The Great East Emperor

Chapter 451 Wukong Zhuxian, Taiyi Sanbao

Chapter 450 Wukong Zhuxian, Taiyi Sanbao

When Wukong saw Taiyi, he was mischievous again.Tai Yi also ignored him, the monkey head has always had this expression, it was stimulated to sit quietly for thousands of years, and now it is like this, Tai Yi is also helpless, but he ignores Wu Kong and glances at the East Prince He said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist hasn't seen him for many years, but now it's like this. Things are different, but can't Fellow Daoist let go of it?"

Dong Wanggong glanced at Tai Yi, only saw a haze, unexpectedly he couldn't even see Tai Yi's appearance clearly, it was full of dark yellow mist, the aura of merit and virtue was so sacred, he sighed secretly in his heart, but his face was full of ferocity and said: " Donghuang Taiyi, do you think that the enmity between you and me can be kind? I don’t want you to be sanctified now. The way is with you. I have nothing to say, but it is impossible for me to bend my knees.” Thinking of the tragic death of the Queen Mother of the West that day , Dong Wanggong's heart is like a huge wave tossing the river, his anger and unwillingness made his chest feel aggrieved, he plotted against the monsters and demons, and caused a catastrophe, but he didn't want the great way to come out, disturbing the chaos and making him uneasy. Freed from the shackles of the Dao, the evil spirits of heaven and earth will naturally dissipate, and a catastrophe has not yet reached its peak, and there is no way to overturn the storm.Of course, it’s not this that makes Dong Wanggong depressed. He is a majestic innate talent, but he doesn’t want to be chased by a disciple of Taiyi and flee all over the world.Even the United Heaven, Earth and Saints can't take down Tai Yi, let alone him. The East Prince's face is ashen, and his current stubbornness is only because the flame of revenge has not been extinguished so far, and the obsession in the East Prince's heart is hard to stop.The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs. If these creatures cannot jump out of the shackles of the Dao like Taiyi, it will be difficult to control their own destiny after all. Even a saint is just a floating cloud, and it is difficult to be the foundation of the eternal life , lived forever.

"Fellow Daoists are speaking out of anger. Back then, we couldn't comprehend the secrets of heaven, so we rolled around in the world of mortals. Now that you are human beings in two lifetimes, it's possible that you still can't see the cause and effect clearly. The Queen Mother of the West should be in trouble, and this is me. If you don’t make a move, you won’t be able to escape the hand of heaven.” Although Tai Yi’s words are reasonable, and Dong Wanggong also understands a thing or two, but the matter has come to this point, there is no room for turning back, and it’s just a fight. Back then, he was lucky. The remnant is borrowed from the sliver of luck of the Queen Mother of the West, the way of heaven is fifty, and the tenth of heaven is fourty-nine, but how is that ray of life so easy to control? His face was full of spirit.Tai Yi was helpless, and didn't talk much, just shook his head secretly.Wukong is vigilant, he has already understood what Taiyi means, and with a stick, he beat the Eastern Prince's heavenly spirit to pieces, his body died and his dao vanished, not even a trace of his true spirit escaped. .

Tai Yi saw the death of the Eastern Prince, but he was not happy in his heart. The karma between him and the Eastern Prince was too deep, and it was hard to be kind. What I said before was just because the two met at the beginning of the world, and I don’t know how much they have met , although it was hostile back then, it has faded a lot over the years.It's just that he has become a Taoist now, and he has cultivated into a chaotic real body. How can he kill a small Da Luo Jinxian with such a respectable status.Therefore, this cause and effect is naturally to be borne by his disciples, but Qingling has become a saint now, and it is not easy to act without authorization, so it is natural for Wukong to act. cause and effect.

"Okay, Wukong, take this treasure to Xiao Shi, there is some trouble in Heavenly Court, don't play any more." Taiyi saw that he had finished with Duke Dong, although there was a trace of silence in his heart, but it was only a matter of an instant, and he counted with his fingers However, it was discovered that Yuanshi Mozun escaped from birth, but he did not change his will. He actually went to the heaven. Where is Lu Ya his opponent? The demon sword said to Wukong.This treasure is called Zhenyao, and it is a thing used by the monster clan to suppress luck. Now he can no longer use this treasure.Although Wukong is messing around, he also knows the seriousness. At this time, he has collected all the spirit treasures left by the Eastern Prince, and then took the Zhenyao Sword and smiled at Taiyi: "Master, don't worry, the apprentice is going now." " After Wukong finished speaking, a long rainbow melted out, and disappeared into the distance, into the outer sky.

"This monkey head." Taiyi saw that Wukong had gone, and ignored it. Now that he has cultivated into chaos, his cultivation base has greatly increased, and he is going to find Daoist trouble.The immeasurable catastrophe was right in front of him, he should finish the Dao first, and then pay attention to this catastrophe, he stepped forward and had already arrived at Zixiao Palace.At this time, Honghuang was not broken because of the enchantment of heaven and earth laid down by the saints, so Taiyi ignored it, but a golden light flashed in his hand, but it was a big clock, which was his chaotic clock.As soon as the bell rang, it was already standing in Qingyun on Qingling's head.All the saints woke up when they heard the sound, only to see that Taiyi is like a god, and the dharma body stands far away in the sky, and the dharma body is illusory, like a piece of chaos.

"Teacher." Seeing Taiyi's arrival, Qingling was overjoyed, and felt that the chaotic clock gradually merged with Qingyun above her head and merged into her body.Because of the black lotus of Xuanshui, Qingling turned into the reincarnation pool of the devil world, and the Tianmo Tower turned into the three thousand worlds of the devil world. The magic weapons in his body were almost gone. Now he is protected by the chaotic bell, and his momentum has skyrocketed under the blessing of mana. , Only then did he have the strength to worship Taiyi.

At this time, Qingling pays homage to Taiyi, Tiandao, Nuwa and others look happy, but Hongjun and Zhunti are ashamed.Yuanshi Demon Venerable was killed and retreated, and Amitabha Buddha even died. If the two of them hadn't released the barrier because of this, they would have rushed into the dimension space long ago.

"Fellow Daoist, it's done." At this moment, Tian Dao was the happiest. Seeing that Tai Yi's aura was many times stronger than before, he was naturally happy in his heart, and he couldn't help asking.In order to suppress Dao's backlash, Tiandao's spiritual power is almost gone. At this time, Taiyi's return just solved his urgent need.Of course, what he is most concerned about at this time is whether Tai Yi has broken free from the shackles of the Dao.After all, the Dao of Heaven at this time is no longer worthy of its name. It is just to break free from the shackles of Dao of Heaven, and Taiyi is already the last hope.

"I got a little chance, but now it's done. Daoyi's enchantment is not bad, but now that Dao has been hurt by me, fellow Taoists and others just need to stick to it." Tai Yi's words are chic, and now he is full of confidence. It is domineering.Taiyi already has this capital at this time, this is not arrogance, but Taiyi's consistent style.The saints only felt an invisible coercion above their heads, which was almost unbearable. This was the coercion of the Dao. The saints had used the power of enchantment to fight against the Dao for many years, but they didn't want Tai Yi to help them disperse just by relying on his aura. Most of them were both surprised and delighted.Especially Qing Ling, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

"Da Dao, since you're here, why hide and hide." Before the saints could react, they saw that Tai Yi had made a move, and saw two chaotic qi radiating from his palms, directly protecting Hong Huang, and he was already dead with one jump. The figure of Tai Yi was gone.Just as the saints were astonished, they saw thunderclouds flashing overhead, and the sky thunder rolled.

"Mie Shi Jie Lei." Looking at the thunder clouds above his head, Tian Dao couldn't help exclaiming.He was originally a clone of Dao, so he naturally recognized this thunder, and he was terrified in his heart, after all, this is the burden of destroying the world, so how could he not be excited.

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