The Great East Emperor

Chapter 439 Chaos reappears, the devil comes to Lingshan

Chapter 430 IX Playing Chaos Again, Demons Come to Lingshan

Heaven and earth are in harmony, and the barrier of heaven and earth is finally set up again.The prehistoric aura no longer dissipated, but the location of the prehistoric is where the foundation of Chaos was chosen by Pan Gu. If the world-destroying god thunder is forcibly dropped, the entire Chaos will fall into chaos.The way of heaven is originally the avatar of the great way. Although he doesn't know the origin of the great way, he still knows a thing or two about this, so he has this calculation.

It is said that the Dao is invisible, and relying on the power of chaos to condense a clone and turn it into the Dao of Heaven, but I thought that the Dao of Heaven would actually open up the spiritual wisdom and try to get out of my control.Now that the avatar is broken up again, turned into spiritual power again, and returned to chaos, I wanted to drop the world-destroying god thunder, but I didn't want Tiandao to perfect the Heavenly Dao barrier first, which was helpless. "I hate that Pangu, he died as soon as he died, and left a flood. Now it is a disaster. If that primordial spirit transforms into Tao, I will not survive." He named Taoist Hongmeng, but he didn't know who that Taoist Hongmeng was.It's just that Dao Dao is so afraid, and it's not a simple person who thinks about it.Dao Sheng's three thousand is a definite number, but Dao's three thousand is gathered by laws.Chaos has the power of billions of trillions of epochs of space, but the avenue cannot be transformed. I don't know that there must be all kinds of hidden things in it.

Everyone in the world thinks that chaos is boundless, but how is that chaos really boundless? It's just that the size of chaos is unknown to ordinary people.However, Taiyi is transformed by the Chaos Orb, and the Chaos Orb contains the chaotic world. Although this chaos is not comparable to this chaos, there is also infinite space. Taiyi measured it back then, and it took him a thousand years to leap to Chaos with his Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base , It can be seen how big the chaos in the Chaos Orb is.Tai Yi created the jade butterfly in the palm of his hand, comprehended the yin and yang of chaos, he was evolving chaos at this time, and regarded himself as chaos. , take advantage of the trend, and have three thousand six hundred profound methods.It will take a lot of time for Taiyi to comprehend one by one. Although Taiyi is worried about the outside situation, he also knows that this is not the time to be distracted. , otherwise the future will be an illusion.

Enlightenment of the Tao with the body is the first lesson for monks in the world, but they don't know that this is the most critical part of cultivating immortals and practicing the law. It's a pity that the monks in the world are chasing after the Taoism and supernatural powers. To understand the profound method, one loses one's original self.That's why there are many catastrophes, but they can't find the mysterious method of heaven, let alone the origin of the great way.Tai Yi has traveled a circle in his life, and now he has truly returned to his original self and found the position of the Dao. "It's ridiculous to be a poor Taoist. Although he is a saint, he is not as annoying as a person. The so-called transcendence of the way of heaven, but he doesn't think it is a falsehood. It is really sad and lamentable." Taiyi couldn't help laughing. It's a little serious, but Taiyi has always been aloof and can't tolerate a little sand. Naturally, he couldn't allow him to reflect on his previous mistakes.Although there are four treasures in Chaos, only the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly are the true source of Chaos, and the Chaos Qinglian and the Sky-Opening Ax are the acquired products of Chaos, and they have no source. How could there be such power, comparable to the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, but also because of this, it was impossible to survive the catastrophe, and it was lost on the spot. between.

Taiyi sacrificed the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune, and the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune at this time was no longer just a spiritual treasure in his eyes.Many people think that the spirit treasure is in their hands only to increase their own combat power and have something to rely on in the battle, but they don't want to be so wrong.The so-called spirit treasures are just for the purpose of enlightening more truths during cultivation, and using spirit treasures as weapons is inferior and has taken a slant.Just like the good fortune jade butterfly in Taiyi's hands, now Taiyi has finally discovered its efficacy, and he is overjoyed. The so-called hearing the Tao in the morning is enough to die in the evening.He was transformed from the Chaos Orb, and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly was born from Chaos' interpretation of yin and yang.Now that the two are together, the matter of proving the Tao that Tai Yi has been thinking about all his life has finally seen the light of day.I saw Tai Zhou swayed, the whole figure gradually spread out, turning into a sea of ​​chaotic clouds, and the good fortune jade butterfly floated on it, the cracks that had disappeared before suddenly reappeared, one after another like spirit snakes Shuttle, from time to time there is a trace of brilliance flickering in it, one black and one white are mysterious and mysterious.The flames of chaos in the entire Sun Palace have gradually been extinguished, only a large piece of chaos and a jade butterfly are constantly rotating, and at the same time they are constantly devouring the surrounding chaotic aura.

The good fortune jade butterfly was originally formed by the yin and yang of chaos, and now it is chaos again, returning to its original source under the good fortune of the power of chaos.I saw that the cracks finally dissipated, and the entire jade butterfly finally turned into two groups of gas, one black and one white, seemingly simple, but with infinite energy. At the moment when the jade butterfly dispersed, the entire sun The stars are constantly shaking. If it wasn't for Tai Yi's foresight to deploy a large array on the sun star to protect the sun star Zhouquan, the entire sun star might have been shattered by the power just now.This little episode didn't make Tai Yi react, after all, he had already thought of it before, so naturally there would be no surprises.At this time, although Taiyi has no body shape, his mind is still there.At this time, if Da Dao saw the situation in the Sun Palace, he would definitely think that he was looking in a mirror.The black and white yin and yang qi dispersed, and were instantly enveloped by the qi of chaos.Tai Yi has never seen the situation when Primordial Meng evolved into Chaos. In fact, the initial chaos was just the scene before him, but the scale of the current situation is slightly smaller.

It doesn't show the shocking situation in the Sun Palace, but it says that the prehistoric people were suppressed. At this time, all the saints can only sit in the dojo for a while.Those Hunyuan saints did not come out, and now only Yuanshi Mozun, Amitabha Buddha and Kunpeng can walk freely, and the others, including Hongjun, have lost their freedom.Although the saints had spoken before, even though the great catastrophe is in full swing here, the saints are not too prehistoric, but now Hongjun has lost the possibility of the Dao Hunyuan, and the Yuanshi Mozun was transformed by his demon, and the demon came up at this time Where will these be taken into account.The same is true for Amitabha Buddha. Now that the demon has not yet returned to the Buddha body, his heart is obsessed with obsessions, and there are no other saints to hinder him. The greatness of the prehistoric wilderness allows him to roam.Especially Dongfang, without the Taoist saints, who else can stop him.

Speaking of the Hunyuan masters, apart from several sages, Pingxin and Kunpeng, the Western Hinayana Buddhist master Duobao Tathagata is also the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.Amitabha suddenly woke up, screaming in his heart that it was a pity.But the so-called immeasurable calamity is also an episode, if there is no such calamity, he still has to deal with Duobao Tathagata, after all why he wants to transform the demon, now it seems that he is still determined to break through the Zhuxian sword formation.Fortunately, the advance of the immeasurable calamity is not all bad for him. Without the support of the leader of Tongtian, Duobao Tathagata is now alone in the west.Amitabha Buddha is now practicing both Buddha and demon, and he has attained enlightenment many years earlier than Dabao Tathagata, so his cultivation level is still much higher than Dabao Tathagata.A thought flashed in Amitabha's mind, but before he finished thinking, he found that he was already outside Lingshan, and there was a golden light in front of him, which was the treasure temple of Lingshan, Daleiyin Temple.This place was still established by him back then, but he didn't expect that things are different now, and it has been reduced to someone else's Taoist place. Even if he, the master of the past, came to the door, he still wanted to break in. What a twist of fate.

"Sure enough, as Ling'er expected, Amitabha can't help it now." But in the demon world, Kunpeng touched a few strands of his beard and couldn't help laughing.He decided that Kunpeng would stay after Qingling discussed with him before, just in case, the monster clan and the demon world are connected with each other, and the family has a big business. That's why Kunpeng stayed.Coincidentally, Kunpeng was seriously injured by Zhunti's surprise attack before, and now he just stayed in the Demon Realm to help him on the grounds of recuperating his injuries. After all, the defense of the Heavenly Court can be said to be impenetrable, and it is guarded by the Zhou Tianxing Dou array. Ordinary people can't get in at all. Experts are like clouds, very safe.

All Hunyuan masters went to Chaos before, and Kunpeng has been paying attention to this point, but in the end only Amitabha and Yuanshi came back.The others did not see a saint come back.He naturally didn't know that Heavenly Dao had conscripted all the saints to suppress Chaos and was too concerned. After all, all the saints went up, and he thought something happened to Zixiao Palace.But after thinking about it, I haven't paid too much attention to it. After all, these are all saints, and their cultivation is unimaginably high, and they will fall easily.It's just that Amitabha Buddha went straight to Lingshan after he descended from the flood.Today's Lingshan is in the hands of Many Treasures Tathagata. Although it is a Buddhist sect, it is the Hinayana Buddhism, and it is a force that cuts off the teachings.Jiejiao and Yaozu are in the same spirit, and now that the leader of Tongtian can't make a move, Jiejiao will not have such a strong master to sit in charge.The Lingshan can't be lost. Although the Lingshan is not in the hands of the Yaozu, it doesn't matter if it is in the hands of Jiejiao. As long as Duobao persists there, nailed there like a nail, it will be difficult for Amitabha and Zhunti to leave the west.

Besides, Yuanshi Mozun is not in Qingweitian now, he is just Hongjun's clone, of course Tiandao and Taiyi know about this now.Even Tongtian didn't know the relationship.Hongjun is weak now, Nuwa and Tongtian are venting out of the same nostrils as Taiyi, so they are naturally unreliable, Laozi, Pingxin and others' attitude of not helping each other, it can be seen that they have already separated from him.Therefore, Hongjun can only rely on the two saints of the West in the prehistoric times.Although he didn't like the two saints of the West before, but now he can only rely on these two.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng, where are you going?" Kunpeng had just left the Demon Realm, before flying thousands of miles, when he saw a figure standing in front of him.When Kunpeng saw that the person was dressed in black, there was a murderous look in his eyes, but he couldn't tell who it was. He was very surprised and didn't know who it was.There were only a few Hunyuan masters in the prehistoric world, and Kunpeng couldn't recognize the person in front of him at a glance.

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