The Great East Emperor

Chapter 436 Buddha and Demon Dual Cultivation

Chapter 430 Six Buddha and Demon Dual Cultivation

In the Demon Realm, Amitabha fought against Qingling and Kunpeng, but he didn't want Zhunti to suddenly appear in the Demon Realm at this time, only to see the colorful light falling, Kunpeng didn't notice, the formation was broken, and he was injured.Amitabha Buddha had no intention of fighting, now that the big formation is not there, he was overjoyed, and went straight through the air, Qing Ling was about to stop him, but was stopped by the wonderful tree of Zhunti Seven Treasures.

"Monster, are you okay?" Seeing that Kunpeng was injured, Qing Ling felt guilty, after all, Kunpeng was injured because of him. "It's just a small injury. Amitabha's escaping will cause endless troubles. Ling'er hasten to chase after him." Kunpeng saw that the two saints were going away, but he was also guilty of being attacked by Zhunti because of his carelessness. I was even more anxious.Before, I heard Qingling say that Amitabha's transformation of demons has a great influence, so how reconciled. "Monster, forget it, this is God's will, after all, it is a natural coincidence, it is difficult to complete, even at this time, it is too late to catch up." Although Qing Ling was not reconciled, but at this time the second sage had already left the demon world. It is difficult to keep it even if it catches up.

"Hey, it's all poor Taoist carelessness, let that Amitabha escape from the devil world." Kunpeng sighed after hearing the words.After adjusting the breath for a while, the injury is gone, so Ding Haizhu only needs to re-sacrifice, but if he misses a major event, he will naturally lose his energy.However, with such a number of days, he was helpless, but Qingling was somewhat enlightened.The devil is originally a Buddha. Now that Amitabha Buddha has become a devil, although he has shared the luck of the devil, it is not a problem for Qingling for the time being. After all, within the catastrophe, sooner or later there will be a fight to end the cause and effect.After all, Qing Ling has not long since attained enlightenment, and her Taoism has not yet stabilized, and many things still need to be realized slowly.The so-called luck is inherently illusory, so don't worry about it, but it suddenly becomes clear.

It is said that Amitabha and Zhunti were relieved when they saw that Qingling did not come after him. At this time, Zhunti saw that Amitabha was successfully reincarnated, and there was no time to be happy in his heart. The devil became a Buddha, but before that, he wanted to regain the Hinayana Buddhism, come to the Holy Land of Lingshan again, and reunite the luck of Buddhism. Every step of this is extremely difficult, but fortunately, it has a good start now.After all, the first step at the beginning was very difficult, and it is enough for the two of them to be happy now that they can get through it safely.

"Junior Brother, don't panic, I'm the number one today. As long as I plan properly, it shouldn't be a problem." Amitabha is full of confidence at this time, and now he is practicing both Buddha and Demon, and his cultivation level has greatly increased. A large part of this so-called luck is just strength. It means that because Taiyi has absolute strength, the monster clan will have a long-lasting luck. It seems that the so-called luck, but who can really tell what it is, so mysterious.

"Forget it, what brother said is true, brother is reincarnated, and it's time to pick up that disciple as a disciple." Zhun Ti didn't say much anymore, but such a sentence popped up suddenly, which surprised Amitabha. "Junior brother has improved his practice again." Only then did Amitabha come to his senses. It turns out that now that he has become a demon and has become a Taoist, he naturally has the magic cloud relic of the enlightened spirit treasure, and the disciple who protects the Tao also came out accordingly.While the two were talking, at the intersection of Nanzhan Buzhou and Beiju Luzhou, a black light flashed past, and on a mountain, in a family, there was a cry of a child, it was the newborn baby.I saw that the baby was born with a green medicine basket, and there was a bamboo slip in the medicine basket, on which there were ancient characters in demonic script, like dragons and snakes coiling, and the four characters "King of Medicine" were written on it, which was the book left by King Pan.

It is said that he was killed by Taiyi back then, but a trace of true energy was attached to the boy. This person should have gone through the samsara and reincarnated as Dong Yong, and was destined to marry the daughter of Haotian. Mieqixiannv, so even Dong Yong's fate has changed. He and the Yaozu had a great cause and effect, but now he accidentally fell into a demon and became a disciple of Amitabha Buddha.But not long after this son came into the world, he saw that Amitabha and Zhunti had arrived.Because the two had a relationship between master and apprentice, Amitabha successfully accepted the son as a disciple and named him Shaluo.

Sha Luo is the reincarnation of King Pan, but because the primordial spirit was annihilated by Tai Yi at the beginning, and only a trace of spiritual wisdom remained, King Pan has completely fallen. Although Sha Luo has the "Medical King's Nervousness", he still needs to re-cultivate the three methods of reducing Gu and poison , not in a day.The way of Amitabha Buddha and demons also needs to be comprehended, but this son is the reincarnation of an immortal, so his cultivation base has grown extremely fast, and his innate talents are extraordinary after all.After completing this task, Amitabha and Zhunti took Shaluo back to the west.But now Amitabha Buddha can't enter the ultimate bliss, so he temporarily lives in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai. As long as he stabilizes the demonic energy in his body and transforms the Buddha with demons, when the magic is completed, it will be the day to re-enter Lingshan, but now is not the time.

"Brother, it seems that Duobao is in some trouble." In the chaos, Taiyi was still sitting upright with Tongtian, and Tiandao and others were also there, but now they were disturbed by the commotion of Amitabha's reincarnation, and everyone was very quiet for a while, but Taiyi looked at him. Clearly.After all, Master Tongtian was out of the way of heaven, and he understood after being reminded by Tai Yi, but there was no movement, he just smiled lightly and said: "Then Amitabha is a good means, such a courageous person, but the poor Taoist underestimated him, but this guy was held. Confused by thoughts, now I am afraid that I am getting deeper and deeper, and there will be no clear day. The Buddha and the devil are one, the west is inherently deficient, and now the cause and effect are much deeper. Although Duobao is a bit troublesome, it is his own way after all, junior brother Although what you said is reasonable, you and I cannot protect them for a lifetime, and the Tao still has to go by itself."

"Brother sees it clearly, but this statement is not bad." Tai Yi knew that he had indeed gone too far in this regard, but it is impossible to let go now, after all, Amitabha Buddha is bewitched, Tian Dao is probably very angry at this time No, the variables are becoming more and more unclear. There was originally a sacred seat in the Demon Dao, but now it is not only Qingling, but also Amitabha and the former Yuanshi Tianzun. All kinds of negative information has become a mess, not to mention the way of heaven, even Taiyi can't see clearly. If this continues, the immeasurable calamity will definitely come early. Neither Taiyi nor Tiandao want to see this, but It is natural to worry about this matter.I saw Tiandao glared at Hongjun fiercely, and all the unhappiness in his heart was exhausted. If Hongjun hadn't swallowed Yuanshi Tianzun without authorization and turned into Yuanshi Demon Lord, how could Tiandao be so chaotic.

How could Hongjun have the previous methods now, and seeing this situation, he has more energy than heart at this time, and he has lost his good fortune, jade butterfly, and cut off his thoughts of enlightenment, and his heart has long been ashamed.At this time, Hongjun was nothing more than a Hunyuan saint lingering on his last breath, and he had no thoughts of Taoism.After all, they all know that the so-called saint is just an existence with an empty halo at this time, even the way of heaven is not guaranteed, let alone these saints of the way of heaven who are struggling under the way of heaven.After all, once the immeasurable calamity comes, the first point is that the way of heaven will no longer exist, because if the prehistoric world does not exist, how can there still be the way of heaven.The Dao of Heaven is originally a clone of the Dao, created in order to control the prehistoric world and avoid recreating Pangu.In other words, if the prehistoric world does not exist, the Dao of Heaven will lose its meaning of continuing to exist.

"Tiandao, do you want to continue?" Tai Yi took the initiative at this time, ignoring Tiandao's expression at this time, and said directly.The words are sharp, this is a threat, but the situation of Tiandao is the same at this time, and it will not be as strong as before. He single-handedly launched the catastrophe. Although he targeted the monster clan, but now due to many changes, the situation has changed a lot. See It seems that the strength of the whole prehistoric people is poured out, but those who really gather together are only one out of ten. How can this be the opponent of the monster clan? How can Tiandao still have the mood to estimate the catastrophe of heaven and earth? Hearing Tai Yi's words at this time, although there is an unknown flame in his heart, but he can only suppress it in his heart. Even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction, it is difficult to vent it at this time.

"Hmph, Taiyi is not in the wild, do you think your monster clan can survive?" Tiandao was not overwhelmed by anger, and he hit Taiyi's vitals with one word, but he was telling the truth. Why bother to stay in this small prehistoric world, where the chaos is so great that there is no way to go, it is only because of the monster race here that Taiyi did not leave, this is Taiyi's obsession, which has never been penetrated.

"Okay, let's stop arguing. The prehistoric world was created by Pangu. How can it be easily destroyed? After all, the immeasurable calamity has not yet arrived. God, do you know what's changed in the Dao now?" Tiandao continued to bicker, in his eyes, Tiandao was not a role at all, but Dao was difficult to figure out.Back then, he was allowed to travel to the chaos, and there were many opportunities, Tai Yi would not be so stupid that he didn't understand anything.He didn't pay attention to the low cultivation level before, but now it's different. Taiyi wants to prove the Tao, and the Tao is an obstacle. He doesn't know why the Tao is arranged in this way, but there must be some calculations to be able to do this, in his opinion He is just a pawn of the Daoist. To put it nicely, what kind of Daoist saint, Hunyuan Tianzun, is actually just a duckweed under the hands of others. Don’t you see how powerful the Daoist Thunder is, even today’s Taiyi can’t do it. Resist one or two.When a Daoist thunder comes down, the so-called destruction of the world may be nothing more than that.

"Hey, the long river of fate has already turned its direction. I'm afraid the Dao has already awakened." Tiandao's eyes were blank at this time, not as domineering as before, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes when he looked at Tai Yi.Tai Yi doesn't know what Dao Dao has awakened, and what state Da Dao was in before.However, now that Tiandao has obviously developed spiritual wisdom, if he wants to get out of the control of the deity, what Tiandao said is not a lie, but the reason for it is not clearly stated.It's just that Tai Yi faintly feels that his chance is about to arrive.

In the conversation between Tiandao and Taiyi, others didn't know what they were talking about at all, just by looking at their expressions, they already guessed that something big was about to happen, and it seemed that it was not a simple matter.At this time, Pingxin and Laozi have never heard of it because they are far away, not to mention that the two of them are not high-level, and it is difficult to understand the mystery. Only Tongtian seems to understand but not understands, looking at the corner of Taiyi's mouth trembling and said: "Junior Brother , but the immeasurable calamity?"

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