The Great East Emperor

Chapter 447 Black crystal, Yuanshi self-destruct

Chapter 440 Black crystal, the beginning of the explosion

After repeated fierce battles, the avenue barrier below has been traumatized at this time.Seeing this, Tai Yi was overjoyed, it was an unexpected joy, but it was fatal to Dao.I saw that Tai Yi completely ignored Dao Dao's angry expression, and swung the Hongmeng sword with all his strength, and a shocking sword light rushed straight down like that mountain giant.The Dao enchantment was damaged, so how could it stop the full blow of the Taiyi Hongmeng sword.Dao wanted to block the sword light, but he didn't want the Hongmeng Sword to be so powerful. When a sword light went down, the barrier was torn open a huge hole. Dao didn't dare to hesitate when the barrier was damaged, he had already blocked Tai Yi with one body , although knowing that Tai Yi cannot be stopped at this time, but he can't control these things anymore, the consequences of losing this source will be disastrous.Seeing Yuanshi Mozun standing in front of him, Taiyi knew that Daoist was going to do his best, so he would make the first move.It's better to strike first, Tai Yi's whole body surged forward, and the long sword in his hand was already groaning.

I saw that the integrated black hole space suddenly became more gloomy, the gray clouds and mist rolled and stirred, and after a bang as urgent as a drum, countless purple sword qi poured out from Tai Yi's hand.Dao has been above all living beings since he was born, but this is the first time he feels that his soul is constantly shaking.Although Tai Yi did not enter Taoism with a sword, the Hongmeng Sword in his hand made him feel a bone-piercing chill.At this time, seeing the sword energy coming, Dao controlled the body of Yuanshi Mozun, and the Pangu flag in his hand kept dancing, and the chaotic energy wrapped around his body like a spirit snake.Although the Pangu Banner is an attacking treasure, it is not a unique innate treasure. Now that there is an envoy from the Great Dao, its power cannot be underestimated.Chaos sword qi collided with Hongmeng sword light, and immediately exploded thousands of zhang sparks, which were extremely gorgeous, like candles all over the sky, full of rays of light, but Pangu Banner was inferior to Hongmeng sword in the end. It was already hard to resist after only supporting it for a while, but in the end it was still scattered and turned into traces of chaotic air, which gradually dispersed.

Seeing that the Pangu banner was broken, Da Dao hadn't reacted yet, but suddenly saw a huge seal of black and white in Taiyi's hand attacking his face, black and white yin and yang, and the flames of chaos were blazing. At this time, it was the surrounding gray gas They were all trembling violently, the sky seemed to be burning, only to hear a scream, Yuanshi Mozun's complexion suddenly turned pale.It turned out that Dao barely avoided Taiyi's seal at the moment just now, but he only avoided the gate of life, and the seal still hit his chest heavily.Although Dao can flee with spiritual thoughts at this time, Amitabha Buddha has passed away before, and there is no dharma body left. If he loses the dharma body of Yuanshi Mozun again, then he will no longer have a suitable dharma body to be a puppet here. How can he resist Taiyi's attack? To snatch the origin, so even if he desperately wants to keep Yuanshi Mozun's dharma body.At this time, Dao barely resisted the seal of Taiyi. Although he was not injured, he suffered from Yuanshi Mozun's primordial spirit who was sealed in his dantian.This primordial spirit is a clone of Hongjun, who had been sleeping in the dantian before, but the heavy blow just now awakened it.That day Hongjun devoured Yuanshi, although he didn't refine Yuanshi's Yuanshen directly, but he also kept his mind just in case.

"Where is this, what's going on?" Hongjun's divine mind avatar had just awakened, and he didn't know the changes outside at all. He just saw Taiyi standing opposite him with a sword, and his eyes were full of evil spirits, which made him shudder.Hongjun's divine sense has been hidden in Yuanshi Mozun's body. He had been sleeping before, and it was usually used to connect with the main body. Now Hongjun himself, who was forcibly awakened far away in Zixiao Palace, has sensed it.How could he not be nervous about the matter of life and death, but he didn't know where the avatar was at this time after several calculations, and he was suffering from being unable to move at this time. Once the divine sense was extinguished, although it would not cause much harm to him Influence, but Yuanshi Mozun is an important pawn for him to compete for the fate of the wild, if it is lost like this, it will be a big loss for him.But now let alone not knowing the location, leaving is also a problem.After all, the enchantment of Heaven and Dao has been formed, and it is necessary for the saints of the heavens to sit in the town. At least they cannot leave easily until Tai Yi has not realized the Dao. .However, although Hongjun couldn't determine the location of Yuanshi Mozun, at this moment he had a faint feeling that they should no longer be in the prehistoric region.Because he was the one who asked Yuanshi Mozun to go to the dimensional space to find the traces of Amitabha, and now I think something must have happened in the dimensional space.However, the dimensional space is indeed more troublesome. Thinking of this, Hongjun's brows have already frowned.

After Tai Yi severely injured Yuanshi Mozun, Dao had no way to resist Tai Yi at this time.I saw Tai Yi hit the magic seal one after another, followed by the black and white light of the two spiritual lamps above his head, the road barrier had already suffered a lot of trauma, so how could there be any way to resist such a terrifying attack at this time? The power, the enchantment of the avenue is hard to resist, and it has been shattered in just a moment.

At this time, Dao Dao's face turned pale when he saw this, but Yuan Shi's physical body was seriously injured, and most of his spiritual power had been lost. How could he resist Tai Yi's storm-like attack, he could only watch Tai Yi go to collect the original power.In fact, Dao could have escaped, but this place is not in the chaos at this time, Dao's spiritual sense can't affect Tai Yi much at all, instead Tai Yi will seize the opportunity to seriously injure him.

Tai Yi broke through the barrier of the Dao, and at this moment he clearly felt a huge wave of energy growing stronger.Tai Yi couldn't wait to clear the fog in front of him, only to see a black spar thousands of miles below him, but it didn't have much brilliance. If it wasn't for the huge energy on this spirit stone, it would be so big that Tai Yi would suffocate if he had a chance. Taichi would think it was just an ordinary spar. "Is this the power of origin?" Tai Yi didn't stop, and glanced towards Dao, seeing that Dao didn't seem to have any intention of coming over, but he didn't dare to be careless, sacrificed the Chaos Clock and directly covered the black spar, so he was relieved Boldly put away the Lingshi. "Could this be the original power of chaos? It seems that this thing is just a carrier, and this power has been absorbed by the crystal." Taiyi felt the crystal, and found that there is too much information in it, and it is impossible to see it thoroughly at once, but After feeling it, I roughly already know some information.

"Looking at the situation, there should be something else about this thing." Taiyi inadvertently glanced at Dao again, because Taiyi seemed to have understood something at this time, the original power of chaos came out during the evolution of chaos, and was later mastered by Dao , but how powerful the power of the original source is, how can the Dao absorb it all at once, it can only be sealed everywhere in the chaos, if it wasn't for him to refine the source of yin and yang before, and have some connection with the original power of chaos, he would not have sensed this share capital The power of the source will not know that there is this secret in the chaos.

"Hmph, no matter what you say, you can't join the enemy." Taiyi thought to himself, he had benefited, he knew Dao would not let him off easily, unless it was to end all this here. "Da Dao, if you can hide it deeply enough. It's just such a good thing, how can you swallow it by yourself." Tai Yi laughed.This is Taiyi deliberately provoking him. He can see that this time the Dao seems to be defeated, which hurts Amitabha and Yuanshi Mozun. Back in the chaos like this, Tai Yi can basically imagine what the situation will be like.Here, he can suppress the Dao, but when he returns to the chaos, he will be the World-Destroying God Thunder. Although Tai Yi is proud, he is not arrogant. Although he has stepped into the Dao with one foot and achieved the Dao, It's just that the Mieshi Shenlei is called Mieshi, so it naturally has its unique features, and its power cannot be underestimated. Even Tai Yi can't please it.In the end, the god thunder transformed by the power of the chaotic world is worthy of the name of destroying the world.

"The Chaos Bell suppresses the space." Tai Yi can't stop Dao, but even so, he must at least do his best to injure Dao, so that he can return to Chaos to avoid Dao's revenge. After all, the black spar in his hand is obviously against Dao. It is very important that the avenue will come to snatch it sooner or later.It's too late to say it, and it's too late, the battle of life and death, Tai Yi didn't have time to talk to him too much, he had already sacrificed his Chaos Clock to suppress the turbulent flow of space, otherwise it would be troublesome if he was jumped into the turbulent flow of space by Yuanshi Mozun.The Chaos Clock is worthy of being the treasure of suppressing the three thousand primordial beings. It has miraculous effects in suppressing the space. In an instant, the turbulence in the space has been controlled, and it is fully cast to attack Yuanshi Mozun.The Hongmeng Sword, the True Fire Seal, and all the means.I have seen Taiyi’s methods before, and Dao already knew how powerful these methods are. Dao without chaos to provide spiritual power is basically rootless water here. How dare he continue, just as he was about to escape from his divine sense and leave, he didn't expect that just as the white light escaped from Yuanshi Mozun's body, a desolate chaotic bell rang above his head.The sound of the Chaos Bell was vast and desolate, and the sound waves spread out, and the surrounding space of hundreds of millions of miles suddenly became quiet.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to escape." Tai Yi is a killer move, if you don't see blood, how can you stop, seeing that white light at this moment, you can be sure that it must be the body of spiritual energy transformed by Dao's spiritual thoughts.Because the Dao is invisible, there is no solid body at all.At this time, Dao Dao felt the approaching murderous aura and couldn't help being startled, and thought to himself: "No, this is Xuanyin Gangsha, this guy is going to kill." Hongmeng Sword, Chaos Fire, Taiyi's methods are frequently used, and all It is extraordinary and powerful.Dao Dao was forced to give up the body of Yuanshi Demon Venerable at this time. At this time, in his opinion, it was impossible to regain the original source by possessing Yuanshi Demon Venerable. He had to wait until he returned to the chaos to find a way. After all, Dao can control everything in the chaos, so naturally there are many ways to deal with Taiyi.

Tai Yi didn't expect Dao to be so decisive, and the Yuanshi Demon Venerable who directly abandoned him ignited the spiritual power in Yuanshi Demon Venerable's body.The saint's Dharma body exploded, what a huge power it is.Fortunately, Tai Yi had already noticed a clue before this, and hurriedly sacrificed the yin and yang gossip to protect himself, and he also sacrificed the Chaos Clock on top of his head to protect himself.

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