The Great East Emperor

Chapter 440 Kunpeng was blocked, and Yuan began to be trapped

Chapter 440 Kunpeng was blocked, and Yuan began to be trapped

Let's say Amitabha invaded Lingshan, and Kunpeng planned to go to help him, but he didn't want to be blocked by a Taoist in black just after he left the demon world.Kunpeng seems to be a man of aura, and obviously has the power of Hunyuan, but he doesn't know the identity of the person who came.Kunpeng knew that the visitor was not good, but he had to go to Lingshan.After all, Amitabha's transformation into demons, not to mention the great improvement in cultivation, the demon body is not afraid of innate evil spirits, so it is more sure to face the sword formation of Zhuxian.The Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be defeated by the Four Saints, but after all, Duo Bao won this formation not long ago and has not yet fully comprehended it. Amitabha is confident that he can retreat completely.The world has its own cause and effect. This formation came from Luohu, and it was transformed into a magic formation. Although it was re-sacrificed by Hongjun, the magic root could not be broken in the end.

"Who is your Excellency, why are you blocking the way of the poor?" Kunpeng asked when he saw the mysterious person in front of him.Kunpeng felt the traces of demonic energy around the person in front of him, and wondered in his heart why he had never heard of such a person since the demonic way was now controlled by Qingling.But in the end, the world is impermanent, there is always a glimmer of life in the world, and the Jade Immortal Sword Formation lost an opportunity innately against the Demonic Dao. The appearance of such characters at this time makes Kunpeng feel uneasy.Presumably, the enemy must be a congenital person, so they cannot be controlled by Qingling. But any congenital person must have extraordinary supernatural powers. Kunpeng has always been stable, and he has already secretly raised his heart. Secretly sacrifice the flag to prevent accidents.

"Haha, the demon master Kunpeng is indeed cautious. I have heard that the demon master is highly cultivated and possesses all-powerful demon skills, but the first time I saw him today, he was not worthy of the name." The man didn't even look at him, and the words that Kunpeng had in mind were already revealed. There is also a trace of contempt.Kunpeng was not angry when he heard the words, and although he was a little surprised to hear that the other party recognized him at a glance, he thought that the other party had come prepared, so he naturally recognized him.

"Since your Excellency recognizes me, I think you are also a prehistoric person, poor and blind, but I don't know what to call you?" After thinking about it, Kunpeng still didn't know who the person in front of him was, so he asked directly.But the comer was not kind, and Kunpeng had already prepared for the worst.After all, even he can't tell how many enemies there are outside the Yaozu since its establishment.In the prehistoric world, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Back then, Hongjun preached in the Zixiao Palace and had three thousand disciples. Although there were two calamities, there were Lich Wars and Conferred God Wars, there are only a handful of them left now, but who can guarantee that after the prehistoric era? No hermit can exist.Kunpeng guessed that the person in front of him should be one of them, but this time Kunpeng guessed wrong.Because there was only one thing in the hands of the visitor at this time, Kunpeng saw it clearly, and said in surprise: "Pangu Banner, why is this thing in your hand."

"Hahaha, this thing belongs to me, why can't it be in my hands." Seeing Kunpeng's surprised expression, the man sneered and said, "Monster Kunpeng, I advise you to obediently go back to the Demon Realm." After finishing speaking, the long black banner in the man's hand stretched out, and the Pangu banner emitted a chaotic atmosphere, and Kunpeng felt that the chilling and murderous atmosphere made people shudder.For some reason, he always felt that the current Pangu Banner was a bit different from the original one, the black and coquettish one made people uncomfortable, and it lacked a decent and dignified air.

"It turned out to be Yuanshi Daoist, but I don't think that Daoist is shameless now, and a saint is nothing more than that." Kunpeng naturally didn't know that Yuanshi was refined by Hongjun into a demon clone, and at this time he thought this person was Yuanshi Tianzun Changed his appearance, so he taunted him.Although Kunpeng's words were contemptuous, but he had raised 12 points of energy in his heart. Yuan Shi was not an ordinary person. How dare you be careless.

"Hmph, you are stubborn. Since the demon master refuses to retreat, don't blame me for being cruel." Yuanshi Mozun hadn't finished speaking, and the Pangu flag in his hand had already sacrificed to the flag, and the banner was fluttering in the wind. Blessed with huge mana, the radiance is unparalleled, and it is unparalleled.At this moment, streaks of black energy turned into streaks of sword light and flew out, as if it were an illusion.The sword light turned into Nine Daoes in a flash, tearing open the space and rushing towards Kunpeng.

"Chaotic sword energy, a good trick." Kunpeng had expected that the other party would not be able to hold his breath. Now he saw the chaotic sword energy, and he didn't panic. A black flag flew out.It's just that this one is black with blue in the middle, and it's smaller in size. It is the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner of the Xiantian Wufang Banner.The Xuanyuan Water Control Banner is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure, Kunpeng's most important body protection treasure. When this treasure is sacrificed, a huge light curtain will be formed to surround Kunpeng in an instant, and streams of Xuanshui Qi will flow slowly from the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner. Emit slowly.At this time, Kunpeng seemed to be in the water curtain cave, as if you had all kinds of tricks, and it would be difficult to hurt my real identity.

"Yuanshi, don't be crazy, let's look at the means of the poor." Seeing the nine chaotic sword qi, Kunpeng only sacrificed the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner, and no longer sacrificed other spirit treasures. Dashes of blood flew out, instantly forming huge blood handprints that smashed towards the chaotic sword qi. "Seal the sky with the blood seal." It was Kunpeng's famous skill of sealing the sky with the blood seal. Now, with the improvement of Kunpeng's cultivation base, the power of this supernatural power has become more and more powerful.I saw the nine blood handprints facing the nine chaotic sword qi, both sides were full of supernatural powers, and they all dissipated after the collision.The mixed sword energy seems to be powerful, and the unit did not use all its strength at all, so Kunpeng was able to block it, and laughed: "Hahaha, Daoist Yuanshi, your Pangu Banner is not a fake, it only has this power , I really disappointed the poor." Kunpeng looked relaxed at this moment, but his heart was not relaxed either. Although these chaotic sword qi were not produced by Pangu Banner with all his strength, the prestige of the innate treasure is not ordinary.Kunpeng had already exerted all his strength in the blood seal just now. After all, it is the supernatural power of the physical body, how can it easily resist the power of Pangu Banner.At this time, Kunpeng didn't dare to push it any further. He flipped his hand over and saw a black long sword already in his hand. This sword was the Immortal Killing Sword. The Pangu banner is not much worse.

"Hmph." Yuan Shi snorted coldly when he heard the words, but he was furious in his heart. The few chaotic sword qi just now were just to try Kunpeng, but he didn't want to be ridiculed by Kunpeng for a while.Yuan Shi was furious, demonic energy rose all over his body, and he waved the Pangu flag repeatedly in his hand, and the sword light shot out continuously, like ten thousand swords.Seeing this, Kunpeng didn't dare to be careless, Xuanyuan controlled the water flag to protect his whole body, and the 36 Dinghai beads protected Yuanshen, and he was invincible first.Wielding the three-foot long sword in his hand, he rushed thousands of miles away with a whoosh. The chaotic sword energy flashed by him continuously. The one in front of him was blocked by the Immortal Killing Sword, and the one passing by was controlled by Xuanyuan. With the flag standing outside him, he was already in front of Yuan Shi in a blink of an eye.At this time, Kunpeng said that in front of Yuanshi, he saw that Yuanshi's whole body was covered by demonic energy, and he was surprised. Yuanshi was born by Pangu, the sage of Yuqing, why didn't he have any meritorious energy around his body, and instead of dense energy, it was full of demonic energy .But at this time Kunpeng hadn't thought of the reason, but he saw that Yuan Shi also sacrificed a five-party flag, which was the central Wuji Xinghuang flag.Seeing Kunpeng coming to kill him, Yuanshi also sacrificed himself to protect himself with the flag and treasure flag.Although Kunpeng has such a precious treasure as the Immortal Killing Sword, he doesn't want to pass through it with one sword, and thousands of golden lotuses will rise up, which are formed by the central Wutu.

"Kunpeng, don't think that you are the only one with the protective banner." Yuan Shi saw that Kunpeng's attack was fruitless, and there was a burst of ridicule on his face. When the Pangu banner blocked it, he flew a hundred miles away.After all, Yuan Shi was not good at close combat, so it was best to distance himself from Kunpeng.Immediately afterwards, there was another thing in Yuanshi's hand, which was the three treasures of Ruyi.The moment it was sacrificed, it turned into a gigantic size, and it smashed down on Kunpeng.

"Good time." Seeing that it was Sanbao Ruyi, Kunpeng yelled, and grabbed another blood mark with his left hand to strike, but then he followed closely with the sword in his hand.The blood seal Fengtian couldn't stop Sanbao Ruyi at all, Kunpeng naturally knew this, but it could slow down Sanbao Ruyi's speed.Sure enough, Sanbao Ruyi was entangled in the blood seal, and immediately followed by the Immortal Killing Sword, he directly beat Sanbao Ruyi back.But he didn't expect that just after Sanbao Ruyi was repelled, Kunpeng saw that his relatives had already flown towards him and counted the chaotic sword energy, and secretly called out that he had been fooled.The Three Treasures Ruyi were just to divert Kunpeng's attention, and it was Pangu Banner who really killed him.Now there are four chaotic sword qi flying in, the Immortal Killing Sword can block two, and the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner should have no problem blocking one, but there is one left, and Kunpeng dare not take it hard.This is only a momentary moment, Kunpeng blocked the left and right strikes, it was regarded as blocking two chaotic sword qi, the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner successfully blocked one, but the next one was blocked by Kunpeng sacrificed the Dinghai Pearl.He made a mistake in his busy schedule just now, but he almost forgot that there was still a treasure on his body that hadn't been sacrificed yet.That Ding Haizhu is also a treasure for body protection. The 36 Dinghai Pearls are in the shape of the sky, both offensive and defensive, and the body protection is not under the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner, it is really a treasure.

"I forgot about this treasure." Kunpeng sacrificed 36 Dinghai beads, and saw a huge change in the situation above his head, and only heard Kunpeng shouted: "The great Zhoutian Qianyuan array has risen." I saw 36 Dinghai beads taking the position of Tiangang Scattered, Yuanshi was trapped in an instant.Suddenly, the entire sky was covered by a large formation, and Yuan Shi was caught in the formation without noticing it.When Kunpeng saw that Yuanshi was trapped, he was overjoyed.

"This formation can only trap him for one day. Time is running out. We should go to Lingshan first, otherwise Lingshan will definitely be lost." Although Kunpeng trapped Yuanshi at this time, he also knew that the power of this formation was equal to Yuanshi's strength. He only had one day. time.After all, Yuanshi had a Pangu banner in his hand, and that Pangu banner could even break through chaos, let alone a big Zhoutian formation.Kunpeng headed west quickly, and now he didn't know what was going on at Lingshan. Kunpeng didn't have time to figure it out, and it would take three hours to get to Lingshan at his speed, so there was no room for him to hesitate for a moment.

"Kunpeng, you bastard, you actually do this heresy." At this moment, Yuan Shi saw a white light in front of him, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. Kunpeng even disappeared, and he was furious. Unfortunately, he roared for a long time, but Kunpeng was nowhere to be seen, and he gradually understood his situation at this time.This formation is extraordinary, and it will take some time for him to break through it.Yuanshi didn't have time to stay here, so he hurriedly communicated with his deity, Hongjun.

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