The Great East Emperor

Chapter 442: At the Beginning of the 2nd Battle, Zhenyuan Helps

Chapter 440: At the beginning of World War II, Zhenyuan helped

It is said that the Tathagata changed, and Amitabha lost his calmness before. At this time, he was in a dilemma, and his heart was already flustered. After all, he was trapped in the portrait at this time.Before he was going to invade Lingshan, he told Hongjun, and Hongjun also promised to send Yuanshi Mozun to help him, but he didn't want to see Yuanshi Mozun after a long time now.Of course, he didn't know that Kunpeng and Yuanshi had encountered each other outside the demon world before, and Yuanshi Demon Lord was still trapped in the formation by Kunpeng.He thought that Hongjun had already sold him, and he had scolded Hongjun countless times in his heart. Poor Hongjun was wronged for nothing.

Outside the demon world, the Great Zhoutian Qianyuan Formation has trapped Yuanshi Mozun for almost an hour at this time. Although Yuanshi Mozun is not good at formation, how can he be ignorant of Yin and Yang as a saint? After finishing the operation rules of this formation, after all, there is no one in the main formation, and Yuanshi Mozun's breaking the formation is already a certainty.Of course, Kunpeng is not afraid of Yuanshi Demon Venerable knowing the rules and the way of operation of this large formation, because there are 360 ​​five major changes in this ever-changing formation, and each change can also transform into 360 five small changes. The Kunpeng of the people in the formation can change at will, and if Yuanshi Mozun comes in next time, it will be another scene, so Kunpeng will let Yuanshi Mozun wander in it without worrying that the secret of the formation will be known by Yuanshi Mozun.

"Hey." At this time, on the gossip stage in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Kunpeng suddenly sighed, and his expression suddenly showed a hint of worry.Duobao Tathagata heard it clearly, and seeing Kunpeng shaking his head slightly and sighing, he asked, "Master, what happened, why are you sighing like this?"

"That Yuan Shi broke the formation." Kunpeng said in a low voice.Yuanshi Mozun broke through the last barrier, and the formation lost Dinghaizhu's support, so it couldn't resist Pangu Banner's attack, and scattered in all directions.In fact, Kunpeng was also helpless, if he hadn't used his spiritual thoughts to remove Dinghaizhu earlier, I'm afraid that after Yuanshi Mozun broke the formation, Dinghaizhu would be hard to protect.Fortunately, Dinghaizhu had already been used by him to cut off the three corpses, and he had already returned to the Demon Realm at this time, Yuanshi Demon Venerable would not chase him into the Demon Realm for advice on the Xiantian Lingbao, and now he just wanted to go to Lingshan as soon as possible.

It was Kunpeng who told Duobao that Yuanshi was trapped in the Great Zhoutian Qianyuan formation before, so now Duobao is not too surprised, after all he also knows that without Kunpeng sitting in the formation, it is not easy to be able to trap Yuanshi Mozun for so long easy.But this means that Yuanshi is coming soon, and now Amitabha must be dealt with quickly, otherwise it would be hard for him and the two saints to join forces, after all, he doesn't want Lingshan to be destroyed.

"Nephew, don't worry. Pindao will go out and block Yuan Shi. Nephew, let's deal with Amitabha Buddha here with peace of mind." Seeing Duobao Tathagata's expression, Kunpeng had already guessed what he was thinking.Lingshan is originally a Buddhaland of Ultimate Bliss, how can it withstand this battle of all beings? The West has no spiritual veins. If there is another impact, this Lingshan will lose a lot of spiritual energy.

"It's so thankful for Master Uncle." Duobao Tathagata was overjoyed when he heard the words. Although he had this intention, he couldn't speak because of affection. Now that Kunpeng proposed it on his own initiative, Duobao Tathagata would not agree.I saw the yin and yang diagram above the head turn around, the black and white qi dispersed, and a passage led directly to the outside of the formation, and Kunpeng was already outside the formation in a flash.Seeing Kunpeng leaving, Duobao Tathagata was also determined. With Kunpeng's means, it should still be difficult to beat Yuanshi. After all, there is not much difference in cultivation between the two, but it should be no problem to hold Yuanshi back.

Now that there is no need to worry about the future, Duobao Tathagata can deal with Amitabha Buddha with all his strength.At this time in the formation, Duobao Tathagata sits on the lotus platform, the space of the formation is chaotic, the four swords pull the power of the four poles, and communicate with the world. hands.At this time, Amitabha Buddha lost his magic energy, and the spiritual power in his body gradually disappeared. If he didn't think about it, he would be dragged to death by Duobao Tathagata sooner or later.This is the terrifying aspect of the Great Formation. There are thousands of chaotic sword qi falling continuously in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Thousands of swords return to their ancestors, which are as gorgeous as shooting stars in the sky. Naturally, there is only one focus, and that is Amitabha Buddha below.

Just as Duobao Tathagata had fully controlled the situation in the formation, Kunpeng had also met Yuanshi Mozun head-on.Both of them knew what the other was thinking, and before they could speak, they had already exchanged fire.Kunpeng summoned the avatar of Dinghaizhu in the demon world, and drew out the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand. The demonic aura continued to radiate from his body. The Lingbao, with a fighting spirit, will never be under Yuanshi Mozun.On the east side of Lingshan Mountain, Yuanshi Demon Venerable and Kunpeng fought. This time Kunpeng has confirmed that there is nothing wrong with Duobao Tathagata. Naturally, he did not hold back. All his combat power broke out, and the sword light roared. If you want to say that the master of swords in the wild is the first to recommend Taiyi , but Kunpeng is not bad, it's just that Kunpeng has always kept a low profile these years, but it made the world forget that there is still this master of swordsmanship.

Although Yuanshi Mozun is Hongjun's avatar, he is an independent individual, and his cultivation relies on the foundation of Yuanshi Tianzun back then.Originally not good at melee combat, Kunpeng was so fast that he fell behind for a while.In addition, at this time Yuanshi Demon Ancestor was anxious about Amitabha in Lingshan's Immortal Killing Sword Formation, Kunpeng's Immortal Killing Sword flew up and down, and from time to time, Feng Tian with a blood seal came to him again, and he was already a little overwhelmed.

Yuanshi Mozun never dreamed that Kunpeng would be so vicious when he became ruthless, and there was really nowhere to vent his sulking.Seeing Yuanshi Mozun retreating all the way, he had come to a mountain before he knew it.Suddenly, I saw a khaki-yellow light emitting from the mountain. The brilliance seemed plain, but it caused the power of the earth thousands of miles around to combine with it and turned into a barrier of earth to block the Yuanshi Demon Venerable from the mountain.

"Earth fetal membrane." Seeing this earth barrier, Yuan Shi Demon Venerable turned pale with fright. How could he not know about this thing, and he suddenly realized it when he looked around.It turned out that he had been forced to retreat to Wuzhuang Temple in Longevity Mountain before he knew it.That Zhen Yuanzi seemed to be a nice guy, but how could saints like them not know that Zhen Yuanzi was not as easy-talking as he appeared on the surface.However, it was inevitable at this time, Zhen Yuanzi's book from the ground was a rare defensive treasure, and Yuanshi Mozun saw that Zhen Yuanzi actually sacrificed the book from the ground, obviously he was helping Kunpeng.Although I don't know why Zhen Yuanzi is like this, but this is the time to think about these things.Before Kunpeng's Immortal Killing Sword arrived, another sword flew out from Wuzhuang Temple.Yuan Shi hurriedly raised the central Wuji Xinghuang flag to block the sword light.At this time, Yuan Shi couldn't help being furious and said: "Zhen Yuanzi, I have never offended you, why are you?" He can still resist it, and what makes him even more depressed is that Zhen Yuanzi doesn't know how he has cultivated these years, and how his cultivation base has increased so much. Although he still can't break the quasi-holy shackles, but the supernatural power of transforming the body into a sword is now It's getting sharper.

Don't say Yuanshi Mozun was puzzled, even Kunpeng next to him was a little surprised. He and Zhen Yuanzi had nothing to do with each other.Or the relationship between the two is not very good.Because of the Hongyun incident back then, the two of them could be said to be at odds, but they didn't expect Zhen Yuanzi to help him now.In fact, it was not because of Kunpeng that Zhen Yuanzi made the move. After all, Zhen Yuanzi's cultivation base has greatly improved now, and he has lost his obsession. In the final analysis, it is because of the relationship between Taiyi and Qingling. Although the two of them did it out of selfishness, but When it is done, it is done.Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi has indeed changed his view of the Yaozu.This shot can be regarded as repaying this good fate, he does not like people who owe karma.

"Humph, Yuanshi, although you and I have no cause and effect, but you can take a good look at what my Longevity Mountain looks like now." Yuanshi just finished speaking, when he heard an angry groan from Wuzhuang Temple, and then suppressed Yuanzi had also appeared in front of Yuanshi and Kunpeng, with a fairy-like demeanor, but his face was a bit ugly, obviously a little angry.Yuan Shi lowered his head and glanced at Longevity Mountain when he heard the words, his face suddenly changed, and his whole heart couldn't help but fell to the bottom. It turned out that he was too involved in the battle just now, and the magic energy around him forgot to control. At this time, the creatures on Longevity Mountain entered their bodies because of the magic energy There are hundreds of thousands of people who exploded.This Longevity Mountain is Zhen Yuanzi's dojo, isn't this slapping Zhen Yuanzi in the face?Of course, Zhen Yuanzi didn't express what was in his heart, but this alone was enough reason for him to make a move.

"Damn it." Yuan Shi was annoyed in his heart, but he also had to face the reality. Seeing the situation, Lingshan couldn't go, so he had no choice but to flee directly with a swaying shot from Pangu Banner.Seeing Yuan Shi leaving, Kunpeng did not go after him.After all, Yuanshi is a saint, and now he has successfully completed the task of forcing him back.Zhen Yuanzi was even less likely to chase after him. Seeing Yuan Shi leaving at this time, he just glanced at Kunpeng, and went back to Wuzhuang Temple without saying anything.Seeing this, Kunpeng felt helpless, but with his relationship with Zhen Yuanzi, he knew that this was not bad.He didn't expect the relationship between the two to become harmonious, even though now Hongyun has reincarnated as Chizhen and became the Emperor of Heaven.

Kunpeng successfully blocked Yuanshi, which made Amitabha suffer a lot. Now that Amitabha was beaten by Duobao Tathagata in the Zhuxian sword formation, he was unable to fight back. His thoughts beforehand were completely different now.Not to mention that Amitabha broke the formation and drove Duobao Tathagata out of Lingshan, this time I am afraid that he will not be able to retreat completely.After Amitabha fell into the devil, he acted more fiercely and decisively. At this time, seeing that there was no hope of breaking the formation, the most important thing was to find a chance to get out of the formation. However, the four gates of the formation were blocked by four swords, and there was no way out at this time.Amitabha's heart became ruthless, and he saw the magic cloud of relic above his head constantly expanding, and black lights shot out continuously.It seems that all the magic power of the whole body has been gathered in the Dao relic.Amitabha's whole person is like a world-destroying troll at this time, which makes people shudder.

"What an Amitabha, really decisive." Seeing the change of Amitabha, Duobao Rulai suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He stood up from the lotus platform on the eight trigrams platform, and the yin and yang qi continued to rise above his head. Hovering, and then continuously shooting countless seals into the formation.

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