The Great East Emperor

Chapter 422 Asking for help from four parties, an unexpected letter

Taoist Xiangyang said that the complete solution is actually that he has the confidence to provoke civil strife among the monster clan. The current monster clan is too strong, and if there are no internal problems, it will be difficult to shake it. This plan was perfect, but before he could feel complacent, a word from Ping Xin made his originally bright smiling face fall into the bottom of the abyss.

"Fellow Daoist, do you think these things can be hidden from Donghuang Taiyi?" In fact, the power of the monster clan is mostly due to Taiyi. What made Honghuang terrified was the strength of Donghuang Taiyi.Taiyi is a nightmare that Taoist Xiangyang has never been able to bring up. He can hardly forget the breath of death under Taiyi's sword, which made him feel fear from the depths of his soul.But since he had chosen this path of revenge, he had no way out, so he could only bite the bullet and go on.

"Fellow Daoist is right, but Taiyi has not returned to Heaven for many years. It is said that he is practicing on Sunstar. Lu Ya has also been to Sunstar before, but he didn't say anything when he came back. What will happen to this? I don't know, but since Lu Ya didn't say anything, maybe this matter is not as the fellow Taoist said. I have completed this calamity, do fellow Taoists really have the heart to let the witch clan have no future? The earth was created by Pangu, and the six realms of reincarnation were transformed by fellow daoists. How can the demon clan control the world for hundreds of millions of years? You don't think for yourself, don't think about the Wu Clan, but also protect this world for the Great God Pangu." Taoist Xiangyang knows the nature of the Wu Clan, and it is precisely because of this that he has the confidence to come to the Wu Clan. As soon as the words came out, Pingxin's face was solemn, and the Wu Clan could let go of everything, but it was impossible to let go of Pangu and this world. Ever since refining Pangu's heart and becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Pingxin has always felt guilty in his heart. It would be great if she could really follow what Taoist Xiangyang said, she would protect this world for Pangu and let the Wu Clan come back from the prehistoric times.

"If it's true what fellow Taoist said, what should we do about it?" Ping Xin's line of defense finally failed to hold.

Daoist Xiangyang was overjoyed. If his plan didn't have the cooperation of the Wu Clan, it wouldn't work at all. Among other things, Pingxin has the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivation base, and the big witches of the Wu Clan have a lot of combat power, laugh Said: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, this matter will not be accomplished in a day or two. In my opinion, if it really causes chaos to the Yaozu, it will not only be the Daoist family who will take action at that time, the Yaozu will already be the target of public criticism." , it must be a big battle at that time, even if Tai Yi has the power to turn the tide, I am afraid it will be difficult to take care of it."

Talking about the witch clan, Taoist Xiangyang finally settled in his mind, and at this time in the west, Amitabha and Zhunti felt helpless because they had nothing to do with Duobao Tathagata, but seeing their hard work turned into a wedding dress, the two of them How can they be reconciled, now only the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss and the Oriental Glazed Pure Land are left in Mahayana Buddhism, they are so anxious at this time, but it is because Duobao Tathagata finally made another move, this time he made a move in the form of Daoist Daoist Daobao, The Eastern Glazed Pure Land World is located in the east. Although it is in the east, it is still in Xiniu Hezhou. Daoist Duobao is a clone of three corpses. It is no different from Duobao Tathagata. Medicine Master Guangwangfo and others desperately resist. Naturally, the world is transformed by the Dharma, and there is no original power. Daoist Duobao is a disciple of Jiejiao. These methods of mirroring flowers and water moons forcibly cultivate mana supernatural powers, so all of them have advanced cultivation bases and strong mana.Although Daoist Duobao doesn't have a powerful spiritual treasure in his hands, the power of the supernatural thunders is not small, especially this time when he went to the Glazed World, Duobao also has a foreign aid, but it is the Taoist Chizhen. Why did he go to the colored glaze world with Taoist Duobao? It was because the glazed world was not far from the Wuzhuang Temple. Chizhen was lucky to come out of the Wuzhuang Temple. He happened to meet Taoist Duobao and many Buddha disciples. Chizhen saw that it was true. Daoist Duobao, after asking, he found out that they were going to attack the Glazed World. He already had something to do with Amitabha and Zhunti, but Taoist Duobao happened to be his former elder brother after all, so he decided to help Taoist Duobao. It was Hongyun reincarnated, and there is a great cause and effect with the two sages of Buddhism. With him, Amitabha and Zhunti dare not take action in person, but there are not many Buddhist masters, so it is unexpected that Chizhen will go to help Taoist Duobao.This makes it impossible for Yaoshi Guangwangfo, Ran Deng and others to resist. The fishing drum in Chizhen's hands is too powerful, and his cultivation base has already recovered. Hongyun in his heyday is also one of the quasi-sages in the prehistoric period, who can beat him There were only a few of them, and if Dijun and Kunpeng hadn't joined forces back then, and the sneak attack by Styx, Hongyun would not have fallen.With the help of Chizheng, Daoist Duobao is in a good mood. With two masters and a thousand Buddhas, how can Medicine Master Liuliguangwangfo be able to stop him? .

"Junior Brother, Duobao Rulai is becoming more and more arrogant. Now all the three worlds have fallen into his hands, and he has such arrogance only because of the Jiejiao and Yaozu behind him. It seems that Dong Wanggong is right. Even you I will bear with it, there is no place for you and me at this time, why don't we simply join hands with him?" It turned out that Taoist Xiangyang had already been here before, but he didn't want to come, but the Second Saint of the West is a saint after all. In all fairness, none of the four great sages could be Tai Yi's opponent when they teamed up, but having the position of Hunyuan can still have a restraining effect on Tai Yi after all.To fight against Taiyi, in fact, even the saints he can contact are not opponents. He didn't believe this at first, and thought it was a lie, but he heard what Pingxin said before, and he finally knew it was true. There was no time to think about how Taiyi practiced, how he could have such a big change in a short period of time, after all, at his height, it would be extremely difficult to break through, let alone a speed like Taiyi.But now it seems that the more chaos Hong Huang can stir up, the better it will be for him to avenge himself.After all, in the case of insufficient strength, it is a good choice to profit from chaos.

"Senior brother, do you think this person is reliable?" Zhunti didn't answer him directly. Although he also knew that what Zhunti said was true, the Lingtai was much clearer than Amitabha Buddha. Although he was not angry about this change in Mahayana Buddhism, the situation was stronger than others. The background of Duobao Rulai is too strong, and this is not the time for them to be the first bird. Although what Xiangyang Taoist said is very tempting, he still dare not take risks. After all, although Buddhism was taken away by Duobao Rulai, it is also indirectly Let them pay off the karma of heaven and earth of their ambition.However, Amitabha's obsession had already arisen in his heart before, and he might have seen it clearly. Although he seemed to agree with Zhunti's words, there was another voice in his heart telling him not to do this, which made it difficult for him to make a choice.Seeing this, Zhun Ti had no choice but to tell him that Taoist Xiangyang was the introduction to this catastrophe. The three worlds of Buddhism have been lost. Now it is simply a step.

Seeing that Zhunti persisted, Amitabha also knew that he was in a hurry, so he had no choice but to follow what Zhunti said.It's just that as the door of catastrophe opened, the negative evil spirit between heaven and earth gradually condensed at this time, as long as people with obsessions in their hearts have lost their usual calmness, but all practitioners, regardless of immortals, Buddhas, gods and monsters, who is not? Those who are obsessed, if there is no obsession for those who go against the heavens to seek the way, I am afraid that they will not be able to find anyone, but at this time, if a person with profound morals can remove the hostility in his body, those who are lacking in morals have already been gradually lost by this evil spirit mind.

Besides, Lu Ya finally made a move. At this time, Lu Ya's biography had already reached the Demon Realm, but at this time Qingling was still cultivating the four spirits, using the power of the four spirits to open the link in the Heavenly Demon Tower. However, it is not a simple matter to sacrifice the four spirits. Qingling sacrificed repeatedly, but still couldn't achieve the unity of the four spirits, so he came out to look for Kunpeng, hoping that Kunpeng could do something, but when he left the customs When he first came to Kunpeng's side, he was a little puzzled when he learned about Lu Ya's warrant, after all, he had only left Heaven not long ago.

"What's the matter with you, demon master? Do you think there's something wrong with this matter?" Seeing that Kunpeng was hesitant to speak while looking at the warrant, Qing Ling was very puzzled. Kunpeng has always acted straightforwardly, and it is rare for him to hesitate like this , I have never seen anything like this before, so I asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I feel a little strange in my heart." Kunpeng didn't know how to tell Qingling, which made Qingling feel even more strange, and Kunpeng only said the reason after questioning, because the person who sent the letter was exactly Taoist Xiangyang, even though the Eastern Prince destroyed himself and concealed his name, Kunpeng could still sense something, and the letter from Luya was also very strange, so he only asked Qingling to go to the Heavenly Court to discuss the important matters of the monster clan. He didn't mention anything in the middle, and didn't ask him to go. This is not Lu Ya's behavior style. Of course, this is not the strangest thing. What makes Kunpeng most different is why he chose this time. Lu Ya should know that at this time Qingling should practice the four spirits in retreat, in order to become holy as soon as possible. No matter how big the problem is, just call him back to discuss it. It will affect the cultivation of Qingling and take charge of major events in the devil world, which is not worth the loss.

"The demon master should worry too much. It must be something important happened. Junior brother is a cautious person. He must have some intentions in doing this. As for not calling the demon master, the demon master is an elder after all. Junior brother may think that this is a big deal. There is no need to alarm the demon master, or even the demon world needs someone to guard, you and I must have someone to stay. In short, the demon master is at ease, it is possible that the younger brother will harm me, the letter from the younger brother is urgent, I still have to wait Let’s start soon, and this demon world will be handed over to the demon master.” Qing Ling said a few words of comfort to Kunpeng and set off for the Heavenly Court.In fact, even though he said so, his heart was still confused.

"Forget it, everything will be clear when we get to the Heavenly Court." Qing Ling didn't think too much about it, and went on her way wholeheartedly.

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