned that Taiyi was still retreating alone in Sunstar, because at this time he had already smelled the coming aura of catastrophe.Although he had to kill the three corpses, he was still within the Dao of Heaven after all, and many things still needed to be presided over by the Supreme One, but now it seemed that it was difficult, because he must have encountered some bottleneck in his cultivation.

"Yeah, the younger brother said that the teacher hasn't been back to the Heavenly Court in these years. The younger brother went to the sun star to look for it once before, but the teacher doesn't seem to want us to disturb him. He has set up space restrictions a million miles away from the sun star, and he can't enter at all. .” Qing Ling said.

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