The Great East Emperor

Chapter 450 Inheritance of Hongmeng, Tai Chapter 1 Return

Chapter 450 Inheritance of Hongmeng, Return of Taiyi

I don’t want to think that there are still fragments of Hongmeng in the world. At this time, Taiyi faced the Taoist Hongmeng, knowing that his time travel might have something to do with it. After struggling for so many years, I don't want to be just a pawn in the hands of others, it's just a matter of the size of the pawn.But Taoist Hongmeng created him after all, if there is no such person, let him travel to the chaos.At this time, he will not become the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and now he is just a pile of loess. I don't know where he has been reincarnated. Now that Taoist Hongmeng has a heart, Taiyi has to listen to Taoist Hongmeng first, and he no longer feels dissatisfied.

"Hey, to be honest, my friend, I was the one who opened the river of fate back then. By chance, you actually activated the chaos bead restriction, which brought you into chaos. Although this matter is abrupt, I think you won't blame me." ” The voice gradually became clearer and clearer about this matter, and the trace of black and yellow air gradually turned into an old Taoist, with white beard and hair, and a face full of dimples, like a dead face, almost without a trace of life.

"This matter is still my sympathy, so I don't dare to blame." Taiyi was also shocked when he saw this person's appearance, and went forward to take a look, but he couldn't see the person's body, so it was just a trace of Dharma. After all, it was a mirror image, Tai Yi was secretly surprised, but only sighed.

"You don't have to be like this, it's not because I don't want to see you, but now I'm dying, Neil. Fortunately, you came here at this time. It was just an unintentional act when I found you in Chaos. Now I am relying on it, hehehe, this is really a good fortune." The Taoist Hongmeng spoke too much for a while, but he didn't speak, just looked at the phantom of Hongmeng in puzzlement for a while.

"Hehe, you don't have to look at me like this, little friend. This matter is so important that I have to rely on you. Please remember my words." At this time, Taoist Hongmeng spoke more and more solemnly, and Tai Yi felt as if he was about to suffocate. generally.However, although Tai Yi didn't know what happened yet, judging from Hong Meng's tone, it seemed that this matter must have something to do with his self-detonation into chaos.Sure enough, I heard that Hongmeng finally revealed the whole story. Chaos is not an absolute world. Of course, there are only a few fragments of Hongmeng space left outside of chaos. Balance, once the immeasurable calamity, the spiritual power of chaos will be greatly damaged, and it will be difficult to stop the return to the primordial.Tai Yiben thought that only the prehistoric world would destroy the world, but he didn't want to do the same with Chaos. However, Tai Yi just broke through. Although he is now a sage in the body of Chaos, it is difficult for a strong man to control the era, let alone dominate the power of the primordial. up.

"Originally, I shouldn't refuse what your Excellency said, but this matter is too huge, and my cultivation base is no more than Hunyuan, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to undertake such a big event." After thinking about it, Taiyi still didn't agree, it's not that he didn't worry about destroying the world Calamity, but these are really unbearable for him. The Daoist of Hongmeng can transform into chaos without dying. Even the world of Hongmeng is the time in his body. Now he has exhausted himself in order to maintain the balance of space, and now he is running out of oil. Withered, fall is just around the corner.The impact on Tai Yi was not insignificant, and it was difficult to accept for a while.

Taoist Hongmeng didn't say anything after hearing Taiyi's words, he saw a golden light flashing out of the mysterious yellow aura, and it jumped into Taiyi's eyebrows.Before Tai Yi could react, he was already shocked by the massive amount of information. "This is?" Tai Yi was stunned for a moment, unable to speak.These are the most mysterious information, and they are exactly the realization of his current state of cultivation.At this time, Tai Yi already knew the state of Hongmeng Taoist back then. He is the Tao, the true source, invisible and formless, but he can control everything.Back then Tai Yi always thought that the Great Dao was the origin and ruler of the world, but later he realized that the Great Dao was not the highest state after he had completely refined the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly.At this moment, Taiyi had these realizations, and Taiyi really didn't know what to say for a while. He has had a lot of opportunities since he practiced, and even the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly have been refined, but they are not as good as Hongmeng. The mysterious realm bestowed is well understood.After Taoist Hongmeng bestowed the Dharma, I saw that the dharma body was gradually dimming. No matter how Taiyi shouted, there was no reply. Did Taoist Hongmeng ignore him since ancient times when Taiyi was not there, or had he fallen as he said, so he had to leave safely? went.Because of this accident, Tai Yi's joy of breaking through has long been wiped out.

At this time, Tai Yi became a saint after proving the Dao, so he doesn’t have to worry about Dao anymore, he will naturally go back to Chaos, at this moment he holds the source of Dao in his hand, there is no need to worry about Dao already proving hopeless, let alone with his current means , as long as the Dao is restrained, the immeasurable calamity can also go backwards, but what Taoist Hongmeng said before made Taiyi difficult to calm down and a little at a loss.

At this time, Tai Yi returned the same way, and had come to the place of the chaotic black hole. The other side of the black hole was the land of the dimensional space. Tai Yi just took a look, and did not stop, only to see the chaotic black hole.It's just that when he got out of the black hole, he happened to see a golden-haired monkey fighting with a group of people.When Tai saw the monkey, he couldn't help smiling.It turns out that this monkey is Sun Wukong, a disciple of Taiyi.And the person dressed by that Taoist is the Taoist Xiangyang. Before Sun Wukong was ordered to hunt down the Taoist Xiangyang, that is, the East Prince. I don’t want the East Prince to be reincarnated from the prehistoric times. It's not just one chip.Wukong chased him for a hundred years before catching up with him in the chaos. At this time, the two were fighting, and they happened to be caught by Tai Wang. At this time, Wukong was dancing the golden cudgel, domineering, but seeing Taiyi's figure, he couldn't help being overjoyed.It's just that when he was distracted, the Chunyang sword in the hand of Dong Wanggong over there sacrificed, and the sword slashed at Wukong, which made Wukong dodge again and again in shock.However, Prince Dong is also a decisive and ruthless person. He was chased by Wukong for a hundred years before, and the resentment in his heart has been difficult to explode. Seeing Wukong distracted at this time, he was overjoyed.Dong Wanggong has followed him for many years with the pure Yang sword in his hand, and he has already united his mind and heart. A sword strike is about to hurt Wukong, but at this time Taiyi is present. How can Taiyi damage his disciples? With one flick, a stream of mana flew out.Seeing that he couldn't even move his hands, Dong Wanggong was terrified and didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

"Thank you, Teacher, for saving me. It's just why you came here, but you want to scare me." Wukong was actually frightened when he saw the danger just now, but fortunately Taiyi arrived just in time.Of course, it's no wonder Wukong's, it's the arrival of Taiyi that made him break up.

"Hehe, you monkey head will cause trouble for the teacher." Tai Yi laughed when he heard this.The straight-smiling Wukong was embarrassed for a while. It turned out that Wukong chased the East Prince all the way and messed up the entire Three Realms, but he was stained with a lot of karmic hostility.

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