The Great East Emperor

Chapter 428 Nether turmoil, 4 cloud movements

Chapter 420 The Nether Turmoil, The Quartet Clouds Move

Hundreds of ghosts travel, which has never happened since the establishment of the underworld.Heaven, earth, people, gods, ghosts, all ghosts travel at night, and ghosts are formed by yin energy. It is precisely because the devil energy in the six realms is rising suddenly, there are countless fierce ghosts, and the restriction of the eighteen levels of hell has weakened to a very low state, resulting in In the chaotic state, Kong Xuan and Gui Che didn't know the situation, so they had to suppress the ghosts together.At this time, the entire [-]th floor of hell could hardly be occupied by ghosts, so Kong Xuan and Ghost Che had to use ignorance karmic fire to refine the ghost energy, so as to keep these ghosts in hell.

At this time, the underworld is in chaos, and it may not be so good in the Demon Realm. There are demons dancing in the Demon Realm. If there is not Kunpeng sitting in charge, the entire Demon Realm may be in chaos.Within the Demon Realm, the Demon Race is inherently unstable. Although the three thousand Demon Race are all acquired Demon Race, most of them are reincarnated in the Demon Realm Reincarnation Pool. With the spread of Qi, he already had the heart of rebellion. At this time, Kunpeng resisted at the entrance of the Demon Realm with his own strength, and temporarily blocked the entrance of the Demon Realm, but it was still a bit tight.

"Is the demon master here?" Qiongqi arrived in time at this time, seeing the chaos in the demon world and the mess at the entrance of the demon world, he immediately went to meet Kunpeng.Although Kunpeng has the power of Hunyuan, he will not hurt the killer. Otherwise, the power of the demon world that has been accumulated with great difficulty may turn into nothingness in a blink of an eye.Although the demon clan is not a demon clan, Qingling is the Taoist ruler of the demon clan after all. Although there has been a change in the demon world, Qiongqi has a sense of proportion in his actions.

"Qingqi Yaosheng, why did you come here? What's wrong with Ling'er now?" Kunpeng was worried about Qingling's situation at this time. stable.Kunpeng's mind was tight, and he seemed to smell a breath, the evil spirit of the catastrophe. Ordinary monks might not know it, but an old monster like Kunpeng, who has experienced two catastrophes, would not know it.

"Monster, don't worry. His Majesty the Eastern Emperor has returned. Everything in Heaven is fine, and the Dao Lord is fine. His Majesty the Eastern Emperor wants me to come to the Demon Realm to tell the demon master to handle the affairs of the Demon Realm with ease." Qiongqi came to the Demon Realm, saw the Demon Realm In the current situation, I finally know what Tai Yi is worried about, the riot of all demons, this is the most serious situation since the establishment of the Demon Realm.The only ones Kunpeng can mobilize now are Lutu Mojun and Shen Gongbao, but they are not high-level after all, and there are thousands of demons in the demon world, so he and a few others can easily resist them.

"His Majesty Donghuang has finally returned, so I'm relieved." Kunpeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, 36 Dinghai God beads were scattered, and the Great Zhoutian Xuanshui formation blocked the entrance of the Demon Realm. Chaos, but the Shura Demon Palace and the entrance to the Demon Realm are still under control, and nothing will happen. It’s just that Qiongqi said that the Wu Clan is also involved, and Kunpeng still can’t feel at ease. It is clear that the Wu family is reborn, so how can the other families be quiet? Western sages, human beings, and the two sages are not easy to get along with each other.Although Buddhism has been robbed of luck by the Tathagata, the foundation of Mahayana Buddhism is still there.Zhunti came to the Demon Realm once, and Kunpeng didn't think that Zhunti just came to the Demon Realm for sightseeing.This person can't get up early without profit, so he must have a plan.Now that Qingling is not here, Kunpeng is in charge of everything in the Demon Realm. Before Qingling returns, Kunpeng will not let any accidents happen to the Demon Realm. Whether it is the West or Renzhang, Kunpeng will not let anyone get involved easily. A trace of luck in the devil world.

"Pindao knows about this matter, Demon Saint Qiongqi, go and help Demon Saint Ji Meng." Before the battle between Ji Meng and Jiufeng, Kunpeng didn't know about it, but at this time the two became bigger and more intense, and they had already arrived at the gate of the Demon Realm In addition, although Jiufeng had broken through the body of the great witch as early as a thousand years ago, he was already the body of the ancestor witch with the help of his heart.Although Ji Meng has also advanced to the quasi-sage, and there are few opponents in Honghuang with a Cangyang knife, there is still some gap in the face of Jiufeng. The more the two fight, the greater the spread of magic power. It happened that Qiongqi happened to be here, so he hurriedly ordered Qiongqi to go to support.With Qiongqi and Jimeng, two quasi-sage masters combined their swords, Jiufeng was finally no match. She came here just to prevent Jimeng from reporting, but she didn't want Qiongqi to take the lead.Qiongqi is Taiyi's personal guard, Jiufeng thought that since Qiongqi had also come, he thought Taiyi was on the side, he hesitated in his hand, hesitated half a step.Jiufeng saw the timing, blocked the Cangyang knife, and came to attack Qiongqi with the five great witches behind him. At this time, Jiufeng didn't know that Qiongqi had successfully reported the letter, and thought that Qiongqi was here to help Jimeng break through, so he attacked with all his strength. .Zuwu's methods are not comparable to those at the beginning.This is the last fight of the Wu Clan, success or failure depends on one move, Jiufeng's task is to block the information of the Demon Realm.As long as no one from the Demon Realm breaks through, then her mission this time will be considered successfully completed.

"There seems to be a fighting sound in front?" At this moment, I saw two figures suddenly coming from outside the demon world. They were Brahma and Shiva. The Asura clan now lives between the demon world and the underworld, although more They are attached to the Underworld, but the Demon Realm and the Underworld are not far away, and they have little credit after joining the Demon Race, so Brahma and Shiva will come here in person.Jiufeng's strength has skyrocketed so much that it has already alarmed Da Fantian and others.After discussing with Bo Xun, Brahma and Bo Xun still decided to send troops to help. Jiufeng is not alone here.There is a mess outside the Demon Realm, and it would not be an exaggeration to shed blood into a river.

"Monster Ji Meng, you are injured, you should go to the Demon Realm to rest for a while, I will take care of it, and there will never be a fly flying in." Qiongqi is not concerned about his own strength, but just as Kunpeng said, It seems that the witch clan is coming out in full force at this time, and there should be only a part of them outside the demon world. I am afraid that there are many arrangements in other places. Worried about what will happen to the devil world, but some unknown situation, which made him at a loss.

The monster race sits at the root of the heaven, there is a prehistoric world, and the ghost world, which one is not a place where merit and luck gather.Now I am jealous of God.There is Kunpeng guarding the entrance in the Demon Realm, and the Underworld Nether is under the control of Kong Xuan and Guiche. Logically speaking, nothing will happen, but Jiufeng finally interrupted the brief pause just now with a move of Xuanming Bone Spur.Taoist Xiangyang lobbied the Six Realms, and some hermit monks could not bear the temptation because of the catastrophe. At this time, in the land of the nether world, it is no longer just the family of the witch clan. Pull out many minions one by one, otherwise they will not be opponents of the monster race at all, and I am afraid that they will not end well in the end.

"Amitabha, if you don't make a move at this time, I'm afraid there won't be another chance like this." Taoist Xiangyang, who was the Eastern Prince back then, knew that the two sages of the West were not reliable, but he didn't lobby before, which doesn't mean he can't do it now. Ti most knows how to take advantage of loopholes. If Taoist Xiangyang said it before, it would be difficult for him and Amitabha to agree, but now, Taoist Xiangyang has seen the right time, and the two Western Saints have no reason to refuse at this time.Duobao Tathagata forced them to have no way out, and Mahayana Buddhism survived in name only.The third Buddha of Buddhism, Duobao Tathagata is the current Buddha, but the Buddhism is split, and Maitreya King Buddha has lost his luck. I don’t know how long it will take to become the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas. If by then, the day lily will be cold Not to mention, Buddhism will really become a vassal of the sect, and it will be difficult to turn around.At that time, the Buddhism will really not be about Amitabha and Zhunti. Seeing that the foundation he created with his own hands is so overwhelmed, how can Amitabha give up? At this time, Taoist Xiangyang is just in his favor.The West finally had a shot at it again.

Ji Meng didn't expect that he just came to ask for help, but now he has attracted so many enemies.Although it is a bit inexplicable, it makes sense after all.Saints will not easily intervene in the prehistoric affairs, but they can't stay idle, especially Lao Tzu, although he has no hope of explaining the teachings, but now these teachings are taught by others after all, and Lao Tzu has long ignored common things For many years, but if the so-called Wuwei Laojun could really achieve Wuwei, he would not have given the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to Tongtian, but used it to repay the karma of the past.

"Damn it, you actually want to start from the Demon Realm." Seeing a large group of people gathered outside the Demon Realm, Kunpeng finally knew that they were going to do something. Before Qiongqi said that there would be a catastrophe in the Demon Realm. If this matter cannot be resolved, then Kunpeng You can only stick to the devil world.As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. After all, the demon world and the nether world are far away from the heaven. Whether it is the witch clan, the Taoist sect, or the saints of the West, they all want to take advantage of the catastrophe to snatch these two places. Destroy the Yaozu immediately, but in the end it will cause great damage to the Yaozu.The ups and downs of one another are enough to improve one's own strength.Although everyone present had their own ghosts, they also unified the battle line at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist, Bo Xun sent people outside the Ghost Gate to tell us that the situation is not optimistic." Gui Chetou discussed with Kong Xuan when he found out that the underworld was so dangerous.Although the ghost car's cultivation base is not as high as Kong Xuan's, its knowledge is higher than Kong Xuan's, so Kong Xuan has never had anything to do with the car.He also knew about the situation that Bo Xun sent just now, but even though Ghost Che asked him that, he also had nothing to do at this time.

"The only plan for the present is to guard the ghost gate first." Kong Xuan glanced at the ghost gate in the distance, and began to make sense in his heart. Back then, Tongtian asked him to guard the underworld and explained the importance of the underworld. Kong Xuan never dared to forget it.Kong Xuanqing is high, since he has accepted the task, he will never allow failure. In his opinion, once he fails, he may have only one death.Of course, in this short moment, Kong Xuan didn't think so much.Guimenguan is the gate of the underworld, and it is also the first line of defense of the underworld. It has always been guarded by the Asura clan. There are four major demon kings, and the ghost gate is still stable. That's why Bo Xun sent someone to ask for help.After all, Buddhism is to enter the Tao with merit and virtue, and the power of cultivating great cause and effect and great merit is exactly the nemesis of Shura Yinsha.

"My lords, this is a letter from my lord Demon Master. There is a kit in it, which I said I need to be opened by my lords." book channel.

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