The Great East Emperor

Chapter 443 Dimensional space, lost trace of Buddha and demon

Chapter 440 Three-Dimensional Space, Buddha and Demon Lost

Seeing that the four swords above his head kept approaching by themselves, he gathered all the remaining devil energy in the magic cloud relic, and at this moment he could only rely on the magic cloud relic to protect his whole body. "The Immortal Jade Formation cannot be broken without the Four Sages. This time, it's really a big deal." He didn't expect that the Immortal Jade Formation actually contained such powerful spatial power.In desperation, Amitabha had no choice but to explode the magic cloud relic to open a space tunnel on the big formation. Amitabha didn't care about other things, and went directly into the space tunnel, but this tunnel turned out to be a dimensional space. Find a way out of space.And just when Amitabha Buddha blew himself up on the magic cloud relic, Duobao Rulai had already made preparations and ran the big formation with all his strength, and finally blocked the power of the explosion in the formation. hurt a little.Although Amitabha was not able to stay this time, Duobao Rulai didn't care about it. After all, the other party was a saint. Although the so-called immortality of a saint is not the most absolute, it also has a certain truth. , I am fortunate that my Theravada Buddhism has not been taken away by Amitabha Buddha.

After Duobao Tathagata withdrew from the formation, he saw that Kunpeng had turned around. He put away the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the formation map, stepped forward to salute Kunpeng, and said, "Thank you for coming in time, Master Uncle, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Duobao Tathagata's words are good, but Kunpeng is most concerned about Amitabha.Because he had been outside the formation for a long time, he thought that if Amitabha escaped, he would be able to capture him outside.But Amitabha Buddha never came out, so he asked Duobao Tathagata, "Your nephew, you are welcome, but why did you not see Amitabha Buddha?" Duobao Rulai told him that Amitabha Buddha blew himself up and escaped into the dimension space. listen.Kunpeng was stunned when he heard the words. The dimensional space is not an ordinary space. Although the saint is not even afraid of the chaotic space, he dare not enter the dimensional space easily this time. What he remembers most clearly is the In the different dimension space, only Taiyi can come and go freely.

Now the dimensional space that Amitabha Buddha is trapped in does not know what dimension it is. If it encounters an infinite dimension, even saints will not be spared.Kunpeng was not very clear about these things at first, and Tai Yi told him that the so-called dimensional space is also divided into different dimensional space and infinite dimensional space. Those black holes in the chaos are different dimensional spaces. Although the saint is trapped in it, it is troublesome, but his life is not in danger. , but it will be troublesome if it is an infinite dimension space, so in this space, there is only a way in, but there is no way out. No one knows, I am afraid that only Dao Dao knows the situation.At this time, what Kunpeng thought of was still the space of another dimension. After all, the infinite dimension space is too mysterious. Even Taiyi has never seen it until now, and it is only described in the inheritance of the Chaos Orb. Maybe it just exists in a certain depth of chaos. , but it did not appear in this prehistoric world, but since he was trapped in the dimensional space, Kunpeng had no choice but to give up.

"Since the matter is over, then the poor will go back first." Kunpeng saw that the battle at Lingshan was almost over, so he didn't stay any longer, so he left.Although Duobao Rulai enthusiastically persuaded him to stay, Kunpeng still politely refused. "Hey, it seems that this matter is not over yet, but there is only so much I can do." Kunpeng thought secretly in his heart, and still found many doubts, but these were beyond his ability, so he focused on the surface. Looking at this matter, it is a bit confusing. First of all, why Yuanshi Mozun had to do everything possible to help Amitabha, and there is this last dimension.Kunpeng felt that a big hand seemed to be controlling all this.

Just when Amitabha fled into the dimensional space, a black lotus flower on the stone platform suddenly shattered and turned into a cloud of smoke in the oblique moon and three-star cave on Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai.Seeing this, Shaluo was shocked: "Not good, something happened to the master." This black lotus was transformed by the demon energy in Amitabha's heart, but now it shatters and turns into a cloud of smoke. If the cloud of smoke dissipates, it means Amitabha Buddha fell.But after all, Shaluo is a reincarnation with innate power and extraordinary aptitude, and he quickly stabilized his mind after a little panic.He took out a crystal bead from his sleeve to cover the magic cloud, and channeled his mana to put the magic cloud into the crystal bead.Sha Luo is a disciple of Amitabha Buddha, so he naturally entrusted him with something. Amitabha Buddha had already confessed when he left that day. If Hei Lian had something to do, he would directly take Hei Lian with crystal beads and go to Qingweitian.

However, in Zixiao Palace, Tian Dao is naturally very dissatisfied with Hongjun's troubles and floods at this time, and his face is already ashen at this time. If it is not for maintaining the balance of Tian Dao at this time, he may have already slapped Hongjun with his palm.Looking at Tiandao's gloomy expression, Hongjun felt a little flustered, but luckily Tiandao didn't make a move in the end, so he was relieved.At this time, he scolded Amitabha Buddha and Yuanshi Mozun all over the place. The two great saints couldn't even beat the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians, otherwise how could they be so passive.Yuanshi Mozun directly fled back to Qingweitian, and Amitabha was forced into the dimensional space.After entering the dimensional space, he can't contact him at all now, so he can only use the method of Yuanshen communication to warn Yuanshi Mozun to find Amitabha Buddha back.After all, his current cultivation is not as good as it was when he was at the peak. Amitabha is a saint after all, and since the other party voluntarily surrenders to Hongjun, he doesn't want to lose this combat power.

"Baihe, bring in the people waiting outside." Hongjun's order Yuanshi Mozun had no choice but to respect. After all, he is now Hongjun's demon god clone. Once Hongjun gets angry and detonates his primordial spirit directly, let alone he is A saint is gone, even a saint will fall.Seeing that Sha Luo had arrived at this time, Yuan Shi hurriedly ordered Bai He Tongzi to say.Amitabha fell into the dimensional space, and he was told by Hongjun through Yuanshen communication just now. Thinking of the dimensional space, he also had a headache, and only the desperate Taiyi dared to enter that place.

"Sage Yuqing, my teacher has an accident, please ask the saint to help." Sha Luo came to Qingweitian, and knelt down and cried.It was the first time Yuan Shi saw Sha Luo, but he was shocked when he saw it. This person was actually the reincarnation of King Pan, which was really beyond his expectation.

"I already know about this matter, you can rest assured that I will help you. It's just that your teacher is now trapped in the dimensional space, and this matter is a bit troublesome." Yuan Shi Mozun looked at Sha Luo and said.Seeing that Yuan Shi agreed so happily, Sha Luo was also delighted.Presumably, Amitabha Buddha had already made an agreement with Yuanshi before, and he didn't know what dimension space that was. Although he was the reincarnation of King Pan, his past life memory and cultivation had long since disappeared, and he only gradually awakened by inheriting the King Pan King Gu , now it's just Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, how would he know what a dimensional space is.Anyway, there is nothing he can do now, and he can only rely on Yuanshi to help.

"On behalf of the teacher, I would like to thank the sage for his help. This thing was left by the master before he left. If there is anything to do, I will take this thing to the sage Yuqing." After finishing speaking, Sha Luo took out the purple gold bowl from his sleeve and handed it to the Yuanshi Mozun.A crystal bead is nothing more than a spiritual object, Yuanshi Mozun naturally doesn't pay attention to it, what he cares about is naturally the cloud of black mist inside the crystal bead.This is a group of demonic energy condensed by the soul.Yuanshi heard what Shaluo left Amitabha before he left, and he already understood what Amitabha meant.It turned out that Amitabha was still a little jealous of the Zhuxian sword formation, after all, it was the first killing formation in the prehistoric world, and it could not be broken without the four sages.Although he is a demon body, he still has some worries in his heart, so he kept such a hand in what he said. At this time, it seems that Amitabha Buddha really has the foresight.Yuanshi Mozun looked at the crystal bead in his hand, and with a light force, the bead had already shattered, and the black mist scattered again without the restraint of the crystal bead, but this time with Yuanshi present, naturally there is no need to worry about it dispersing go.Yuanshi waved his hand, a black light flew out and covered the black mist, and the black mist was put into the sleeve of Yuanshi Mozun.Yuan Shi Mozun sensed the black mist slightly and said to Sha Luo: "Since I have agreed to this matter, I will try my best to save you. You should go back first."

Hearing what Yuan Shi said, Sha Luo had no choice but to leave first.Now that Amitabha Buddha is not here, he is like a piece of duckweed with no one to rely on. Although he is also a Daluo Jinxian now, in today's prehistoric times, many Daluo Jinxians may fall every day. Although Amitabha Buddha has other disciples, such as the pharmacist Liuliguang King Buddha and others, but these people were taken by Amitabha Buddha Hua Moqian. Buddha and devil are not incompatible. He and Amitabha practiced magic skills, and he didn't want to see them. Now it seems that it is safe to go back to the three-star cave on the oblique moon After all, it was Zhunti's ashram back then, and it should be fine to hide the formation formed by Zhunti there, at least until the return of Amitabha.After thinking about it, Sha Luo went directly back to the Three-Star Cave of Xieyue. When he walked out of Qingweitian, he couldn't help but look back, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.After all, he has no memory of how powerful he was in his previous life, but from what Amitabha Buddha said, he should not be an ordinary monk. Now that he is reincarnated and worshiped under Amitabha Buddha, he is not considered a famous teacher. I don’t think this master has taught him much. To be able to deal with such a thing, and to be trapped in some dimension, Sha Luo couldn't help but secretly lamented his fate.

After Shaluo left, Yuanshi Demon Ancestor took out the ball of devilish energy again, and saw that under the protection of Yuanshi Demon Lord, the ball of devilish energy changed again, gradually turning into a black lotus, but after all, it was gone before it disappeared. His spiritual power is now nothing but a looming black lotus phantom.But at this time, on top of the black lotus, a cloud of devilish energy gradually turned into a gray figure, who looked exactly like Amitabha Buddha.

"Fellow Daoist, you have taken in a good disciple." When Yuan Shi saw the figure, he recognized it as the shadow of Amitabha's primordial spirit.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist also knows the whole story, so I don't need to say more. After all, I have underestimated the treasure, and now I have to rely on the demon for help." Amitabha heard Yuan Shi's words, without a trace of joy, and said with a dark face .

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