The Great East Emperor

Chapter 449 Tai 1 is sanctified, mysterious primordial

Chapter 440 IX Taiyi Sanctification, Mysterious Primordial Mist

Taiyi puts away the dharma body, at this time, he will be successful in the Dharma, and his cultivation will penetrate the heavens and the earth. Only when the cornerstone of chaos in his body is completed, he can break free from the shackles of the Dao and achieve the state of chaos.The so-called path of the Tao is inconclusive. Taiyi has already entered the gate. At this time, he saw the white light barrier in front of him, and he seemed to have a little insight, and he did not stop, and directly entered it.The chaotic world is boundless, but since it is a world, how can it be boundless, but this place is not space, but the continuation of time, so it is endless.Time is endless, and the edge is naturally nowhere to be found.Taiyi entered the time, but only saw another scene in front of him, the prehistoric world was broken, and the world returned to chaos and nothingness.Taiyi stepped into nothingness, but there was a sense of steadfastness in his mind. Seeing the fragments of time in the long river of fate in front of him, Taiyi just stayed in it and slowly evolved and enlightened. He only felt that he had benefited a lot. Everything has been understood one by one.

"It seems that this is an immeasurable calamity." Taiyi is in time, this is the river of chaotic fate.At this time, the scene in front of Tai Yi's eyes is the scene of immeasurable kalpas and the broken world.At this time, he faintly felt that if he wanted to become enlightened, perhaps this calamity was a chance.He already knew that enlightenment was dangerous, but he didn't want to be involved in this calamity.At this time, Tai Yi still didn't know that this catastrophe was left for him by Pangu back then. Pangu opened up the sky and transformed the prehistoric world. It was precisely to suppress the last source. , but it can't move the original power in the prehistoric world.At this moment, Tai Yi understood all kinds of things, and he no longer had no worries about the Dao.At this time, he was in the long river of fate, and he felt that his Dao heart was becoming more and more perfect. The scenes of past and present lives were only played in front of his eyes, and he saw a purple brilliance slowly gathering on the top of Tai Yi, and the torrent of time in front of him gradually subsided and turned into The avenue runes are not within the avenue, so Tai Yi seized the opportunity. At this time, he still doesn't understand that this is the foundation of his enlightenment. The yin and yang qi in his body and the chaos in his body have been fully integrated, the chaos machine has been formed, and the avenue of the avenue is formed. The way has suddenly become clear.

"Hahaha, my way is complete, I don't want it to be like this." Taiyi was ecstatic in his heart, he pursued it for countless calamities, and it turned out that the way of the way has always been under his own feet.Saint, Taiyi is finally sanctified. The so-called Great Dao Saint is not as simple as just a saint's dharma body. Taiyi achieves chaos and breaks through chaos in one fell swoop.With every gesture, one can see that it is the power of the original evolution of chaos, the realm that Dao has pursued for many years, but Tai Yi broke through first.Thinking back to the time when he traveled into the chaos, watched Pangu open the sky, transformed into a three-legged golden crow on the sun star, and transformed into the sun star. Taiyi has walked all the way, and every step is not difficult. Now that he finally got what he wanted, he has mixed feelings in his heart.

Taiyi has already been sanctified, the Dao of Chaos, at this time Taiyi is in charge of Chaos, even Dao can't stop him at all, even if he returns to the chaotic world at this time, Dao will not be able to turn around any storms.But at this time Taiyi still had one thing to understand.He has come to the long river of fate at this time, and the world beyond the chaotic world seems to be in front of him. Some thoughts of Tai Yi for many years need to be confirmed one by one. Since he has this good opportunity, how can he miss it? Maybe taking this step will be another vast space.In order to reach this level, Tai Yi took every step that was not like taking a chestnut from the fire. Although it was not like walking on thin ice, it was still step by step. Tai Yi was very cautious in doing things, especially the important matter of his own enlightenment, and there was no possibility of sloppy.If it is really what he thinks, Chaos is just a Chaos Orb in the hands of others, then Tai Yi will never accept his fate and become a plaything in the hands of others.Chaos, how big the primordial realm was at the beginning, there was no time and no space in the primordial world, and Tai Yi had never seen the primordial, but he knew something about it from the inheritance of chaos, the primordial was broken, but not completely broken, and there were still some remnants.

Taiyi experienced his current state, the saint of chaos can go anywhere.I saw Taiyi wearing the Taoist robe of chaos, raising his feet to shuttle in the long river of fate, pushing away the white light mist, Taiyi felt that he had completely got rid of the power of chaos, but in front of his eyes was a piece of black and yellow, the black and yellow aura, which is the most powerful thing in the world. Mysterious qi can evolve merit and virtue and enjoy qi luck.Tai Yi has always wondered what this merit is. He has walked in the chaos for hundreds of millions of years, but he has never seen the spirit of merit. Now it seems that it must be related to the situation in front of him.Tai Yi plunged into the dark and yellow aura, and only then did he understand that the so-called chaos is just like a lone leaf. Although he has transformed into Tao, he only feels how small he is at this moment, and he can't help but feel terrified.To experience such ups and downs in a short period of time, even Tai Yi's complexion was pale and he could not speak.At this time, what Tai Yi saw was the remaining part of the primordial world, and the primordial aura was so strong that Tai Yi could barely bear it. "I don't think I, the Supreme Saint, can't stop these auras." Tai Yi said sadly in his heart.

"Little friend, it's been so many years, you've finally found this place." At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded, causing Tai Yi to back away in shock.Tai Yi looked around, but there was no one there.Tai Yi thought for a second, how could there be someone here, he couldn't help being secretly startled, and he was a little wary in his heart: "Who is your Excellency, why are you here?" After Tai Yi finished speaking, he had already stood still, but his eyes were like torches, deep and endless.

"Hehehe, little friend, don't worry, I'm just obsessed, I'm just destined to be with you." Only hearing the voice sounded again, Tai Yi calmed down at this time, and no longer panicked, but he couldn't help but think of Zhunti when he heard the fate. The word fate actually fell on him.

"How do you say this? Your Excellency means waiting for me to fail here?" At this moment, Tai Yi let out his spiritual thoughts and searched the surroundings secretly. However, the primordial aura was too strong, and Tai Yi couldn't find anything at all. Zi Qi blocked it, so he had no choice but to give up and asked.

"That's true. You don't need to look for me anymore. I am the primordial, invisible and intangible. I just came out of the primordial world. Now that the primordial world is shattered, it has long since disappeared. My friend has the inheritance of chaos, so I have something to ask, I don't know Would you be willing, little friend?" At this moment, the man spoke sincerely, and Tai Yi had already believed it to some extent, but Tai Yi had experienced too much, how could he trust him.At this time, seeing Tai Yi showing doubts, the man had no choice but to explain the whole story slowly.It turns out that the so-called Primordial World is not a world, but a spirit body. Just like a monk, the Primordial World is the world in his body, but at that time, he has no place to stand on himself, so how can he obtain eternal life? After finally reaching a certain level , because the primordial aura is too strong, the spiritual power exploded and turned into a chaotic world. Of course, as a spirit body, it naturally has spiritual wisdom, and it is this primordial spirit at this time.It's just that the spirit body has been lost, and now it's just a true spirit of obsession remaining in the chaotic crack, unable to enter the chaotic world.And Taiyi was chosen by him, and he had the opportunity to repeat the chaos and gather the primordial energy again, which was nothing more than a wish of his.

To say that this primordial spirit is pitiful, because the spirit of primordial energy gave birth to spiritual wisdom and then transformed into another body, but he didn't want to die because of it.Seeing that Chaos has left Dao, he also knows that once Dao finds out that he is still alive, he will probably come back and disperse his wisdom. destroyed by it.But time waits for no one, this Hongmeng still can't wait for this day, so he chose Taiyi, maybe Taiyi really has a chance in the future.He can also take advantage of the situation to reunite with the dharmakaya.It's just that time is gone now, how can such a major event evolve completely without countless kalpas, he has no choice but to do nothing.

"Your Excellency is just joking, I am so poor, I am afraid I can't help you much, Your Excellency should find someone else." Tai Yi couldn't digest this information for a while, this chaotic black hole is really too big, Tai Yi's face has changed several times.Now suddenly such a primordial idea popped up again, my mind has become a mess for a while, and I can't figure out why it happened.

"Little friend is able to have today in the final analysis through the power of the Chaos Orb. This thing was transformed from a world in my body at the beginning, and now it is transformed into a world in the body by Xiaoyou. Therefore, I am the one who is destined for us, so Xiaoyou must not Misunderstood." Hearing this, Tai Yi felt a thud in his heart, even the Chaos Orb was transformed by this person, it seems that it really has a lot of background.In fact, Tai Yi already guessed a thing or two, when he crossed to Chaos back then, it was through the power of Chaos Orb that he could successfully cross.The so-called crossing is inherently detrimental to the long river of fate, but all creatures in the world have their own restraint, and even Taiyi cannot escape. "It turns out that this is the way it is. No wonder I created a time-travel for no reason."

Tai Yi has always been brooding over the matter of crossing. After all, this matter is too mysterious. At that time, Tai Yi didn't know the relationship between it, but just now he saw the long river of fate, and Tai Yi also saw the whole picture of the long river of fate. He didn't know that even the great way would be difficult to change it. a trace ofTherefore, all the people in the world, even Dao Dao, didn't know that he came through time travel, and they all thought that he was just the Pearl Spirit of the Chaos Orb.How would they know that Taiyi is not a person of this world, but has been tampered with his fate, so he appeared in the chaos, before Pangu opened the sky, after the opening of the sky, he replaced the real Donghuang Taiyi, He became the stiff person of Li Daitao, and Xiaoyao has only been exposed until now.

"Forget it, since your Excellency said that you are destined for me, but you don't know what you need me to do? Since your Excellency said that you have been waiting for me for a long time, you must have made up your mind, don't let me talk about it, let me see if I can help you. Busy." Tai Yi is not procrastinating at this time, although he is still very repulsive about this matter at this time, but this is the only way to understand this matter.After all, Tai Yi also knew very little about the events of that year, so this Taoist should be able to clear up a lot of doubts for him.He has just been sanctified at this time, although he is a chaotic saint, but he can't stop this Taoist's power of obsession, the joy of sanctification just now has long since disappeared at this time, which makes Tai Yi feel very depressed, and adds to it Many troubles.Especially for this Daoist Hongmeng, if Tai Yi didn't investigate, he would end up with troubles in his heart and a temporary obsession, which was difficult to resolve.

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