The Great East Emperor

Chapter 419 Engulfed by magic flames, Xiangyang has a trick

Because Taiyi asked him to go to the Demon Realm to help Qingling rule the Demon Realm, he has been in the Demon Realm all these years. Over time, he feels that the Demon Realm is good, and it is very clean here, and he doesn’t need to care about the monster race. He can cultivate with peace of mind, but With the growth of his cultivation base, he also gradually liked the life of staying in the demon world, but he is a demon master of the demon clan, and his heart still cannot let go of the demon clan. This is a kind of root of belonging.People say that Kunpeng practiced the way of emotion, and killed all three corpses, but they don't know that the three corpses are not emotional.

With the improvement of cultivation base, Kunpeng has also smelled the smell of catastrophe, but Qingling has not yet been sanctified. Tai Yi once predicted that Qingling would achieve Taoism in this catastrophe, but if he becomes enlightened, that is not a little turbulent, The most typical example is the two sages of Buddhism. Although the great ambition was fulfilled, they were suppressed everywhere after they became saints. They had no choice but to teach the West to become a Buddha.

Qingling gathered all the ground fire, geomantic omen, and couldn't wait to go to retreat and refine it, but it is not an easy thing to refine the four spirits of Kaitian, and he didn't know that at this moment, a huge conspiracy had gradually begun. Formation, even in the devil world, cannot be spared.

The Heavenly Demon Tower is the root of suppressing the demon world. With the Heavenly Demon Tower as its foundation, the demon world seems to be peaceful, but Qingling does not have enough merit, so it is somewhat difficult to control this treasure. Therefore, one does not practice the way of heaven, but the way of magic is under the way of heaven, so it is not easy to achieve the way against the sky.He went to Heaven this time to ask Tai Yi, but because Tai Yi escaped from the world and the sun star, he didn't ask, so he could only comprehend it by himself, but with his cultivation base, it is not so easy to comprehend this kind of profound law.

On the other hand, after these few days of observation, Lu Ya didn't find anything strange about Taoist Xiangyang. Taoist Xiangyang also seemed to have discovered that Lu Ya had noticed his previous actions, so he didn't do anything anymore. Practice in the room.He is just a guest official with no real power, and Lu Ya didn't send him any errands, so he has a lot of time.It was during this time that a major event occurred in Heaven.Lu Ya was possessed by the Heavenly Demon that day, but others did not notice it. Normally, he would meditate and practice Qi in the Pixiang Palace, but today he practiced Qi in Yaochi. However, the Heavenly Demon is powerful. The anger was suppressed, and now it has gradually grown up, and Lu Ya has also noticed it, so he wanted to use the innate energy of Pantao Linggen and Huang Zhongli to suppress it. He didn't tell anyone about this matter, even as the Queen of Heaven Lady Yunxiao didn't know about it, but there was one person in the heavenly court who knew that this person was Taoist Xiangyang, who was the reincarnation of a congenital god, and his knowledge was not comparable to that of ordinary people. The black air pressing between the eyebrows, but he didn't say it at the time, but he kept it in mind.He was practicing today, but he was startled by the huge black flames in Yaochi, not to mention him, but everyone else was aware of it. At this time, because Yunxiao went to Sanxian Island, the heavenly court suddenly panicked. Yaochi is an important place in the heaven, there are many restrictions, how can anyone get in except Lu Ya and his wife.For a moment, no one in the heavenly court knew what to do. Although Tu Shan was quite scheming, he had no choice but to ask Bai Ze to quickly go to Sanxian Island to find Yunxiao and come back. Water can't save the near fire, at this moment, Taoist Xiangyang knew that his mail had been sent back.

"What are you waiting for? This fire is a demonic fire, but it was sent by the Heavenly Demon. It must be that His Majesty encountered some accident in Yaochi. Why are you still standing here and not going to escort you?" Taoist Xiangyang saw that everyone didn't know what to do. What to do, said this on purpose, everyone was shocked when they heard that it was Tianmohuo.Although I don't know the power of the Heavenly Demon Fire, but this fire can have such a movement, how can it be an idle fire.

Ji Meng is also a quasi-sage now, so why didn't he know the power of the demon fire? He also suffered from the demon fire when he beheaded the evil corpse. Wouldn't he know how powerful the magic fire is, now that Taoist Xiangyang said so, he remembered the flame. "Keqing is right. It is indeed the Heavenly Demon Fire. Since Keqing knows this fire, there is a way to restrain it." Ji Meng was anxious, and he didn't care that the new Taoist in front of him was just a Daluo Jinxian. People who won't wait for nothing, anyway, the situation inside is unclear now, if this is true, then Lu Ya should be in crisis inside.

"If you have a way, please tell me quickly, and I will let you arrange it." Tu Shan lost his sense because he didn't know the flame before, but now he finally regained his composure, and hurriedly grabbed Taoist Xiangyang and said humanely.The Taoist Xiangyang was overjoyed when he saw that everyone did not suspect him. If he could perform well this time, he would be able to do things better in the Heavenly Court and in the Yaozu. This is really a godsend opportunity for him.

"Okay, time is running out. Since the old prime minister said so, the poor will not get rid of it. It is important to save your majesty first." Taoist Xiangyang secretly said happily. In his previous life, he was born with innate yang energy and became a Taoist. The nemesis of the flame, although he is now reincarnated and rebuilt, the body of the previous life has been lost, but the way to the end is still there. In fact, he has a way to enter Yaochi. Although there is a nine-track ** formation, the formation has not been fully activated. It is not difficult to join the battle with his skills, but he can't do it at this time, so many pairs of eyes are looking at him, if he reveals himself again, it will be really worth the candle.I just heard him say to Tu Shan: "Old Prime Minister, I can't enter the Yaochi, but we can lead the nine-day water outside the Yaochi to spread the Xuanshui Gongde array. There are Huangzhong Li Xiangen and Pantao Xiangen in the Yaochi. With the help of two innate spiritual roots to help His Majesty suppress the Demon Fire, His Majesty's cultivation is as high as the sky. Although the poor way sees this fire as powerful, it will take time to break through His Majesty's defense, but it will take away some of your merits , I wonder if you would like it?" [

"Okay, since there is a way, let's hurry up to draw the water from the Nine Heavens. Your Majesty has been in the magic fire for more than an hour." As Taoist Xiangyang said, if Lu Ya hadn't been protected by the flame flag from the ground at this time, Zhu Yuanshen blocked the magic flame, at this time, I am afraid that he has already fallen into the Tao.

"The monster race is really rich, and this merit is indeed enviable. Now you wait until you dissipate the merit, I will see how you monster race will fight against the catastrophe." Taoist Xiangyang's method, although good, is one that can save Lu Ya The method, but it requires the caster to consume Xiduo's merits. It can be said that this is intentional by Taoist Xiangyang, but as long as they can help Lu Ya, Ji Meng and others don't care about the loss of their merits. The prehistoric people have been mixed up, and even though they have caused massacres, they have also accumulated a lot of merit, but at this moment, they can still manage these things. As long as they can save Lu Ya, they don’t care if they sacrifice their lives. Well, in the eyes of these demon gods, although Lu Ya is the demon emperor, he is Di Jun's son after all. They all watched Lu Ya grow up slowly, and now the disciple is only such a son. Xiang Huo, they are really ashamed to see Di Jun.

Every drop of Jiutian Zhishui weighs ten thousand catties, ordinary mana is not enough, and only burning merit can melt it away. Taoist Xiangyang took out a compass from his sleeve, and he saw Taoist Xiangyang holding the compass in his hand, and the black smoke gradually faded away. Gathering together, and then suddenly spreading out, towards the direction of Yaochi, the mist is in the shape of water, but when it encounters the magic fire, it can quickly turn into water droplets and fall, pouring on the magic fire.Lu Ya was already surrounded by demon fire at this time, and the water mist of Taoist Xiangyang came at the right time. The water of the nine heavens, who is water, but it is not real water, there is one element of heavy water, but more is They are some unknown things. Although these things are unknown, there is one thing that is known in the wild. This thing can overcome demons. Therefore, after ordinary monks go to nine days to fetch water and refine one-yuan heavy water, they regard these things as treasures. Now With the help of this object, Lu Ya used the flame flag from the ground as a guide, and the real fire of the sun around him became more and more vigorous, and finally a golden crow fire broke through the sky, suppressing the magic fire. "It's so dangerous, I almost lost my mind. It's a powerful magic flame. I didn't expect that the widow would be entangled by the magic flame, but it didn't drive it away. I'm afraid it will happen again in the future." Although Lu Ya suppressed the magic flame, he didn't get rid of it. Exhausted, the black silk is still in his body, but how can I say this crisis is over.Lu Ya knew that there must be someone outside helping him this time, so he naturally wanted to see who actually had such insight and means. After all, he was credited with saving him, so he had to thank this hero.

When Lu Ya came outside the Yaochi, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Tu Shan and the others. Unexpectedly, there were hundreds of demon gods outside the Yaochi. Seeing the scene, how could he not know that they had burned their own merits to help him, and only found out after asking It was Taoist Xiangyang whom I had always suspected saved him. If he hadn't made a decisive decision in the face of danger, I would have been swallowed by the magic flames. At this moment, all doubts about Taoist Xiangyang were swept away in my heart, and it was Tu Shan Taoist Xiangyang no longer has any opinions on Taoist Xiangyang as before, so Taoist Xiangyang actually saved Lu Ya once this time, so it seems that Taoist Xiangyang would not have done anything to the Yaozu, otherwise it would not have been like this just now , not to mention that Taoist Xiangyang himself had exhausted his mana in order to mobilize the Nine Heavens Water. At this time, it was difficult for him to even stand up.However, Taoist Xiangyang looked at the expressions of Lu Ya and Tu Shan at this time. He knew that his consumption had achieved very good results. He believed that gaining Lu Ya's trust would be a matter of course, as long as he planned a little bit more. .

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" At this time, Yun Xiao also came back in a hurry.That day he was accompanying Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao at Sanxian Island, but when he heard Bai Ze's report, he was terrified, and rushed to follow Bai Ze, but saw Lu Ya was already there, seeing the situation, he should be fine, and the big stone in his heart was also gone. Finally fell.Although she married Lu Ya a lot at the beginning because of her teacher's fate, but after getting along these years, the two have become in love for a long time. In her opinion, Lu Ya is now the same as Zhao Gongming, Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao and others. They are all relatives.

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