The Great East Emperor

Chapter 421 Unexpected visitor, perfect plan

"Xiangyang Keqing, is there no other way?" Lu Ya looked at Xiangyang Taoistly in the secret room of the Heavenly Court Pixiang Temple and asked humanely.

"As far as I know, there is only this primordial purple qi in the world. If your majesty wants to become enlightened, there is no other way." The primordial purple qi mentioned by Taoist Xiangyang is exactly the one that Qingling has.Needless to say, the relationship between Lu Ya and Qing Ling, it is not advisable for him to seize Qing Ling's opportunity to become enlightened, but because of his obsession, in fact, he also has a thought in his heart, although the Emperor of Heaven is good, so what? Comparable to the holy place.

"Given the relationship between His Majesty and Daojun, this matter is indeed a bit embarrassing, but saints have been ruthless since ancient times, not to mention that Daojun and Your Majesty have no blood relatives, this matter needs to be considered by Your Majesty, and I don't want to say much." Taoist Xiangyang is proficient in the art of controlling people, and he moved Lu Ya's heart with just a few words. Seeing Lu Ya's expression on this matter, although he evaded it in his mouth, he already had malicious intentions in his heart. With a proper calculation, Lu Ya had already fallen into his trap, and he couldn't help but be secretly delighted.He has been in Heaven for a long time, and now he finally has the chance. The flame of hatred in his heart is hard to suppress, and it is burning more and more vigorously.

"Let me think about this matter again. Ai Qing should step down first." Lu Ya was tangled in his heart, and a little dazed, and signaled Taoist Xiangyang to step down. Without siblings, although Qingling and him are not close siblings, they have brotherhood. This matter is really difficult to deal with, and he has no one to discuss it at this time. At this time, no third person should know about this matter, otherwise he The majesty of the demon emperor will be gone.At this time, Lu Ya was sitting quietly on the throne alone, his thoughts had long been lost, and he was playing with the jade seal of the Emperor of Heaven in his hand, right. At this moment, for the first time, Lu Ya felt a sense of urgency.

Taoist Xiangyang left the Pixiang Temple, but went down to the Heavenly Court alone. Now he has won the trust of Lu Ya. As a celebrity around Lu Ya, he is naturally free to come and go.Beiju Luzhou is not as barren as later generations, but although it is full of vitality, there are not many creatures in Beiju Luzhou, especially in a mountain forest in Beiju Luzhou, because that is where the witches gather. Land, after these years of discovery, the witch clan has gradually relieved some anger, and many witches have left the Zuwu Temple to live in Beiju Luzhou.The Pangu hidden formation outside the Ancestral Witch Hall was also withdrawn by Ping Xin, and the Ancestral Witch Hall that had been hidden for tens of thousands of years reappeared in front of the world, but Beiju Luzhou was not very populated, and the Ancestral Witch Hall was located The deep mountains and old forests are even more sparsely populated, so people dressed as Taoists will eventually attract attention, especially the monks of the Wu clan hate the Taoist monks the most, so as soon as Taoist Xiangyang entered the forest, many witches surrounded him come up.Daoist Xiangyang saw that these people did not even have the cultivation base of a celestial being, and he couldn't help feeling that the Wu Clan who ruled the world back then had fallen to such a point. The ups and downs of luck were really fickle, even the Wu Clan known as the blood of Pangu ended up like this. It makes people feel emotional.But at this time, he didn't have time to sigh with emotion. He came to the Witch Clan for something. Although he is highly valued by Lu Ya now, it is a big deal in the Monster Clan to come to find the Witch Clan privately. If it is known by others, especially the Monster Clan , the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Ancestor Pingxin is here?" Taoist Xiangyang came outside the hall and asked a sorcerer guarding the gate.Taking advantage of this stall, Taoist Xiangyang also looked around, but he didn't even see a big witch. Although it was said that the witch clan had declined, there wasn't even a single master left.Although the battle that year was tragic, I know something about it. I think those big witches must be in the Zuwu Temple in front of me. The Zuwu Temple has always been one of the most mysterious places in the prehistoric world. The door opened, and a woman in plain clothes walked out. Looking at the woman's aura, there was a strong aura of the ancient prehistoric world. It must be a cultivation level above that of a great witch. Taoist Xiangyang had never seen Ping Xin before, so he thought that the woman in front of him must be Ping Xin. Undoubtedly, he stepped forward to salute, but after talking, he realized that the person in front of him was not Ping Xin, but the great Wu Jiufeng.

"Since Daoist Xiangyang is a guest of the monster clan, why don't you come to our witch clan?" Hearing Xiangyang's self-report, Jiufeng's expression changed. Lich hatred is too deep. Since he is a member of the monster clan, Jiufeng can have a good face That's weird.Taoist Xiangyang saw that Jiufeng's face changed suddenly, he cried out badly, and was very anxious, so he hurriedly explained, but Jiufeng was not willing to listen, the witches nearby also heard what the two of them said just now, at this time many people had gathered around, Although Jiufeng is a great witch, but his fighting power is enough to fight against quasi-sages, so he doesn't pay attention to Taoist Xiangyang, and has already pulled out a bone sword in his hand. , is not like an ordinary great witch, whose blood is as strong as the ancestor witch, when the bone sword in his hand comes out, the surrounding evil spirit has already permeated, once the evil spirit comes out, how could the peace in the hall not know.

"Stop, Jiufeng won't stop." Pingxin came out to stop Jiufeng, just now she was not sure about this Taoist Xiangyang, so she asked Jiufeng to come out to find out, but she didn't want Jiufeng to be so reckless, so she had to stop her.Pingxin glared at Jiufeng, Jiufeng knew that he was reckless, but regarding the identity of Taoist Xiangyang, Jiufeng still didn't give him a good face, but because of Pingxin, he had to put away the bone sword and stood behind Pingxin . "Since the Taoist priest is a guest minister of the Yaozu, he must have something to say here, right?" Ping Xin said.

"Your Majesty is really quick to talk, since that's the case, the poor Taoist really has something to tell, but this?" Taoist Xiangyang pointed to the surroundings.

"In that case, come with me." Ping Xin knew what Xiangyang Taoist meant, but Xiangyang Taoist was somewhat disappointed to see that Ping Xin still didn't take him to the Ancestral Witch Hall, but he came here for another purpose, so he didn't go either. After thinking about it, I followed Pingxin to a room. This house looks ordinary but has another space. Taoist Xiangyang also had some contacts with the Wu Clan earlier, but he has never seen the Wu Clan have such supernatural powers. Before he had time to study it carefully, Pingxin had already stopped, and the black soil door that he had just entered had been closed.

"Tell me, who are you and what are you talking about when you come to our witch clan?" Ping Xin suddenly changed his face, and said to Taoist Xiangyang.Not to mention Taoist Xiangyang, even Jiufeng next to him was shocked.Ping Xin's change of face was too fast, they were not all good.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist is really advanced. I don't think that Fellow Daoist has already given birth to a primordial spirit. I am really surprised. Pindao came here because he wants to cooperate with the Wu Clan and deal with our enemies together. Of course, the Wu Clan will also get huge benefits. , and this benefit is exactly what the Wu Clan has always dreamed of, but I don’t know if you are interested.” Only then did Taoist Xiangyang understand why Pingxin brought him here. Now that the Tumen has been closed, he wants to go out It was not a simple matter, although it was a bit difficult, Da He never thought that the trip would go smoothly, and the Wu Clan was not so easy to fool, otherwise they would not have unified the prehistoric land and fought against the Yao Clan.

"Don't gossip, just tell me who you are. My monster clan will never be used by others. If you can't tell the reason, you may not be able to get out of this door." Jiufeng felt that this Taoist was not a good thing before. , not to mention that this person is still the guest minister of the monster clan, which makes Jiufeng disgusted. Before, because Pingxin blocked it, now that Pingxin said so, then Jiufeng has no scruples.

"Fellow daoists, don't worry. Let me listen to the poor Taoist in detail. In fact, the poor Taoist is none other than the East Prince. I wonder if the two fellow Taoists still remember?" It turned out that the so-called Taoist Xiangyang was the East Prince. He revisited the old place of West Kunlun, which made him full of emotions. Then he searched for Yuanshi to no avail and knew that the catastrophe was coming. How could he, the absolute enemy of the monster clan, survive the catastrophe safely, so he simply abolished his cultivation and mana and went to the heaven.In the years of his reincarnation, the Yaozu was too powerful, so powerful that he could hardly resist, but his hatred was hard to get rid of, the hatred of Zifuzhou, his hatred, and the hatred of the Queen Mother of the West, the Prince of the East... There is no way out.Fortunately, when he came to Heaven, he was able to gain Lu Ya's trust smoothly, and let him discover Lu Ya's obsession with the Primordial Purple Qi. He finally knew that his chance had come. He has a chance to take advantage of it, but now he is alone and has no one under him, but fortunately, he is not the only one who hates the Yaozu in the prehistoric, and the hatred of the Wuzu towards the Yaozu may still be higher than him, even though he was There are also many causes and effects with the Wu Clan, but now that the two are weak, the past may be put aside for now.

"What, you are the East Prince?" Pingxin was still in Houtu back then, when Zi Mansion fell, all immortals were shattered, and both East Prince and West Queen Mother died in Taiyi's hands. A person who has paid hundreds of thousands of people would actually appear in front of her, but if the person in front of her is right, she can almost guess what Taoist Xiangyang or Duke Dong is looking for him.

"It's the poor Daoist, Taoist Pingxin, don't you remember the misunderstanding you and I had back then?" The Eastern Prince would move from West Kunlun to Penglai Island in the East China Sea. Both the monster clan and the witch clan were related. Wu killed the West Kunlun, and the two sides had long been in an endless battle, but time is often the best digester of hatred.What's more, things are different now, and Pingxin will not go back to the old account.

"Since Fellow Daoist was reborn after the catastrophe, and is now a guest of the Yaozu, you should also know that the Yaozu today is different from the past, and you can cover the sky with just one hand. Do you still want to read him?" Ping Xin knew that this person was A desperado, I just knew his identity and guessed that he must have a plan for going to heaven. Of course, coming to the Wu Clan should also have something to do with this matter. Now the Wu Clan is finally getting a little angry. Another catastrophe, especially after learning that Tai Yi and Pan Gu still have some relationship, they have put out their original thoughts.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you think about the future of the Wu Clan, and just want the Wu Clan to live in the corner of the North Pole?" Xiang Yang listened to Ping Xin and naturally knew what Ping Xin meant, but since he came, how could he give up so easily, said : "Daoist friends don't know, but the poor Taoist actually has a complete plan."

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