The Great East Emperor

Chapter 438 Holy Enchantment, Chaotic Yin-Yang

Chapter 430 Eight Holy Enchantment, Chaotic Yin and Yang

Heaven, earth and heaven were originally the place where saints suppressed prehistoric times.Now, in order to postpone the immeasurable calamity, the way of heaven must rearrange the prehistoric barrier. Once the energy of chaos floods into the prehistoric, no one can resist it except the saints.Although Hongjun is not for the Dao of Heaven now, he is preaching the decree on behalf of the Dao of Heaven, and all the saints dare not neglect.Except for Qingling and Tongtian, all other saints in Zixiao Palace had arrived and took their seats.

"Why didn't the Hunyuan Tianzun of the Demon Dao not come?" Nu Wa was surprised when she didn't see the Qingling Dojo.At this moment, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and others didn't know why when they heard the words, only Amitabha and Zhunti were afraid.Seeing that everyone was silent, even Hongjun did not speak, Nuwa was very angry.She has long since stopped worshiping Hongjun, and if it wasn't for the call of heaven, he would not have come. Seeing the discord with everyone in Zixiao Palace, she felt angry, and she didn't want to stay any longer, and was about to leave in a huff.But at this time above Hongjun, a golden wheel broke through the chaos and came out, and the sound of the lotus of the heavenly law sounded.Nuwa hesitated for a moment, turned her head and saw that it was the way of heaven, so she had to stop. Although she was a saint, she was still under the way of heaven.Nuwa seldom goes out in Nuwa Palace these years, but she still pays attention to many things in the prehistoric world and knows a lot about it.

"Fellow Daoist, do you see that saint from the demon world?" Qingling is a disciple of Taiyi, and Hongjun can't do anything about him. Not only Qingling, but now even Kunpeng is not here. Although Kunpeng is not a saint, he is in the realm of Hunyuan. It is related to the fate of the prehistoric, and it is good to have one more power.

"You arrange this matter, I'm going to reset the prehistoric barrier." Tiandao stabilized the saints, glanced at Yuanshi and Amitabha, said nothing, just handed a talisman to Hongjun, and then disappeared in the In the vast chaos.The talisman in Hongjun's hand was just given to Master Tongtian by the Dao of Heaven. After all, Master Tongtian and Taiyi had a good relationship, and if Master Tongtian came forward, Qingling and Kunpeng would not lose face.

Hongjun looked at the talisman in his hand, and sighed in his heart, thinking that Tongtian was just his disciple back then, but who of these people would take him seriously now, Tongtian is now even more accomplished Dao Hunyuan, detached from the way of heaven, even if Even if the prehistoric world is destroyed, he will not fall. It can be said that he is truly free and unrestrained, immortal.But right now he didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things, Hongjun glanced at the people in the audience and felt depressed for a while, now who should go to Yu Yutian.Hongjun looked at it for a long time, and finally set his eyes on Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu knew the importance of this matter, and he would not ignore the overall situation.Lao Tzu took the talisman and went directly to Yu Yutian without evasion.After all, Lao Tzu and Tong Tian came out of one body. Although the friendship between the Three Qings was broken, they still had some connections after all.After all, I have used the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to settle the cause and effect of both parties. The two parties are no longer in the same situation as they were at the beginning, so they can talk to each other when they meet.

It is said that Tongtian sat upright in Yu Yutian, looked at the talisman in his hand and didn't say anything, and directly followed Lao Tzu out of Yu Yutian to the Demon Realm.Both of them are Hunyuan saints, and although Yu Yutian's trip to the Demon Realm is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, they arrived in the blink of an eye.The second saint came to the entrance of the demon world, but saw the girl was already at the door.Nvwa is Qingling's disciple, now that Qingling has been sanctified, she naturally returned to Qingling's side.

"Nvwa has seen the two saints, the teacher is already waiting in the hall, and asked the disciples to invite the two saints in." Although Nvwa is naughty, she dare not be presumptuous towards the saints.Seeing that the girl is cute, Tongtian and Laozi were also happy in their hearts, and smiled slightly to signal the girl to lead the way.The demon world was newly established, but they hadn't been there yet, and they saw that the demon world was full of life, just like the beginning of the world, the beginning of the prehistoric era.Immortal grasses and elixir are not everywhere, but there are many. It's just that the creatures in the devil world are born from the gathering of devil energy, which is a bit sinister.But the devil has the way of the devil, the two of them didn't say anything, they had arrived at the Heavenly Demon Palace in a blink of an eye, at this time Qingling was sitting on the lotus platform, and she gave out two futons for the two to sit down on.

"Uncle Master, Master Taiqing, don't know what's going on here?" Qingling didn't want Tongtian to come together with Lao Tzu, but the two saints came together, and the leader of Tongtian came with him, thinking that there must be something important, so he asked.Although Qing Ling became a saint not long ago, she has been in the Yaozu for many years and was influenced by Tai Yi, so her mind is so calm.Seeing this, the Second Sage couldn't help sighing, Qing Ling is indeed a good disciple after Tai Dao leads the right.

"What Ling'er said is correct, but the poor Taoist has something important to do here." After Tong Tian finished speaking, he saw a ray of light flying out of his hand and landed in front of Qing Ling.It is the talisman of the Dao of Heaven, with golden light, and a trace of merit, with an incomparable fragrance, and Qing Ling has already understood the general idea after taking a look.

"Forget it, if that's the case, let's go to court with my uncle. Since I became a saint, I haven't paid a visit to all the fellow Taoists." Qing Ling was about to get up, but I heard Lao Tzu ask: "Mr. Besides, can I invite the demon master to go to Zixiao Palace together?” Qing Ling said with a calm smile after hearing the words: “You don’t know something about Daoist Taiqing. The demon master was injured by a traitor before, and now he is still in retreat I'm afraid I won't be able to go this time." Tongtian knew the reason for it a long time ago, so he didn't reveal it.It's just that Lao Tzu was puzzled, if he could hurt Kunpeng, he would be a saint, but who would it be?However, he soon thought of the two saints of the West. After all, Amitabha and Zhunti had been to the Demon Realm recently.Thinking of this, Lao Tzu didn't say much anymore, he already understood a thing or two in his heart, anyway, Kunpeng would not be able to see the situation anyway.

In the prehistoric period, the masters of the Hunyuan realm, except for Kunpeng and Taiyi, have gathered in Zixiao Palace at this time. Although the catastrophe of the heavenly law in the prehistoric period has not yet ended, these Hunyuan sages heard Hongjun talk about the boundless Measuring the calamity, I was terrified, especially the two Western Saints.This matter is related to one's own life, not to mention the Western orthodoxy. At that time, the position of saint will not be guaranteed, so what's the use of orthodoxy.

The avenue is boundless, Pangu broke the way and established the flood, and now it has been hundreds of kalpas.The Heavenly Dao has been in charge of the prehistoric world for many years, and this time the Hunyuan is gathered again, first of all, the four poles of the heaven and the earth, and the eight wilderness and six unions, which are already in place.Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Amitabha, and Zhunti were originally the six sages who suppressed the prehistoric world, but now Yuanshi and Amitabha have become demons, and Yuanshi has become a clone of Hongjun Tianmo, unable to suppress the way of heaven.Although Qing Ling is a sage of the demonic way, he is a man of destiny after all, and should be in charge of the mysterious water level of the North Pole.Now, Ping Xin can only fill the place left by Amitabha Buddha.Although Pingxin is not a saint, but he has the heart of Pangu and the effect of suppression, so he is the best candidate.Although Tiandao's method is clumsy, but now his cultivation base has been greatly damaged, and he has no mana support to sort out the world, so he has to rely on Tongtian and Hongjun for help.

Although Tongtian was unwilling in his heart, he had no choice but to be forced by the situation.The concerted efforts of the saints in the heavens can be regarded as stabilizing the prehistoric times for the time being, and it can be regarded as winning the stability for those ten thousand years.The avenue is invisible, and the destruction of the world is not easy.Under this stalemate, the two sides are fighting for time, and the only hope on Tiandao's side is Taiyi.Just as Tiandao thought, at this time Tai was holding the good fortune jade butterfly in one hand, and saw the formation of Taoist textures on the good fortune jade butterfly.Good Fortune Jade Butterfly Art is involved in good fortune, coming out of chaos, Tai Yi has gradually understood the origin of this treasure.Ordinary spiritual treasures are born from heaven and earth, but this chaotic treasure is another existence.Chaos comes out, when there is a treasure to suppress chaos, so the chaotic membrane turns into a chaotic pearl.In the primordial world, the Dao does not exist. The Primordial Qi is the original Qi of the Dao, but there is no trace of spiritual energy. It is just that the energy is huge, and after countless kalpas, it evolves into the Primordial Chaos. gas.But as for what power caused it, Tai Yi couldn't tell at this time, or as Tai Yi thought, maybe this power came from outside the chaos, but Tai Yi couldn't figure it out at this time, and he didn't have time to bother about it now.At this time, Tai Yi looked at the cracks on the good fortune jade butterfly, and played various fingerings in his hands. Tai Yi couldn't see the cracks completely, but they seemed to have known each other.There are [-] cracks, the whole jade butterfly is like a tortoise shell, and the cracks are very regular. "Hmph, the three thousand six hundred ways, but the great ways are easy to calculate. The three thousand six hundred ways can prove Hunyuan. I really don't want that Hunyuan to be not that Hunyuan. This is to break the foundation of one's own enlightenment."

The Chaos Four Treasures and the Chaos Orb are mysterious, but in fact, the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, which seems to have the most beautiful effect among the Chaos Four Treasures, now seems to be the most elusive.Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is not an advantage in offense and defense, but it is made of [-] primordial auras. When primordial primordial energy turns into chaos, Taiyi doesn't know where that huge energy comes from, but the so-called world has the power of yin and yang. Chaos cannot escape this.Everyone in the world thinks that the way of yin and yang comes from the way of heaven, but they don't know that this is an inferior vehicle.There are three thousand six hundred great ways in the good fortune jade butterfly, and the origin of its connotation is the way of chaotic yin and yang.This good fortune jade butterfly came out when the chaos of yin and yang rotated, and it was swallowed by the great way after the way came out.Therefore, the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly were long before the Great Dao, and both had karma with the Great Dao.And Taiyi is in charge of the Chaos Orb, so this cause and effect is also transferred to Taiyi.Otherwise, Tai Yi will follow the path of Pangu, reshape the Hunyuan real body, break through the way of heaven, and prove the Hunyuan Dao, but the Dao has let Tai Yi go again and again, and the reason is precisely because of this cause and effect.

"It turned out to be nothing more than an illusion. It's just that. I'm afraid it will be difficult to preserve this thing. Hey, this treasure has been damaged after all." Tai Yi looked at the fortune jade butterfly in his hand, and felt a sigh in his heart. All the four treasures of chaos Its fate, the ax opened the sky, the chaotic green lotus gave birth to Pangu, and the chaotic bead suppressed chaos.Now the other three treasures are no longer there, only the good fortune jade butterfly is still intact, but after the immeasurable kalpa is the annihilation kalpa, the world will return to chaos.This thing comes out of the chaos, and contains the original power of chaos, yin and yang. I am afraid that only this thing can eliminate this catastrophe.Tai Yi tapped the jade butterfly in his hand, and the cracks on the butterfly suddenly disappeared.After realizing the origin, Tai Dao practiced a lot more diligently, only felt that the blue light in front of his eyes was bright, and the gate that hindered his progress had disappeared.There was a hearty laughter in the Sun Palace, and even the flames on the Sun Star burst into joy, and the flames were swaying, and they were extremely coquettish.

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