The Great East Emperor

Chapter 430 Powers cannot be combined, Monkey King returns

Chapter 430 Powers cannot be combined, Monkey King returns

Although the siege of the Netherworld by the Three Religions and the Witch Clan is very powerful, it is difficult for everyone to unite because of their own concerns.There is also Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, and there is a bloody sea of ​​​​guards outside the gate of hell, which seems to be solid, but everyone is mobilizing, and they are not prepared. It can be said that there is no one who has not suffered from Yaozu and Jiejiao.Xuandu is holding the Taiji diagram in his hand, the yin and yang energies are sent out with emotion, and he shuttles within the five-color divine light, both of them can't help each other, they restrain each other.Xuandu wanted to restrain Kong Xuan by himself, and Guangchengzi and others could respond in time, but he didn't want to explain that the immortals seemed to have other thoughts, so they didn't make a move in time.As for the Wu Clan and those in the West, Xuandu didn't expect them to do anything, but he didn't want to lose the chain at a critical moment for his disciples.

Kong Xuan was originally entangled, although there is no danger, but it is difficult to collect the Taiji map, Xuandu's mana is not weak, and there are many masters behind him, once everyone gets angry, although there is a sea of ​​​​blood at this gate of hell, but now the blood After all, the Great Sea Formation was not originally deployed by Styx, and its power is infinite.Just when Kong Xuan was anxious, he saw that Guang Chengzi and others didn't seem to have much tacit understanding with Xuan Du, and he was overjoyed and relieved a lot.

"Uncle is in the cave?" On this day, outside the Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave, a pink-faced female doll shouted.This girl is none other than Jingwei.Although Jingwei has grown up a lot these years, after all, because he ate too many spiritual fruits, the spiritual energy could not dissipate in time. This figure still grows slowly, and it takes a lot of time to consume the spiritual power in the body, so Jingwei has been It looks like a child.Of course, this is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it can help her polish her body, otherwise Taiyi and Qingling are so clever, why would they not consider Jingwei.

"It turned out to be my aunt. The king is in the cave. Please come inside quickly." Jingwei went into the cave by himself before the old monkey finished speaking.That old monkey can't do anything about this girl, who knows that she has a strong background and a high seniority.This place is Huaguo Mountain. This old monkey is also the general manager of soldiers and horses under Sun Wukong, but he avoids Jingwei as if he has seen ghosts and gods. Anyway, he is thankful that this aunt does not come to embarrass him. It is estimated that there is not a monkey in Huaguo Mountain that has not been teased by Jingwei.

Jingwei entered the Water Curtain Cave, and the Monkey King also had a headache when he saw it. This girl was very happy to see him before, but now he realizes that this girl's troublemaking skill is still better than his. He has become more and more calm. He has been retreating in Shuilian Cave all these years, and never leaves the cave even if there is nothing to do. Naturally, he doesn’t know that the world has changed drastically. Hearing Jingwei’s words, he knows that something major has happened. Waiting for him, this was finally grinded out from Jingwei's mouth, so he went to the heaven with Jingwei who dared to stay.

It is said that in the East Palace of Tianting at this time, Empress Nuwa has also arrived.Before Tu Shan went to invite Empress Nuwa, the journey went smoothly, but he met Taoist Xiangyang halfway.Tu Shan's cultivation is not weak, but compared to the reincarnation of Duke Dong, it is somewhat far-fetched. Fortunately, Empress Nuwa found out in time, and You Lingzhu and Yang Chan came to support in time, so Taoist Xiangyang dismissed him.That Taoist Xiangyang was quick-witted, knowing that there was nothing to be done, how could he resist desperately, grabbed a ray of escape light, and fled long ago.The three of them wanted to chase, but they had no direction, so they had to give up.Tu Shan was mainly for the message, so he followed Lingzhu and the two to the Wa Palace to meet Nuwa Empress and inform the Heavenly Court. Because Nuwa Empress was blinded by the way of heaven, it was nothing at all. She thought that the matter was urgent, so she hurriedly got up and went Heaven.It wasn't until she came to the heavenly court that she realized that Tai Yi had returned to the heavenly court, and the crisis had subsided within the heavenly court, although after knowing it, she knew that Tai Yi in the heavenly court at this time was just a clone of the primordial spirit, and the real deity was still restrained in the chaos Live in heaven.

Nuwa and Taiyi also haven't seen each other for a long time, now that they are here, naturally they won't leave in a hurry.Although she is a saint, these saints under the way of heaven are already subject to the way of heaven.Tiandao deliberately concealed it, not to mention Nuwa, even other saints did not know the secret.Perhaps other saints have instructions from the Dao of Heaven, but Nuwa is different. Although they are both saints, Nuwa is the Emperor Wa of the Monster Race. Well, I really don't know which side I'll be on.It's a bit difficult for this heavenly way, after all, Nuwa and him are not of the same mind after all.Back then, in order to suppress chaos, the holy throne was assigned, but he didn't expect so many troubles to arise now.But in the final analysis, these are the reasons of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so the way of heaven did not attack the saints. After all, the saints fell, and it would be a disaster for the prehistoric people. Without the suppression of the saints, the current prehistoric people cannot stop the coming The air of chaos.The Qi of Primal Chaos was originally the source of the spiritual energy of the Great Desolation, but because the Great Desolation was broken back then, the spiritual energy was lost, and the Great Desolation was reduced to the day after tomorrow. I care about not having the ability to carry these. When the balance of the Great Desolation is broken, it will definitely cause immeasurable disasters to come early.This is why the Dao of Heaven has been preventing Taiyi from killing the saint, that is, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Hongjun just refined him into an incarnation outside his body to become Yuanshi Demon Lord.

"Master, you are back." Wukong hadn't seen Taiyi for a long time, and he missed Taiyi very much, but he didn't expect that Nuwa was also in the East Palace. abnormal.Now Wukong is no longer the stubborn monkey he was back then, knowing that Taiyi must have asked him for something, after paying respects to the two, he didn't say much, and sat on the futon very politely to listen to the teachings.This made Taiyi and Nuwa a little uncomfortable, and the children who were supposed to play stopped making trouble, which was surprising many times.Taiyi and Nuwa looked at each other and smiled, and they didn't know what kind of emotion they felt, but they were very relieved to see this smile.Naturally, Taiyi came to find Wukong this time, and naturally he also had something to order.Now Wukong has finally beheaded his body. Taiyi said back then that as long as Wukong became a quasi-sage, he would not restrict Wukong's activities.In fact, there are only two disciples of Taiyi, and Qingling is trying his best to attack the Hunyuan position at this time. He, a little disciple, actually didn't want to accept him at first, but after all, he is under Nuwa Empress's sect, so he can't take advantage of the West. Embarrassment, wouldn't the face of the entire Yaozu also be lost?Naturally, Taiyi would not let this kind of thing happen, he called Wukong this time, in fact, it was for that Taoist Xiangyang.He has an enmity with Taoist Xiangyang, and it can be said that this enmity is endless, but it is impossible for him to deal with him with his current status. Originally, Qingling was the best candidate, but Qingling is busy retreating at this time, and that Xiangyang The Taoist didn't stop for a moment, his identity was already known by the Heavenly Court, and Taoist Xiangyang knew this very well, so his whereabouts were well hidden.

Qing Ling can't do it, then Tai Yi can only find Wu Kong, Tai Yi only has these two disciples, but fortunately Taoist Xiangyang's cultivation base is not high at this time, although his mana is strong, his cultivation base is only at the level of Da Luo.But no one knows about this, because Dong Wang Gong hid his cultivation and turned himself into Taoist Xiangyang, but only he knew what happened, but even so, Tai Yi still decided to ask Wukong to kill the Dong Wang Gong, that is, Taoist Xiangyang , this cause and effect has been from the ancient times to the present, and it has been counted for several calamities, and it is time to end it.

Wukong naturally agreed to Taiyi's instructions, but he didn't know where Taoist Xiangyang was now.Wukong has a quick temper. Although his personality is much calmer now, the problem of quick temper can never be changed. "Master, this disciple will help you to finish this person, but please tell me where this person is now. This disciple has never seen this person before, but it is a bit difficult to find." So he showed Wukong the Taoist Xiangyang that he turned into with magic power, but as for where the Taoist Xiangyang was, Tai Yi still didn't say clearly, but Tai Yi still told him a general direction.As for the others, Tai Yi pointed to the Xuantian Mirror in Wukong's hand.Wukong is smart, with just one finger, he already understood.Wukong touched the Xuantian Mirror in his hand, left the East Palace excitedly, and searched for it along the place where Taoist Xiangyang last appeared that day.Wukong seldom came out after retreating that day, probably because he couldn't even tell the location of Honghuang.

"Your Majesty, this monkey has been trained very well. It seems that His Majesty has the means." In the East Palace, Nuwa took a sip of tea and savored the taste.Tai Yi blushed when he heard the words, maybe he is really not suitable to be a teacher, whether it is Qingling or Wukong, most of their cultivation bases are achieved by their own efforts, Tai Yi just provides some Taoism and methods.It seems that Tai Yi has never done anything about precepts and deeds. If it weren't for the fact that his two disciples were extremely enlightened, otherwise they would be nothing more than mediocre people at this time.Seeing Taiyi's expression, Nuwa didn't know what Taiyi was thinking, but she didn't want her kindness to make Taiyi blush even more.Nuwa seemed to have sensed something, she stopped speaking quickly, she was a bit regretful at this moment, she quietly looked at Tai Yi without making a sound, the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this. In fact, I am not good at teaching apprentices. My Majesty has praised me absurdly, but I dare not accept it. Otherwise, there will be too many apprentices." At this moment, Tai Yi still did not forget Joke a bit, but suddenly saw that the topic changed again, looking outside the palace gate, the expression of joking had long since disappeared, and hurriedly followed Tai Yi to look but there was nothing.Nu Wa thought Tai Yi was playing tricks on her.But then Taiyi said: "Senior Brother Tongtian, all fates will gather, and actions will perish. Good fortune follows the root of all things, just follow the fate."

Because talking about teaching disciples, Tai Yi couldn't help thinking of Master Tongtian. After all, Master Tongtian had a great time when the Jujiao Ten Thousand Immortals came to court. Naturally, he had a lot of experience in this matter. But it is really not easy to teach the upper and lower levels properly.But this is just a small way, and what Tai Yi cares most about is naturally the fact that the leader of Tongtian has stripped the majestic purple energy and separated from the way of heaven. Now he has finally gained something. Although Taiyi doesn't know what is going on with the leader of Tongtian, he can feel it some situations.Although Taiyi's cultivation base is definitely above all the saints at this time, after all, the saint's dojo is not so easy to pry.

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