The Great East Emperor

Chapter 429 Divine light reappears, everyone has their own thoughts

Chapter 420 IX Divine Light Reappears, Everyone Has Their Minds

The victory before the immeasurable catastrophe was the catastrophe of the monster race, and Kunpeng finally counted these. He has never understood the ability of the ether one, and today Dao should not be able to do much.However, for all kinds of turmoil, Taiyi has no countermeasures at all. It turns out that Taiyi can't stop it, but Taiyi would rather sacrifice some interests at this time to take care of the overall situation.The Heavenly Court does not dare to move lightly for the time being, but the demon world and the underworld, as the two major strengths of the demon clan, naturally bear the brunt. Kunpeng is worried about the situation of the underworld, so he hurriedly wrote a letter. Although he did not write out the calculations, the current situation is somewhat tricky , the Western Mahayana Buddhism, the Renchan religion, and the witch clan have all taken action. Kunpeng dare not leave the demon world easily. In the underworld, there are only the demon clan led by Ghost Che and Kong Xuan and the group of immortals who cut off the religion.

"Fellow Daoist, since the demon master said so, there should be nothing wrong." Kong Xuan looked at what Kunpeng said in the letter, and was also worried about it.His [-] disciples have never left the underworld for a few years, and they all have merit, just as Kunpeng said, when the moon is full, they will lose money, and they have taken up the merits of heaven and earth. Although they have all kinds of benefits, they have already become the target of public criticism , such a precious land, how could it not attract prying people.

"According to what the demon master said, this accident should be ordered by the way of heaven. You and I are fighting against the sky this time. These people outside will never leave easily. Once the gate of hell is blocked by them, then even if we want to seek help It's possible, so the first thing we need to do is to ensure that the ghost gate is unblocked, and I'm afraid we can only leave this matter to fellow Taoists." This is not a ghost car to compliment Kong Xuan, after all Kong Xuan's cultivation is still higher than the ghost car, although the ground The ghost clan in the mansion is headed by the ghost car, but the ghost car is already struggling to suppress the rioting ghosts in the underworld at this time, let alone being distracted from dealing with people outside the underworld.Therefore, Ghost Che resolutely handed over the command of the underworld to Kong Xuan.

"In this case, I will leave this place to fellow Taoists." Kong Xuan knew that this was not the time to be polite, so after discussing with Guiche, he took the Jiejiao disciples to the gate of ghosts.Da Fantian and others also followed Kong Xuan. At this time, the ghost gate was approaching the city, and there was a heavy army, and there might be a fight.Fortunately, with Kong Xuan around, they don't have to fight over everything. Although the Asura clan is warlike, there are not many left.Although the Asura clan has become a vassal of the monster clan in recent years, there is an opportunity to recover after all, but they don't want this sudden disaster to make the Asura clan worse again.

"Who am I? It turns out that it is the ancient Buddha who burns the lamp. The ancient Buddha doesn't seem to be very popular with people." Kong Xuan came to the gate of ghosts. At this time, the gate of ghosts was already full of people.Seeing the conflict between Guang Chengzi and others and Ran Deng and others, Kong Xuan was somewhat happy in his heart. It seems that although there are many of these people, they are not of one mind after all.The forces of the Jiejiao and the Yaozu are too scattered, and the result of a big family and a great cause is that they must be deployed in many places, and they must be stationed in multiple places. There are three thousand Jiejiao disciples and tens of thousands of demon soldiers in the underworld, but the underworld is so vast. The number of people behind him was less than [-]%, fortunately, there were many masters above the Golden Immortal level, otherwise Kong Xuan would really have to break out of the siege to ask for help.

"Kong Xuan, don't use your tongue. The underworld is the root of the three realms. It was transformed by Mrs. Pingxin. You have interrupted the religion and the monster race to occupy the underworld for tens of thousands of years. Disturbing the order of heaven and earth has already caused dissatisfaction among the prehistoric people and the wrath of heaven. Get back quickly." Ran Deng glanced at Guang Chengzi who was on the side, and didn't want to get entangled with Kong Xuan. Back then they betrayed the Chan religion and joined the Western religion. This matter was well known, and he didn't want to say much, so he simply moved out the so-called Hong Huang Da Yi went to plug Kong Xuan's mouth.But the more he said that, the more dissatisfied Guang Chengzi and others felt.However, Chanjiao has long since declined, especially Yuanshi Tianzun who has never been out of Qingweitian for some reason these years, and the whole Chanjiao has already been torn apart. If Laozi hadn't taken him in, they, the disciples of Intercepting Jiaotong, would have had a hard time.Therefore, when they saw Ran Deng and others before, Guangchengzi and others did not go to clean up the door.After all, they came here because of Lao Tzu's dispatch. In fact, they didn't want to come here. After all these years of ups and downs, these disciples of Chanjiao have grown a lot after all.

Perhaps Guang Chengzi and others are not very clear, but Ran Deng and others know some of the situation of this catastrophe. Although the core of Western Mahayana Buddhism is Medicine Master Guangwang Buddha, Maitreya King Buddha and others, since Duobao Tathagata Transformation Buddha split Buddhism After that, Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother's attitude towards Ran Deng and others became more and more real, and many secrets of heaven and earth were also told to them.The burning lamp ancient Buddha and others also understood the meaning of this to some extent, but now they only have the two sages of the West to rely on, so this time Zhunti sent them here, and they did not have a trace of resentment, and this time it happened to be a catastrophe. Those causes and effects can just be ended by the hand of the catastrophe.

Kong Xuan, although the innate five-element divine light has not been shot a few times, but it is an innate thing, how can it be compared with ordinary ones, and Kong Xuan's bottomless cultivation level makes Kong Xuan and others somewhat afraid.Among the major direct disciples of Jiejiao, Kong Xuan is actually the most low-key in the final analysis. He has been in the underworld all these years and rarely travels in the prehistoric wilderness.At this time, these people outside can have a few quasi-sages, let alone the late quasi-sages.Kong Xuan has always been doing the job of cutting off the teaching, and he has long since lost his mind about fighting for face.As the young master of the Phoenix Clan, how could others understand the so-called wind and snow in high places.But even so now, life is still uneasy. Kong Xuan shook his body, and a rootless plume appeared behind him, and the five colors of green, yellow, red, black, and white shone, it was his innate five-color divine light, and These people have nothing to say.Kong Xuan cast his divine light but did not take the initiative to attack. He winked at Da Fantian and others behind him, signaling them to block the ghost gate and guard the gate, so as to be safe.

"Everyone, act quickly, don't let them set up an formation." Xuan Du is very knowledgeable, seeing the four people holding up four blood lights in the Brahma, and Bo Xun even took out a treasure flag with his fingers, which is the most precious Shura flag.This treasure can arouse the power of the blood sea in the blood sea, and form a blood sea formation, this is what Lao Tzu told him.At this time, Xuandu reminded that all the people present were Da Luo Jinxian, and they were not fools, so how could they not know.

Xuandu and others rushed to snatch the Shura flag from Da Fantian and others, but they didn't want Kong Xuan's five-color divine light to stand in front of everyone like a barrier.The innate five elements have the power of the five elements to rotate, and the five-color light shines, and suddenly this dark place is like daytime.

"Five-color divine light, big brother, I still have to take action." Guang Chengzi failed to shatter the divine light with a blow to the Heavenly Seal. He had seen the power of this treasure back then. In the process, Baoyin had to be quickly put away.They came this time, I had been ordered by Lao Tzu long ago, but Guang Chengzi didn't see the clue, but Master Huang Long had some thoughts, or he was already a little suspicious when the Eight Immortals fell, how could Lao Tzu watch his disciple die .Although the Eight Immortals in Shangdong were not the core disciples of the Human Sect, they were still in the same vein of the Human Sect, but Lao Tzu watched the Eight Immortals perish. If Lu Dongbin was not the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, this ending should also be turned into ashes.Now Laozi is doing everything possible to recruit him to explain and teach disciples, it should not be as simple as coming from the Taoist lineage.The so-called Xuanmen and Daomen are nothing but a joke in the eyes of the disciples of the three religions. In the past, the disciples of the two religions were better, but I don’t know when the disciples of the two religions have no intersection, and they have become more and more indifferent. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get together if I summon you.

These disciples don't know the cycle of heaven and the cause and effect of the Three Purities, but these years, the Sanqing's friendship has been weak, as long as they have long eyes, how can they not see it, if Yuanshi Tianzun has not heard from him, they will not obey Lao Tzu's orders in everything.Fortunately, Xuandu also came with them this time. Xuandu is the successor of Lao Tzu, so his status is naturally extraordinary.Master Huanglong saw this for sure before he signaled Guangchengzi to let Xuandu stand in front of him.Although Xuandu was unwilling at this time, what Guangchengzi said was correct, so I gave him all the Tai Chi diagrams when I came out this time. Light.Now they only have the Taiji diagram on them that can resist Kong Xuan, and Xuandu is also a late quasi-sage, so it is appropriate for him to take the shot.

Taiji Tu divides yin and yang, and has the way of the evolution of all things, but it is not within the five elements. No matter how domineering the five-color divine light is, it can't stop this treasure, and Xuandu is similar to his cultivation level, so it can be restrained.Xuandu was not as thoughtful as Guangchengzi and Master Huanglong. Holding up the Taiji diagram in his hand, he saw black and white rays of light rising into the sky, turning into two rays of light like two swords, but in an instant, they turned into little stars, one The huge yin-yang fish had already shrouded Kong Xuan's head. Although the five-color divine light was mysterious, it didn't stop him for long in the face of the Taiji diagram.After all, the Taiji Diagram is an innate treasure, and its power is so rare in ancient times.

"Eldest brother, junior brother Huanglong, why don't you make a move? When is such an opportunity, when will you wait?" Seeing that Kong Xuan was in a tight spot, Master Yuding was overjoyed. He raised his sword and was about to kill him. Behavior, I was puzzled, so I came to ask.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Yuding, you are the one who is in a hurry." Guang Chengzi and Master Huanglong hadn't spoken yet, but they saw Yun Zhongzi hastily stopped Master Yuding, afraid that he would continue talking, and then winked at them.Master Huanglong knew that Master Yuding was impatient, so he hurriedly stopped him, and said to him: "Brother, don't be reckless, you need to be patient at this time, I can't wait for Daluo Jinxian, this quasi-sage confrontation is not something you and I can resist, let alone the teacher didn't This news, I have to be careful at every step, otherwise, if I miss it, I am afraid that it will be lost forever." Yun Zhongzi didn't have these thoughts at all, but he has been teaching for many years, no matter how he doesn't like these schemes, he can only accept it. , The teaching building is about to collapse, and there are only a few disciples left. If there is any mistake, the teaching is really in danger of being wiped out.

In fact, don't say it's teaching, the Western religion and the Wu tribe are also the same at this time, each with their own ideas.

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