The Great East Emperor

Chapter 427 1 Town and 8 Barrens, Helpless Sacrifice

Chapter 420 A town with eight deserts, helpless sacrifice

In the East Palace of Heavenly Court, Yun Xiao took out the Hunyuan Golden Dou, Tai took a look at Lu Ya in the Dou, and frowned, but fortunately, Lu Ya was only bewitched by the Heavenly Demon, and there was no big problem. Ya dispelled the evil energy of the demon, but this demon is not a demon of the demonic way, but the way of heaven. Tai Yi didn't have any worries, so he killed him directly, and Lu Ya finally woke up as if he had been pardoned.

"Xiao Shi will be handed over to you, Yunxiao boy, this matter is not over yet, Xiao Shi is still very weak, you go and call Qiongqi over." A golden talisman was drawn, and Yun Xiao didn't even recognize the tadpoles in the demonic text, but the aura above the text was vast and deep, and she seemed to be able to faintly feel the mystery of Taoism.But before Yunxiao continued to look at the talisman, he listened to Taiyi's instructions.Yunxiao rang the jade chime, which was the summoning tool in the East Palace.Qiongqi hears the sound of the chime, and rushes to the palace, only to see Taiyi sitting on the cloud platform, before knowing that Taiyi is back, but how dare he come in without Taiyi's order, seeing Taiyi at this time, he hurried to visit.Since Taiyi became enlightened, Qiongqi has not seen Taiyi for a long time, he was raised by Taiyi, so naturally he has a very unusual respect for Taiyi.Thinking about those old ministers in the Heavenly Court back then, it can be said that none of them are left today.The Heavenly Court has undergone great changes. He was not in the Heavenly Court before, but he was on Qingqiu Mountain and came here just in time to see Tai Yi, and he felt an indescribable peace in his heart.

"Qongqi, go to the demon world for a while. Bai Ze is trapped by the witch clan. The demon master doesn't know what's going on here. Go and guard the demon world with the demon master. Ling'er will go back soon. The six worlds are in chaos this time. The devil world is not spared, and there will be nothing wrong with me in the heaven." Taiyi drew a talisman and handed it to Qiongqi, using the true fire of chaos as a guide, and this confidant general can finally be alone now.Qiongqi took the order and left.

"Teacher, brother is still in the holy land of Yaochi." Yunxiao asked why Taiyi didn't mention Qingling at all.Although Qingling should not be in danger in Yaochi Holy Territory, he was trapped in it after all, and all of this was caused by Lu Ya, so Yun Xiao felt a little guilty.

"Hehe, it's okay, look." Tai Yi waved his hand and said with a smile.The phantom of the chaotic clock above Taiyi's head swayed, and a burst of chaotic air rushed out of the East Palace towards the holy land of Yaochi. There was a bang and a crisp sound above Yaochi, and a flash of white light broke through the restriction.As soon as the white light turned, Qingling was already outside the holy land of Yaochi.Qingling grabbed Taiyi's chaotic energy and protected the holy land of Yaochi. Many spiritual roots inside were safe and sound, and she was overjoyed. "The teacher finally came out." Qingling is even more delighted that Taiyi's bell just now came from the East Palace of the Heavenly Court. and go.

"Teacher, the disciple pays homage to the teacher, wishing the teacher a long life without bounds." Seeing Tai Yi, Qing Ling could not help but bow down.Taiyi waved Qingling up, and with a slight smile, Qingling sat down on the futon.Seeing that Qingling was fine at this time, Yunxiao was also relieved, but his face turned red after all, and he came to Qingling and apologized to Qingling for what happened before.Of course what she was talking about was Lu Ya's coercion of Qing Ling to hand over the primordial purple energy.Although she did not do this matter, what Lu Ya did was no different from her.Qing Ling knew Yun Xiao's meaning, accepted her gift, and said something to comfort her.However, the karma of both parties in the salute just now has been offset.In fact, Qingling wasn't angry at all. Although what Lu Ya did before was a bit over the top, he would forgive Lu Ya for whatever he did.

"Sister and sister, how is Junior Brother now?" Although he was in the territory of Yaochi Saint, he saw Lu Ya's situation clearly before, so he was always worried about Lu Ya, but thinking that Tai Yi had returned, naturally nothing would happen, but Out of concern, he still asked.

"Thank you brother for your concern. The teacher helped me just now, and my husband is fine. It's just that the teacher said that my husband is still a little weak, and he is still cultivating in the Hunyuan Jindou." Yun Xiao was a little embarrassed when asked by Qing Ling.The guilt that had been suppressed just now fluctuated again.

"Okay, Yunxiao boy, let's end this matter." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Taiyi interrupted: "Now my teacher asked you to come here because I have something to tell you, and this matter is related to my monster clan. And the Demon Realm, it is also related to Ling'er's sanctification, so the matter is of great importance."

Seeing Taiyi's serious expression, Qingling and Yunxiao knew that this matter should be very important, otherwise Taiyi wouldn't be so serious, after all, Taiyi's current ability should be nothing that can't be solved in the prehistoric world.The two of them didn't even dare to breathe out, they listened quietly to what Tai Yi said.

"Just as you think, the door of measuring calamity has been opened, and this time of measuring calamity was opened by the Dao of Heaven himself. My monster clan is too strong now and has disrupted the balance of the Dao of Heaven. If we don't restrain it, the whole prehistoric world will lose its balance , the immeasurable calamity may come earlier, the current strength of the teacher is not enough to deal with the power of the immeasurable calamity, so the teacher will transform this primordial spirit to sit in the heavenly court, just as you have seen, The teacher in front of you is actually just a clone of the primordial spirit transformed by the chaotic clock for the teacher. As for me, I am still in the chaos at this time, this matter is very involved, and the battle in the chaos is still above the six realms of the prehistoric world , you don’t need to know these things, otherwise it will cause more trouble. The only thing you need to do now, Ling’er, is to quickly become a saint with the help of the power of the catastrophe. It will be difficult for the demon world to gain a foothold in the six realms without a saint. Once the immeasurable catastrophe comes, if there is no saint Suppression will make it difficult to gain a foothold, and it will definitely return to the infinite chaos. As for the heavenly court, alas, what a pity for Xiao Shi, I am really sorry for Xiao Shi. The family needs Xiao Shi, and only he can take over the imperial brother's mantle, anyway, no matter what else, Ling'er, you have gathered the origin of the four spirits of Kaitian, as a teacher, I believe that you will not let me down." Tai Yi said here , my heart is already full of mixed feelings, with mixed feelings in my heart.

The monster race is too involved. At this time, no matter whether it is the way of heaven or the great way, there is no room for the monster race. As for why you haven't done anything yet, it is obvious that you are waiting for the door to be completely opened in the middle of the catastrophe. , because once the immeasurable calamity comes, not to mention the monster race, even the entire flood will not be spared. This is the reason why Dao has not made a move, because Dao has no need to do anything extra, but the way of heaven is different. He wants to maintain the balance of the flood , because once the Great Desolation loses its balance, the whole Great Desolation will not exist, and there is no need for his Heavenly Dao to exist. The Heavenly Dao has already cultivated his avatar, in order to break away from the shackles of the Great Dao one day and become an independent individual.These are also the same as Taiyi's previous retreat, so he didn't fight Tiandao more, because in the end, in fact, they still have a common enemy in the end, and that is the Dao, the Dao born for the destruction of the world.

"What the teacher said, the disciple remembered it, but this is sanctification, but the disciple still can't find which door, so I ask the teacher to enlighten me." Why does Qingling not want to be sanctified? Tian Siling, he has already found all the things needed for sanctification, but he still can't find the last step. Every time, he can't find his way at the most critical moment and gets lost in the vast chaos.

"Hehe, this matter is difficult for you. The way of the demon world is the ancestor of the sect. You practice the method of the three corpses, and you have followed the way of others. As a teacher, you can't say much about it. You need to understand it yourself." Tai Yi Knowing the distress in Qing Ling's heart, after all, he was not like this back then.

"Yunxiao boy, take Xiaoshi to Yaochi first. There is a large formation for gathering spirits laid out by the teacher, and there are stems for the sunny place. It is the best place for Xiaoshi to recover. I think it will only take ten years, and Xiaoshi will definitely recover." Recover." In fact, the best place for Lu Ya to practice is naturally the sun star, but how can Tai Yi not know what is happening in the chaos now, and he will never let Lu Ya go to the sun star, even he himself will not know now where to.According to the news from his deity, the forbidden law barrier outside the sun has not been put away. At this time, Tiandao, Hongjun and Pingxin are searching for Taiyi in the chaos.In order to hold the three of them back, Taiyi left some clues from time to time, otherwise, once Tiandao and the others found Taiyi's primordial spirit avatar in the heavenly court, they would definitely abandon Taiyi and come straight to his primordial spirit avatar.Because of this, Tai Yi can take advantage of this opportunity to make arrangements in the Heavenly Court, and can also avoid confrontation with Tiandao. Now that he understands some things about the origin of the Dao, he no longer wants to continue fighting with Tiandao. It is time to find an opportunity Discuss with Tiandao about the future of the two of them.

The transformation of enemies and friends may seem difficult, but driven by interests, it is actually not difficult, especially this interest is related to their lives.These things are not known to the Dao today, so we have to clarify the words. Taiyi believes that the Dao of Heaven is not a fool, and he will naturally listen to it. But if he wants to do this, the Yaozu must make sacrifices. After all, Taiyi must keep the prehistoric world, and the delay is immeasurable The time for the robbery is advanced, and this time to measure the robbery is the best opportunity, but it is indeed a bit cruel for the monster race.

Sometimes there are many choices, but there is only one correct choice. Taiyi doesn't know if his choice is right, and for the first time, there is a trace of melancholy on Taiyi's strong face.It's just that these Taiyis are well covered up, Qingling didn't see them, but Qingling can feel that Taiyi's return this time, the feeling has changed, although it is still kind, but there is an indescribable melancholy on his face.

After the door of the catastrophe was opened, the biggest change in the prehistoric world was that the gathering of evil spirits became more and more dignified. This is the common place in the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, the lich catastrophe, and the god-conferring catastrophe. Inhaled into the body, the whole person will become more and more violent. Except for a few saints such as Taiyi, the prehistoric people seem to have not noticed it, but there is one place where it becomes the most obvious.

"My lords, the countless ghosts in hell have started to make trouble again, and this time it seems to be even more powerful. The Asura below can't resist anymore." In the underworld, Ghost Che and Kong Xuan had already It's enough to be tortured by the violent ghosts in the underworld.Didn't expect it to happen again so soon.

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