The Great East Emperor

Chapter 420 Lu pressures obsession and poisonous scheme

Because of the magic flame incident, Taoist Xiangyang, who was originally very embarrassed in the heavenly court, was recognized by everyone. Even Prime Minister Tu Shan, who was very repulsive to him before, also accepted this Taoist of unknown origin.Not only Tu Shan, but also Lu Ya no longer cared about these things, which also gave Taoist Xiangyang more space to move, and the raging flame in his heart finally burned without hindrance.

Lu Ya finally knew how powerful the demonic flame was because of the demonic flame before. Although he suppressed it before, there is still a possibility that the demonic flame will explode again if he is obsessed with it. However, with his cultivation base, he still cannot The only way to get rid of the magic flame is to ask Tai Yi for help.Lu Ya handed over the affairs of heaven to Tu Shan, Xiang Yang and others and went to Sun Star. Although he had been there once before, Tai Yi did not see him, but this time he finally entered Sun Star smoothly and came to Sun Palace Lu There is an inexplicable sense of belonging in my heart.

"Uncle, Xiao Shi finally saw you." Lu Ya came to the hall and saw that Tai Yi was already waiting for him on the cloud bed, and he couldn't help showing a childish attitude after not seeing his relatives for a long time.After Di Jun's fall, Tai Yi was as kind to him as a father, and he had already knelt down in front of Tai Yi.

"Get up." Taiyi helped Lu Ya up. In fact, although he was on the Sun Star, how could he really not care about the affairs of the Yaozu? It was just that he was too busy making sacrifices to willow roots before, even if he He also knew that Lu Ya had come to look for him before, but he had already paid too much for the Yaozu. After all, he could not be the future of the Yaozu.

"Xiao Shi, are you blaming uncle?" Tai Yi said.This sentence is not Taiyi's test of Lu Ya, and he himself does not know that when Lu Ya was supported to the throne of the Demon Emperor, although it is a natural law for his son to inherit his father's career, it ultimately made Lu Ya break the path of Hunyuan .Tai Yi didn't wait for Lu Ya to speak, and shot out a ray of brilliance from his hand to envelop Lu Ya, only to see that the black thread in his body dissipated after being illuminated by the brilliance.Lu Ya came here to ask Taiyi to help him get rid of the evil energy, but now that the evil energy in his body is gone, he feels refreshed.

"Thank you uncle for your help." Lu Ya thanked him.He wanted to say something more, but he didn't speak.This time he came to Sunstar, he met Taiyi as he wished, but he found that Taiyi is different from before. The distance he can touch gives him the vastness to face the chaos.

"Xiao Shi, I know that you have many doubts in your heart, but you are already the demon king of the demon race, and your uncle can't do anything like before. There are many things that you need to plan. The prehistoric world was created by Pangu, and now Pangu is not here. The monster clan and the witch clan are in charge, and it is destined to have a catastrophe. This is the number of days. Uncle received Pangu's great favor at the beginning, but it was not easy to make a move. Therefore, this time, the monster clan's calamity depends on you. The way of the devil, but after all, you are a member of my monster clan, whether you are a chaotic or a saint, you have not fully seen many things. Monsters, people, immortals, gods, witches, ghosts, Buddhas, and Asuras are all in the calamity. Only my monster clan has too much luck, remember that you should be willing to give up, and you will have something to gain. Next time I see you senior brother, I will transfer the word to him for my uncle, and there is no time to force it. "Tai Yi finished speaking Without listening to Lu Ya's reply, he waved his hand to signal Lu Ya to leave.The refinement of Dao Linggen made Taiyi understand too much, but he didn't want to face many things. The prehistoric, the prehistoric, the world opened by Pangu, Pangu's cultivation back then was not as high as Taiyi's today, or It is said that Taiyi has already had the strength to open up a world as big as the prehistoric world. In his opinion, the five elements of heaven and earth, yin and yang, water and fire are nothing more than that, or a bigger world can let the monster race live, but for the monster race That might not be a good thing.

"Infinite Calamity, Fellow Daoist Pangu, have you ever considered this calamity, but you don't want the Infinite Calamity to be missed, but because of the poor way, it will add another calamity to the prehistoric beings." Tai Yi's current identity may have been cast off as a demon. The height of the Clan East Emperor, in his eyes, be it a monster or a human being, or a fairy or a Buddha, is average, because he has won too much luck for the monster clan, and finally destroyed this already incomplete land. balance.After all, the Great Desolate Continent is just an alternative to Chaos. Although it is protected by the spiritual energy barrier, because the Great Desolation was broken back then, the innate spiritual energy has long been reduced to the acquired, the original source has been lost too much, the defense has been greatly reduced, and it has been eroded by the energy of chaos for hundreds of millions of years. How long can it last? This is the so-called help from the immeasurable calamity. How long can an isolated island in the chaos last.

"According to the records of the Jade Butterfly Creation, there have been 40 billion kalpas in the creation of chaos, but there are not many records. As for before this, there is nothing. It is the information given to him in the willow spirit root." Not much, I thought I could find some origins of the Dao before, but only this root is left of the willow root, there is really not much information, but it also let Tai Yi understand some things, especially the one he speculated before. Maybe, there seems to be a world beyond the chaos in front of him, which also gave Tai Yi a new idea. Maybe the Dao he has been afraid of is just a monk in another world. It’s just that every time he thinks of this place , he always felt a chill behind his back, because this assumption is true, then he is just everything in the hands of others.

And because of Taiyi's help, Lu Ya's evil energy in his body was completely eliminated, but his obsession still could not be eliminated. The method of killing three corpses is very difficult to practice. How many people are stuck at this juncture, and looking at the whole prehistoric world, it is only a matter of time He Kunpeng actually beheaded the three corpses, and it was difficult for several great saints to behead the three corpses and finally become a saint with merit, so the six great saints were formed, but their temperaments were different, nothing more than the obsession in the body.

"Is it true that the primordial purple qi is gone?" Although Lu Ya had heard Tai Yi say it, there is no way that the primordial purple qi is specific.Although there are fifty of the primordial purple qi, the one that escaped has been taken by Tai Yi and connected into the Demon Suppressing Sword, most of the others have formed many spiritual treasures, and only the one that can be refined completely is left That's all for eight ways. Hongjun used one for his sanctification, and each of the six great saints used one. The last one is now in Qingling's hands, and the others are gone.However, Lu Ya couldn't calm down. Once this thought was formed, it would be impossible to let it go, especially for a character like Lu Ya, who had almost reached the peak of his strength, and the only thing left was to improve his own strength. After all, the Hunyuan Saint is the dream of every monk, even Lu Ya is tempted.

"Your Majesty mean the majestic purple energy?" Lu Ya asked Tu Shan and Xiang Yang in the Pixiang Hall.When the two of them heard what Lu Ya said, their faces changed. How could they not know what the Primordial Purple Qi is? Tens of thousands of fantasies flashed in his heart. Lu Ya had always made it difficult for him to grasp a problem so that he could speculate. Now that he heard this, he was overjoyed. He couldn't help but blame himself for forgetting such an important thing. Tall people are more eager for Hunyuan, just like every Yellow Emperor wants to live forever, the saint is indeed too eye-catching.

"It is this thing, old prime minister, you have seen a lot, but do you know if there is such a thing in the wild?" Lu Ya was also in a hurry to go to the doctor at this time, but now he can only ask these two people in the court Even if Kunpeng was here, he would not ask him, not for other reasons, because in his opinion, Kunpeng might actually want this thing more than him. After all, Kunpeng has killed all three corpses now, and only needs a ray of primordial purple energy to become Holy.If Kunpeng knew about it, he might not easily hand it over. After all, in the face of such a big temptation, Lu Ya couldn't trust others.

"Your Majesty is really flattering me. How can I know how precious the primordial purple energy is? Even if it is there, I shouldn't tell others easily. How can I tell me?" Tu Shan said It's all true, he is just a big Luo Jinxian, even in ancient times, how prosperous the monster clan was, and how many masters there were in the heaven, it was difficult for him to be ranked in the top twenty, but he didn't know that it was also in Lu Ya's expectation The reason is very simple, that is, as Tu Shan himself said, Xiang Yang kept looking at Lu Ya during this process, but he didn't say anything, he just listened carefully.Anyway, he already knew Luya's Ruoduan, and then he would break in step by step according to this weakness.It was precisely because Taoist Xiangyang's silence caught Lu Ya's attention. Lu Ya felt that this Xiangyang guest must know something, otherwise he would not have kept silent, especially this expression, which was indeed too confusing.When Lu Ya saw Tu Shan next to him, he thought that it might be because of Tu Shan that Taoist Xiangyang didn't say anything. Anyway, there is nothing going on now, so he can just ask if there are any clues. But looking at it like this, Lu Ya You can only let the two of you leave first.Lu Ya returned to the apse, saw Yun Xiao, and told Yun Xiao what he thought in his heart. After all, the two were already Taoist couples, and their relationship became better and better. There was no need for Lu Ya to hide her.

"According to His Majesty, Taoist Xiangyang must know something. This person does not mean that he has an ancient inheritance, maybe he is a disciple of some great person, otherwise he would not have such knowledge." Because Taoist Xiangyang saved Lu Ya before, Yun Xiao I also had a good impression of him, and Taoist Xiangyang was very good at being a man, and his words were modest, so Yun Xiao helped him speak well.Seeing that Yun Xiao said this, Lu Ya was delighted, so he decided to secretly summon Taoist Xiangyang at night.Just as Lu Ya thought, Yun Xiao said, Taoist Xiangyang really had an idea, and told Lu Ya a lot of things about the Primordial Purple Qi that night. Although Lu Ya knew about it, he didn't say whether there were other Primordial Purple Qis in the world. , but already made Lu Ya feel that this Taoist Xiangyang was very unusual, but he did not doubt the identity of Taoist Xiangyang again.

Taoist Xiangyang is of course also betting, the bet is Lu Ya's obsession with the primordial purple energy.But this time Taoist Xiangyang made the right bet, why didn't he know that there is indeed a majestic purple aura in the world, that is the one in Qingling's hand, and now that Qingling has not yet become a saint, he is racing against time, and he is comparing it to Qingling The time of sanctification, his plan now is to make Qingling sanctify earlier, that can only come to naught.This is a poisonous plan, a poisonous plan to make the Yaozu catastrophe.

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