The Great East Emperor

Chapter 426 The power of the interface, the lights of the imperial palace

Chapter 420 The power of the interface, the lights of the imperial palace

"That's fine, it seems that I have gone too far before, Yaozu, this time it's up to you." At this time, Taiyi already knew that the Heavenly Dao had opened the door of the catastrophe in advance, Qingling was trapped in the holy land of Yaochi, and Lu Ya now Still unconscious, but because Taiyi had dispelled the magic fire in his body before, so his life would not be in danger, but those people in the prehistoric who have been eyeing the monster clan will definitely not be quiet, several undercurrents are already in The fangs and claws are in the dark, but this is the prelude before the immeasurable calamity. As long as the calamity can be passed smoothly, there will be no more catastrophes before the immeasurable calamity in the future. Going to Kunpeng and Nuwa, he can also find his way with peace of mind.Taiyi was playing with the willow root in his hand, and with a little force, the root had turned into powder and scattered, and it had lost a bit of aura, but the jade butterfly on Taiyi's head was now more mysterious and translucent, and the previous crack had healed.

"The chaos is endless, it seems that it is nothing but an illusion, how big is the outside world, it seems that it is time for the poor to go out and have a look." Tai Yi put away the good fortune jade butterfly, and pushed aside the sea of ​​​​fire barriers in the Sun Palace , Lifting his feet, he has already arrived outside the Sun Palace.At this time, there is a dimensional barrier in front of you, which is the prohibition of the law of heaven. The corner of Taiyi's mouth raised, and the demon-suppressing sword was already in his hand. With a light flick of the sword tip, he heard a crisp sword chant, and the barrier in front of him was already clattering It shattered.Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, Tai Yi didn't continue to urge the Demon Suppressing Sword, but just took out a gourd to take a sip of wine on the spot, and laughed loudly: "Heavenly, since you are here, why don't you come out and see it." I am not affected by the current situation at all, and I am still so leisurely.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, you are still the same, but you are finally willing to come out." As soon as Taiyi finished speaking, Tiandao appeared in front of Taiyi in white clothes. Feeling, once upon a time, Tai Yi was just an ant in his heavenly realm. Back then, Hongjun tried to seal Tai Yi, but he was the one who stopped it, but he never imagined that the ant back then had grown to the point where even he could not control it. Whenever he thinks of these, Tiandao has mixed feelings in his heart.He had fought against Taiyi several times before, but each time he felt that Taiyi's strength was still reserved, and the superiors did not care about the moves. This was a confrontation of anger, because the feeling Taiyi gave him was far away Far beyond his imagination, that mysterious power made him elusive.Although he is the avatar of the Dao, he is an independent individual, and his thinking and ideas are all of his own existence.

"Heavenly, don't you just want to lure me out by making a move to disrupt the prehistoric world and open the door of the catastrophe? Why do you say these things again? That one also knows." Tai took a look at Tiandao, and said something in his mouth, seemingly incomprehensible, but Tiandao's complexion suddenly twitched when he heard the words, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"I know I can't hide it from you, but it's nothing. Your monster clan is not like you. How about it, as long as you return the good luck jade butterfly, I will change my fate?" Tiandao said.But even though he said so, he knew that Taiyi would not agree, and the fact is just as Tiandao thought, the Yaozu is indeed a place where Taiyi is difficult to let go, but today's Tiandao is no longer the original Tiandao, everything is already in place. Tai Yi is developing in a direction that he does not know, but the only thing he knows is that as long as the strength is still there, the Dao of the day will not be able to play tricks, just like the barrier in front of him, which seems to be solid, but in Tai Yi's eyes, it is just It's nothing more than a chicken and a dog, his only worry is whether he knows all this.The sacrifice to the origin of the Dao before made him unable to see some breaths beyond the chaos. If this is the case, everything that happened in the wild is no longer so important, and it is just a trace of emotional sustenance.

"The good fortune jade butterfly, the way of heaven, this thing is for you, how can you use it, this thing is not something you can control." Tai Yi didn't want to talk to him, half of the reason why he came out of the sun star this time was because of the monster. The current situation of the clan, but more importantly, I want to confirm what I think in my heart.The Great Desolation at this time seems to be chaotic, but it is not. All these are actually controlled by someone behind the scenes, but it seems that even Tiandao himself does not know this, but Taiyi is still not sure what important information is hidden here, why? Back when Pan Gu was able to open up this world, Dao didn't care about it. The chaos was endless, but there was this world. In addition, it created the creatures today. Perhaps when this problem was solved, it was when Tai Yi really found the origin of chaos.Taiyi took out the good fortune jade butterfly and held the jade butterfly on top of his head, but the shape of the current jade butterfly has undergone new changes, and has been completely restored to the most original state.

Tiandao and Hongjun looked at Yudie with bright eyes, this breath was really irresistible.This is the breath of Chaos Supreme Treasure. They really don't know how Tai Yi did it, how can he repair this treasure, once the Chaos Supreme Treasure is damaged, it is too difficult to restore it. Hongjun actually knows this best. Dao found the fragments of the jade butterfly, but he spent a lot of painstaking efforts but still could not restore the treasure, but Taiyi has such a skill, but think about it, isn't it the same with the Chaos Orb back then? He can handle it.There were waves and ripples in Tiandao and Hongjun's hearts, but they naturally wouldn't just agree with it, especially Hongjun, seeing the good fortune jade butterfly on Taiyi's head at this time, had inadvertently walked out of the mist, and his eyes had been attracted by the jade butterfly.

"Don't be reckless." Tiandao stopped Hongjun in time, because at this moment, Tiandao found that the aura of the good luck jade butterfly had changed, and a mysterious light burst out, and the whole jade butterfly suddenly became bigger and bigger , the rays of light almost covered the space thousands of miles above.Heavenly Dao has a trace of inheritance from Dao, and he seemed to be aware of something, but when he reacted, he found that everything in front of him suddenly disappeared, even the one of Taiyi also disappeared, and there was only an empty chaos in front of him, without any trace. Aura fluctuations.

"How did this happen, what's going on here, what about people?" Neither Hongjun nor Tiandao knew how Tai Yi disappeared under the light just now.Tiandao's first reaction was to check the imprisoning barriers he had set up around him, but what made it difficult for him to understand was that the surrounding barriers had not been moved at all. "Could it be that Taiyi has returned to the Sun Palace?" Hong Jun looked at the Sun Palace not far away, with some disbelief.

"No, Taiyi has already gone out." Tiandao shook his head and said.At this time, he finally understood why Taiyi said that the Jade Butterfly did not know how to use it at all. It turned out that all this was caused by the Jade Butterfly. At this time, his heart really became uneasy.In the interface, the good luck jade butterfly is actually the treasure of world destruction. It is the first creation of chaos. The treasure transformed from the chaotic interface has the power to travel through time and space. It is ridiculous that Hongjun only saw the Taoism contained in the good fortune jade butterfly, but did not explore the spiritual treasure original ability.There are four great treasures of chaos, known as the four great treasures of chaos. The good fortune jade butterfly is transformed from the chaotic interface, which is the energy halo produced by the big bang of nothingness; the chaotic bead is transformed from the dimensional space produced by the big bang. , As for the sky-opening ax and chaotic green lotus, Tai Yi is still unclear, but it should be inseparable from the original big bang.It is really easy for Tai Yi to use the power of the interface to travel through time and space.

Just as Tiandao thought, Taiyi just opened up the power of time and space of the good fortune jade butterfly, and there was no need to break the forbidden law barrier at all, and his figure was already outside the forbidden law barrier set by Tiandao.It is the first time to use the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, and it is exactly as Tai Yi thought, and it is true. It can be seen that there is no problem with the origin of chaos that was explored before. He shot at one point, but although he didn't have the aura of Dao, it made him feel the aura of peace a million miles away.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't left yet, Pingxin, so that's the case, hahaha. Duke Dong didn't expect to die. Hey, this prehistoric is because I have changed too much." Taiyi sighed and sensed the Chaos Clock. The Chaos Clock has returned to the Heavenly Court with Bai Ze and others. There is a clone of his primordial spirit inside the Chaos Clock, and Tai Yi doesn't need to go there with his real body, because he has already noticed the origin of Chaos now, which is like carrying a time bomb on his body. He didn't know when Dao Dao would drop the Dao Shenlei. If he was in the Heavenly Court, the entire monster race would suffer. He has the treasure to protect him. It shouldn't be a problem to resist the Divine Thunder, but it can't be protected above the Heavenly Court. Stop, at that time, when a divine thunder comes down, I am afraid that the entire heaven will be turned into flying ashes. This is the reason why Dao has not made a move yet, because there is no need for him to make a move.Just this psychological power has already made Tai Yi fearful, and will not act rashly.

"The speed is dissatisfied." Tai Yi didn't pay attention to Ping Xin who was a million miles away. Of course, he also noticed that Tiandao and Hongjun were approaching behind him. The breath is hidden.At this time, he was already in the dark, and it was much more convenient to do things. Tai Yi turned his head and glanced, and it turned into a brilliance and flew out of the end of his field of vision.The three thousand demon gods of Chaos came from Chaos, but how they were formed has always been a mystery. How could Tai Yi keep this mystery in his heart.

But in the heavenly court, in the East Imperial Palace, only a pleasant bell was heard.The Chaos Clock also gradually took shape, it was the soul clone of Donghuang Taiyi.Tai Yiduan sat on the cloud platform, and the lights in the entire East Palace were lit up again at this moment.The blossoming sun is really hot, with a five-digit number of 360, which corresponds to the number of stars in the sky.The East Palace, which had been silent for tens of thousands of years, illuminated the entire heaven once again.

"It's the Chaos Clock, Uncle Huang is back." At this moment, Yun Xiao who was in the Pixiang Palace was startled, but his brows finally loosened.Yun Xiao immediately picked up the Hunyuan Jindou and left the Pixiang Palace, heading for the East Palace.

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