The Great East Emperor

Chapter 444 Exploring Black Holes, Origin Barrier

Chapter 440 Exploring Black Holes, Origin Barrier

But he said that Amitabha was trapped in the dimensional space. Fortunately, this dimensional space is not an infinite dimension, but a time void created by the big bang, which inadvertently opened a channel with the chaotic black hole.There are boundless spaces in the chaotic black hole, how could Amitabha dare to break in.Although he is a saint, in this dimensional space, many saints' supernatural powers are difficult to use, not to mention that he has lost the magic cloud relic now, and he does not even have a body-protecting spirit treasure. There are many time-space light blades in the dimensional space. If you are not careful, you will be tricked.At this time, Amitabha can still protect himself, but if he wants to find a way to get out, there is really nothing he can do. All he can do is wait for Yuan Shi to help him.Fortunately, the black lotus he kept before had an effect, and Yuanshi had found his place from that divine sense.

The reason why the dimensional space makes the saints turn pale is that it is difficult to communicate with the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and there is no spiritual energy replenishment. Once the spiritual power in the body is used up, it will only have to wait for death.Saints are immortal, except for Lao Tzu, they don't know how to refine any pills, and spiritual objects such as spiritual fruits will not be placed on their bodies. Even Lao Tzu puts the nine-turn golden pill in a purple gold gourd and hangs it in the alchemy room , so Amitabha can be described as poor and useless at this time, seeing the time-space light blades around him frowning all the time. These time-space light blades are extremely sharp, and they are formed by overlapping spaces. These spaces are shredded.

At this time, what worries Amitabha Buddha most is not these space-time light blades, but the gray hole in front of him, which is the entrance of the chaotic black hole, because there are infinite dimensional spaces in the chaotic black hole, once it is involved, Then Amitabha Buddha is probably about to become the first saint to fall in the prehistoric world. "Hey, I don't have enough luck after transforming the demon, otherwise, how could I have ended up in such a state." After all, Amitabha's transformation of the demon was a coincidence, because his only sliver of luck in the demon world was snatched from Qingling, but However, Qingling has the Heavenly Demon Tower and the magic pool transformed by the twelfth-grade Xuanshui Black Lotus to suppress luck. How can this luck be so easy to snatch.

Looking at the gray hole in front of him, Amitabha's heart kept trembling. He always felt that a pair of eyes were watching him secretly. This was the first time he felt afraid since he became a saint. He personally realized that saints are not really immortal, but this time this gray black hole made him feel more and more afraid.Therefore, although he was besieged by the light blade of time and space, his eyes kept staring at the hole, and he didn't dare to leave for a moment, fearing that something would come out if he was negligent.Fear often comes from the unknown, because of the unknown of the chaotic black hole. At this time, the fear has been magnified in Amitabha's heart. The most terrifying thing is because of fear, which has accelerated the dissipation of spiritual power in the body.The divine light protecting Amitabha's body also gradually dimmed again, because the demonic energy around him had already run out in the previous Lingshan battle, and the situation seemed a little bad.

"Why didn't Yuanshi come here? Could it be that Hongjun lied to me?" At this time, the more Amitabha thought about it, the more afraid he became. He defeated Hunyuan, but Hongjun at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's understanding of Tao is far superior to saints like them, so Taoism is still there, and his strength is still above all saints.Amitabha was already aware of his own situation at this time, and since he entered the dimensional space and left, he was already a little worried. After all, he didn't have much confidence in Hongjun, and there was no friendship among saints. What is trustworthy is the quasi-mention of the same Western saints.

"Hey, why are there fluctuations?" At this time in the Sun Palace, Tai Yi suddenly had a heart move. He had already absorbed the black and white yin and yang qi transformed by the good fortune jade butterfly, and felt the most original Dao, but suddenly found that the original source There was actually a slight fluctuation.This is an unknown field. Although Tai and his wife have a little understanding of the origin of chaos, they don't have a thorough understanding. Although it is a close step, it is extremely difficult.But at this moment, Tai Yi suddenly rushed out of the sun star, turned into a flame and went straight to the depths of the chaos.Tiandao, Hongjun and others who were maintaining the enchantment of Heavenly Dao were shocked by Taiyi's aura, because it was said that Taiyi should attack Hunyuan Avenue with all its strength at this time, and everyone was puzzled for a while, wondering whether Taiyi had succeeded, But judging from Tai Yi's aura, although it is powerful, it should not have reached the state of Hunyuan Wuji.It's just that Taiyi's speed is too fast, but when everyone reacts, they have already lost Taiyi's aura. The chaos is too great, and all they can sense is the distance of hundreds of millions of miles beyond the sky.

"Don't hesitate, everyone. We'll continue to stabilize the barrier. This matter is beyond our reach." Seeing that everyone was distracted, Tiandao hurriedly ordered.Although Tiandao said so, in his heart, he was puzzled. Taiyi's sudden exit really puzzled him. The current situation is not as important as the immeasurable calamity, and now there are only 1000 years. In the eyes of saints like them, 1000 years is not time at all. A person who enters samadhi is worth tens of thousands, let alone 1000 years.

Besides, because of the slight fluctuation just now, Tai Yi didn't care about these in his heart, and the origin of chaos would be involved with somewhere in chaos, which made Tai Yi not surprised.There are too many secrets in the chaos, even for a person like Tai Yi who was able to walk in the chaos when he first transformed into a form. If he wants to explore them all in the chaos, this time is not an immeasurable kalpa. OK.Taiyi's speed is very fast, and the induction in his body becomes more obvious as he walks forward. So far, this is the closest he is to Hunyuan. Although he doesn't know what is calling him now, it is obvious that he will never Will miss it, at all costs.

"Chaotic black hole, how could it be a chaotic black hole." Tai Yi finally stopped in front of a chaotic black hole, but he was very puzzled in his heart. This does not mean that he can induce the induction of the original power of the Dao in Taiyi.Although Tai Yi has never seen the infinite dimensional space, he does not believe that the infinite dimensional space has any connection with the origin of chaos, because the infinite dimensional space is also created after the primordial shattering and chaos, let alone summon him at this time.At this time, Tai Yi stood in front of the chaotic black hole with a puzzled expression, gray mist billowing in front of his eyes.

"Could it be a trap set by Dao, it shouldn't be. Now my understanding of the original power of chaos should be above Dao, but why?" There are thousands of reasons in Taiyi's heart, but Taiyi is still The decisive person has already arrived at this time, so there is no reason for it. He hesitated just now, but at this moment, he couldn't care about anything, and went straight into the black hole.As soon as Tai Yi entered the black hole, he felt that the time and space around him were constantly changing, so he hurriedly used his magic power to protect his mind.Before the Chaos War, Master Tongtian was involved in the black hole, but afterward, he heard the situation in the black hole from Master Tongtian, but it was not like this. At this time, Tai Yi faintly felt that this chaotic black hole was not ordinary.At least from the perspective of the change of time and space, it is very unusual, and at this time, the yin and yang in the Taiyuanshen actually work by themselves, one black and one white are constantly intertwined, sometimes it is a yin and yang fish pattern, and then it is a gossip. Scattered and turned into a sea of ​​clouds, generally gray.This is the power of heaven and earth. Tai Yi has seen the process of chaos evolution from the Chaos Orb. Tai Yi called him the origin of Tao. Tai Yi never thought that there would be such power in this place. "Fortunately, I came in. Maybe there is really an opportunity waiting for me here. I don't want to have never discovered this place after so many years in Chaos. It's really impermanent."

Tai Yi walked a little further in, and there was almost no light in front of his eyes at this time. Fortunately, he still had the fire of chaos, and he spat out a fire of chaos, which gradually burned up.Relying on the light of the fire of chaos, the ten thousand miles of space around Taiyi was still illuminated. At this time, Taiyi walked for a long time but still did not encounter any situation, and of course he did not encounter the infinite dimensional space that he thought before. "It's such a quiet place. Why did the fluctuation just now fade away? Could it be suppressed?" Taiyi followed closely the chaotic fire in front of him, his eyes kept scanning around, but he couldn't find anything in front of him. Can not help but feel a little frustrated.It's just that in the seemingly peaceful space, Tai Yi doesn't know that the undercurrent is always a pair of dark eyes, making it difficult for people to detect.In fact, although Tai Yi entered the chaotic black hole just now, the chaotic black hole no longer belongs to the chaotic world.In every world, there is a world crack, which is a portal to communicate with the outside world, and the chaotic black hole where Tai Yi is at this time is in the world crack of the chaotic world.

The majesty is shattered, chaos emerges, but Dao is difficult to transform, and has been suppressed by the chaotic world, but how can Dao not want to transform, refining the entire chaos into the world within his body, he can truly become the dominant force.He knew that there must be space cracks in the chaos, so it was only at that time that he was born not long ago and had no ability to refine the chaos, so Dao suppressed the original power of chaos in each crack of the world, a total of nine The number of nine, he has refined 79 of them one after another over the years.This is why the leader of Tongtian was trapped in the chaotic black hole before, but he still didn't find any infinite dimensional space.The only thing left now is the Dao in the space where Taiyi is located and the biggest Dao that was suppressed by the Great Desolate World. The power of the world refines the last source of power, thereby refining the chaotic world, turning the chaotic world into a world within the body, like the world of chaotic beads in Taiyi's body.Therefore, at this time Tai Yi broke in suddenly, Dao Dao had already noticed, in order not to be discovered by Tai Yi about the enchantment he had set up back then, he directly suppressed the origin.It's just that now that the original power in Taiyi has been formed, the Dao may not be so easy.

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