The Great East Emperor

Chapter 446 Hongmeng Excalibur, Buddha died

Chapter 440 Six Hongmeng Excalibur, Buddha died

The Dao possesses the body of Amitabha Buddha. Although this method can temporarily obtain the Dharma body to display supernatural powers, it is not produced by the primordial spirit.There is no primordial spirit in the Dao, but a true spirit, and it is very awkward to be in the body of Amitabha Buddha at this time.Just now, all kinds of disadvantages have appeared. Taiben is not a great opponent, but he has already taken the lead here. He is determined in his heart and smiles in his heart. His body has retreated thousands of miles, and hundreds of defenses have been laid in front of him As a barrier, he has been invincible for a long time with his body of chaos and the control of chaos energy.

Seeing Taiyi's strength, Daoist secretly groaned in his heart, complaining that he hadn't come back earlier to take back the origin of the Dao, but now Taiyi found out that it is very difficult for him to use it here and now. Although Amitabha is the body of a saint, how can he Compared with Taiyi.However, at this moment, the change happened again. Relying on the black lotus image left by Amitabha Buddha that day, Yuanshi Mozun actually found the entrance to the dimensional space.Dao Dao sensed the breath of Yuan Shi, and directly sucked Yuan Shi Mozun over, and a divine year broke in. Poor Yuan Shi was refined by Hongjun not long ago, but I was possessed by Da Dao again.Hongjun felt that the divine sense between himself and Yuanshi Mozun had been cut off for a moment, but he didn't try to figure it out. After all, Hongjun knew how many people could break his divine sense, and he knew very well who he was. I can't afford to offend anyone, so I can only keep this matter in my heart, and I will worry about it in the future, and I have no choice but to worry about it now.

Tai Yi didn't expect why this chaotic black hole was suddenly so lively, not counting the presence of Amitabha Buddha, but also the presence of Yuanshi Mozun.At this time, I was inside the chaotic black hole, the road was blocked, and I couldn't figure out why.At this time, seeing the expression of Yuanshi Mozun, there is no way to see that Yuanshi has also been controlled by Dao. The two saint puppets are controlled by Dao's divine sense. Even if Tai Yi is powerful, he dare not underestimate it. "Hmph, since you're here, I won't let you wait this time." Seeing the two of them coming to disrupt the situation, Taiyi had already started to kill this time. Whether it was Amitabha or Yuanshi Demon Venerable, since Taiyi was born, which one has not been with him all the time? Those who are against each other, now they have new hatred and old hatred, Tai Yi will never let the two of them go.And Dao Dao has his two help this time, and his confidence is also greatly increased. The source of the Dao is related to his future path of grandmist, how can he easily let Tai Yi get what he wants, even if he can't kill Tai Yi, he must keep the source of the Dao.

Amitabha lost the magic cloud relic, so he couldn't take out a treasure at this time, but the Dao didn't care about Amitabha, with the full blessing of Dao's will, Dao Dao's magic had already been cast in his hands.The Yuanshi Demon Venerable even sacrificed the Pangu banner in his hand, and shot out chaotic sword energy one after another. The two demon supremes work together, and they are not afraid of the lack of mana. They are all great means.The hundreds of barriers in front of Tai Yi were actually more than half shattered in an instant, and they were about to break through Tai Yi's defense. "Hmph, there are indeed some tricks." Tai Yi saw that the two ignored their own defenses and used all their supernatural powers to deal with him, and he didn't panic. After all, he had already calculated that Dao would have such a trick, and he held a map of the universe in front of him.This picture of Qiankun is extraordinary, it is the jade butterfly returning to its original source, transformed by the power of the original chaos, I saw a picture appearing on the Qingyun above Taiyi's head, it is the scene of the evolution of chaos, and the avenue is dark Sighing again and again, he didn't realize that the Jade Butterfly had such a magical effect.When the primordial spirit was damaged, the original two qi first evolved, and then the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly was born, so Dao never discovered this thing.

Taiyi snatched the good luck jade butterfly and finally refined the source. Now that the source of yin and yang came out, Dao's supernatural powers borrowed from Amitabha and Yuanshi Mozun were immediately absorbed by Tai Chi Tu, and a move was returned to him. The expressions of the two changed drastically, but it was Dao. I was shocked in my heart, I didn't expect the Tai Chi pattern released by Tai Yi before to be so powerful.The so-called best defense when attacking, Tai Yi has always advocated attacking. Now that he is not in the chaos, he finally seized the opportunity to severely damage Dao. How could he let go of this opportunity, as long as he can suppress Dao at this time.The immeasurable calamity that I was worried about before is naturally nothing to worry about.At this time, Tai Yi is just a step away from the Dao, and Tai Yi has already stepped on the path of Dao in the Great Empty Light Realm. Now, with all his strength, the strength displayed by the power of the treasure has already surpassed Dao's imagination.

"The sword is for suppressing demons, and now it is a proof of Hunyuan Hongmeng." With the aura of the whole body, a purple long sword turned into a purple light flew out from within the Taiji pattern, and Tai Yi practiced the demon suppressing sword again with his heart fire, and suppressed demons The sound of the sword and the sound of the sword immediately tore apart the space of thousands of miles.The Sword of Suppressing Demons has been refined by Taiyi, and has already shed its mortal body, and its quality has been continuously improved. At this time, the word "Suppressing Demons" has receded, and only the word "Hongmeng" appears on the top of fitness.When the Hongmeng sword came out, it was Taiyi's supreme treasure of proving the Tao. The Tao recorded by the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly had been engraved in it, and it became an existence beyond the Chaos Supreme Treasure.At this time, Taiyi stood with a sword, just like a majestic Dharma, the Dao was not afraid of the treasure of chaos, but he didn't expect that there would be such a treasure in Taiyi's hand. Wei Zao had Ling Ling's murderous aura scattered thousands of miles away, even the entire black hole was trembling, and Sui Tai went straight to Amitabha and Yuanshi Mozun.

"What a fierce sword." The Tai Chi pattern just now has made Dao panic in his heart, but he doesn't want Tai Yi to hide it so deeply. Back then, it was just the innate treasure of the Suppressing Demon Sword, but now it has become the Hongmeng Sword, which surpasses the chaos treasure. Won too much in the past.There are so many variables, Dao has calculated so much, but after all, this is not included in it.If it was just an innate treasure, Dao would not take it seriously, but now that he feels the aura of the Hongmeng Sword, even Dao dare not underestimate it, not to mention that Amitabha and Yuanshi Mozun are no more than Hunyuan Dharma Body, so how can they easily block this attack? Take the Hongmeng sword.Feeling the approaching sword energy, Dao could only manipulate Amitabha and Yuanshi Mozun to dodge continuously, and he was already at a disadvantage for a while.Here, Dao cannot use the power of chaos, and in terms of strength, he is only on par with Tai Yi.

"I want your life while you are sick." Seeing Amitabha being oppressed again and again, Taiyi was overjoyed.In the hands of Amitabha Buddha, there is not a treasured bodyguard that can be obtained.In other words, even if there is some innate treasure, how can it stop Tai Yi's Primordial Sword.With the flame of chaos in Tai Yi's left hand, under the seal of Burning Heaven, Yuanshi Demon Venerable has been suppressed, and it is impossible to do anything. He can only watch Amitabha's body being torn apart by the demon-suppressing sword in an instant.The Dao is nothing more than the possession of Amitabha Buddha. At this time, you can't do anything when you see things, and you have already lost your spiritual thoughts.Amitabha's Yuanshen, who was suppressed in the dantian before, was abandoned by Dao before he could escape.Seeing the spiritual thoughts of Amitabha Buddha floating in the void, Taiyi would not let it go away easily. The Chaos Bell has already been sacrificed, and will go to cover it, only to hear a desolate bell, the ancestor of a generation of Buddhism, has fallen.The six congenital saints, the saints who were considered immortal, finally could not escape the end of death, the saints finally fell.But this place is not chaos, let alone prehistoric. Amitabha Buddha fell, and no one in prehistoric people knew about it.

"Hmph, saint, that's all." Seeing Amitabha's death, Taiyi didn't have any thoughts in his mind. In his eyes, these were just ants.However, Yuan Shi next to him was terrified. Although he knew that saints were not immortal, none of them had fallen in recent years.Now watching him die with his own eyes, the impact on Yuanshi Mozun is not insignificant.At this time, although Yuanshi Mozun was controlled by Dao, he just suppressed Yuanshen, so he still knew the outside situation.I saw Yuanshi Mozun laughing miserably, looking at Taiyi's death-like eyes, but he was not panicked.He is now suppressed by Dao, even if he wants to move his fingers, he can't do it, let alone fight.Therefore, although Yuan Shi was afraid in his heart, he was helpless and simply fell silent.

Yuan Shi was silent, that was a helpless choice.Life and death matter, so what can he do.But now Dao is in a panic, and Amitabha Buddha has fallen. At this time, relying on a Yuan Shi, how can he stop Tai Yi's strength.Dao Dao had no choice but to rely on Yuanshi Mozun for the final struggle.It's just that he doesn't care about Amitabha's death, but if this goes on, Taiyi can't be stopped. If the source of the Tao is lost, it is simply unrealistic to snatch it from Taiyi's hands.Therefore, Dao has no choice but to increase the spiritual power of Dao Yuanshi Demon Venerable, and the Great Reincarnation Pot Dafa, only to see a steady stream of spiritual power being instilled into Yuanshi Demon Venerable's body.I saw that Yuanshi Mozun's cultivation base continued to skyrocket.This is a kind of infusion method, a spell that can improve one's cultivation in a short period of time.Although this method is strong, it is difficult to last. After all, Yuanshi was transformed by Pangu. Both the cultivation and the physical body have basically reached the strength of Taiyi. The above method is only heretical in the end, and it is difficult to maintain. A few years, to them, a few years is nothing at all, it has passed in a flash.However, the chaotic sea of ​​fire that was still standing in front of Yuanshi just now was directly shaken away by the soaring aura of Yuanshi Demon Lord.

"Da Dao, one of your puppet has been lost, don't you plan to keep this one, ha ha ha." Tai Yi killed Amitabha, broke Da Dao's left arm first, and was overjoyed. Dafa Taiyi can't see it.If Taiyi knows this method, of course he also knows the disadvantages of this method, but especially for the Dao, Tai is more and more curious about the things under the enchantment of the Dao.What is it that can make Dao such a support, and he will not give in after fighting to such an extent. As long as he returns to chaos, how can he fight Dao like this? Although he can't die, he must not be able to beat Dao, after all The entire power of chaos is under the control of Dao, which is an immeasurable power of space, enough to drag Tai Yi to death, not to mention Dao Shenlei and Shimishen Lei, none of which can be easily resisted. Taiben thought that Dao would leave here, and deal with him when he returned to Chaos, but he didn't want to be like this. "Quick battle and quick decision, the things below seem to be far from simple." Taiyi glanced thoughtfully at the enchantment below, thinking in his heart.However, this action could not escape Da Dao's eyes. Seeing Tai Yi's eyes, Da Dao became even more anxious.

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