Chapter 430 The fifth chapter Buddha transforms demons

Qingling testified that Taiyi, as his teacher, had increased his luck a lot.At this time, when Taiyi is competing with the way of heaven, Taiyi has already taken the lead invisibly.At the same time, in the chaos, Pingxin was startled by this sudden change, and suddenly became a little confused. He had heard that Taoist Xiangyang had bewitched him out of the Ancestral Witch Hall, but now the situation does not seem to be as imagined, not to mention combining the heavens to fight Taiyi, the leader of Tongtian sect has already transcended the shackles of heaven, even Qingling has proved the way, successfully controlled the demon world, and is also the master of a world, and even the Taoist Xiangyang himself is still being chased by Monkey King. I'm afraid it will be in an instant.

At this time, the atmosphere is very strange, Taiyi and Tongtian are in a group, Tiandao and Hongjun are in a group, and Pingxin and Laozi are wandering outside.The six people had their own schemes, but they didn't dare to do it lightly, but at this moment, above the place covered by the fairy clouds of the six people, there was a huge eye staring at the six people below.The air of chaos is seemingly invisible, but it has various forms.The avenue is invisible, so there are avenues everywhere.

The way of magic originated from the ancient prehistoric era, the ancestor of the Rahu demons, but this demonic energy was born innately. Pangu opened the sky, and it was formed with its own evil spirit, and the demonic energy was also conceived in it.Qingling proved the Tao, transformed the invisible reincarnation pool of the demon world into a tangible form, and transformed it into the form of the black lotus of the twelve grades of black water, the foundation of the heavenly demon tower, and now there is a vast world of the demon world, a world of immeasurable luck, Sitting on the position of Hunyuan, overlooking all living beings in the devil world.

The reincarnation pool of the demon world is the foundation of the demon world and the source of the energy of all demons. Back then, the demon ancestor Luohu gathered the innate demon energy, but now it is transformed by the black lotus of the twelfth grade of Qingling Xuanshui. A slight change will naturally be felt.This day, Qingling was sitting and discussing with Kunpeng, when he suddenly felt the bloody and ferocious energy in his body, and there seemed to be a trace of uneasiness.

"What's the matter with Linger?" Seeing Qingling's expression suddenly changed, Kunpeng knew what had happened.Since even Jinxian Hunyuan Da Luo couldn't sense it, it can be seen that this matter is serious.When Kunpeng inquired, he saw that Qingling was silent, her eyes were closed tightly, and drops of sweat were dripping from her forehead.Every move of the saint is very involved, and it can be a trivial matter that can move the saint.Kunpeng looked at Qingling in shock, and saw him wake up after half a stick of incense, but his face was pale, and he was panting a little, as if the mana in his body was surging after the battle just now.As Qingling calmed down the devilish energy around him, the aura of the entire demon world seemed to become a bit dignified. It was the first time Kunpeng felt this kind of breath in the demon world since Qingling became enlightened.Repression, the repression that makes it hard to breathe, it seems that the whole demon world is enveloped by something.

"Hey, there is a big mess, Amitabha, what a good way." Qing Ling looked up to the west.It turned out that just now, Amitabha Buddha used the magic cloud relic as a guide, reincarnated in the demon world, and entered the demon world with the Supreme Saint. Because of the help of Zhunti Buddha's mother to disrupt the heavenly secrets, and the natural secrets are not clear, so others don't know the reason at all, that is, Qingling, the master of the demon world, was able to respond because Amitabha Buddha used the reincarnation pool of the demon world to reincarnate. However, Amitabha Buddha's Dharma is profound, and he used Buddha to enter the demon world.However, it is extremely dangerous to become a demon with a Buddha. Although Amitabha Buddha has successfully become a demon now, once he has become a demon, it is not so easy to turn back. Qingling doesn't know whether Amitabha is worth it.However, regardless of whether the other party is worth it or not, it is an indisputable fact that the two Western Saints actually extended their hands to the Demon Realm. How could Qingling allow it? Although Amitabha hides his figure very well, Qingling can still detect the approximate location of Amitabha by virtue of mana fluctuations. Anyway, at least Amitabha can't easily get out of the demon world.

After hearing Qingling's description, even Kunpeng was a little surprised, not expecting Amitabha, who has always kept a low profile, to be so courageous.It's just that he hasn't figured out why Amitabha Buddha did this. In his opinion, it seems a little bit worth the loss to become a sage. Once he becomes a demon, he will never recover.Why should a saint be immortal?But how did Kunpeng understand the difficulties in Amitabha's heart? After all, Kunpeng is not the master of a sect. Although he is a demon master, he is in charge of Taiyi. He doesn't need to worry about many things, so he naturally doesn't know the pain.

"Hmph, it's delusional to divide my luck in the demon world and think of my demon world." Qing Ling knew that once Amitabha Buddha was allowed to leave, it would be at the time of the calamity of heaven and earth, when the evil spirits and evil spirits of the heavens and demons were at their peak. Amitabha Buddha is able to split the prehistoric demon clan by virtue of such heavenly timing.The Buddhist school enters the Tao with extinction, breaks it and then erects it. The Buddha gave birth to a devil statue. The so-called Buddha is a devil, and the devil is a Buddha.Using the Buddha to enter the demon, one is to perfect the Buddhist teachings, and the other is to use the demon to enter the formation, so that you will not be afraid of the evil spirits of the heavens, which can be easily broken by the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.Duobao Tathagata without the Zhuxian Sword Formation is nothing more than a stronger monk.Kunpeng didn't want to understand the whole story for a while, because Kunpeng was not a person from the demon world, but Qingling was different. He was still guessing before, but after thinking for a while, he guessed the general idea, and when he mentioned the sword on the wall, there was a cloud The platform turned into a black light and went away.

"Hey, he looks just like his master." Kunpeng couldn't help smiling when he saw Qingling's temperament, and followed him.Kunpeng doesn't know where Amitabha is, but fortunately Kunpeng's speed is not slow, as long as he follows Qingling.The Demon Realm now has the Heavenly Demon Tower as its base, and the territory is more than hundreds of millions of miles away, and it may not be much smaller than the Great Desolation.The demon reincarnation pool is located in the extreme north of the demon world, and no one except Qingling knows where it is, even Amitabha Buddha reincarnated just now, and now they don't know where it is.Qing Ling is heading south now, and he didn't expect Amitabha to run so far, but it's good to be far away from the Demon World Reincarnation Pool. There will be a fight between them. Any damage will shake the foundation of the demon world, and Qingling will become enlightened through this, how can he be willing.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, but before they caught up with Amitabha, the other party had already noticed that he was also a saint in the devil world after all, and saw that the magic cloud relic above Amitabha's head was becoming more and more black. This treasure is his current treasure of enlightenment. The power is enormous.He has been wary of Qingling since he was reincarnated in the demon world. At this time, there is a powerful aura approaching. How could he not sense it? He has already sacrificed the magic cloud relic. Tens of thousands of black lotuses, with twelve ranks of flowers blooming, and the whole body is black. Naturally, this is just formed by its demonic energy, not the black lotus, the most precious treasure in the demon world. I saw that black lotus finally turned into one. Gathering slowly, only for a moment, the whole figure has already been enveloped by the demonic energy, and there is no Amitabha in the blink of an eye, only a magic cloud relic shrouded by the demonic energy shrouded in black light shuttles back and forth, and it has disappeared in the blink of an eye bingo.

"Ling'er, are you here?" Seeing that Qingling stopped suddenly, Kunpeng saw only an empty space in front of him, thinking that Amitabha Buddha should be here.It's just that he is a person who doesn't see Amitabha Buddha in the place covered by his spiritual thoughts, and he also knows that he has no supernatural powers in this demon world, so he also accepts his spiritual thoughts and comes to Qingling.Hearing this, Qing Ling's expression also changed a little, she frowned slightly and said: "It should be a good place, but this guy is hiding so well, I can't find out where it is, and ask the demon master to cast a spell to seal the ten thousand li space, and wait I'll look for it again."

Kunpeng understood, three flowers gathered above his head, 36 Dinghai Pearls rose, and the Great Zhoutian formation was formed, and the surrounding thousands of miles of space had already been controlled by Kunpeng.Seeing this, Qing Ling flew out a long black sword in his hand, it was the God-Slaying Sword, and the light of the sword flew out ten thousand feet, forming a huge sword net.Qingling shuttles through it, and the devilish energy caused by the sword light will disperse by itself, and you can do whatever you want.Qingling has a Kunpeng guardian, and soon found the magic cloud relic of Amitabha Buddha. The original light of the relic was washed away by the sword light, stirring up ripples, and the magic cloud relic was difficult to protect. Where can I persist, I saw that Amitabha Buddha has shown his figure.

"The Buddha has faith to come, why not show up and see." Qing Ling found the real body of Amitabha Buddha, and stood in front of a black cloud with his sword.The black cloud hardly took a breath, but there was a laugh: "Hehe, the demon ancestor is a good means. The poor monk reincarnated with no intention of offending, so why should the demon ancestor be so hard to force him?" After the words fell, he saw Amitabha Buddha sitting on the lotus platform , but it is in the shape of Amitabha Buddha, the golden cassock on his body is now black in color, and there are black light spots on his brows, and the golden light of merit and virtue is scattered behind him, but there is a magic light shining everywhere, a look of the supreme demon.

"Hahaha, since fellow Taoists have entered my demonic way, if you see me and don't take refuge, how long will you wait?" Qing Ling, who showed his Dharma appearance, is a sage of the demonic way, in charge of the demon world, and all the demons in the world are his subjects.Qingling has kunpeng formations to block the space, and is not afraid of Amitabha escaping. He grabs a magic light in his hand and hits Amitabha. Since the opponent is already possessed by the demon, he is a member of the demon way, so he is not allowed to be presumptuous here.

How could Amitabha Buddha not know Qingling's intentions, how could he give in, roared, and a magic cloud of relics appeared above his head, both sides were Hunyuan saints, each with their own means.Amitabha recognized the Kunpeng formation, but he didn't know the flaws in this formation, and he was very anxious.The two of you came and went and it was easy to kill for a while. Amitabha's method was based on the pure spirit, but he wanted to leave, and he didn't have much strength.The clear spirit, profound water, and black lotus have turned the reincarnation pool of the demon world, and the demon tower has turned the world of the demon world It's just a god-killing sword, but it has lost the opportunity in terms of means, so why not Amitabha.

The two fought for a while, but they couldn't help each other.However, things are impermanent, but at this time Qingling suddenly heard Kunpeng screaming, looked up and saw a colorful brilliance falling, the crown on Kunpeng's head was tilted, his face was pale, and 36 Dinghai beads had fallen back on Kunpeng's three flowers , bleak, already injured, the Great Zhoutian formation is also crumbling without Dinghaizhu's suppression, and he couldn't help saying angrily: "It's really shameless to mention a man."

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